epic power pools will bring doom




i played eq, and i played galaxies, i've seen mistakes made that can runi play experiance for many many people. and sure, its high end content, but once the snowball starts rolling down the hill.....

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Ah yes, the horribly effective "swg to COH" comparison... like comparing a turd to a caddilac.

Arg, I'm drowning in free dollar bills!!!!



Let's sing the song of Doom!


(shameless Invader Zim reference)

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If that doesn't convince someone about the quality of these devs, nothing will

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I shall join in this referencing!
Radioactive rubber pants march through my veins!




Let's sing the song of Doom!


(shameless Invader Zim reference)

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/me Bows down to the sheer awsomeness that is Statesman for making that reference.




Yay! INTJs dancing in the streets!

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Heh. Hubby is wondering why I just sprayed Coke all over the monitor.

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INTJs secretly rule the world. Quietly, of course

But seriously, folks... are soloists really so despised that some feel the need to force them into groups all the time? Come on! A little variety in abilities is more than welcome, and no more a threat that the existing pool powers that provide limited healing, defense, melee and control abilities (but not range... strange, that). My single regret about epic power pools is that they're not available at level 15 instead of level 41. Post-40 just seems too late to get any real use out of them before retirement.

Choice=good. Forced grouping=bad. Review the flash cards.



I'm excited about Body Armor!

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No kidding, hope has a ripped-off Crey Elimator graphic...

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Have you taken on a +4 boss, and watched as he ran into +7's with less than 50 hp left? Do you know how frustrating it is to watch him run back with hp healed up, and you have to repeat the cycle.



Webspinners post will bring DOOM TO EVERYONE!! THE SKY IS FALLING!! GAH... get over it. Getting sick of these types of posts. They are an awesome idea. it adds a reward to all of us who have gotten up to 40+.




Yay! INTJs dancing in the streets!

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Heh. Hubby is wondering why I just sprayed Coke all over the monitor.

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INTJs secretly rule the world. Quietly, of course

But seriously, folks... are soloists really so despised that some feel the need to force them into groups all the time? Come on! A little variety in abilities is more than welcome, and no more a threat that the existing pool powers that provide limited healing, defense, melee and control abilities (but not range... strange, that). My single regret about epic power pools is that they're not available at level 15 instead of level 41. Post-40 just seems too late to get any real use out of them before retirement.

Choice=good. Forced grouping=bad. Review the flash cards.

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I think this decision was made to help offset the apparent lack of high level content? I wouldn't know since I havent reached post level 40 yet. "I don't have much to do at level 50 but I'm more of a badarse then ever before!" I think CoV is THE answer to the lack of high level content problem, but only for players interested in Pvp mainly. But I'm sure (hoping) there will be additional missions/content with its release as well.



In the 40+ game, everyone needs defense :/ Blaster's are not alone.

Only thing I see is nothing that will really compliment my Kinetic's build. (what in the world is up with Soul Drain?)



Also another thought, I think some (somewhat myself included) are afraid you'll have another provoke power that totally alienates an entire AT.

The original provoke made Controllers pretty much useless. So they changed it, only to allow it to become like it's old self (Go figure).. but I think that's just what some people are worried about.

I can see the fear that it might affect the teaming vs solo game.

Level 47 Kin/Rad



ok, so i just read the update on the epic power pools, and i have to say i think they will be very very bad.

the impression that i got from the given descriptions was that they are undoing the weakness of the classes. granted, this doesn't happen until level 41, but still.

giving blasters force shields and other defensive powers?
giving controllers damage dealing powers?
tankers and scrappers with ranged attacks?
defenders with... very vague description...

who thought it would be a good idea to try and soften or even nullify the biggest weakness of the classes?????

issue 2: group or die
issue 3: sorry about issue 2, now your character can do everything, no need to even speak to another player

allow me to say i love this game. i love the content, the graphics, the sound effects, hell i don't even mind that the game seems harder after issue two. and i've been super excited about epic and prestige stuff.... but these new power pools, seem destructive to the games social structure, and seems like pandering to the powergaming munchkins that think their toon should never have debt.

heck i'd rather see an epic power pool have lame powers with cool story/rp elements than this. like a light power that allows you to see better in caves, or a radar power that lets you know where mobs are. but i firmly believe that a blaster should never have a force field on him unless it was put there by someone else, and i never wanna see beams of energy coming from tankers and scrappers. these just seem poorly thought out

justice server
kid atom
lv 28 rad/rad defender
member of the righteous

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Get to 41 first then you can complain about how the new power pools have jacked the game. Till then [censored] [censored] [censored] [censored] [censored] !!!!!!111111 oneoneoneone



I know how you feel

I predict that the year 2038 will spell doom. No one believes me. They keep calling me Casandra

Doom is coming 2038! Hear me! Doom I say DOOOOM!

