22 -
Yay cant wait > 3 months hurrah
YAY kiosks will finally be usable
Cryptic is doing Marvel and it will become a conflict of interest if they keep COX
Marvel probably pushed them to sell so they can do things "better" than COX and not have to go back and help COX get better too. THis is not to say COX will be as good or better than Marvel but marvel will see Marvel as better etc. -
The only problem I see with whom they put in test is the ones who have logged into test recently. The problem I have with that is as the person above has pointed out they are the PVPers mainly. These are not necessarily main stream COXers and will have an aggenda - PVP not PVE. Many would get rid of the PVE entirely - and make everything PVP - yes just look here in forums and ive overheard the same thing in game.
To me that means that there will be mostly suggestions on the new powers as how they apply to PVP not what a majority play. The new story lines will also get less attention as that is PVE content.
I think there should be a fairer way of doing it (meaning a better represetitive sample of the whole COX population) and yes those that report bugs should get in first because they are doing it normally not just skipping and going on.
P.S. No I am not in Beta and wish i were but I can wait.
yes i report bugs - but its been a while since ive found one not already mentioned. -
Stalkers not being able to do much at all.
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Moon Zone Yay
Moon cooperation Zone YAY
Save the moon for all not just the few
FMLF (Free Moon Liberation Front) -
Its not having PVP areas that bothers me it the changes made to the game to "Balance" the game and the People PVP brings to the gamer are much more childish on average - not all of them but most are more intersed in punking people and bragging how bad they are etc than in playing the game for fun.
Looks like customization of powers is still important to alot of players - - I know i'd love to be able to change a few powers
- one of the reasons i refuse to play radiation is the way the characters shoot eyebeams (can't stand)
I know it will be tough but it seems a large portion of the base would like this option -
I won't drop the game over this but it would be nice - now if the new marvel had custom powers and COX didnt then i would be upset. (notice marvel is NOT capitalized) -
I think its a great idea especially with oversight. I like the badge idea - maybe even a special ostume option (feather in ones cap so to speak)
Wait... Posi goofed?
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I take credit for the mistake, but blame the fact-checker for being sick that day.
I think I can now safely say that I have forgotten more about this game than most will ever know, and I proved it.
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Posi .. Posi.. Posi.. you'll never make a good politician. Taking the blame shame .. always put it on someone else.. the whole blame -
Well, good for you? I guess? The devs need to balance for how the rest of us play, and I'm just going to hazard a guess that most folks are not soloing trials and TFs in 30 minutes.
If a few farmers are swimming in rares, so what? Let em sell em at Wentworths. If, on the other hand, the devs decide to nerf drop rates because of posts like this, it'll just bring added frustration to the majority of players.
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I agree completely -- if some idiot(s) wants to ruin his experience by farming so be it but if they destroy my fun because the devs design for them like in so many games (DDO Comes to mind) then I take offense.
Design for the people playing for fun not for the exploiters !!!!
They are WORTHLESS and are the minority!!!!! -
I see another problem with the limited pools and Storyarcs ie if you run storyarcs and not get the recipe you want then do a different one and same thing - pretty soon you outlvl the story arc and now your done.
Also I have a 50 that has completed every stopryarc available early the COH history (pre issue 3 or 4) but one (has the souvaneers to prove it) it is impossible to do that now as you level so much faster at lower levels now than you used to.
So even if i was allowed to go back and complete old storyarcs he would be outta luck -
This bit wasn't on the Euro version! I was wondering what 'Measure X' was!
... hey, what IS 'Measure X'?
Also: 'Emmert News Corporation'. Heee!
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PORK (a political term look it up) -
MMMMM Deadlands MMO !!
Where do I sign up
Please please let me know I'm there
EQ, EQ2, DDO, Old News!!
COX and Deadlands the Future YAY
I started a Deadlands game the 1st month it came out and have been a fan ever since
COOL Its gonna be an MMO
Lol i forgot WOW (tells you my opinion of that game doesn't it -
i remember frontloaded missions, oranges at the door and a gray boss, i remember making jokes about quotas.
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LOl Yeah i remember finally getting to steel Canyon with my first blaster. My 1st mission (soloing) i walked into a building and there was the biggest robot i had ever seen and he fired and i died!!
