Sky Skiff issues (Sky Raiders Boss villain)
Oh, excellent.
I've always wondered why no flying Sky Raiders would spawn outdoors outside of ambushes.. Could you add Wing Raiders as well?
Thank you! Thank you! And by the way, thank you!
That will defintely add some depth to the game if theres some skiffs flying around in the skies in zones like bricks/TV(specifically for fliers).
*starts fantasising about a sky raider base floating in the skies ending up in CoH some day*
The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
Oh sweet...
The only way to make this better would be to have Sky Skiffs "grouped" with Wing Raiders patrolling the actual sky of TV...
Oh sweet...
The only way to make this better would be to have Sky Skiffs "grouped" with Wing Raiders patrolling the actual sky of TV...
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I second that! (Not all Sky Skiffs need to be in the air, but it'd be nice if there were some that were)
Oh sweet...
The only way to make this better would be to have Sky Skiffs "grouped" with Wing Raiders patrolling the actual sky of TV...
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I second that! (Not all Sky Skiffs need to be in the air, but it'd be nice if there were some that were)
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Consider that Thirded
COH/CoV - Virtue
8 Ball - Lev 50 Kin/Energy Defender
The Canadian Fist - Lev 50 Ice/EM Blaster
Omega Ghost - Lev 50 Robo/Dark MM
Ghostfall - Lev 50 Arachnos Crab Soldier
*starts fantasising about a sky raider base floating in the skies ending up in CoH some day*
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You mean that doesn't exist now? Dangnabbit.
I hear "sky raider," and my mind instantly flits to something on the evil side of Final Fantasy. Large battleships hovering over the skies of Paragon City, that the heroes must infiltrate and destroy. I just naturally assumed (I know, I know) that the sky raider instanced outdoor missions had aerial battles just as a matter of course.
Now that I think about it, though, I guess it would be kind of silly. How would the folks with Super Speed get up there? What if Super Jump was *just* short of the entrance? What if no one has Teleport Friend? What if no one has Fly?
Hmmm. This bears thinking about. Because it would have an extremely high cool factor. Maybe a sort of Stargate-ish transport rings -- step into the circle of light and zone into the base (kind of like the way Circle of Thorn missions are laid out). And once you've set the explosives, you have to dash out before the timer runs out.
Okay, so now I'm envisioning a whole series of things to go with this -- a time bomb temporary power, strategic locations to place such things, a new way to zone in and out of missions ... how cool would that be to see in a task force?
And here I was thinking all this stuff was already in-game, and that I just hadn't done enough missions or gotten high enough level to see it.
Er, to get back to RavenStorm's announcement: excellent. That will add another bit of strategic thinking when attacking Sky Raiders in Terra Volta; no more hovering easily out of reach.
"We are looking into the possiblity of maybe someday thinking about maybe implementing something similar to this, in the future."
- Positron
Well, there are no "Plant bombs and run" missions. Other than that.. portals of sparkly light that transport you elsewhere, aerial platforms that are tricky to reach without Flight or Teleport, new ways to enter and exit missions.. actually ARE in the game. They just aren't related to the Sky Raiders
Next up:
"Contaiminated can now spawn in the Sewers"
I'm a very odd person, and I intend on having every single badge I can get (Even the Medic ones, if my Blaster can find a way to) by my end-game. Not being able to get just *one* badge is like giving me 157 cans of cranberry sauce, and no can-opener. I'm sure I could cope without, but I'd make a horrible mess...
ahhhh, You've made me and many other members very happy with that news. Missions spawning 2 skiffs was enough to make us want to crack our skulls
*awaits the skiffs*
This space is intentionally left blank.
This is unbelievably good news. I was worried I'd need to reroll to actually have a chance to get the 'Privateer' badge for my swashbuckler, since I passed the level where I could do the trial with them. (which is pretty much the only one I wanted)
well i already got the badge for the sky skiffs but think it would still be nice to have them spawn outside of the TV trial.
took doing the TV trial 4 times to get the badge. good thing i like helping people do the trial
While you're at it, put Col. Virgil Duray (leader of the Sky Raiders) into the game. Besides Clamor and Vandal, who are TF only, there are no AV's in the 20-30 level range.
And keeeeep watching the skiiis...oh, I mean skies.
Nice to hear =) Please put these in the patch notes when they do go to the TR/Live servers so we'll know
That will defintely add some depth to the game if theres some skiffs flying around in the skies in zones like bricks/TV(specifically for fliers).
*starts fantasising about a sky raider base floating in the skies ending up in CoH some day*
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How about dogfights between the Freakshow's, 5th Columns', and the Sky Raiders' flyers?
*starts fantasising about a sky raider base floating in the skies ending up in CoH some day*
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Er, to get back to RavenStorm's announcement: excellent. That will add another bit of strategic thinking when attacking Sky Raiders in Terra Volta; no more hovering easily out of reach.
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Can you make these Sky Skiffs nerf long posts?
How about you guys add them to the outside of the Trial and remove them from the trial? They look very very stupid in the reactor, they go through walls, and again, they look plain stupid and out of place... just replace them with more jump bots, but the sky skiffs have to go.
Sky Raider blimp in TV ?
Please please please
Yes! I always liked the look of the Sky Raiders, s'nice to have more of them.
How about Jump Bots in TV as well? Only place you see those is missions (and very seldomly in those), hard to get a badge off that.
Great Wall of Prophecy, reveal to us God's will that we may blindly obey.
Free us from thought and responsibility
We shall read things off of you.
Then do them
Your words guide us.
We're dumb
*starts fantasising about a sky raider base floating in the skies ending up in CoH some day*
[/ QUOTE ]
You mean that doesn't exist now? Dangnabbit.
I hear "sky raider," and my mind instantly flits to something on the evil side of Final Fantasy. Large battleships hovering over the skies of Paragon City, that the heroes must infiltrate and destroy. I just naturally assumed (I know, I know) that the sky raider instanced outdoor missions had aerial battles just as a matter of course.
Now that I think about it, though, I guess it would be kind of silly. How would the folks with Super Speed get up there? What if Super Jump was *just* short of the entrance? What if no one has Teleport Friend? What if no one has Fly?
Hmmm. This bears thinking about. Because it would have an extremely high cool factor. Maybe a sort of Stargate-ish transport rings -- step into the circle of light and zone into the base (kind of like the way Circle of Thorn missions are laid out). And once you've set the explosives, you have to dash out before the timer runs out.
Okay, so now I'm envisioning a whole series of things to go with this -- a time bomb temporary power, strategic locations to place such things, a new way to zone in and out of missions ... how cool would that be to see in a task force?
And here I was thinking all this stuff was already in-game, and that I just hadn't done enough missions or gotten high enough level to see it.
Er, to get back to RavenStorm's announcement: excellent. That will add another bit of strategic thinking when attacking Sky Raiders in Terra Volta; no more hovering easily out of reach.
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I award you the "best thought of the day" badge. That would be a great TF to play.
Thanks Raven, can't wait to see em.
Hello hello!

We've been hearing the reports of the lack of Sky Skiffs outside of the Terra Volta Trial Room. We will be adding more Sky Skiffs to the Terra Volta zone soon. Keep an eye on the sky!
Thanks again for all of your feedback!