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  1. I had a hard time interpreting the posts as anything other than 'you should do the mission you already said you did', and that annoyed me.

    To "did the mission bug out and not award you the 'Member of Vanguard' badge", the answer is that the mission worked as it should, and I have that badge.
  2. Ironblade - if I see one forming up, I'll give that a shot.

    Father Xmas and Aggelakis - I apologize for not finding a way to make my 'I have run the first three story arcs and gotten the Vanguard ID souvenir' note in the opening post stand out enough to not be overlooked.
  3. After owning 8 reward tokens and unlocking Reward Level 4, free players are given the ability to earn Vanguard Merits.

    However.. I realize there's a chance that I've just had terrible luck, but so far I haven't seen a single merit from defeating Rikti.

    I have currently run the first three story arcs - souvenirs are Vanguard ID, Traditionalist Peace Accord, and Letter from Decker. Those total 15 missions, and I have been awarded 14 Vanguard Merits (one for each after the first).

    I'm hoping this is a technical issue/bug and not an intentional restriction on Premium players.
  4. That helps a bit. Can see how you work your way up Architect availability, but it doesn't say anything about steps between 'no access' and 'lifetime access' to Auction House and Inventions.

    Thanks, now to go hunt for dev chats.
  5. I cancelled years ago, and am now back at the tail end of a 15-day code they emailed me sometime last month.

    When Freedom hits - just how limited is stuff going to be? I've looked at the side-by-side comparison here - - but it's kind of vague.

    Auction House is limited. Does that mean a certain number of transactions per day/week/month?

    Mission Architect is limited. Can I play those missions, but not create new ones?

    Inventions are limited. Do I get the basic types, but not the set ones?

    Or is all of that shut off until stuff is unlocked somehow?

    and while I can understand losing the global channels, being shut out of both Help and Broadcast seems kind of overkill.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    So... Any Exploration Badges found yet? Villains with Top Dog, anything? }=D

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Got two as a hero, but kinda stumbled over them while superspeeding around the place so can't find them again - Globetrotter (..was probably under the giant statue) and Ragnarok.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Not sure how exact this is, but I noticed after I had already gotten the History Badge, "Lorekeeper", this was after I had gone to all the historical plaques. I got that badge, but later I went and checked the plaques in Cap Du Diablo again, in a different order, and I received a second historical badge, "Technofreak". I started with the plague at the PTS, then hit the plaque at the bottom of Mt. Diablo, then I went to the Plaque at near the egghead badge marker. Then I went to the one in Devil's Coat Tail's. If you do that, you should get the badge. I got it on two toons doing that.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    A bit strange, but I can confirm that it worked.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    I believe it's a bug to get the 'Thorn Robber' badge as soon as you finish the respec trial, as the badge description says it's given after RESPECing, also i was awarded the badge again after i actually respeced gloomy).

    Thorn Robber description:
    [ QUOTE ]
    You have stolen the power of the Nexus of Thorns for the first time, and have used the character respec it granted you.

    [/ QUOTE ]Something not right with getting the badge awarded message twice (once when i completed the trial, and then again when i actually used the respec).

    [/ QUOTE ]
    That, at least, is not a bug - the badge has a different description prior to respeccing, and tells you who to go see and where to redeem it.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Hellions: same. You won't see many bosses unless you have a full group of 8 though.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Damned do spawn in Port Oakes, found some of them in Dockside and Oil Spill while I was doing my Gangbuster hunt. Running a lowbie's missions like you suggest would probably be faster, though.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    I got the badge for dying x number of times in teh middle of a mission in which I never died.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    That's for working off debt, not gaining it.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    I liked the mission where you drop in on a 'deal' between the Freaks and the Skyraiders, and at the end you find this Freakshow boss dancing around next to a Skyraider commander saying:

    "C'mon! Flying Freaks! It'll be awesome!"
    "Are you serious?"
    "Just weld a rocket to my back and let's do this!"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ..that's great. What contact was it from?
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Maria Jenkins aka Maiden Justice's own bio says she aged slowly. So yeah she could have waited till her 50s. Heck it says she is over 100 years but isn't biologically much older then her fifties. Paraphrasing here. Look at her ask about contact next time you are in PI. Some of her missions about Hero's Hero arc due clue in her near immoralitity.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Maybe there's a retcon coming in and Maria's getting renamed, then, if the game actually says somewhere that Maria was the first MJ. 'Web' has the first Maiden Justice, the one that marries Statesman, as Monica Richter, Recluse's sister. As Manticore had been promoting it so heavily and he's credited with giving a lot of the background info, the book's probably accurate.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Also their was a Sister Psyche from the 1950s. Guess what the current Sister Psyche hasn't been mentioned as living during that time. And the comic book cleary mentioned she was mortal.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    The current Sister Psyche is the only Sister Psyche. Ask Manticore about it sometime.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Sister Psyche the current one is not the Original Sister Psyche. Heroes can reuse the names after all of their predecessors. Sometimes it is the son or daughter or close relative of the hero that dons the name and a variant of the costume. Othertimes it was someone selected by the hero to carry on the name.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    ..not sure what that has to do with this topic, but the Psyche in-game's the original. When she's mindriding her body goes into a form of suspended animation and doesn't age.

