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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CommunistPenguin View Post
    The devs should sell a clanket as a real world item. Have a version for the major groups. Im sure people would buy them.
    I would, given the funds to do so and the opportunity to use those funds to do so.

    Hell, I've demonstrated my willingness to shell out cash for shinies (fancy stuff based on stuff, not clickables in missions ) already, just bought a Homestuck shirt. And I like CoH more than I like HS (by a slim margin, HS is a pretty awesome webcomic), so there ya go.
  2. OmegaX

    Hello Virtue!

    Let me be the first (if no one posts while I'm typing this) to welcome you to our humble server, and the forum section dedicated to it. Hope you enjoy your stay.
  3. Well then, if I'm able, I'm definitely going to be doing that. This could be fun, and enlightening (more story info and lore stuff), besides just being a 'rocket to 50' like I mistakenly implied I wanted (do want that rocket to 50, but don't want it just -because- it's a rocket to 50).

    EDIT: What time/s of day are you looking at for this stuff? Didn't see it in the OP or your other posts. Might just have not been looking hard enough (so I'll go back and check again), or the info may have been omitted...
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
    So much wrong that it's almost funny.
    Not quite. Based on the post you agreed with, it sounds like the 'whiny leetle babies' one.

    Originally Posted by Chaos_String View Post
    Hilarious offtopic angryface post not defensive enough. 7/10.

    Needs larger chip on shoulder.
    So just because I want RPers to be looked at as people and not 'in-game sexually overactive and/or deviant', I'm being 'defensive'? Maybe in the sense that I'm 'defending' the (huge) portion of RPers who have no interest in putting smut in their RP sessions, and don't confuse OOC with IC, yeah.
  5. Think running all the Blueside stuff on your list would take a 22 up to high enough (50) to actually get Incarnate stuff from running the trials for that (and be able to make use of it)?

    Either way I'm probably in, but especially if it'll do that. I've never had a 50 since base-game beta (7 long years), and now with actual endgame content, plus the looong wait, I want one!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
    ...are you on Virtue?
    And what does that have to do with anything?

    Are you implying that all Virtuites are trolls?

    Or that we're all whiny leetle babies?

    Or I guess there's the possibility that you're a Virtuite and you're asking because you want to /ignore @global the OP... But that's less likely, because they never gave their global.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
    Well, it'd be a bit odd to give away such a major twist in the trailer, I'm expecting it'll be something else and that scene was included to do what a trailer is designed to do, get people talking.
    Maybe she's gonna throw the Doctor's new catchphrase back in his face... I can hear it now: "I wear an eyepatch now. Eyepatches are cool."
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    However I wouldn't put it past them to kill off Back Alley Brawler. Let's face it. Out of all of them, he's the one showing his age. So going out in a blaze of glory might be more to BABs style.

    Still, he's in the LRSF as being alive in the future, and Synapse going out in a heroic fashion would be awesome as well.
    They've retconned stuff before. Praetoria upon GR release, anyone? Used to just be "Primal Earth with a goatee", now even the missions where Primal Earth heroes go there are more gray-area'd, at least from what I've read.

    Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
    Yes, and while everyone is focused on who is dying, the text on the e-mail being sent out says "could die". Emphasis on the could part. I doubt anyone will actually die, but hey, that's jaded old me.
    This. Just... this.
  9. LIGHT isn't magic-based, but welcomes magic-based characters (and anyone, though the core of the team is and will always be specifically light-based hero concepts - light as in illumination, not as in good - but again, everyone is welcome).

    Also, if I had a heavier dose of altoholism (ie: able to run multiple characters in the same timeframe, rather than play one until a new concept/the urge to play an old one strikes me), Ars Nova Mystica would be very welcoming to all heroes of a magickal background, having been founded by what amounts to a young arch-mage in training.
  10. Name's already done, but thanks, that would have been a good one, might use it somewhere down the road if no one else snags it.

    Next time I'm in game, I'll send the tell.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
    It's per account.
    And you keep anything you ever paid for or earned, including Vet Rewards, costume stuff, and character slots. The devs said so themselves, repeatedly, in several threads about this.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    I'm really hoping that River doesn't turn out to be Eyepatch Woman since that would be so stupidly obvious as to be insulting, but given the cliffhanger we were given in the midseason finale I don't have very high expectations.
    3 River Songs out there (River, Eyepatch, and Melody Pont)? Seems unlikely, but the Grand Moff may just try it... Never know...
  13. Redname post, and my post including the title still stands. Interesting, @ all the people saying we couldn't say it.

    Guess it could just be that Freitag just skimmed, but as a community moderator, that seems like shoddy work, so I'm forced to assume it's perfectly fine.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by catwhowalksbyhimself View Post
    I found a star emblem that I think works better than the torch. Just my opinion--it's ultimately up to you.
    Give me a screenie or show me whenever we actually manage to meet in-game, and I'll make a decision on it. I liked several of the star emblems myself, but the torch works on multiple levels (a source of light, shows that fire powers are included as 'light', implies 'we bear the torch of justice', and is representative of, without ripping off, the Green Lantern Corps' stylized lantern). It's a placeholder for now, though, because I have several stars, between my preferences and the one you found, to consider as well as the torch itself.
  15. Triplepost ahoy! Sorry, just want to make sure people who have already read the last two posts see this. The following pics (don't worry about the colors, you're welcome to retain your own colorscheme when not in Supergroup Mode, you only need to fly our colors when you're officially representing us) are examples of the uniform.

