epic power pools will bring doom




Forecast for tomorrow...a few sprinkles of genius with a CHANCE OF DOOM!

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So... should I bring an umbrella then?

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Only if 'umbrella' is code for... Epic Power Pool!




Your assuming that the Epic Power Pools are gonna be insanely overpowered. That is your assumption. My view is that these will be as strong as any pool power is. It's not the same "oomph". So when my scrapper might get an Energy Torrent, it doesnt mean I'm gonna be doing the same damage output as a Blaster's version does. I know its gonna be weaker because its a POOL POWER. Keyword: POOL POWER.

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Hands off my torrent. Go over there and play with those flares. Nice scrapper. And leave integration right here before you go.

Edit: I did read the update, Rise of the Phoenix? Well, if any AT will get a lot of use out of that power, its us.



Let's sing the song of Doom!


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Well, they say you make it worse, you say you make it better...

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Epic power pools wont bring doom obviously, i think they're going to be fun for those that can actually try them and will help them make their character less cookie-cutter oriented. I am interested to see however if the rest off issue 3 has as interesting new content in it for people who aren't level 35 plus. I doubt it but i can always hope.



This was perhaps the best news I had all day....as I have been wondering where my Laser Beam eyes are for quite some time.

If we take these powers instead of the other power we could at 41st level, I am going to miss Hurl, Rest. Energies, Rest Fire and perhaps Whirlwind on my Tanker....I can live with that.

As for Doom.........I simply sing it to Monty Pythons "Spam"....

Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom,
Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom,
Lovely Doom, wonderfull Doom......




I for one welcome our vague defender tanks blasting frickin' laser beams Dooooooom saying developer overlords.

::edit:: By the gods.... I swear, Rockemsockem and I started typing at the same time... GMTA

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That's OK. If States can copy one of my posts, you can too!

All in hommage to Matt Groening anyhow.



I for one welcome our vague defender tanks blasting frickin' laser beams Dooooooom saying developer overlords.

::edit:: By the gods.... I swear, Rockemsockem and I started typing at the same time... GMTA

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That's OK. If States can copy one of my posts, you can too!

All in hommage to Matt Groening anyhow.

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It is time to bend over and lick serious Tank-Mage boot!



I think some of these epic pools will fit better than most people think. If you wanted to make a Superman-like character, you can have a tanker with super strenght/inv. give him fly and superspeed. And now can have his heat vision as well. I thinks this is a very well thought out and welcome addition to the game. I just have to get into the 40's now.



Funny - I thought ID Software brought us doom - is this going to cause some sort of legal battle over copyright?



The real tragedy of all this is that my blaster, The Amazin Laser, will not be getting laser beams.

Its like a hurricane of irony raining on my barbeque.



Let's sing the song of Doom!


(shameless Invader Zim reference)

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"Obey the Fist!" ZIM



At the post 40 game, you're still going to want to team. There's an AV in freaking every other mission you take it seems like. Even if you can solo an AV, then you're still going to want to team or else bore yourself to oblivion. Hence why my main rarely sees the light of day anymore.

And my scrapper wants more than anything to be able to chuck death stars at those stupid runners. And I won't even complain that it sheaths her katana. Bring it.



Let's sing the song of Doom!


(shameless Invader Zim reference)

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If that doesn't convince someone about the quality of these devs, nothing will



I think that all of the powers are neat, and I don't really think that they'll have any significant effect on the balance of the game.

However, I do have one question. Why do Scrappers only get three pools, while Blasters, Defenders, and Tankers get 4? Controllers get 5 too, and it's all nice. But why do Scrappers get a smaller number of choices? I'm not griping, mind you, just legitimately curious. ^__^



Let's sing the song of Doom!


(shameless Invader Zim reference)

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To the OP:

You forget the amount of effect each power has.

Primary > Secondary > Power Pool.

I see no reason why this should change just because they're epic power pools. They will most likely -not- be as effective as even their secondary counter parts.

Don't freak so much. They're just power pools.



You people would whine if the game gave out real money.

There just ain't pleasing some people.



You people would whine if the game gave out real money.

There just ain't pleasing some people.

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Hmm only if it was tax free! If my computer started spitting Lincolns I would be pissed. Penny rolls anyone?



Hey, what the heck do electric blasters get? Huh? Hmm?!

'If Champions Online is what "CoH was supposed to be", I'm glad that I have what I have rather than "what it was supposed to be".' - The Alt oholic
"I solo'd Hamidon...but I also totally cheated." - Back Alley Brawler
"It is still early. Someone is going to get stabbed tonight I can feel it." - Ishmael (said in Jello Shooters chat)




Doom Food, 50 +3 Plant/fire/fire Dom.
"oo oo wait! I'm having one of those things.. A headache with pictures!"



I think the introduction to the epic power pools is a great idea, more choices for us the better! As far effecting game balance if these new powers were as strong as the OP assumes they would be then yes it would be a bad idea. Do I know how to make video games? No but I'm sure the devs have the common sense and foresight to incorporate this addition into the game without effecting character design.

I'm excited about Body Armor!




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So is Doomy doom a lighter version of doom? Or are you saying I get like the supersized for a quarter more even though I'm already a fat bastage and dont need the extra calories doom?

'If Champions Online is what "CoH was supposed to be", I'm glad that I have what I have rather than "what it was supposed to be".' - The Alt oholic
"I solo'd Hamidon...but I also totally cheated." - Back Alley Brawler
"It is still early. Someone is going to get stabbed tonight I can feel it." - Ishmael (said in Jello Shooters chat)




issue 3: sorry about issue 2, now your character can do everything, no need to even speak to another player

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Yay! INTJs dancing in the streets!

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Heh. Hubby is wondering why I just sprayed Coke all over the monitor.

Now if all of THEM (you know, all those... other people) would just do what we tell them without actually speaking to us, things would be much better.

((Epic power pools sound fun! Any little bit to help squishy blaster teammates who insist on running outside of Shadow Fall, & who keep arresting my Darkest Night anchor so the debuff drops... WHY won't they listen?!?!))



Let's sing the song of Doom!


(shameless Invader Zim reference)

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Ah, isn't it great to just go on the forums with your red name and surprise everyone with an innocent post that isn't about "new content" or anything like that? Ah, Statesman... you're one of a kind.

Ah, I [censored] love this [censored] game!



I'm excited about Body Armor!

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No kidding, hope has a ripped-off Crey Elimator graphic...