Enemy Group Update - Wyvern
Want to find out more about Wyvern, the dark force of justice both founded and funded by Manticore? Check out our latest enemy group update here!
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Nice! I very like the mention of the latest comic book and the events there.
Still here, even after all this time!

Thanks Awry!
The Dark Blade
"I've felt your mouse on me before, you perv...." - Troy Hickman
Paragon Wiki
Nice backgrounder! One question:
"armor piercing arrows"
Is this something currently pending to buff up archery and AR?
Wow Awry, you must be working overtime lately. Nice update!
Want to find out more about Wyvern, the dark force of justice both founded and funded by Manticore? Check out our latest enemy group update here!
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Nobody tell Statesman about this web page or Manticore will be in deep doo doo...
Keep up all the good work _Awry_ All of this game info and backstory is great!
<gobbles it up>
With unlimited funds and a willingness to bend the law to suit their ultimate goals, it remains unclear the extent to which Wyvern would go to bring down the villains of Arachnos.
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Well aparantly using credible weapons is one step too far. Seriously, can someone please give these poor schmos a real weapon. It's embarassing chewing through these guys
..... and the salvage is lousy
Thanks _Awry_... but a question. Does States know where the CoV page is or is he one of those anti-tech old fogeys?
lol, an arechery hero group? GIMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
surprise that Wyvern agents often resort to illegal and perhaps questionable actions to fulfill their one true desire
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shouldn't it be
...that Wyvern agents often resort to questionable and perhaps illegal actions...
who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Nice one!
Manticore became convinced that there are times when evil must be confronted in a way they can understand, with cold, calculating force. Although other members of the Freedom Corps might agree to some extent, Statesman is adamant that true heroes never use deadly force, no matter the situation. And thus, Manticores beliefs put him at odds with many of the core values promoted by Statesman.
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Ok this seems odd, Longbow itself uses a wide varieity of potentially lethal instraments, Flamethrowers, chainguns, machineguns etc, Is this seriously trying to say that arrows are some how "more lethal" than the best weapons man currently has available for killing other men?
Thanks _Awry_... but a question. Does States know where the CoV page is or is he one of those anti-tech old fogeys?
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I believe that his IP is cleverly blocked from the CoV pages
Poor, poor Manticore and his scarred brain. *Shakes head*
On a sidenote, been a while since I fought Wyvern, are Raptor Agents Bosses or are they an Elite Boss I haven't seen yet?
Thanks _Awry_... but a question. Does States know where the CoV page is or is he one of those anti-tech old fogeys?
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I believe that his IP is cleverly blocked from the CoV pages
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Cool beans.
I love the way they stand on the corners of buildings in Nerva so I can watch them plummet to their deaths after I gut them with Assassin's Claw.
"armor piercing arrows"
Is this something currently pending to buff up archery and AR?
That's what you're currently using -- if the ammo wasn't armor-piercing, super-class opponents wouldn't even notice you were shooting at them....
Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"
So the difference between Longbow and Wyvern (other than color schemes, and guns versus bows) is two-fold, have I got this right? 1) Wyvern also takes on paying private security gigs in addition to fighting super-villains "on spec," and 2) Longbow has a code against killing, and Wyvern doesn't.
In the level 10-15 "Defeat the Wyvern financier and witnesses" mission from Radio Free Opportunity, didn't we find out that Wyvern in the Rogue Isles is specifically being paid by Longbow?
And in the level 25-30 Lt. Demitrovich missions, there's at least one where Demitrovich is specifically trying to get us to plant evidence against Wyvern where Longbow will find it, and dont' I remember from the briefing in that mission that Demitrovich also knows that they're working together?
I guess where I'm going with this is roughly the same place the poster did who asked what's less deadly about a flamethrower when compared with arrows -- given that Wyvern is being paid by Longbow to kill the villains they're trying to kill in the Rogue Isles, how does this make Longbow any less dark?
Which raises the question, if Freedom Corps were going to hire a Paragon City mercenary company to supplement their attack on the Rogue Isles, why didn't they hire Hero Corp?
If only TA/A was as deadly as these Wyvern guys make it seem.
Seriously Devs, take a note, TA/A Defenders or Archery blasters would probably love to be as deadly as these guys :P
Which raises the question, if Freedom Corps were going to hire a Paragon City mercenary company to supplement their attack on the Rogue Isles, why didn't they hire Hero Corp?
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Simple, Wyvern isn't corrupt yet.
So the difference between Longbow and Wyvern (other than color schemes, and guns versus bows) is two-fold, have I got this right? 1) Wyvern also takes on paying private security gigs in addition to fighting super-villains "on spec," and 2) Longbow has a code against killing, and Wyvern doesn't.
In the level 10-15 "Defeat the Wyvern financier and witnesses" mission from Radio Free Opportunity, didn't we find out that Wyvern in the Rogue Isles is specifically being paid by Longbow?
And in the level 25-30 Lt. Demitrovich missions, there's at least one where Demitrovich is specifically trying to get us to plant evidence against Wyvern where Longbow will find it, and dont' I remember from the briefing in that mission that Demitrovich also knows that they're working together?
I guess where I'm going with this is roughly the same place the poster did who asked what's less deadly about a flamethrower when compared with arrows -- given that Wyvern is being paid by Longbow to kill the villains they're trying to kill in the Rogue Isles, how does this make Longbow any less dark?
Which raises the question, if Freedom Corps were going to hire a Paragon City mercenary company to supplement their attack on the Rogue Isles, why didn't they hire Hero Corp?
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Well, it more deals with how they deal with prisoners after they are captured and how lethal they will be to "capture" the villains.
Longbow, will use "intense force" appropriately to capture them.
Wyvren doesn't *mind* capturing villains, but if needed be, would drop a house on a villain, even if it *might* kill them.
It's a matter of attitude.
Still here, even after all this time!

I like these reading these, but I have one request:
I like how on the CoH site, all the enemy groups have their own unique font - their name written out in some bold style like what you would see on a comic book cover.
Could we see this on the CoV site?
If only TA/A was as deadly as these Wyvern guys make it seem.
Seriously Devs, take a note, TA/A Defenders or Archery blasters would probably love to be as deadly as these guys :P
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Nah, Wyvern are a pretty easy hero group, barely a trouble at all.
Nice background though... definitely think I'll put Manticore/Wyvern as being involved in one of my character's past, they seem just right for the job
Ack the signature name for my heroes has been stolen. Ah well.
Cool background though.
I got one question: Whene are we getting their cotume options along with Legacy's helmets? I have been emoting stripping and stealing them multiple times before and yet I still didn't see them in my wardrobe.
Want to find out more about Wyvern, the dark force of justice both founded and funded by Manticore? Check out our latest enemy group update here!