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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    And there's more...

    Rangus asked:

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    To Bridger - Are you M. Southerns?

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    Ok, are you the guy who wrote the recent Eurogamer review? o_O
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    1. The only definite policy we know of is that we will currently have to buy a European version of the game if we want to play on European servers. This is 100% official policy, although hopefully the players will be listened to and it will either be changed or an alternative worked out.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    If only these damn servers didn't purge every fortnight, I could easily link you to a response from Gaffer which said:

    "We are currenty working on the char transfer system, for everyone not just euros, and we are aiming to make it free"

    *this was not word-for-word but a damn good approximation

    He replied to a thread I started about char transfer for Euro players, and it was definitely after the 11/09/04 date that you're policy quote was written.

    Perhaps Bridger will enlighten us to the real facts when Jack rips the tape off his mouth.

    To Bridger - Are you M. Southerns?
  3. Rangus

    More answers....

    [ QUOTE ]
    Bases are in City of Villains.

    Please, please, please, don't put suggestions or opinions in this thread - definitely post your ideas! - but just put questions here. I can read them and post answers much more quickly.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The hasten bug - what is the ETA onit being fixed?
  4. Rangus

    More answers....

    Statesman, you need to go around the offices of other MMOGS do a David Brent lecture on how best to communicate with your customer base.

    I am 100% satisfied with your candidness towards your subscribers. <3
  5. Starting to get a little concerned with the lack of statements regarding DA in these Q&A sessions that States has been having. I'm getting a feeling of de ja vu from SWG where I chose DE (droid engineer) as my profession and got shat on month after month with broken promises about fixing us.

    Maybe I need to stay away from professions/powersets that begin with D
  6. I agree, the new BSG is great I just watched the 3rd episode tonight.

    The only thing I don't like in it is Starbuck, she winds me upo with her OTT attitude. The rest of it is top class entertainment, and has great direction. William O'Dama (sp?) has amazing presence on screen and I totally rate his performances. The direction also makes for powerful viewing at points, which is hard to accomplish in sci-fi dramas. The new Pres is a good actress too. The rest are slightly below par, but are held up by the acting of these 2.

    I would also like to give a shout out for Starship Troopers. That is one seriously funny and enjoyable movies that you can watch on autopilot. It doesnt try to take itself seriously in the slightest. Would you like to know more?
  7. With regards to the delaying of things such as trenchcoats and weapon graphics, I have to say this:

    Hire more staff.

    I have no personal interest in either of these things (other than to reduce the number of capes that we are seeing right now, but thats a minor). If you know what your customer wants, and admit to being unable to address it right now, the for crying out loud, HIRE MORE PEOPLE. And while this may not wash with many other smaller companies, you have no reason to dispute it due to your public (yet informal) way of announcing how well this game is doing.

    Delaying things like this (which to joe public seems trivial yet heavily desirable), screams carrot baiting. Making the punter hang on in there for the next bite of the action. Of course, every business does this, but what it says to me personally is that you're running out of ideas fast, and you need these small but hot topics to remain in the forefront of people's attention so you can maintain interest.

    Honestly, is the creativity drying up so fast within Cryptic that you have to postpone stuff like this til another issue (i.e. at least 6 months)? I can understand the recruitment of a different LD for CoV to keep things original, but I wouldn't have expected the original team to burn out so fast.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    *starts fantasising about a sky raider base floating in the skies ending up in CoH some day*

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Er, to get back to RavenStorm's announcement: excellent. That will add another bit of strategic thinking when attacking Sky Raiders in Terra Volta; no more hovering easily out of reach.

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    Can you make these Sky Skiffs nerf long posts?
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Here's my directions based on where I found it:

    On the lip of 'reactor 1' dome due south of the gate, middle round building between reactor silos.

    1118.6, 721.8, -3079.6

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I'd just like to say I used these co-ords and they were right, even though I couldn't see a marker for it. I got the badge none the less.
  10. I like everything in this game, but this event was possibly the most boring in the history of my MMO career.

    What was needed was a follow up to that "Stay Tuned" msg, telling everyone there was a massive outbreak in (e.g.) Steel Canyon, so that everyone would rush there and be swamped by hordes and hordes of baddies.

    Of course that would crash the server, but somewhere in between what we got and what I suggested would be nice.