    The first one:

    is just to show that you're welcome to wear whatever costume parts you please in 'casual heroics' mode, that form is all about freedom of expression. Should you choose to wear our uniform in that form, you're welcome to, but you don't have to.

    The second:

    is the official 'serious business time' uniform. In this mode, wearing at least the upper-body piece (chest section, with emblem in SG mode, your choice outside of it) is mandatory, but freedom of expression anywhere else.

    There's a third mode, but right now that's exclusive to Spektra, as both leader and a Peacebringer. It's sort of 'bio-tech meets superhero', like Blue Beetle's armor or some of the more epic ring constructs some of the GL characters have done. Photos forthcoming (for opinions more than anything), but don't feel like you have to emulate the look - once you have a third costume slot, whether it be by level-30 mish or Halloween salvage, that one is up to you what to do with, just try to make it look good and not awkward with the SG colors.
  16. Want to attend, but may be out... Ah well, if I make it I make it. If I do, it'll probably be around the 8pm EDT (so 9 from my perspective) one.
  17. Staying until I start to get bothered by the Freebs, which will likely be never, because they're basically just trial accounts with the ability to ding 50 and the chance to buy off some of their restrictions later down the line. Also, may not be able to switch, depending on financial situation I may have to drop to Premium at some point.
  18. Apologies (both for the double-post again and for what I'm about to say), but circumstances kept me out of the game, and now I have to log off and sleep, as it's 5am where I am. So unfortunately, any /t and /sginvite will have to happen tomorrow. I look forward to working with you folks, and long live the LIGHT.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
    Due to the title of the name I'll not link to it.
    Is it "Knights of Badassdom"? Badass isn't exactly 'oh my stars! *faints*' language anymore.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Boomie View Post
    Oh hell yeah. WAY better than any version that idiot M. Night could come up with.
    Actually, Night did alright. Not great, but alright. Helps that he and his kids are fans of the series. Though there were certainly some glaring inconsistencies/errors, but overall, he did alright.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by catwhowalksbyhimself View Post
    I would also like to point out for any others that might be interesed, that you can stretch out the light them to fit a variety of ATs and powersets, so dont' pass this up because you think it too restricted.

    Any energy, fire, or even dark, if properly recolored would work nicely. Shields and any weapons can be said to be special weapons made of solid light or somesuch. In addition, you could also go the Superman route and say your powers are fueled by light even if not directly light based.

    Just some suggestions.

    Also might I suggest a uniform of some kind. Make it a bit like the Green lantern uniform--a general, well recognized color sceme and emblem individualized to fit each character. Maybe something yellow and white?

    EDIT: The Living Lightray is now in game.
    All good suggestions, actually. Fire was included from the get-go (if only 'visibly' shown by the SG emblem, a torch, and the names of some of the SG ranks - Torch, Flame, Ember, it's still included as part of the concept due to fire giving off light), and Dark powers could fit too, in either the way you said, or simply by saying that you're 'forcing the light out of the area'.

    The official uniform at this point is (basic version) just following a white/yellow colorscheme (the official colors can be found in the SG Uniform options) on whatever costume parts you may choose, or ('action mode'/'srs bzns mode') Justice costume parts, with the 'design' (the almost bird-shaped part, and the parts of the rest of the pieces that connect to it) and the glove/boot trim in yellow/gold and the rest in white. Cape not needed, but any cape in the appropriate colorscheme is permitted. Display of SG emblem is optional but suggested, the handle of the torch preferably in a color that's easy to see against the yellow/gold color. Any colors welcome on the emblem, although the flame should be a shade of yellow, white, or orange. I'll post screenshots later for examples.

    Next time I'm in-game (shortly), a sginvite will be shot off to Living Lightray, and a /t to @Dinah Might if she's in-game at the time. Anyone else who wants in may post here, PM me, /t Spektra, or /t (or /email) @Theta.
  22. So I'm having some troubles with my popmenus (the ccemotes one I added to the file by mistake, it wasn't made or edited by me, but by Snow Globe. Also added quickchat by mistake, that one works fine. The rest are mine, and not working, though). I hoped someone here could look them over and either fix and send back, or at least tell me where I went wrong. I copied someone else's and modified it for my own powersets.

    Thanks in advance, anyone who helps me out here.
  23. Thanks, that helps with at least part of my request. Hoping someone does (or links to pre-done) ones for the other stuff, but even if not, this is cool. Thanks again.
  24. So I was wondering: I'm horrible with coding stuff, but between this and popmenu macros/custom popmenus (as described in the custom popmenu thread linked a few pages back), would someone be able to write/bundle a good GR/Magic booster/Cyborg booster Peacebringer set (like human form primary powers in one popmenu ready to be macro'd, secondary in another, squiddle-form (nova) powers in another, dwarf-form powers in another, booster powers in another (like mystic fortune/self-destruct), inherent flight in another (energy flight/group energy flight), superspeed (flurry/hasten/ss/whirlwind) in another, costume-change emotes/booster emotes and /e facepalm and doublefacepalm added to the default quickchat)? It would be most appreciated. Doesn't have to be exactly this structure, doesn't even really have to happen, but it'd be nice. That way I can free up some quickslots, keep my most-used powers out in the bar, and be able to access less-used powers without having to fill up all my quickslots and have a screen full of bars...

    Thanks in advance, to anyone who does take up the challenge.