Time Travel




We already implemented Time Travel...

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Um, what mission takes me back to before my first marriage?



We already implemented Time Travel...

Wait, we haven't yet? What year is this? 2004! Oh... um, ignore me.

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That means we already have it in the future! So we just have to wait so they can add it...but we already have it in the...future...but not...yet...I mean...

Ow, paradoxes always give me a headache.

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Unless you take the parallel quamtum dimensions theory, where each event that could have multiple outcomes - does. Each out come becomes a new "reality" and you could skip between "realites" that are out of time-sync. So, it's not really time travel... but it's close.

Read Timeline (don't see the movie) to have a clue what I'm talking about.



Sounds interesting. I like the idea of being trapped in time, perhaps even the time in which Boomtown or something was under attack. And make it so that you have to actually find something, with no help from the contacts, to be able to go back. That sounds like fun.



Considering that 1 day = 1 hour, hell it's got to be at least 2030 by now! My superspeed is getting slower by the minute!

Can we get a walker or wheelchair when we hit 50?



Well, as long as SS is capped at 85mph, 3 under the needed 88mph, we won't be getting anywhere with time travel, even though I'm pretty sure an eletric blaster of high level could produce the 1.21 Jiggawatts necessary.

I will say this though, time travel, while cool when used properly, can be an awful can of worms to open. I mean, when Star Trek shows had to introduce the "Temporal Prime Directive", you know you've taken the whole time travel gimmick a bit too far. Tread carefully CoH devs, or at least go back in time and fix it before we know its out of hand.

global: @SuperSean

Undersecretary of Awesome



"1.21 Jiggawatts?!"



"1.21 Jiggawatts?!"

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Lol, was just waiting to see that. hehe, thanks.

global: @SuperSean

Undersecretary of Awesome



"1.21 Jiggawatts?!"

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Lol, was just waiting to see that. hehe, thanks.

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Just doing my duty sir.



Well it has been awhile since I have seen that movie, but wasn't the 1.21 Jiggawatts needed to make the flux compassitor work.
So even with 1.21 Jiggawatts you would still need to get to 88mph. Perhaps with a SB or two you might with SS.



We already implemented Time Travel...

Wait, we haven't yet? What year is this? 2004! Oh... um, ignore me.

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LOL! A Christopher Stasheff fan, perchance?

Exactly when can you file a patent for time travel?

Still here, even after all this time!



We already implemented Time Travel...

Wait, we haven't yet? What year is this? 2004! Oh... um, ignore me.

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That means we already have it in the future! So we just have to wait so they can add it...but we already have it in the...future...but not...yet...I mean...

Ow, paradoxes always give me a headache.

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Unless you take the parallel quamtum dimensions theory, where each event that could have multiple outcomes - does. Each out come becomes a new "reality" and you could skip between "realites" that are out of time-sync. So, it's not really time travel... but it's close.

Read Timeline (don't see the movie) to have a clue what I'm talking about.

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Well in true quamtum dimensions string theory...
Time does not really exist. Its just a mesurment of change and that as all strings fold onto themselves everything that has and can happen is happeing at a single point (same with space dimensions). The only thing that keeps us from seeing te efuture is our own limited perseption (for some reason).



We already implemented Time Travel...

Wait, we haven't yet? What year is this? 2004! Oh... um, ignore me.

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I don't care if it's time travel, dimension travel, flashback, flash-foward.... I just wanna fight a DINOSAUR!

Yes, a Dinosaur.


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We need super advanced reptoids......



Hehe it would be interesting if the "time travel" element involved you char, you would be basically be reverse sk'ed for the mission back to an early level and made to fight hellions or sumptin'.



"1.21 Jiggawatts?!"

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OMG! You hit my #1 pet peeve of what is a truley GREAT movie!

It's not a "Jiggawatt" like they say in the movie... it's a "Gigawatt" (one billion watts). Just like you're hard drive has "Gigabytes" (one billion bytes... sorta. It's actually 1073741824 bytes, but now we're getting into 8-bit counting and that's a different subject )

... I'm not sure what made me do that, but I do feel better now!

