Discussion: Issue 11 Closed Beta




Please use this thread to discuss the following announcement:

On Tuesday, October 9th we have updated the Test Servers to our current build of Issue 11 and limited the access to those servers to a select group of testers. We have e-mail notification going out to that group of testers shortly, but if you patch up and can connect and log all the way on to the Training Room Test Server, well then you are in.

Selection to be included in the closed beta test of Issue 11 is pretty straightforward. We have selected testers who were helpful with previous closed betas and also included accounts who had recently logged into the Training Room.

Of course, there will be people who didn’t get into the closed beta who want to be. Please keep in mind that we will be opening up the Issue 11 beta test for everyone in the near future. We are not expecting a lengthy closed beta for Issue 11. There will be development cycles for both phases of beta to take feedback and incorporate that into the Issue as we work to polish it up for Live. The closed beta gives us a smaller, more manageable group of public testers and a test environment that, because it is closed, we can iterate much faster on. This results in a higher level of polish to the features when we take things to open beta and ultimately a better experience when we go Live.

Our advance thanks for your understanding with the beta process. We will be making regular updates to the Training Room Test Server forum as the beta proceeds to keep everyone informed of what is happening.

EDIT: Also, please refrain from pestering beta testers for information about the closed beta. We ask them not to discuss the details of the closed beta test, because the point of keeping it closed is to allow us a much faster, looser testing environment. Thanks!

EDIT: REMINDER! Issue 11 is still in Closed Beta. As such, current features are not complete and still work in progress. Thanks for keeping that in mind when discussing the Issue.

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



Pick me



On Tuesday, October 9th we have updated the Test Servers to our current build of Issue 11 and limited the access to those servers to a select group of testers. We have e-mail notification going out to that group of testers shortly, but if you patch up and can connect and log all the way on to the Training Room Test Server, well then you are in.

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And when I send a notice like this to my users, they say I am belittling them.

I say, if you try it and it works, be happy.

Thanks for the notice Light, will have to try when I get home.

hope hope hope hope

Question: If we get in, and don't see access to the closed beta forum, do we contact you or Ex?

Conversely, if we see access to the closed beta forum, but don't have access to the test server, who do we contact?

Sometimes, I impress my boss. Sometimes, I impress myself. The rest of the time, I scare people. I can live with that.



Quick question:

Things anyone can log on to the Training Room to see like costume pices, weapons, and power names are they OK to discuss?

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



We have e-mail notification going out to that group of testers shortly, but if you patch up and can connect and log all the way on to the Training Room Test Server, well then you are in.

[/ QUOTE ]

So am I correct in saying that the majority of the testers probably haven't gotten a notification yet?

My Toons
Apocalypse86 50 Fire/energy blaster Triumph
Menace Mech (FKA Burning Gundam) 50 Bots/FF Mastermind Protector
Celestial Striker 43 Peacebringer Triumph
Mind Slice 35 Mind/King Controller Triumph
Obsidian Assassin 30 Night Widow Protector



Yay, i11 on Test soon!

I wanna make a Will/Wrench tanker so bad!



Dernit. Stuck at work!

*looks at empty inbox*






"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



Quick question:

Things anyone can log on to the Training Room to see like costume pices, weapons, and power names are they OK to discuss?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, just expect some people who aren't aware that it's public information to come back with "hey, don't talk about Fight Cl...err, beta"

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



We have e-mail notification going out to that group of testers shortly, but if you patch up and can connect and log all the way on to the Training Room Test Server, well then you are in.

[/ QUOTE ]

So am I correct in saying that the majority of the testers probably haven't gotten a notification yet?

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Correct. The e-mail spooling just got going about an hour ago.

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



(NOT in cb, just did the character creator thing)
ok love the new weapons, particularly tech mace, didnt notice any new costume sets, but might have overlooked them. rapier is bad [censored]. oh and i anticipate willpower being very popular, built in "stamina" and help with psy. ill have to give it a whirl when i get in in open beta(i never get in, i have made peace with it.)



We have e-mail notification going out to that group of testers shortly, but if you patch up and can connect and log all the way on to the Training Room Test Server, well then you are in.

[/ QUOTE ]

So am I correct in saying that the majority of the testers probably haven't gotten a notification yet?

[/ QUOTE ]

Correct. The e-mail spooling just got going about an hour ago.

[/ QUOTE ]





"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



(NOT in cb, just did the character creator thing)
ok love the new weapons, particularly tech mace, didnt notice any new costume sets, but might have overlooked them. rapier is bad [censored].

