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  1. This is cool. Right now, I use combat jump to try and jump in front of them to nail em. If I time it right it works well.
  2. Blazewind

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    ok, how about a channel that merges different supergroups so they can all chat together? (maybe that's allegiance chat mentioned earlier?)

    Also, will we get extra char slots or will we have to delete existing if we wish to play the new unlocked ATs on the same server as our friends with Episode 3?
  3. Blazewind

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    Actually, any chance that supergroups will get a higher limit to the number you can have in one? 75 is not a lot when your friends want to have alts in the same group, and I can't imagine having enough in a single SG at the right level to do SG only task force missions.
  4. My questions:

    1. Will there ever be an increase to the max number of people you can have in your super group? 75 is pretty small when you have a group of friends who all have 8 characters they like to play with. I realize there was an idea to have task forces restricted to SG only, but it's really hard for the casual players to have enough people in the SG at the same level.

    2. Will blasters ever get better secondary skills that fit with their ranged focus? It's complete suicide for a blaster to try and get within melee range of enemies at higher level, and all but like 3 secondary skills require melee distance.

    3. Please clarify exactly what AoE is going to be tweaked, or perhaps give the situations you feel are worrisome so we don't freak out. If it's just the herding/nuking, then perhaps you need to tweak enemy AI instead of AoE power.