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  1. Stone melee has - by far - the best sound effects. No other set sounds as powerful when you swing at an enemy.

    whirr bop just does not compare to rumble blam.

    So stone is simply more fun because it has the smashtastic SFX
  2. Funny - I thought ID Software brought us doom - is this going to cause some sort of legal battle over copyright?
  3. Nice

    Of course - I can hit runners from behind already, being way uber (well - its Focus thats way uber, but I have Focus, so I get to be a little uber)

    Will definitely remove some of the frustration I have had with my other toons though.
  4. Trahma

    More answers....

    Is tanker status protection going to remain rooted?

    Are you eliminating the need for TP to let tankers move while not getting stunned into uselessness, or are you eliminiating the ability to TP while rooted?
  5. Trahma

    More answers....

    Could you clarify the thinking on 'rooted' status protection.

    Are you moving towards letting people move without needing teleport


    making it so people cant move even with teleport.

    Thanks for the updates too - kudos to you.
  6. I must admit - I am amazed sometimes.

    Why do people seem to have this set in stone mindset that lvl 1-49 is just some sort of 'set up' process akin to using the costume editor to set up your character for the 'real' game at 50?

    The game is - your hero steadilly stomping crime in paragon, from the hellions up to the remaining ritiki and some extra dimensional stuff.

    You finished that? Gratza - you finished the game. Does the game have replay value to you? It does to me luckilly. CoH has an end game - and guess what - that is the end of the game. Insert token and play again, or go to the next game. Feel free to come back when you want to have a crack at being a hero once again.

    Besides - I was quite surprised the other day - I made an alt and started rampaging through missions that I had done time and time again - and guess what - the missions had changed! That 'destroy the robot spare parts' used to be click on a glowie box of junk - now it was attack a pile of junk that is constantly spawning gears while the boss of the level is trying to crack my skull and generally took me totally by surprise. The game is worth playing through again just to see what they have changed.

    Meh. Spent way too long playing EQ - finally got sick of it - so I stopped playing. If you dont enjoy playing a game - why are you playing it? I sure hope no one has a gun to your head and is making you play?
  7. When Bruce Lee takes a pounding - then - gets back up - wipes away the blood - and fignts on

    He is using a catch a breath and a Respite - thank you very much. What - you mean the tough fight has 'inspired' him to go to beyond those feeble mortal limits of endurance and pain? OMG

    I say - SR is not appropriate for a self heal

    I also am dubious about the +res ideas - seems to me that - if you are quick and nimble - you are not only dodging attacks, but deflecting and moving so as to turn lethal strikes into non-lethal - and that can all be summed up by +def anyway.

    I do whole heartedly agree that it takes too many slots and powers to achieve the basic defense available to the SR scrapper

    I totally agree that the ranged/AoE auto should be combined same same the ranged/AoE toggle.

    I recently ran a small maths exercise, and basically, it told me that SR is fine against even con mobs. If you take just the sets powers alone into account, SR will infact handle a bigger crowd of even cons than Regen will. Start giving mobs +acc or more levels or make them bosses though - and SR rapidly drops off.

    Include pool powers into the mix though - and SR comes last. Not only does SR have more choices tied up in the main set thus cant buy as many pools, but the nature of +def and +res means that other sets get more from tough than SR does, while SR cant really make use of much more +def, while other sets can - and there is plenty of it in the pools to get.

    I have been leaning to the 'better offence' is a better defence idea.

    Anyway - SR does do the job well against sensible numbers of even con baddies (missions) and so really - I think it isnt far off the mark - just has too many powers/slots required to get there.

    Still - combine some - and you have empty slots - which means you need replacements. And for balance - those replacements simply can not be earth shattering.

    +5% accuracy as an auto power would fit right in. Super reflexes means good hand eye coordination means hitting things would be easier for the SR. +5% is neither nothing at all, nor a must have game changer. Its simply nice.

    +30% crit click in the same manner as build up - based on the idea that people WILL combine it with build up, and WILL use it with attacks that they have slotted as much as possible for damage. 30% will wind up improving the average damage a similar amount as a bouild up would - so because its similar in power to an existing power, I feel that would be balanced. As a toggle, it would have to be down around 10% or so to be balanced, and as an auto - 5%

    I dont see +heal or +recover being applicable to the SR set - and it steps on Regen anyway.

    An innate endurance reduction might be appropriate - although in all honesty - I think it should be part of quickness as an offset for the increased rate you burn thanks to quicknesses recharge reduction. Some people feel quickness needs to be +33% recharge BTW - and going on the idea that hasten is a pool power click for 70%, while quickness is an auto power from a secondary - I feel a case could be made for raising it to as high as +40 - but - I would suggest, either raise it to+33% recharge reduction OR add a +20% end use reduction - one or the other, not both

    I have seen the 'mirror double' type idea come around a bit. Personally - I think that belongs to a super speed character, and that super reflexes DOES NOT equal super speed. Might be fast, but not super fast. None the less - I do see an option here to add that 'second layer' of protection that is needed to avoid the fact that 5% of atatcks will always get throguh, and there is nothing else SR can do about that.

    The power would create a duplicate of the SR, which was phase shifted. It would exactly mirror the movements of the SR, but with a 1 sec delay. It would (though some specific coding) have a 50% chance of being the target of an enemy attack instead of the SR, any time the AI decided to attack the SR. It would be a click, with a long reuse.

    KK - let it be known that I dont really like that idea - but it seems balanced more or less.

    I had thought that a +res to psionic would not be inappropriate for a SR character. Good reflexes means good neural system, and an ability to deal with surprise and shocks. That might well translate to a resistance to a sudden mental overload caused by psychic attack.

    A very interesting idea is - a auto stealth power - just minor stealth. A SR is just naturally able to move quietly. This might have a +5% def mod, or be combined with something else, to make it slottable in some way

    Another intersting idea - one that I like a LOT - is a 'defensive fighting' toggle, which wile active, has a PBAE knockdown effect. Something like the Dark Armour power that has a PBAE disorientate. The SR, ever aware of his own balance as well as those around him, can easilly take the chance to trip a foe. The chance to cause a knockdown would be a lot less than the chance for the DA disorient, but the SR power wouldnt be draining your health either.

    Finally - why not put a bonafide attack into the set? Low damage, but with a knockdown or disorientate? Or a slow?

    I have to disagree with the matrixesque slow idea - why? because while you might move fast - the enemies are still moving at normal speed to everyone else - the AE slow to simulate this would be a debuff that benefits everyone with you.

    Ramble ramble hope you liked reading that.

    For the record - my SR character does fine doing the non uber stuff - and yes - tank swipers HURT when they get you. But I made my character to be a normal person, just well trained. Being hit by a scythe thing like that would, all things considered, lop limbs off, so just loosing half or more HP seems pretty mild to me :P