epic power pools will bring doom







If the Epic Powers bring Doom, does that mean that I can add "of Doom" to one of my powers & get a +2 bonus ?

I want my Epic power pool to be "of Doom", able to be added to one existing power. This power pool can be selected multiple times but does not stack on itself.

Then I can have:
Phantom Army of Doom
Phantasm of Doom
Flash of Doom
Spectral Wounds of Doom

Because everything is more frighting if you add "of Doom" to it.



They didn't plan Issue 3 right after they released Issue 2 - so it can't be seen as something they created to 'fix' a perceived problem with Issue 2.

They plan the Issues alot more in advance than you think, and I'm sure they plan them more than you give them credit for.

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



Because everything is more frighting if you add "of Doom" to it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Laser Eye Beams!

Laser Eye Beams of Doom!!

Hey you're right!



Well, long as they dont give Fulcrum or Transference to anyone, I'll be happy in the end, if they do, i'll be pissed




[/ QUOTE ]

Depending on who you ask, that's either a great thing or a bad thing.



If the Epic Powers bring Doom, does that mean that I can add "of Doom" to one of my powers & get a +2 bonus ?

I want my Epic power pool to be "of Doom", able to be added to one existing power. This power pool can be selected multiple times but does not stack on itself.

Then I can have:
Phantom Army of Doom
Phantasm of Doom
Flash of Doom
Spectral Wounds of Doom

Because everything is more frighting if you add "of Doom" to it.

[/ QUOTE ]


Gale of Doom.

Nope, just makes me want to giggle.



From what ive heard the ideas are great as long as they do enough Damage/Defence/hold. Wimping them out like some hope would mean respecting out of them after i try them out and going back to what i have.

The people who worry about group play being lost have NEVER played above 41 in their life cause it is IMPOSSIBLE to take a at lvl or lvl -1 Pretorian AV Solo. A Tank even give the blasters best blast and full So's cant take one.

They are tough and they regenerate FAST .

In addition it affects very few Characters in the game anyway- you have to play a long time (or ALOT) to get a char to 41+ and that alone limits who it affects. So why all the whining i dont understand- especially from low lvl Characters that it will not affect in the least?

SFC America Assault/Dev Blaster LVL 50
Cpt Patriot Inv/SS Tanker LVL 40+
Entropy MA/Inv Scrapper LVL 30+
Warbot En/En Blaster LVL 40 +



I heard Statesman will randomly select players on Justice server, change their alts into blaster/scrappers, give them powerpools of tankers and offer each a dispersion bubble.

Well everyone else is starting rumors about updates with no information why can't I start a few



Yeah, totally agree. Anyone [censored] about wiping out team play has not reached their 40's yet. Infernal - you being a fire type of AT, almost enough said. Mistress of Mayhem.... Hell right now, i'm afraid to take on any mission right now, cus i seem to get an AV almost every mission i get - and as a blaster.....it ain't happening for me without 3 to 4 other people at least. So unless people in my sg or friends list are on, i play an alt.



The issue (or at least the perceived issue) would seem to be, that on a scrapper for example, dark blast is not going to enable him tokill something from range, whereas a heavily slotted personal forcefield on a blaster may have a much bigger impact.



"If we don't get this package to Pheonix by 9:00am tomarrow we will be DOOMED!"



(bad FedEx commerial imitation)



Well if the issue is that, then i say a scrapper would be unwise to choose dark blast to begin w/. There were some other powers besides that, that one could use to become retardedly invincible. They can give you choices it's up to the players to decide what they want to do w/; them....

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
Don't get pissed at me for drinking the water.



Speaking only for myself and my preferred style of play, ANYTHING that will aid me in avoiding team play is incredibly welcome, even if I have to wait until the 40's to earn it. Personally, I love that feeling of glory when I can single handedly take down an Archvillain or Monster or whatever.

.....Though here's a thought. An Epic Power Pool called Doom for City of Villains. It could go up there with stuff like a Disintegration pool and a Revealing The Entire Plot While Gloating Maniacally pool.



