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  1. cat ears does not a poor character make, nor does spandex and a red white and blue theme make the character a work of art.
  2. I don't get reflector on Female or Huge, but does show up on male is this just a mislabeling? is it supposed to be male only?
  3. [ QUOTE ]

    The tendency to pull Dei ex Machinae or otherwise finagle with basic realism? That breaks my immersion instantly. I make sufficient room for throwing fireballs around - barely - I have no space left for a godlike entity with perfect morals.

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    SO the idea of Someone like Ghandi ot Mother Theresa, or what have you with superpowers is unrealistic? I've met plenty of real people over the years with strong moral codes, maybe not as common as more flexable types but they aren't unrealistic.

    But reality is probably stranger than most people who cry for realism would want to believe, for example there was a man during ww2 who fell out of a plane without a parachute and survived with minor injuries. Completely unrealistic.. but it happened.
  4. I kind of find it hilarious that Spandex is equated with lack of realism while some body armor is. Any fantastic material that some how stands up to the pressures of super heroing is far beyond the norm no body armor does what this game requires perhaps some sort of powered armor or all nudist group is what he's looking for?
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    At last I can dual wield Nemesis Staffs!

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    Dont think so: here is the description from the vet reward page

    "For the 54 month veteran reward, players receive the Allegiant badge and will be able to choose an additional power from either the 12 month reward (Sands of Mu and Ghostslaying Axe) or the 33 month reward (Nemesis Staff and Blackwand) that hasn’t already been chosen."

    Only way to know for sure is to send a toon to TEST and then see if u you can get double nemesis staff or not, but I'm guessing you can't.

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    Bravo, you have crushed my Dreams expertly, sir.
  6. I like how the Op has developed a useful teamate with a cool theme.

    I also like how the attackers are essentially arguing for building a character who's only real use is Policeband Farming, not like per se, find it hilarious would be more accurate.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Here's the current numbers in testing (subject to change):

    Base Entry Room: Free
    Workshop Room (2x2): 100,000p
    Lowest Power Empowerment Station (requires 0 Energy, 0 Control): 15,000p
    Salvage Rack (requires 0 Energy, 0 Control): 15,000p

    Total Cost for working Salvage storage and a working Empowerment Station: 130,000 Prestige

    EDIT: Added in Energy and Control numbers.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Do the multiple tiers of powerstation do different things like work tables currently, thus forcing us to have 1 of each. 2 of each if we want to use every bit of salvage we get. Or will the highest version of the station be the overall best, period?

    Also roughly how large will these thngs be?
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Sounds like it will be more like Sirens Call with some sort of NPC AoE attacks you can request. AoE attacks mean trouble for Stalkers.

    If you have trouble with Stalkers on your Mastermind one thing you can do is get Invisibility and Phase Shift. You can still command your pets while Invisible and many Stalkers can't see you. You can also randomly phase shift to stay out of danger, if you make hunting you annoying enough people move on.

    You can also get Tactics so you can see any Stalker that doesn't also have stealth.

    Unless a Stalker is built strictly for PvP it is hard for the to fit Tactics in AND Stealth into their build so it helps you avoid the less "dedicated" Stalkers anyway. Stalkers dedicated to PvP the only way to deal with is to be in a team because while they can kill 1 person they don't have a lot of HPs. In PvP zones accept the fact that you are going to die, probably a lot.

    If you can't handle the frustration of dieing suddenly and a lot you shouldn't go to the PvP zones because that is how they are going to work in this game for the forseeable future.

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    Ninjitsu and SR have Perception built into their sets they don't need tactics to see you.

    So full on half of the secondaries of Stalkers can easily fit Stealth into their build and still be able to see you.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Now, and this is purely my experience, it seems that longbow would wipe the floor w/ Arachnos. The reason - wardens. These guys are like PvP-ing with a hero that has unlimited end and 8 dmg SOs (unaffected by ED) in their attacks.

