More answers....




1. We're going to be re-evaluating ALL the armor sets - not just changing their art. So EVERY issue involved with Ice, Dark, Stone, etc. is going to be looked at.

2. Fear changes are across the board. Any power with fear will change from "foe running away" to "foe cowering and not moving."

3. Mission Slider - Update 3.

4. Yes, I'm still worried about Super Reflexes being a tad gimped. We're watching it.

5. Yes, we'll do trenchcoats - not in Update 3, but soon after.

6. We're done with Blizzard - for the moment.

7. We are not looking at Flight or Energy Blast.

8. I do want to tweak Shadow Shard and Rikti Crash Site so that they're more user friendly - and worthwhile. I can't give a time table yet, but I want to squeeze in a couple of changes as soon as possible.

9. We will have a system to do missed lower level content - eventually.

10. The DVD special edition xtras will be available to current players - we haven't yet decided on how we're going to get it to them.

11. We aren't planning on adding more Pet Controls anytime soon, but they are definitely needed as we expand pets (remember what I said about adding a 10th power to every set....)

12. I'll note that people want the Friends list expanded.

13. I'll also note the auto decline for team invites.

14. Same with a better UI for buying several Enhancements.

15. Weather effects aren't scheduled any time soon.

16. Adding Tanker damage has become a little problematic. It makes the almost too powerful...but it's an ongoing issue internally. We are definitely adding more aggro control to the Tanker.

17. Mind Control - outside of Fear - there are not any more changes planned in the immediate future.




Eager players want to know will there soon be more high level content..........specifically Supergroup encounters requiring 20+ players.

The Supergroup content in this game is sorely lacking and the one SG encounter is broke - when will this be fixed?



Actually, any chance that supergroups will get a higher limit to the number you can have in one? 75 is not a lot when your friends want to have alts in the same group, and I can't imagine having enough in a single SG at the right level to do SG only task force missions.



Statesman, you need to go around the offices of other MMOGS do a David Brent lecture on how best to communicate with your customer base.

I am 100% satisfied with your candidness towards your subscribers. <3



Supergroups will not get larger...

We will have some stuff for high level groups...not Hamidon class (not even close) but tough. That's a planned tweak for Rikti Crash Site and Shadow Shard.



How about Supergroup bases and such? Any info on that front?

Thanks for the update, by the way....

Supergroups will not get larger...

We will have some stuff for high level groups...not Hamidon class (not even close) but tough. That's a planned tweak for Rikti Crash Site and Shadow Shard.

[/ QUOTE ]



I would rather have a vague DEV post than no DEV post at all.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's my feeling, too. Sometimes I don't know anything more definite than "we're going to address it sometime..." There's ALOT of people working on City of Heroes, and sometimes I post just keep the forum readers in the loop. Maybe the person responsible for the tweak/change isn't around when I'm typing - or maybe we haven't set up a meeting yet for a final decision. No great conspiracy or anything - I just like telling you guys what I know.





I am now here to suggest an idea to help with the SR dilemma.

The AoE defense at 28 and 35 is really harsh. If it wouldn't be too gamebreaking (and honestly, I can't see how) To put PBAoE defense in Focused Fighting and Dodge, and put Cone and Ranged AoE defense in Focused Senses.

This will leave room for 2 more powers, which I would suggest putting in powers that not everyone will take, but are still useful in their own right. My personal suggestion would be a PBAoE -recharge aura, your reflexes are so fast that enemies around you seem to move slower in comparison.

I like the set the way it is now, but more options and less need for massive slotting is always good!



Statesman, once again you are the man.

Quick yes or no are the devs happy with blaster's overall defenses?

The Legion of Freedom



Great stuff, all of it! I have comments for a couple though.

2. Fear changes are across the board. Any power with fear will change from "foe running away" to "foe cowering and not moving."

[/ QUOTE ]
Yay! Now Wei's intimidating personality can finally "shine" though.

5. Yes, we'll do trenchcoats - not in Update 3, but soon after.

[/ QUOTE ]
By "soon after", I can presume you mean between three and four, since if it was in four you'd have said so, and five wouldn't be very soon after at all.