I Totaly Agree with you but in a Diffrent way these power pools are not Epic there not even great its just adding more of the old powers on i wanted to see New powers totaly diffrent ones that can be truly epic. these powers are not Epic in anyway ohh i can get a force field whoopy do my lvl 1 FF Def can get it i wanted to see something totaly new not more of the same crap.

This game has really gone down the crapper i got to admit graphics are great but the massive scale of the game is not even massive its like Mini Multi Player these types of games need to be on a grand scale huge enough to where we can be surprised over and over and so far i have gave the game tell issue 2 to really surprise me and it hasnt its very sad.

they either have shouldnt realeased the game so soon and create alot more before going puplic becuase this sad excuses of a Massive Multi player.

when you can go thru lvl 1-50 and the count of diffrent types of enemies only reach to like 15 then its not really massive is it



15 types of enemies eh? Have you played past lvl 10 yet? I've played a few MMO's and CoH holds it's own nicely. Furthermore it's alot more freeing than others too, with it's combat style and travel abilities. This game is not supposed to mirror EQ. And the majority of people are glad for that. Who needs dozens of time sinks, endless camping, and so forth?

The very concept that Epic Power Pools, or anything new for that matter, somehow "dooms" a game is silly.



The issue (or at least the perceived issue) would seem to be, that on a scrapper for example, dark blast is not going to enable him tokill something from range, whereas a heavily slotted personal forcefield on a blaster may have a much bigger impact.

[/ QUOTE ]No, because Personal Force Field means that you can't attack while it's on. It's the level 1 FF power. I have a FF defender that I slot heavily on attacks to be a FF/rad blaster. Personal Force Field is only useful as an emergency button or for navigating unsafe areas. On the other shields, like Fire Shield, I'm sure that it will be weaker than the Tanker primaries. Perhaps equivalent to the Scrapper secondaries, like Temp Invulnerability for an Inv tanker vs Inv scrapper. Base resistatnce of fire shield/temp invuln will probably be 20% vs the 30% a tanker gets. Maybe even 0nly 12-15% like Tough. So 6-slotted with Resists it will only be 44%. That will make a big difference in the survivability of a blaster, but they will hardly be able to keep up with the tanks. They won't have as much defense/resistance, they won't have all the other supporting defense/resistance powers, and they won't have the hit points. It just means they will be able to take a little more abuse. Keep in mind that the big alpha strike blasts like nova and inferno use ALL your endurance, so you won't be able to use the shields after them for a moment. It will be the same problem, if things survive the strike they'll kill you.

I see no imbalance here. They're carefully choosing powers that will make each AT a little more balanced on their own, but hardly holding their own as invincible. Even a power like Soul Drain - handy, but doesn't make you invincible. They won't give away the money powers, I can guarantee. You won't see a Blaster with Dispersion Bubble or a Controller with Invincibility. It'll all be all right.

Trust me, folks, if you put in the time to get up to level 41 you will be ecstatic to take a couple of cool new powers to balance out your AT's weak spot. And as was said above, you'll still need help. Unless maybe you're a well-built scrapper, and you already didn't need help.



Originally Posted by webspinner View Post
ok, so i just read the update on the epic power pools, and i have to say i think they will be very very bad.

the impression that i got from the given descriptions was that they are undoing the weakness of the classes. granted, this doesn't happen until level 41, but still.

giving blasters force shields and other defensive powers?
giving controllers damage dealing powers?
tankers and scrappers with ranged attacks?
defenders with... very vague description...

who thought it would be a good idea to try and soften or even nullify the biggest weakness of the classes?????

issue 2: group or die
issue 3: sorry about issue 2, now your character can do everything, no need to even speak to another player
OMGosh its character homogeneity......... DOOM!

My Pre-Order Coh box.
My character in coh beta.
My character in a coh beta mission.



Originally Posted by SynakulOne View Post
OMGosh its character homogeneity......... DOOM!

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



I am always impressed how some are able to find these old threads.



Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



I started reading this without checking the date and saw "update to epic pools"... Kind of threw me off for a sec.

Anyhow, nothing really to contribute, just thought I'd pop in before the lock.

Est sularis oth Mithas



Originally Posted by LaserJesus View Post
It's not like they're even going to be Scrapper level defenses. C'mon, have a little more faith in the development team than this.

Swing low SWEET chariot!

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."