epic power pools will bring doom
Dude, in the 40+ game, blasters NEED defenses.
And unless they are the level of Scrapper defenses, they will not break anything, except maybe the jaws of the villians.
Your assuming that the Epic Power Pools are gonna be insanely overpowered. That is your assumption. My view is that these will be as strong as any pool power is. It's not the same "oomph". So when my scrapper might get an Energy Torrent, it doesnt mean I'm gonna be doing the same damage output as a Blaster's version does. I know its gonna be weaker because its a POOL POWER. Keyword: POOL POWER.
This space is intentionally left blank.
-yawn -
Can someone pass some more cheese for this whine?
Okay, I'm a tanker, but I just wanna share something. I saw some controllers are getting Temporary Invulnerability.
They can have it, seriously. And blasters can have fire shield. At level 40+, a simple smash/lethal defense is nothing. I mean, really. It's a nice power and I hope they enjoy it, but it's going to turn them into about as good a tank as laser beam eyes is going to turn me into a blaster. They're not even that much better than Tough... and Tough at least opens up Weave. It's not like they're getting Invincibility.
It'll let us step out of roles just that little, and that's fun. It ain't gamebreaking.
unless you have experienced much of the higher end content (where all these special things are) then dont assume they will unbalance things. While I do associate with where you are coming from, I do see instances where it would make sense. FF around a blaster that he put there himself? not entirely impossible now, and there can be any number of ways to impliment that into a RP/storyline sort of way.
Just remember, keep your mind open about these things. Over the vast majority of everything, things will change very little. They will just be more exciting.
I think the Epic power pools are a great idea. I see too many of my blaster friends get owned in the 40+ game. Plus, I just think it's too cool to get laser beam eyes
like i said guys, i love this game, i really do. but the way the thing reads is that they are getting rid of partially or in whole, the main weakness of each set. and you may be right, it probably won't break the game. but if i want to shoot lasers out of my eyes, i'm not gonna pick a tanker, i'm gonna pick a blaster or even a defender. sure, maybe they are gonna be more quality of life things than anything else. "oh i'm a tank and you're running away one hit form death, no biggie i'll just stand right here and eye beam you to death." yeah, sure just saves a little time, and in truth, no big deal. but, conceptually, is where the problem is as far as i see it. once the lines get blurred, it keeps getting easier and easier to go over the line. high end blaster needs defense? team with a scrapper or a defender, or, use better tactics.
i played eq, and i played galaxies, i've seen mistakes made that can runi play experiance for many many people. and sure, its high end content, but once the snowball starts rolling down the hill.....
Let's sing the song of Doom!
(shameless Invader Zim reference)
You know what I think is funny? People are getting so upset at some of this but it's only effecting the 40+ game. It's not like there are going to be ultra powerful heroes leveling up quicker now.
ok, so i just read the update on the epic power pools, and i have to say i think they will be very very bad.
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Dude, this Epic Power pools were promised ages ago. Ever since I got on boar I heard about power pools that could give scrappers ranged attacks, defenses for blasters and damage to tankers.
Now you scream "DOOM"?
Heroes won't have access to these powers until 41, at which point they are facing archvillains left and right so I don't think that will affect grouping a whole lot. Unless mind controllers will be able to solo AV's with their new Psionic attacks.
LOL... Invader Zim. -sniff-
wow, statesman replied to one of my posts..... now i feel all humbled. and ashamed. i feel as thoug i must now repent for having even thought to question the mighty devs. no, seriously.... i'm sitting here in awe that a dev commented on my post.... its like in waynes world when they meet alice cooper or in the second one when the meet aerosmith "we're not worthy, we're not worthy!"
but um, if i have your attention: please don't unbalance the game make it just the right amout, and , you know, cool special effects. also, i had a post going on the events and suggestion boards about having the statues come to life... yeah, i still think that would be cool, lol. ok, i'm done now.
Let's sing the song of Doom!
(shameless Invader Zim reference)
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Any dev that's works in an Invader Zim refference gets 5 stars from me
...just beware the Chubbacabra.
Let's sing the song of Doom!
(shameless Invader Zim reference)
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[Threadjack for shameless Statesman [censored]-kissing] I LOVE YOU STATESMAN! SHURIKENS 4 TEH WIN![/threadjack]
Statesman just plagiarized my post. Does that make me a dev?
Or does it make HIM Bob Kane.....
epic power pools will bring doom
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Not at all my friend, and heres why...
Have you ever noticed that a secondary blaster's hold sucks compared to a controllers holds? Hmm let me see why..because hes a Blaster not a Controller. If he were a Controller then these holds would actually be worthwhile.
That being said imagine a Blaster that can cast extra defense buff on himself...what do you see? I'll tell you what I see. A useful, yet not that impressive power that can up my defense a little like stealth, hasten, hover etc. etc. can.
There you have it all you "I think they'll be bad because <Enter reason here>" people.
Good thing I left room for respec. I plan on trying out all the Epics I can with my Blaster.
LOL, for once I completely agree with Statesman!
Lets not over-react people, I think the Epic Power Pools will be a lot of fun.
Forecast for tomorrow...a few sprinkles of genius with a CHANCE OF DOOM!
I, for one, welcome our new tank-mage masters....
Forecast for tomorrow...a few sprinkles of genius with a CHANCE OF DOOM!
[/ QUOTE ]
So... should I bring an umbrella then?
I for one welcome our vague defender tanks blasting frickin' laser beams Dooooooom saying developer overlords.
::edit:: By the gods.... I swear, Rockemsockem and I started typing at the same time... GMTA
Heroes on Freedom Server
Chord - lvl 30 Rock 'n Roll Muse
Mr. Payback - lvl 12 Natural Tank
Caryatid - lvl 14 Magical Stone Tank
Chronobot - lvl 11 Tech Scrapper
Let's sing the song of Doom!
(shameless Invader Zim reference)
[/ QUOTE ]
OoOoOoOohHhHhHhHhHh.....Statesman gets a star for that....I never knew he was an Invader Zim person
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
ok, so i just read the update on the epic power pools, and i have to say i think they will be very very bad.
these just seem poorly thought out
the impression that i got from the given descriptions was that they are undoing the weakness of the classes. granted, this doesn't happen until level 41, but still.
giving blasters force shields and other defensive powers?
giving controllers damage dealing powers?
tankers and scrappers with ranged attacks?
defenders with... very vague description...
who thought it would be a good idea to try and soften or even nullify the biggest weakness of the classes?????
issue 2: group or die
issue 3: sorry about issue 2, now your character can do everything, no need to even speak to another player
allow me to say i love this game. i love the content, the graphics, the sound effects, hell i don't even mind that the game seems harder after issue two. and i've been super excited about epic and prestige stuff.... but these new power pools, seem destructive to the games social structure, and seems like pandering to the powergaming munchkins that think their toon should never have debt.
heck i'd rather see an epic power pool have lame powers with cool story/rp elements than this. like a light power that allows you to see better in caves, or a radar power that lets you know where mobs are. but i firmly believe that a blaster should never have a force field on him unless it was put there by someone else, and i never wanna see beams of energy coming from tankers and scrappers.