72 -
How powerful did you think they would make a prestige power? *shrug*
The OP wasn't 100% clear, but it sound like you're basically saying that if the target of a placate is already being affected by a status affect from a previous attack, then the placate gets nullified. Correct?
That sounds like (for the game at least) it's working as it should be. Since placate gets dropped on the target whenever a stalker attacks their target before placate wears then it is also nullified. So by having a status affect they are (for the game) still under attack by an affect of the stalker, so of course placate isn't going to stay on the target. Whether or not the devs want this to happen or intend for this to happen is a different matter. -
I don't recall Incarnates ever being mentioned in the same breath as any particular upcoming Issue by a developer. They've been pretty consistant about not mentioning any time frame about new EATs.
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If I'm remembering correctly, the devs said that they want to put Incarnates in one of the upcoming issues after 8 (either 9 or 10 I believe) since those issues were from the former retail expansion and a new EAT was supposed to be included as well, however the EAT doesn't fit into the new storyline the game will move into with those issues, so they're having trouble fitting the EAT in for a proper release. -
Great guide! So, has anyone gone out and tested the possible limits to how many times you can run the Patrol missions and/or get the temp powers for doing them?
Is Castle's sig quoting everyone's favourite robotic assassin from KOTOR?
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From KOTOR2, and I think it was one of the other HK models, but yeah.
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I just finished playing it again. I love the game.
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Hehe, I'm just in the middle of playing it now and will soon have HK back on my side -
Hi Jay. I've noticed that since I7 my aura seems out of place on my hero. I'm using Fiery: Fiery Eyes. The effect seems to have been moved further back into the head. This is in combination with the Full Helmets: Chitin Helm.
Previously the aura seemed to eminate from the eyes, but now it appears as if it's coming from the temples.
I don't have any before screenshots yet but I might have some on my other computer. Here's the current look: Aura 1. I've also noticed that it looks a bit different at the tailor then at in-game: Aura 2.
Hopefully you can see how the aura seemingly eminates from the temples. Unfortunately it's hard to show in screenshots
Thanks Jay and all the ladies tell me that you are in fact, quite sexy. -
My only disappointment is how bland the Mastermind powers are. Apart from the armor, there's nothing in there that really screams "must have". A second hold is sure nice to have, but an AoE immobilize seems of questionable use, and a second AoE attack is right out unless it's packing some serious firepower.
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Agreed. Also, giving pretty much everyone else a pet, some which are quite strong, seems to take away from the uniqueness of MMs imo. Especially if they can be controlled. -
I looked through most of the bases posted here, all very impressive. I can't imagine how long it must have taken to build some of them O_o
Our base is still very much under construction. But, we do have our game room set up, with some neat wall art by our very own Stone of Amn
Game Room
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That is simply awesome. What items are those used to make the pictures? -
I don't currently have a player filled with music, so I just made a playlist by grabbing a bunch of varied folders with the music scattered around my computer, hit randomize a few times and here are the first 10:
1. Mighty Mighty Bosstones - The Impression That I Get
2. Morris Day & The Time - Jungle Love
3. Tom Petty - The Last DJ
4. The Offspring - the meaning of life
5. Linkin Park - Pts. Of .Athry
6. Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure Opening - Dual!
7. Porno Graffitti - O kami
8. Yuki Kajiura - Aura - Evil Version (From .Hack//Sign)
9. Adema - Giving In
10. Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood -
So, will the AV spawn as an Elite boss? ie a weaker version of what we used to face? Or will it be another villain in the group?
For instance, while solo on hero, will I be facing Nightstar, Elite Boss Version or a Praetorian Elite Boss? -
Hey guys,
I wanted to take a couple minutes to let you know that we aware of this issue. We want people to at least know where the PvP zones are and how to get to them. We dont want players to feel forced into PvP combat. To address this issue we are going to take several steps. Players will be sent to liaisons that will be outside the PvP zones. They will explain that there is mission content available from a contact within the zone but will not, I repeat will not, force you to that contact. If the player wishes to go in the zone and find the contact they are free to do so. Just like a Task/Strike Force contact, PVP contacts dont need to be introduced. As soon as a player clicks on them, they will offer mission content.
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Sounds great, especially since I wasn't being given any contact names since I've out-leveled them.
Should we assume it's coming "soon"? -
Ninjitsu and Ninjutsu generally aren't the same martial art. From what I understand Ninjitsu is basically an American spin off of Ninjutsu, which often isn't even related in any way to the original art. Sometimes it may be a translation error, but it is probably used mostly as a way to catch unsuspecting people who don't notice the difference in the one letter or enough about Ninjutsu to know that isn't what they are learning.
If you consolt a translation site (try the Japanese translator Here if you don't know of any, board censors the direct link to the Japanese page so you'll have to go to it yourself) or book, you'll see Ninjitsu isn't even a japanese word, but Ninjutsu is.
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Either form is a Romanization of a Japanese word. There are multiple full systems for how to turn Japanese symbols into Western characters. Saying that 'jitsu' or 'jutsu' or whathaveyou are or are not Japanese words is meaningless, since you don't know what method was used to make them. A particular translator site may prefer one Romanization methodology.
Now, if they were kanji characters and the wrong ones had been used maybe you'd have a case to make, but correcting spelling in a foreign character set of a language you don't know is a bit spurious at best.