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't forget the Fantasy Mace. Wow, that thing looks like something Sauron would put on his wishlist for Christmas. Full recolor ability, too. With all the options for Mace, I have a feeling Will/Mace might become a very popular Tanker build in I11.

It amuses me a little too much to repaint the Frankengun Assult Rifle to actually look like a Super Soaker. Just a splash of neon green and red and bingo. Instant Super Soaker.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



On Tuesday, October 9th we have updated the Test Servers to our current build of Issue 11 and limited the access to those servers to a select group of testers. We have e-mail notification going out to that group of testers shortly, but if you patch up and can connect and log all the way on to the Training Room Test Server, well then you are in.

[/ QUOTE ]

And when I send a notice like this to my users, they say I am belittling them.

I say, if you try it and it works, be happy.

Thanks for the notice Light, will have to try when I get home.

hope hope hope hope

Question: If we get in, and don't see access to the closed beta forum, do we contact you or Ex?

Conversely, if we see access to the closed beta forum, but don't have access to the test server, who do we contact?

[/ QUOTE ]

Contact me in both of those examples Janlee. Also for those that have been in previous beta's we have moved the closed forum to the bottom of the forums page. From the main view you can hit your end key to drop to the bottom of the forum listing.




Hey Ex, I know I haven't hit the test server of late, but I've still been trying to send inmy regular bug reports regardless on live. Try n keep me in mind, I wanna help out in any way I can. if you've already pre-selected.. well I can hope.

COMING SOON: A new Epic that will change the way you see Arachnos...
Brought to you by @Equation



Is/was there a stupulation of becomming a beta tester?

I ask this because I beta tested both CoH and CoV but had never been asked to help with any of the issues.

No I'm not complaining, just asking.



Selection to be included in the closed beta test of Issue 11 is pretty straightforward. We have selected testers who were helpful with previous closed betas and also included accounts who had recently logged into the Training Room.

[/ QUOTE ]

I can has beta tester?

I am guardedly optimistic. I was in the last one and actually tested and bugged stuff, plus I was on test a couple days ago actually testing something.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



post you beta-ers post!!

[Edit] Err, right, betas are under NDAs... blast.



The devs say that they have a system for choosing beta testers, but they don't want to reveal what it is for fear of people trying to work the system.

However, if you beta-tested I9 or I10, then chances are you'll be in the I11 beta.

[edit] oh, and none of the testers are allowed to post anything about the beta because of an NDA

My Toons
Apocalypse86 50 Fire/energy blaster Triumph
Menace Mech (FKA Burning Gundam) 50 Bots/FF Mastermind Protector
Celestial Striker 43 Peacebringer Triumph
Mind Slice 35 Mind/King Controller Triumph
Obsidian Assassin 30 Night Widow Protector



Here goes nothing...time to start patching.



unsure if this is best to say it, but found a bug already, was looking through costume options, and gladius under dual blades is not showing as visable in hero creator, please delete this and move it as nessasary as I haven't checked to see if I'm in closed beta. it looks like I'm holding air though.

COMING SOON: A new Epic that will change the way you see Arachnos...
Brought to you by @Equation



Is/was there a stupulation of becomming a beta tester?

I ask this because I beta tested both CoH and CoV but had never been asked to help with any of the issues.

No I'm not complaining, just asking.

[/ QUOTE ]


Sometimes, I impress my boss. Sometimes, I impress myself. The rest of the time, I scare people. I can live with that.



The devs say that they have a system for choosing beta testers, but they don't want to reveal what it is for fear of people trying to work the system.

However, if you beta-tested I9 or I10, then chances are you'll be in the I11 beta.

[edit] oh, and none of the testers are allowed to post anything about the beta because of an NDA

[/ QUOTE ]

Well I'm assuming that the only way you wuold get a invite to beta test the issues is if you have already done it before. so that basically jsut cancels out everyone except the select few they chose before. Reguardless of what else you have beta tested (in some people's cases beta testing the game before it launched)

Which is silly imo.



Lighthouse stated in the first post what they are currently using to select closed beta testers.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

List of Invention Guides



unsure if this is best to say it, but found a bug already, was looking through costume options, and gladius under dual blades is not showing as visable in hero creator, please delete this and move it as nessasary as I haven't checked to see if I'm in closed beta. it looks like I'm holding air though.

[/ QUOTE ]

some of the katanas are not matching right with hands either(EDIT: for women only, men it fits fine). and the gladius seems to be not in the game yet, havent had it show up at all, and on broad sword the kopesh and the falcatta are bugged right now too.