(also extra ironic that I just finished the Ubelman arch just last night)



Id like to beable to go play in the hazard zones before they were hazard zones doing missions there and so forth.

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That'd be pretty awesome... Faultline pre-Faultline....

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This would be really awesome. The story arc where Faultline BECOMES faultline, and you are in the middle of it trying to evacuate the civilians?!



During the PCC event, didn't Cuppajo and the crew ask a few times whether us heroes would like the chance to travel back to fight during the Rikti Invasion?

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You're standing over the fallen archvillain, apparently foiling his diabolical plot. Suddenly the klaxons ring, clarion, throughout the metal hallways. A portal opens violently. Energy torrents from the rip in space-time sending your team to the hard, plate-steel floor. A form falls through, torn and gasping, sillouheted in the shimmering gateway.

Hero 1, fallen legend of Paragon City, heaves his weight from the floor. His breathing labored, his body beaten, he stumbles toward you. He falters and falls, propping his body up by his arms alone.

"I made it. You must help, there's no time. I've come forward to find heroes..."

You kneel down and your teammates gather around.

"Go through the portal, go back and save Paragon... the battle is lost without you... But be warned... If you lose, you will never return..."

You look at your friends.

"It is more than anyone should ask," gasps Hero 1, his eyes fluttering, "it's more than anyone should give..."

The legend's eyes focus on something more distant than the cavernous ceilings of the chamber. His body shudders and all light leaves his face.

You have witnessed the end of Hero 1. He has given his life to find heroes who can stop the Rikti. He has told you that if you fail, you will not be coming back to the hospital. You will simply cease to be.

Your friends look at each other, and then to you, the leader of the Task Force. You know this one if for keeps. You look down at the cape worn by Hero 1. Your own cape flutters around your calves in the breeze generated by the portal.

Well? What say you... hero?

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Do I have enough time to get Lotto results to give to my grand daddy?
Nice text, though.



I like to see Time Travel allowed for you to go back and visit your past contacts that you have already outleveled but not complete the missions/arc for. I know that the Devs are working on flashbacks, but I think Time Travel would be the perfect application for you to go and do your past missions.



Id like to beable to go play in the hazard zones before they were hazard zones doing missions there and so forth.

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That'd be pretty awesome... Faultline pre-Faultline....

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This would be really awesome. The story arc where Faultline BECOMES faultline, and you are in the middle of it trying to evacuate the civilians?!

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Nerts, ya beat me to it.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



I'm the person who convinces Statesman to head east instead of going home after WWI. I will also keep the secrets of the 1-hour photo out of the hands of the Confederacy, thereby preserving the timeline.



Id like to beable to go play in the hazard zones before they were hazard zones doing missions there and so forth.

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That'd be pretty awesome... Faultline pre-Faultline....

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...Just go Visit L.A. then... But I warn you, you'll regret it!



We already implemented Time Travel...

Wait, we haven't yet? What year is this? 2004! Oh... um, ignore me.

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It's easy to tell whether a time machine has been invented or not -- if one has been invented, US Patent No. 1 will be for a time machine.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



"1.21 Jiggawatts?!"

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OMG! You hit my #1 pet peeve of what is a truley GREAT movie!

It's not a "Jiggawatt" like they say in the movie... it's a "Gigawatt" (one billion watts). Just like you're hard drive has "Gigabytes" (one billion bytes... sorta. It's actually 1073741824 bytes, but now we're getting into 8-bit counting and that's a different subject )

... I'm not sure what made me do that, but I do feel better now!

(also extra ironic that I just finished the Ubelman arch just last night)

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At the time the movie was written, "gigawatt" was pronounced "jigawatt" in some regions. The writers attended some sort of science convention in which a presenter pronounced it jigawatt, which was acceptable. The writers, not being well versed in science, typed it out as "jigawatt" in the script, which Chris Loyd then read. It was misspelled, but technically, not mispronounced.

It's so sad that I know that. I'm a fountain of useless knowledge.



Can we go to the 1930s and fight The Family with pre-faceplate Statesman?

Come on, that would rock! We could chase down those old '30s cars while getting shot at with Tommyguns and fight Al Capone (or his Paragon equivalent)!