Discussion: Issue 11 Closed Beta




Yes, Flavius, it works that way for everyone: we can all do the "make a new character" stuff, it's only when we try to actually Enter Paragon City (or wherever) that we get the boot applied to our backsides.

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Guess you missed the quote. According to it, if I can log into the test server, then I should be in closed beta. I can log all the way into the test server, so according to that, I should be in closed beta. Though when my character tries to enter a playable zone, then I am booted. If this is happening to you too, then according to the quote, you should be accepted into closed beta, but like me are getting kicked out when the zone tries to load.

Incidentally. I can log in, with a character I already have. I just cannot log in with a new one. This is why I am saying it is weird.

(reading... Its fundamental)



But, doesnt it go live tomorrow? XD Doesnt matter I cant get it to even open today so I had to delete and redownload all. XD

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No, Halloween Event goes Live tomorrow. Issue Eleven won't go live until at LEAST mid-November.



Yes, Flavius, it works that way for everyone: we can all do the "make a new character" stuff, it's only when we try to actually Enter Paragon City (or wherever) that we get the boot applied to our backsides.

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Guess you missed the quote. According to it, if I can log into the test server, then I should be in closed beta. I can log all the way into the test server, so according to that, I should be in closed beta.

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But you can't log "all the way in" - can you? ALL the way means, clicking that "enter the rogue isles" / "enter paragon city" button. You and I both get stopped at the very very last step.

Incidentally. I can log in, with a character I already have. I just cannot log in with a new one. This is why I am saying it is weird.

(reading... Its fundamental)

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If anything, that is a bug.

LEt me put it to you another way: you are only actually in teh beta if you got an email inviting you to it. If you can actually enter Paragon / the Rogue Isles, with ANY character, and haven't gotten an email?

Do the honest thing, and send a PM to Ex Libris about it, seeking to confirm your inclusion in the Beta.



In open beta, a lot of people play the set, and when the set is fixed to perform in the level it was intended, thousands of people cry "NERF!!!"

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Only thousands?

NCIS: Best gorram show in the 'verse.



In open beta, a lot of people play the set, and when the set is fixed to perform in the level it was intended, thousands of people cry "NERF!!!"

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Only thousands?

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Well, the articulate yet hotheaded thousands cry nerf; then you have others who go into a long diatribe about cryptic and the mating habits of baboons, not to mentions the weird fascination that pops up with the little know leet creature.



Is I11 in open beta yet?



nope they'll anounce when it is



Good luck getting on when it is. All the wanna be Drizzt clones will flock to it.



True but I look forward to slagging the "durned elf" wannabes



Aren't we all?



Is I11 in open beta yet?

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it is *now*! (as of "This afternoon") Thus spracht Lighthouse

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Shouldn't that be either 'Also Spracht Lighthouse' or "Thus Spake Lighthouse'?