Can't say how many times i died and tried again and again and again. Funny thing was once i killed him the rest of the mission was nothing :-)
Now I look back (now lvl 50 for almost two years now) and think that "Big" Robot was just a minor clockwork boss -
IF I may make a suggetion, Make a museum where a hero is put for every COH player ho is currently stationed in a war zone and a perminant place for any who dont come back-- a tribute to the REAL heroes of the world
I ve played alot of Blasters and a few defenders
This set definately has the feel of a blaster set with out the damage. It seems to be similar to the Ice or Devices secondary meaning it has holds and slows etc not at all like any Defender secondaries -- actually it seems to be a very week defender--
no heals
no buffs
just holds
Great set just in the wrong Architype -
Scrappers do more damage than blasters because they are in melee and thus in a more dangerous situation-- then how come the archetype that dies 10 times more often is the blaster??
The Blaster is ALWAYS the first to fall and many times the only one cause he cant take a hit. one range stunning hit and they are all over him and at 35 + stunning hit happen alot.
So the logic is beyond insane. -
Try getting kill 45 Crey in Rikti Crash site and there you not only have move problemss but you have large groups of Rikti 2-3 lvl above me tp'ing right on top of you in an instant --SS is fun there you run around and set off all the tping rikti and see them appear before you(beware getting stunned or your DEAD DEAD DEAD and Crey are almost impossibe to find except the occasional sniper (and he usually finds you Lol)
From what ive heard the ideas are great as long as they do enough Damage/Defence/hold. Wimping them out like some hope would mean respecting out of them after i try them out and going back to what i have.
The people who worry about group play being lost have NEVER played above 41 in their life cause it is IMPOSSIBLE to take a at lvl or lvl -1 Pretorian AV Solo. A Tank even give the blasters best blast and full So's cant take one.
They are tough and they regenerate FAST .
In addition it affects very few Characters in the game anyway- you have to play a long time (or ALOT) to get a char to 41+ and that alone limits who it affects. So why all the whining i dont understand- especially from low lvl Characters that it will not affect in the least? -
This seems to becoming a game of wimpout ie if you are a blaster and you use your powers--- you die. If you sit back and let otheres kill and shoot a single target power once in a while you live and gain exp. Please explain how this is good.
If i group and i fire my AOE's the its a guarenteed death for me--though everyone else loves it cuase they still get full exp.
and i do enough damage before i die so they can survive. I have been in multiple groups since issue 2 and the ONLY ones dieing on a regular basis are blasters. No matter that i have a Defender(empathy) who's full time job now is to heal me and she can't keep up even with me jumping around dodgeing badguys. I HAVE RACKED UP AN IMPRESSIVE 1/4 TO 1/2 MILLION DEBT IN JUST UNDER A WEEK (and yes the cap is below that but i have NEVER been out of debt since issue 2 came out and atm i expect that i will be spending twice the exp to gain a lvl that everyone else does for the rest of my career. I amwatching everyone else gain lvls and wish i had chosen a diff char type when we started cause they are already having to sk me so i can play is that fair.
Figured i' d make it up soloing when noone else was on but
Since issue 2 i can no longer even solo some of my missions-- i am lvl 32 and a boss on a mission (red) kills me every time (ie even with cj,cloak, smoke and acrobatics he hits me EVERY time and takes 1/3 to 1/2 my hit points (ranged) and 3/4 to all at point blank. i have tried everything inc trip mines(he creates swarms that trigger them ahead of him) to kill him but forget
CONGRATS you whiners you have what you wanted blasters have NO defences and we die to make you happy.
Yes i admite we do ALOT of damage but it doesn't help us now just you. i have done 2000+ points to a mob but i died shortly there after as the tank count keep agro and the defender couldnt heal me fast enough. I help the party kill the mob but it cost me more exp to do it than it was worth(for me)
So as i stated maybe i should go and just hit my single target attack onbce in a while and reap the exp and let others kill them and i gain the benifits----a game of wimpout---(and i have watched and kicked blasters who do this -- but they are becoming more common.wonder why?
Enough complaining. I just wish things hadn't changed it was so fun before now its just frustrating.
The rest of issue 2 is cool the capes and such.