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  1. fragasm

    Tanker Update

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    3. Plain and Simple: The Tanker primary Taunt power should have always been like Provoke.

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    Thank you. Apprently some tanks disagree with you and would rather run willy nilly around the battlefield "tagging" mobs just so they can do their jobs. I prefer provoke.
  2. fragasm

    Debuff question.

    Smoke Grenade does not appear to stack from same caster. Is this by design geko?
  3. fragasm

    Tanker Update

    I'd prefer you change the seondary power pool Taunt to Provoke. It's really silly that a Tanker has to dip into a Power Pool to do their job. Your solution only gives us a way to Taunt if we hit it with a melee attack. We need a way to attract all mobs in an area to us. Provoke is the only way we can currently. We will still need Provoke (a PBAOE taunt) to Tank effectively.
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    Well, issue two was called "A Shadow of the Past", which just so happened to be the title of the second chapter of "The Fellowship of the Ring". Oh, and "Eastgate" is referenced as being part of Moria in the world of LoTR.

    So, going by the theory that the chapter titles refer to great works of literature, I did a little research into the new title: Issue 3 A Council of War.

    The only thing I could come up with is Treasure Island. Chapter 12 (1 plus 2 equals 3?) of Treasure Island is called Council of War.

    So, is this title a hint at the possibility of a water zone? Perhaps pirate villains? Or some sort of treasure?

    Just some speculation I'll put out there. Enjoy.

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    Very astute.

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    Hey Manticore! I did your TF 6 times. Where's my badge?
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    Blasters are only given "a few ways" to play this game. Btw, I still have my smoke grenade. Apparently you think it's useless now. But when you told me the hallmark of a great blaster is one who wades into melee, damn man I just can't regard you as an authority on this subject any longer. As far as I'm concerned your point of view is null and void after a statement like that. That might have been pre update 2 buddy, but that crap doesn't cut it in this brave new world of blasters. So great you leveled your 44 Ar/Dev back in the SG godmode days. Want a cookie? You still don't have a clue what high level blasters are facing in the game at this very point in time. Otherwise you wouldn't have made such a stupidly ludicrous statement like "the hallmark of a great blaster is one who wades in and melees". Oh Lord have mercy.

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    "A blaster who Wades into Melee" is a connotation of someone who doesn't understand Body-Positioning and Melee-Range as well as having no attention to Peripheral threats. I very specifically said that they should reserve Melee Attacks for "any minions/Lt's who strays into the middle of a group of heroes." AND also use any Cone-Range Melee against Groups of minions who are kept busy by a Tank, Pet, or well-suited Scrapper.

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    Oh ****, you aren't weaseling out of this one. Even if the blaster is perfectly safe to go in and melee such as against a held or taunted mob or whatever it's so much more efficient to blast at range rather than take the time to run up to the mob and melee it. Leave the melee to the tanker and scrapper please. I've seen six slotted melee attacks on blappers when I copied over to test and respec'd, it isn't worth the trouble. It never even comes close to the efficiency of a range attack.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Well one, Blasters do die from one hit in some cases, but overall that is not what i meant to convey. Blasters die extremely quickly. Death in 2 hits is very normal for a Blaster. It doesnt have to be a salvo from the entire group. One Lt or a few minions is enough to take down a Blaster in seconds.

    2 - Blaster attacks overall are great not just melee attacks (damage wise anyway) as well they should be. Damage is all a Blaster has. Take that away and a Blaster's got nothing left.

    2a - I disagree with your characterization of the Blaster as a support class. Support classes are classes not directly involved in the killing of enemies. The Blaster is directly involved in the killing of enemies.

    I would also counter this by saying that most of those other people dont play Blasters so they dont realize how frustrating it is to be dead before you realize what happened.

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    Punisher I told Statesman that the upper level blaster game is flawed already and his proposed "fix" of upping mob hp would make it 10x worse not only for blasters but for all classes. It looks like you agree. It has alot to do with drawing the most agro, yet being able to protect the least from it. Now I wasn't necessarily in favor of more defense for a blaster nor more offense. I think that is balanced. What I would like is for him to take a serious look at allowing the higher hp classes ways to control aggro more. Provoke being in a power pool is some silly nonsense. It should be in every Tanker primary. I want the tank classes to have more ways to draw the ire of the mobs away from a high damage character like the blaster. Taking away the blaster damage when that's all he brings is a path frought with account cancellations.
  7. Mob increase of hp is exactly how they are proposing to fix AoE. It's a terrible idea and will negatively affect every AT across the board.
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    You make it sound like Blasters die from one Hit. That's not true.