    I realize that it won't ever be a difinitive battle so as to keep the game going, but who'd you would win in an all out fight?

    Personally, I think Malta should just swarm the whole of Paragon city and the Rogue isles and sap everyone into oblivion, but that's just me

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    Watch those hotspots in Sirens.....
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Could we maybe, I dunno, get explanations for when our ideas get shot down?

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    There are a couple of exploits that would be associated with this if we let it happen.

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    What would they be?

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    Off the top of my head it would make you able to target invisible types even if you couldn't "See" them.
  11. Mei_Zhong

    Badge Questions

    Why isn't there a visual badge tracker for Cold Hearted?
  12. [ QUOTE ]
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    On the subject of flamethrowers, well, they're tricky to deal with.
    But I suppose you can argue that villains at our threat level are so dangerous (and well-protected) that flamethrowers aren't necessarily lethal.

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    lol i no rite?!

    Why is it that everyone is questioning the use of flamethrowers, machine guns, napalm, and whatnot... when even the weakest of us can take a missile or three (or Warburg rocket) to the face? These things (+ a knife in the spine) might make us pass out and that's about it.

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    My problem is that bows are considered these super lethal weapons while longbow is somehow held to a higher nonlethal standard while using other weapons.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Manticore became convinced that there are times when evil must be confronted in a way they can understand, with cold, calculating force. Although other members of the Freedom Corps might agree to some extent, Statesman is adamant that true heroes never use deadly force, no matter the situation. And thus, Manticore’s beliefs put him at odds with many of the core values promoted by Statesman.

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    Ok this seems odd, Longbow itself uses a wide varieity of potentially lethal instraments, Flamethrowers, chainguns, machineguns etc, Is this seriously trying to say that arrows are some how "more lethal" than the best weapons man currently has available for killing other men?
  14. [ QUOTE ]
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    *patiently waits to see if Manticore will explain himself, in person, soon*

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    Manticore funded Wyvern to do the jobs Longbow couldn't for one reason or another. Wyvern as a whole are not as concerned with political niceties and are focused on results. It is likely that many of their agents share Manticore's attitude toward fighting crime.

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    Considering that Longbow seems to routinely flout international law.. I am wondering what Wyvern does..
  15. [ QUOTE ]
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    Well after 4 BORING days of killing family--- the Slot machine will not speak to me. Yet more outleveled content

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    Family bosses do not unlock the slot machine.

    Marcone capos and consiglieres will grant you the gangbuster badge, which unlocks the machine.

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    Are you sure Consigileres count?

    Oh, and just to make sure everyone knows, Thorn Robber will unlock Abiter Leary. He's a level 35-40 contact.

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    I have thorn robber and he won't talk to me.. do I need to do both trials?
  16. Johnny's soul has boss level mez protection, with Domination up I held him, could keep him held forever.. could have soloed him ifi wanted to wait 3 hours...
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    I don't seem to hear the outcry about the datamining for badges, or new badges, with issue releases.

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    That's because badges have been awarded for activity that was also rewarding at the time. Being in SG mode was a totally arbitrary choice. It makes no sense to reward it.

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    But, isn't that also true for SG mode? Rewarding something that was being rewarded at the time? Was is immediately visible? No. But the field is there. Just like all the new badges people will be getting when I5 hits live. Data not immediately visible to them, but they'll get the reward based on past actions.

    Besides, there's plenty of time before CoV hits. It still gives CoH a 'leg up' on CoV players in that they know in advance what generates the bonus for bases and can start working towards it. CoV players are stuck until it goes live. I suspect it will balance out, over time, with CoV getting the influx of new and active players.

    Which is why I disagree with the whole INF for a base bit. That is a _huge_ advantage for a CoH player over a CoV player. How many SG's have multiple 50's in them, with tens (if not hundreds) of millions of INF? Every CoV player will have 0 INF when CoV starts. Gross unfair advantage.

    The limited bits of the prestige system for the base reward seems to be the most fair, taking in account CoH _and_ CoV players.