Doom14, that uses ATI Radeon X3880 XT



ok, so i just read the update on the epic power pools, and i have to say i think they will be very very bad.

the impression that i got from the given descriptions was that they are undoing the weakness of the classes. granted, this doesn't happen until level 41, but still.

giving blasters force shields and other defensive powers?
giving controllers damage dealing powers?
tankers and scrappers with ranged attacks?
defenders with... very vague description...

who thought it would be a good idea to try and soften or even nullify the biggest weakness of the classes?????

issue 2: group or die
issue 3: sorry about issue 2, now your character can do everything, no need to even speak to another player

allow me to say i love this game. i love the content, the graphics, the sound effects, hell i don't even mind that the game seems harder after issue two. and i've been super excited about epic and prestige stuff.... but these new power pools, seem destructive to the games social structure, and seems like pandering to the powergaming munchkins that think their toon should never have debt.

heck i'd rather see an epic power pool have lame powers with cool story/rp elements than this. like a light power that allows you to see better in caves, or a radar power that lets you know where mobs are. but i firmly believe that a blaster should never have a force field on him unless it was put there by someone else, and i never wanna see beams of energy coming from tankers and scrappers. these just seem poorly thought out

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you're nuts. I'm getting fire shield. I don't care if they give scrappers blazing freaking bolt..... I'm getting some smash letha l resistance. see the tanker wasn't even that excited about controllers getting temp Invul. my scrapper uses it. it's nice. on an AT with no other resistance or defense and much lower hit points.... it's not so nice. It an awesome filler... but it ain't the real deal. and fire tankers getting my fireball... freaking awesome. I hope they love it as much as I do.



'DOOOOM! we're all doomed!!!! the end is HERE!!!' the maniac screams as he runs into the bar.

one guy looks at his friend and asks, 'we're all doomed! what are you gonna do before the end?'
second guy replies, 'i'm gonna #### anything that moves! what are you gonna do?'
first guy replies, 'i'm going to remain as still as possible!'


yes, i posted this on another 'doom' post. had to be reposted tho



So is Doomy doom a lighter version of doom? Or are you saying I get like the supersized for a quarter more even though I'm already a fat bastage and dont need the extra calories doom?

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hehe... ahhhh.. thats a nother Invader Zim reference.. but yeah ... to answer your question.. "yes".

Doom Food, 50 +3 Plant/fire/fire Dom.
"oo oo wait! I'm having one of those things.. A headache with pictures!"



Dude, in the 40+ game, blasters NEED defenses.

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I think your missing the OPs point. If a blaster wants that defense they so sorely need post 40 then they HAVE TO GROUP with a defender/controller to provide it to them.

This PROMOTES grouping and interaction with others. And the OPs worry is that by giving each AT a patch to their shortcommings, there will be less of a need to group. And if you dont group why the hell are you paying 15 bucks a month and on line fees? You could just play some single player game ALONE and save yourself a lot of money.

And to all of you ppl who think that power pools are just cute addons....all I can say is HASTEN. This single "little" power is probably taken more than any other simply because of how HUGE of a difference it makes. Stamina runs a close second but if a few examples like this crop up in the Epic Pools there is gonna be trouble in happyville.



Even if the OPs post is exagerated and the new epic pool powers wont damage the game, it would be nice to hear a dev acknowlege that unqiue characters is an important aspec to the game. It continues to amaze me how rarely I run into characters that are just like me in looks or powers.



I know how you feel

I predict that the year 2038 will spell doom. No one believes me. They keep calling me Casandra

Doom is coming 2038! Hear me! Doom I say DOOOOM!