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    It sure as hell is true, especially if they are "hallmark great blasters who wade into melee". LOL.
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    Thank you. I was not aware of this. I play mainly with a mind control controller, so I know what his strengths are and put away the AE while I am playing with him. I find that my single target powers work well enough in those fights(although my single target powers are not as powerful as some other blasters I know as I am an electric blaster).
    I appreciate the insight

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    Oh definitely! A single target attacker and a mind controller make a great pair. But if you throw any kind of AoE blaster and a Mind Controller together there are some terrible conflicts with that synergy as you probably already realize.
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    You said that blasters should wait for a few seconds and let the tanker draw the aggro or let the controller set off some sort of hold for the group, and then blasters could AE? I am only arguing this point because as soon as the blaster uses an area effect power, it undoes the hold that the controller had on the mob. I play a blaster and use these powers infrequently because I would like the mob to remain immobile for as long as possible. Also, as damage dealers, blasters tend to draw more aggro than some of the other classes.

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    hi zephyra, that's only mind controllers using the sleep power. Normal controller holds will not come undone from damage. It's generally recognized that the mind controller is gimped because of this.
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    Dude we gotta leave this thread alone, it's turned into majority idiots from other ATs who have no clue how blasters are played. I am saddened by the amount of supposed blaster expertise I have witnessed in this thread.

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    Congrats, you're both Awarded the AssU&Me Badge because I DID take a Blaster up to 44. I've even been PM'd multiple times by people just like you screaming at me not to talk about blasters just because I now prefer to play a different AT.

    ... Admit that you only know a few ways to play this game and stop jumping anyone who plays it differently than you. That won't solve anything, just like quitting this thread because you're losing the battle of logic and getting frustrated...That won't accomplish much for yourselves because when logic prevails and changes are made, your closed minds will prevent you from staying on top of the gameplay alternatives and you won't know how to play effectively. Doubt me? Just look at any **/Dev blaster these days still spamming Smoke Grenade and then wondering why they die now to huge groups. ...come on back to Mainstream guys, please, we need you.

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    Blasters are only given "a few ways" to play this game. Btw, I still have my smoke grenade. Apparently you think it's useless now. But when you told me the hallmark of a great blaster is one who wades into melee, damn man I just can't regard you as an authority on this subject any longer. As far as I'm concerned your point of view is null and void after a statement like that. That might have been pre update 2 buddy, but that crap doesn't cut it in this brave new world of blasters. So great you leveled your 44 Ar/Dev back in the SG godmode days. Want a cookie? You still don't have a clue what high level blasters are facing in the game at this very point in time. Otherwise you wouldn't have made such a stupidly ludicrous statement like "the hallmark of a great blaster is one who wades in and melees". Oh Lord have mercy.
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    Great now tell me again why a blaster would WANT to melee in the first place? Stupidity folks, look it up.

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    I play with many blasters and defenders all over 29 who have their Melee attacks slotted up in many different ways. Putting some of them on Auto-attack is even better. They use them because they are quick, powerful, and low END cost compared to many of their ranged attacks. They are also a hallmark of a great player when used properly. Would you rather instead that Buildup gets Nerfed to the point that it doesn't work well enough with ANYTHING? ...Because that's exactly what will happen if you people FORCE the developers to make a Stealth-Nerf against your AlphaStrikes Vis a Minion HP increase. I don't want to see that either because it already takes my Scrapper and Controller too long as it is to deal with High Level minions... Both of my Avatars are Boss and LT killers, minions are a droll challengeless waste of Endurance for each of them as it is.

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    Dude you are talking nonsense. I'm sorry. You are saying the great blasters are the ones who wade into melee. God, this thread is making me ill. Trolls, the lot of ya.

    [/ QUOTE ]not troll. he's the man with the plan for perma debt.


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    Dude we gotta leave this thread alone, it's turned into majority idiots from other ATs who have no clue how blasters are played. I am saddened by the amount of supposed blaster expertise I have witnessed in this thread.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
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    Great now tell me again why a blaster would WANT to melee in the first place? Stupidity folks, look it up.