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    Wouldn't Data mining be equally as Hurtful to the newbie villains? Since they also haven't had months to run around in Sg colors...
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Still. When it comes down between a base or no base, you'll all click the SG Mode button.

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    Not me, hell this is making me want to use super group colors less than I already do. Its not like bases are going to do anything all that spectacular unless you are into raiding...
  19. Meh until a red name confirms this I am taking it as an elaborate joke, and if it turns out ot be the case, reason never to us a base.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
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    serious delays in small time rpg companies.. (and anything but WOTC and whitewolf, Steve Jackson are small time) is pretty common, there is after all not enough money in those companies to have full time employees...

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    Oh, believe me, know all about that. Been tabletop gaming since the late 70's.

    I admit, Eden Studios is not one of the companies I follow closely, but I figured they were a cut above the "three guys in a garage" level. Then again, GOO's down to one guy, last time I heard.

    Like I said, if it's financial issues or printing delays, I can understand. And the grown-up part of me can also understand about marketing and production.

    The rant above was just giving the fanboy geek in me a little air. I want my Coh!

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    I want my AOD and I wanted my Armageddon, those took forever but Armageddon is a quality piece and looks the same for AOD...
  21. [ QUOTE ]
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    <ul type="square">[*]The RPG base system book, plus some supporting material, will release in October. Again, CoH-only to start. I didn't get a good feel for exactly what all supporting books will be available, but I seem to remember some discussion of the Council.[/list]

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    I went to Origins with the specific goal of picking up the CoH RPG books, only to find they weren't available. At the con, I pre-ordered the set with the expectation they'd be out by GenCon.

    Now, they're saying October. If this is because of printing delays, fine. If it's some marketing scheme to flood the game scene with multiple offerings at the same time, all I have to say is shame on you!

    I have absolutely no interest in the CCG. I can't afford and am not really interested in CoV. On the other hand, I've been salivating for the RPG since the announcement came out. And I'm sure I'm not the only one. Why are we forced to wait? If the book is ready for release, put it out!

    Holding off the RPG release to have it coincide with other products that have little, or no, relation to it just uses up any goodwill or interest generated by having the dang thing out in the first place.

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    serious delays in small time rpg companies.. (and anything but WOTC and whitewolf, Steve Jackson are small time) is pretty common, there is after all not enough money in those companies to have full time employees...
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    This thread is for you to provide feedback to the Devs on the above issue. You are allowed to post ONCE in this thread. Make it count! If you post more than one time - the extra posts will be removed.

    If a dev responds this count will be reset.

    Here's a basic explanation of how Stealth and Stealth suppression works:

    Basic Stealth Powers (Pools, temp powers, and Powers not in a Defense set like Blaster Cloaking Device, Controller Illusion Invisibilities):

    If you Attack, or are Hit - Critters see you. You loose half your defense buff (and your PvP stealth) for 10 seconds. Your translucency is reduced to indicate this change.

    If you Attack, or are Hit - All enemies will see you. You loose half your defense buff. Your translucency is reduced to indicate this change.

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    the Invisibilities in Illusion come from a primary power, why should it not be treated as such? what is the point of using it if one can't maintain the control of being stealthed? Between this and the extension of the time of hte ONE AoE Mez effect you are really killing Illusion's ability to actually control rather than be a second rate mastermind.

    Allow us to maintain our control, allow us to have some say in the agro we take, after all if more than 10 see us(and there are so many wonderful rooms where that will happen.. ) no one can do anything about that.. so please let us maintain some semblence of control..
  23. I find this perfectly immersive, Thrakazog from the Tick comics as obsessed with schedualing, even though he was the mightest of villains on earth he was consistantly thwarted by his need to schedual conflicts in advance...

    but seriously...I think this is more fun for both sides and doesn't turn the game inot a job
  24. Wasn't Woodsman a member of the suriviving 8 until well Hamadion changed his surviving status?