Doom14, that uses ATI Radeon X3880 XT

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HA! I heard its coming in 2012...





And to all of you ppl who think that power pools are just cute addons....all I can say is HASTEN. This single "little" power is probably taken more than any other simply because of how HUGE of a difference it makes. Stamina runs a close second but if a few examples like this crop up in the Epic Pools there is gonna be trouble in happyville.

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There is a huge difference between the totally unique effect powers and power pool strength implementations of known, simple, straightforward powers.
So blasters can take a few more hits - that is NOT going to kill grouping. It means they dont get plowed into the ground by One-Shots or the occaisional ambush-leaving-a-mission-while-the-tank-and-bubbler-are-still-loading. It means scrappers dont have to screw around chasing minions with a sliver of life left.

This is going to help grouping, not hurt it. Being able to absorb one more Killshot doesnt mean you dont need a healer, it means that healer has some wiggle room in who he heals, when, and so on. It makes the other guy's job easier. Why should the Blasters have to change targets and waste shots on some pissant minion that is heading for the hills with 1hp left when there are bigger, badder things to shoot? Let the scrapper finish his target with his tiny little ranged power, without leaving the group to chase the idiot down.
Removing the Mickey Mouse bullflop doesnt make everyone more independant, it makes them more group friendly.



strongly disagree. blasters and others should team to take down extreme threats. we shouldn't need to team to complete routine missions or street sweep.... end of a story arc... yes... taskforce... yes... trial ...oh hell yes. Archvillans? you bet your [censored]....

Kill X villans.... NO
Find X clues.... Are you kidding?
street hunting within reason...no...

The human torch needed the fantastic 4 to take down DR. Doom or the frightful 4 or Annihlus.

He didn't need them to waste paste pot pete or to gang slap street thugs.

I hardly think giving a BIT of damage mitagation to an archetype that is almost entirely devoid of them is an unbalancing act... especially given the added difficulty of the post 40 game. No matter how good they get with a bit of damage repulsion they'll always be better teamed. I'd think defenders would enjoy not being responsible for every little boo boo that sends a blaster off to la la land.



I think I hav to agree with Meekrat. He made the excellent point that I do think wa sthe intent of the OP and one, as a Defender as my main and a Controller and Defender as mys econdaries, I even have thought about and worried about.

My Controller was my first toon (he's 26), and I /remember/ how useless a small dinky little power called Provoke made me feel.

Hasten is a good point and so is Stamina (The power I hate the most in the game, which is why I love my main, Kinetics )



I hardly think giving a BIT of damage mitagation to an archetype that is almost entirely devoid of them is an unbalancing act... especially given the added difficulty of the post 40 game.

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I think this is the fear that your forgetting about. Bubbles on Forcefield Defenders are freaking uber 40+. Controller Bubbles, whcih are watered down, are freaking Uber. The 'how much' is a bit, is what has some people worried I believe.

Though, with Conserve Energy, Kinetic's really wont need Stamina now (They dont to begin with, but, just saying)

Now granted, damage doers probably wont be worried for the most part..

But for those of us who mainly play support characters, it can have us very worried.

Level 47 Kin/Rad



I hardly think giving a BIT of damage mitagation to an archetype that is almost entirely devoid of them is an unbalancing act... especially given the added difficulty of the post 40 game.

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I think this is the fear that your forgetting about. Bubbles on Forcefield Defenders are freaking uber 40+. Controller Bubbles, whcih are watered down, are freaking Uber. The 'how much' is a bit, is what has some people worried I believe.

Though, with Conserve Energy, Kinetic's really wont need Stamina now (They dont to begin with, but, just saying)

Now granted, damage doers probably wont be worried for the most part..

But for those of us who mainly play support characters, it can have us very worried.

Level 47 Kin/Rad

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Why? The Fighting pool hasnt put the scrappers out of business. The Medicine pool hasnt put empathy (or rad) defenders/controllers out of business.



It's not like they're even going to be Scrapper level defenses. C'mon, have a little more faith in the development team than this.




issue 3: sorry about issue 2, now your character can do everything, no need to even speak to another player

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I read that the epic ATs get more powerful the more people they group with, so this isn't really the case.