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    I play with many blasters and defenders all over 29 who have their Melee attacks slotted up in many different ways. Putting some of them on Auto-attack is even better. They use them because they are quick, powerful, and low END cost compared to many of their ranged attacks. They are also a hallmark of a great player when used properly. Would you rather instead that Buildup gets Nerfed to the point that it doesn't work well enough with ANYTHING? ...Because that's exactly what will happen if you people FORCE the developers to make a Stealth-Nerf against your AlphaStrikes Vis a Minion HP increase. I don't want to see that either because it already takes my Scrapper and Controller too long as it is to deal with High Level minions... Both of my Avatars are Boss and LT killers, minions are a droll challengeless waste of Endurance for each of them as it is.

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    Dude you are talking nonsense. I'm sorry. You are saying the great blasters are the ones who wade into melee. God, this thread is making me ill. As someone who has experienced this game on the high end I can tell you a blaster in melee is paste. One melee hit from MOST mobs at the upper end will kill a blaster. Get some perspective on this issue or be gone!
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    Hell no. You may as well but the last nail in the coffin after a move like that. most of can't even "afford" those worthless melee attacks that you want to FORCE us to use.

    Tankers/Scrappers= Melee attacks.

    And since when does a 6 slotted fire ball mean I don't let the tanker wade in swinging first? since when does it mean I don't wait for the controller to hold, the defencder to buff, the scrapper to scrap.

    This is bar none the dumbest [censored] post I've ever read on this forum. and that's saying a lot.

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    Case in point, Yet another Blaster who sees no fun in Strategical Melee Attacks, turns a blind Eye to Alpha-Strike soloing, and loathes the idea of being "Fire Support" as demonstrated by his Ego, Generalizations, and malicious comments on a creative/strategic soultion. News for him, only 4 Secondaries have Build-Up and New Changes coming to Tankers will ensure that Blasters can safely wade in and Melee side-by-side with a Tanker. It's called Synergy folks, look it up.

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    Great now tell me again why a blaster would WANT to melee in the first place? Stupidity folks, look it up.
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    Why is it being viewed as an "issue" to be "solved?"

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    How are you NOT viewing it as an issue that needs to be solved?

    They'd still be damage-dealers, just not as sick as they are. (Note sig, I know firsthand what I'm talking about) Besides, the current plan is to try to avoid actually nerfing damage anywhere. The boost in mob HPs should be enough to pad the effect... So you're not going to be able to take out swarms of +1 minions in a single alpha strike anymore. You'll still be doing more damage overall.

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    And what exactly have you accomplished by making alpha strikes against MINIONS impossible? What have you done besides slow the game down more for EVERYONE?
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    Once again Erratic you are busy telling us what "should" happen and we are telling you what *has* happened. Thousands of other people can see what they want, but they are not blasters. I mean seriously the way i see it what your doing is like trying to tell a bird what the sky should be like.
    Thats the difference. Your telling us what should happen. We are telling you what has happened.

    Your next comment is totally off the wall. Here is the quote.

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    The point is that as long as everything goes right, everyone is fine but if ONE thing goes wrong, its the Blaster that pays the price 99% of the time

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    Somehow you took from this that i meant blasters are safe 99% of the time. What freak slip of your mind caused you to think this i do not know. What i was actually saying is that as long as the group operates flawlessly (how often does that happen?) the blaster is ok, but if the group slips up in the slightest bit, the penalty for that usually lands squarely on the shoulders of the blaster.

    But the reality of the matter is that Blasters can get exp more safely and much of the time more quickly soloing or duoing then in a significant group. If you think that is arrogant or whatever i dont really care but that is the reality of the matter.

    You are however somewhat correct about One Shot although it happens more then you say it does, it doesnt happen as much as a lot of people say it does. One shot is usually something that Purple Bosses with big melee attacks do. Tank Swipers, Paragon Protectors, Crey Power Tanks, Rikti Bosses, ppl like that. Usually the way a Blaster hits the dirt fast is by being 2 shotted. The list of mobs that even at evencon will cut a Blaster's hp in half is long. (you will probably try to say that this never happens but it happens a lot)

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    This is truth, 99% of the time the blaster pays the penalty for a group slip up. Hence you'll find many blasters become disillusioned with grouping because they are the first to suffer. Not even Erratic can argue this. Even in his leet groups with the invincible blasters I am sure he can tell us that IF anyone dies it is almost certainly the blasters. Funny thing is, it isn't necessarily the blasters who screwed up. It's just that the blasters always has the majority of the aggro thus when a hole is found, an ff drops, a helaer falls asleep, a tanker isn't taunting...the blaster is the sacrifical lamb.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    The issue isn't that they do too much damage, its that the alpha strike aoe elemenates the fight all together. no need for crowd controll, no fight realy, just BAM XP!

    even if minion HP doubled (not saying it should just giving you a worse case scenerio) then blasters would be even MORE important to get through all that HP (plus the xp would go up, as statesman already said they're happy with present xp progression).