    The book covered the formation of the Phalanx. I thought Psyche'd be involved, but she's not, hence my comment.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Grandchild actually if I recall. Maiden Justice is the grandmother of Miss Liberty and adventured with States when he began as a hero.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Maiden Justice and Statesman married in August of '32, and they're certainly setting up for a birth fairly soon after the book ends - so I'd think that Maria was probably born by the time the thirties ended. So either she waited until she was fifty to have the current Liberty (not too likely, in my opinion), or there's four generations to use the girdle.
  14. Read Web of Arachnos today, and I have to say that the preview chapter for Freedom Phalanx certainly makes me look forward to that book. Unfortunately, it's not due until April.. bah.

    semi-random comments on 'Web' itself:

    States started out a criminal? Huh. Guess the Praetorian's history must not be too far from the baseline.

    About the Dark Watcher's outfit - what exactly is a 'slouch hat'? ..and his long-distance call reminded me an awful lot of the Third Rock from the Sun TV series.

    Given how Recluse's eyesight changed I'd kinda expect a Peacebringer to have an advantage on him. Heck, Luminary may be able to solo him.

    I'm kinda surprised that Sister Psyche wasn't in the book - I had figured she was a co-founder of the Phalanx.

    Trying to follow the family tree here - the current Liberty would be Statesman's great-grandkid, right? The fourth in the line to have the Girdle of Hera?

    Fairly certain the Regulators will show up in the next book (it's set mid-80s), and hoping Blue Steel gets some time.. that guy's not used enough.
  15. Couple questions for Manticore if he's still reading this:

    Could you give a short backstory for Blue Steel and Ravenstorm? Those two are still pretty much unknowns.

    Is the redheaded Sister Psyche we know also an immortal, or just not actually the first to use the name? She doesn't look anywhere near eighty.

    of course, I don't think Brawler looks like he's over fifty either.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    er, on topic, I too would like to see "about this contact" or something on the trainer/TF npcs

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There is that option for the TF npcs, just not the trainers.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    And she can't be the first, States is over a 100 years old, how many sidekicks has he had? What were they're names? And most importantly, where are they now? I would realy like to know some of this stuff.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    One of his ex-sidekicks is a 45-50 contact.

    [ QUOTE ]
    On top of my last set of questions, is Blue Steel part of the Vindicators? All the other Vindicators are trainers, so it makes sense. I feel so sorry for Blue Steel. He's the trainer of an almost completely empty zone and doesn't even have an evil alternate dimesional clone. Poor Blue Steel.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    He was a founding Regulator according to the ingame plaques, but considering it was decimated in the war like the other groups, and Brawler apparently left it for the Phalanx, I think he's just a cop now.

    And he's gotta be at least 50, so if being good with a shield was all he had going for him he probably wouldn't do much superheroics anymore anyway. I'd still like to see more backstory on him, though.
  18. Guardsman


    [ QUOTE ]
    I also talked with an NCSoft rep who told me when they were shooting for. I don't know if I can repeat that though, sorry.
    Although, it may be before we are all "fools"

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Kinda figure they're aiming for March 21st, myself - it's when the ice was originally scheduled to melt, anyway, so they were probably planning on doing something then.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Have to say I dont agree with the change, but in the long run, your pleasing a larger fan base which is good.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Pleasing a louder one, anyway.

    Are there any plans to add higher settings to the reputation slider?
  20. Looking at the wallpapers there.. on this one, is it my perspective, or is the antennaed guy missing his right hand? His arm looks to end at the wrist.
  21. He did? The only thing I've seen about him was the badge and history plaque - if you know his story, please share.
  22. If the Nictus are put in as a separate archetype, they probably won't show up until City of Villians. That's not to say that there won't be both light and dark based Kheldians in issue 3 - after all, it's an archetype, not just a powerset. All the current archetypes have at least four choices for a primary, why should these only have one?
  23. Oh, excellent.

    I've always wondered why no flying Sky Raiders would spawn outdoors outside of ambushes.. Could you add Wing Raiders as well?
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Do the 100 killtask badges work? Do they only credit XP giving kills? Are they only for special types (ie, DE eminators) or are there "normal" killtask badges?

    "Banisher Defeat 100 Banished Pantheons None Yet"

    As 44, I went to DA and mashed a lot... didn't see anything moving.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Almost all of them are for specific types - the Pantheon is for their spirit bosses.
  25. The new tourism badge at the Atlas flag:
    Freedom - This flag was crafted from Statesman's cape and donated to Paragon City to replace the one destroyed by the invading Rikti. It now flies over Paragon City Hall to honor the sacrifice made by Hero 1 and the rest of Omega Team.