Still, a lot of people want this, and they do look nifty.

Any ETA on wings?

7. We are not looking at Flight or Energy Blast.

[/ QUOTE ]
Fine by me. Sik loves them both!

8. I do want to tweak Shadow Shard and Rikti Crash Site so that they're more user friendly - and worthwhile. I can't give a time table yet, but I want to squeeze in a couple of changes as soon as possible.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'd think the main problem is having to pass through so many different zones to get there. Alright, it's pretty silly to put a train stop in another dimension, but at least consider making transit between high-level zones easier. I know extending the Peregrine Island Ferry to make a stop at Founders Falls would make things much easier, as would adding actual stores in one of the two.



Hamidon is not SG content. Also not all SG have 20 members that are active for one time a day. SG content would be so restrictive it would be demanded to be removed. Ask for content that would just require a taskforce of 20 or more people.



ok, how about a channel that merges different supergroups so they can all chat together? (maybe that's allegiance chat mentioned earlier?)

Also, will we get extra char slots or will we have to delete existing if we wish to play the new unlocked ATs on the same server as our friends with Episode 3?



States, theres a huge thread debate going on in the official Hasten thread. A statement from you about the dev's current position on Hasten would go a long way.



Bases are in City of Villains.

Please, please, please, don't put suggestions or opinions in this thread - definitely post your ideas! - but just put questions here. I can read them and post answers much more quickly.



From the bottom of my heart, I just want to say thank you, Statesman. Now that I know that you and the dev team are aware of Ice Armor's issues, I feel better again.



Excellent. Thanks, again.

Bases are in City of Villains.

Please, please, please, don't put suggestions or opinions in this thread - definitely post your ideas! - but just put questions here. I can read them and post answers much more quickly.

[/ QUOTE ]



Supergroups will not get larger...

We will have some stuff for high level groups...not Hamidon class (not even close) but tough. That's a planned tweak for Rikti Crash Site and Shadow Shard.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well I'm glad to hear there will at least be a little more for higher-levels - but that isn't going to keep people happy. Why no plans for Supergroups though? What is the plan for them? What is the point of Supergroup if there isn't content for them? I mean yeah my SG makes a nice place to find groupmates but that is what my friends list is for.

Supergroups want to do things together - I seem to recall plans for this at one time.........what has happened?



Could you clarify the thinking on 'rooted' status protection.

Are you moving towards letting people move without needing teleport


making it so people cant move even with teleport.

Thanks for the updates too - kudos to you.



Bases are in City of Villains.

Please, please, please, don't put suggestions or opinions in this thread - definitely post your ideas! - but just put questions here. I can read them and post answers much more quickly.

[/ QUOTE ]

Guess I'll put the question out there...

Any follow-up on what is being looked at in the regen scrapper powerset?



Any timeframe for when update 3 will become available on the test server?



Can you tell us what part of Reg you are looking into tweaking?



Bases are in City of Villains.

Please, please, please, don't put suggestions or opinions in this thread - definitely post your ideas! - but just put questions here. I can read them and post answers much more quickly.

[/ QUOTE ]
Ok... do you like my PBAoE -recharge aura idea?

I kid... I kid...

Umm.... oh. Can you elaborate further on the regen tweak that you mentioned?

EDIT: Ouch, beaten to the punch. Oh well, now that there are 2 of us, he has to respond! Mwahahaha!



what kind of tweak do you have in mind for regen. (even if you dont know exactly what the tweak would be a vague answere would still be appreciated)



Is there any consideration about a /dismiss command to auto-kill pets? There are often times in groups where pets are needed for a fight, but a hassle for travel. Waiting four mins for a pet to disappear slows the group down. Even if the /dismiss command only worked for pets out of combat, I really feel it is needed. So...

Is commands like this even considered?



Can you look into double-damage type attacks (Dark Melee, Energy Blast, etc) vs. Defense buffs and Accuracy Debuffs? Geko has stated they take double the penalty, and not only does this seem unfair (having a second type that might not be resisted doesn't make up for hitting half as often), but it even seems like there is a bug making it WORSE than that.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)