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    I agree, in fact I think it will make the game a lot better for everyone, but there can be no denying this creates difficulties for blasters. Currently many of the flaws in the AT are hidden by the ability to kill with alpha strikes, take that away and all these flaws come to the forefront.

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    But Moridin these alpha strikes are not happening in a group setting. If they are the xps are so low for those involved that it's not even worth noting. Alpha striking by blasters happens solo. If it's happening in a group then the group is not fighting things anywhere near their threshold.
  18. [ QUOTE ]

    The key to encouraging grouping is not in making soloing less attractive but in making grouping more attractive.

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    yes, Yes, YES!

    Make groups xp bonus about a metric ton worth more than it is now. Leave solo xp alone and AoEs alone.
  19. Very well put Gemini. Nerfing the offense of a blaster is no different that nerfing the defense of a Defender or the control of a Controller. And Statesman's idea of upping mob hit points whether people realize or not is in effect nerfing damage output of heroes. It just hurts blasters a tad bit more than other ATs because that's the only area we really shine in.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
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    Making mobs tougher and making our AOE weaker

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    Never said exactly this. My hope is that making mobs tougher ALONE would bring AOE damage into line. But, I'm still researching different methods to solving this problem.

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    Two worlds, DAMAGE CAP. An AoE ability should not do the same damage it does to 20 mobs that it does to 200 of them. At some point you have to call it enough. Do yer datamining and put a damage cap so after certian amounts of mobs, your damage will start to scale down. Until and unless you do this, AoE abilities will always be outright better than single target.

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    I think rather than nerfing AoE you should look more into nerfing herding. If mobs were not able to be herded into group of 200 then that crap wouldn't happen. Don't nerf the ability to do a small mob on the ability of some min maxing powerlevelers clever way to make his xp gain exponentially more efficient. This is the very root of nerfs and why they tick casual players off so damn much. The powerleveler will just find the next trick in the book and the casual player is left sucking wind.
  21. No, we're not going to explain to you why someone should be able to solo, for that answer you should ask Cryptic since they themselves advertised the game as such. Stop trying to force players into a box of what you like and accept that others might like something different.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    The issue isn't that they do too much damage, its that the alpha strike aoe elemenates the fight all together. no need for crowd controll, no fight realy, just BAM XP!

    even if minion HP doubled (not saying it should just giving you a worse case scenerio) then blasters would be even MORE important to get through all that HP (plus the xp would go up, as statesman already said they're happy with present xp progression).

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    I'm sorry but if a blaster is alpha striking mobs in a group setting then your group needs to seriously look into finding more challenging mobs. The xp you must be getting in a group like this is pittance.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
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    Yes, AOE damage is an issue. We're still looking at ways to solve this. So no changes are imminent.

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    Well if my AoE cannot kill it in one volley I'm not using it. So you might as well take AoE out of the game entirely. A blaster using AoE that will not kill in 1 volley is just asking for debt. The lowest hit point AT drawing the aggro of every single mob, yeah sounds like a great idea.

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    Thank you for proving the point.

    You have no clue how to play your AT or how the AT is supposed to fit in the game.

    If you over nuke, you die! Period... 1 on 1, a blaster will outblast a single foe, thats how it should be... AoE blasters should be just as group oriented as a controller or defender. You regelate yourself to a damage support AT that needs massive tank or controller help to not die...

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    Cryptic didn't advertise CoH as a group only game. Why again do I have to relegate myself to being a group only blaster? I rather think I know exactly how to play my AT, I never die solo. Only while in groups, perhaps it is other players who don't know how or don't have the toolsets to draw aggro off a blaster? Rather than nerf blasters or buffing mobs even more let's look at ways to give other ATs more aggro drawing abilities.