Also: it is spelled 'consult'.
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Well, this train of conversation got me curious, so I pulled out my handy Kodansha Japanese->English, E->J dictionary. Sure enough, there's an entry for Ninjutsu -- ((edit: this is where the japanese would be if the boards could display it instead of a string of numbers -_-)) -- n. "techniques used by ninja". Nothing under Ninjitsu.
Personally, I don't care which they use, but that's how it is.
Interestingly, it is only listed in the English to Japanese section, not the Japanese to English section. -
-The Council was formed from the ashes of Arachnos.
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Did someone just rewrite history here? From what I understood The Counsil had more to do with the arrival of the Kheldians.
Also if it "formed from the ashes of Arachnos." isn't that Lord Recluse's organization and when people generally talk about an organization being in ashes that means it is defunct. As far as I know Lord Recluse is currently and definately not "defunct".
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When Mussolini fell, Arachnos splintered. The Center took a small group and formed the Council. At that time Arakhn stayed with the Council and Requiem was placed in the 5th Column as a mole.
That was also when Lord Recluse decided it was time for a new outlook for Arachnos. No longer would they back someone else. He took full control of the reigns and has never looked back.
Much more recently the Council showed themselves when they made their move on the 5th Column. This was in part motivated by plans of their Nictus allies fnally coming to fruition.
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All this (and the rest of the info you've provided in this thread) really needs to be archived somewhere... -
Just curious, how does this endurance reduction compare to how it is now with stamina? Does it give you an equivalent amount of enduance over X length of time with Stamina six slotted (or slotted less because of the reduction in effectivness) compared to how Stamina works on Live now?
Basically, numbers wise, does this make up for the reduction in effectivness stamina will have? Or is endurance going to be harder to manage? -
I'll pop in here so you guys have a new target.
The original Task Force Datamine took 3 months to finish. That was to go over 2 months worth of data.
We now have 18 months worth of data. We looked for a more effecient solution, but our estimates still come out at 2 years to datamine and get you your badges.
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umm those TF's havent been around for 18 months, for the shard TF's there is a level requirement to get in the shard..
Limit the parameters to L40+ toons and only from the date of release of the shadow shard onwards.
Auto award the TF badge to anyone that has the souveneer and eliminate that toon for that particular search.
work smarter not harder..
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By "more effecient solution" I'd guess that they considered factors like those.
And, in general, while it's nice for people to offer various solutions to this problem, but I'd wager that most, if not all, of the people offering these solutions do not know how Cryptic organizes their data nor how it is actually stored. Without knowing this, someone can't really say how it would be best to search through it all.
On top of that, assuming that the query can be automated, if it made any logical sense to do so, I'd imagine that the devs would go ahead and do the data mine. They certainly have nothing to gain but headaches by not doing it.
I've got TFs now I have to re-do too if I want the badges, but I think I'll be able to get to it a bit faster than two years from now. -
Some people asked me to post this as well -
You will not be able to /petition to get these badges if you completed the TF before I5. So please do not flood the GMs with /petitions trying to get the badges. They can NOT award them.
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If the patch notes also make note that there will not be any data mining, I'd make a note of this as well as that way more people will see it; assuming that more people read the patch notes than the forums. -
Since the number of monkeys has been reduced on test, will there be epic defeat badges?
So, those that have the 10K for Zookeeper would have 2 badges (1K and 10K)
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There was talk of adding one... but it would be beyond reason for anyone to attain the 10,000 Monkey badge at this point. The reason the badge was lowered in the first place was to compensate for the increased difficulty in getting to 10,000.
If we made a 10,000 badge now, we'd have the same problem all over again.
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Isn't it of the same caliber as the other insanely hard to get badges that were just added though? Most of those are beyond reason, but still able to be achieved. -
I want to make sure that you guys know that Ice-based powers work on the fires as well. That is why you are able to target the fires with any power.
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Hmm. That's the only thing? I'd think things like "Hand Clap" (ala hulk clap) and wind powers would work too.
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If they do, it should have a chance to fail and actually just spread the fire
...and yeah (to ditto a question above), are these events going to be temporary or permanent? -
Sorry, I don't really see the need for this change.
From the way it reads, once you are seen/attacked by any enemy you lose half your hero loses half of their stealth defense. Doesn't that mean that full bonus will only apply for a single hit in the entire conflict with that/those enemy/ies? In that case, I fail to see the actual need for having this element in normal game play. All it will do (suppression) is make something complex that doesn't need to be.
While I think the defense rating should remain constant, in comprimise, perhaps it would be better if the stealth defense was nearly (so it's still lower as desired) doubled, but still surppressed. That way, there is a higher degree of defense for that first shot due to the nature of stealth making a target hard to see at first, but still providing a good level of defense during the fight as an opponent that is stealthed is still hard to fight effectively even if you know where they should be or appear to be. -
Would it be possible to add a few questions? Maybe answering a proportion of the questions asked or a few more like 5 each (10 total)? 6 seems a bit short considering how long past question threads have become.
What makes you think you've seen the Crab Spider models?
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Weren't there some in that preview that Jack narrated? Where he showed off the new graphic effects. Or were those something else? -
Cuppa, will these events be short lived or will they become permanent zone events like the Ghost ship and the Paladin?