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  1. Cel_Shaded

    it's patching

    Originally Posted by Tyndall View Post
    Just gotta have Patience, right?

    And the joke of it all: It's still just a still photo. =P
  2. Cel_Shaded

    it's patching

    Originally Posted by Tr3yTr3y View Post
    lol at the kid in the back... O_O
    Thank God I wasn't the only person who did that first...
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Eh. I could see it getting annoying really fast.
    The WoW achievement thing on FB (brother and his friends use it) has options to list one of your crowning achievements your earned that week on random. I'm sure it wouldn't be that annoying if a similar system goes in for something like Recipes invented and badges received and Task Forces completed.

    I'd moreso use it more as a ploy to convince other friends of mine on FB to at least try out CoX. Pimp out the game as much as I can.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Castle View Post
    Yep, we're done. Hope you all enjoyed it.
    Shame, was really looking forward to any questions about Task Forces (preferably more villain side) in the foreseeable future. Those are my bread and butter.
  5. Cel_Shaded

    oh yes i did :p

    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    Seriously, it gets to a point when a person needs to realise that that is far too much.

    Each to their own, but boy that is sad.
    And here I was trying to get a friend who 5-accounts WoW all the time like that too. Just imagine when reality strikes him when Blizzard closes the servers on that game and sees how much time he wasted to get all those amazing gears and time grinded for all of it(may not be in the foreseeable future, but it'll happen).
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LarryJablonski View Post
    I like his stuff. I'm not one for the style, either, but I think finding a niche like this - I mean, does anyone else paint landscapes from video games? - is relevant to my interests. He's going through some rough times right now, so I'm just trying to spread the word.

    (Does anyone else paint video game landscapes? I really have no idea...)
    I recall seeing one four plus years back, mostly done in vector, none of which were CoX related (mostly did Halo, Counter-Strike, just about anything that graced the Xbox). They were great, but overall attitude I got from his comments were unsavory so I didn't bother saving the site after the first run through. Other than that, don't think many do landscapes. Shame though cause some 'scapes have some amazing feels and vibes to them, being CoX related are Shadow Shard and Grandville.

    Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
    imho neither of those two scenes have a distinctly CoX feel (the Mercy one feels especially lacking). I have played CoX more than any game in my life, but I found the HL2 (only played a few hours of this one) and Fallout 3 images much more recognizable. The HL2 one is great, I think. If there were a giant atlas statue or gaudy pyramid, things might be a little different.
    I'll have to agree with you, I know where these two scenes are at, but who among have been in that particular area (while not fighting some Snakes) and go, "Wow! This game is amazing!?" I can assure you that may happen in places like Grandville or Steel Canyon, but not the painted areas.
  7. Cel_Shaded

    oh yes i did :p

    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Heh. Can't wait till the 6 year vets get to drag their monies lists out. Again.
    You won't be getting a list from me. Let's put it this way; You know how long we've been around (aside from some people with certain events), I know how long we've been around. We all got calculators and the internet, if we want to know such a pricing list we can do it ourselves.

    Though, when I did do this I was shocked how much I spent in it. Wow.

    Worth it though, totally worth it.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pep_Cat View Post
    *offers Cel a tin of gourmet peppermints*

    >_>/@ <.<
    Thanks, I guess? o_O

    It felt great two nights ago to run my first TF since I've been back and felt better for the warm welcome back on the Guardian server where I originated from. Needless to say that when I went back to WoW once (I know, my mistake, but I learned from it) it was nowhere near as happy, let alone near any form of neutral responses. Just goes to show you how great the community is here in Paragon City and Rogue Isles.
  9. I usually avoid the bandwagons myself for multiple purposes. 1) I generally don't like jumping in with the crowd, cause with so many people in the fray, it's hard to really see what you actually got your hands on, let alone what you got yourself into. 2) If I like something I generally will get it eventually, and there are times I want to just enjoy it, not sit with the rest of the maddening fans that sit around and nit-pick what should happen, what would happen if they were in charge of said thing, why things didn't happen, and why all thing will bend us all over about said thing that everyone got in the first place cause it's awesome.

    I'm like the kid who went to stores the day after the mad sales at the Holiday season and find some hidden gems when all the popular media-based items are now out of my way thanks to the so called "sheeple."
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Major Deej View Post
    An incredible set of events in your life, yet, as mentioned, you're a fighter! Good for you in beating the odds. You obviously were missed!
    I wouldn't say I have beaten many odds, just cleared enough smoke to know how far my fists can reach. In any time of life, that's generally all you need to know.

    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    I am curious... who is the majestic "She" that did these things for you... But it is perfectly fine if that is left a mystery intentionally (I don't need to know what's in the briefcase).

    "Hark! I hear distress of... Distressing distressness! Away!"
    Haha, I'm still laughing from that!
    I still remember him being dark dark blue with enough bulky steampunk design to make him like like a massive wall of whatonearth. Ironic thing, we was Super Reflexes.

    As for the mysterious "She." I eluded much detail cause in order to explain who she is, I'd have to go back in the past in middle school. Which my main post was not about that, nor was it something I needed to elaborate on much beyond that unless asked.

    She was an old (one of very few) friend of mine in middle school. Saved her butt from being harassed from the more popular guys in school for "getting some" whenever they feel like, some deemed it a blessing, she did not. During this time her parents were getting a divorce and was asked to fly out to France with her grandparents and study to be the fashion designer she wanted to be. Raised with strong morals she could just up and leave me behind since she knew my stepfather is the run-of-the-mill psychopaths with a giant violent streak that has left me for dead more than once. I finally convinced her to go, to forget who I am and where I lived, to vanish from her mind and stop worrying. She vanished for over 8 years.

    College came and went and friends I wrote songs for toured Europe, the bassist thought to use the "me too" approach to hit on a girl. Soon they found out that they were both from US, Colorado, and overall knew me. During that time I was already sleeping on steel benches outside my job after everything was taken, same time I closed my account and buried a friend and family dog of 10 years. If the phrase "sight for sore eyes" couldn't define a moment like that, not exactly sure what would.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Wowza! That musta' been a productive five minutes, because that Avatar is AWESOME! Nice work, Cel, and welcome back to the game. I hope your life will look ever so slightly better now that you're back
    Actually, 6.3 minutes when I actually timed it. Thank you. Hopefully things do start looking up, I did get a very warm welcome upon logging in last night, hopefully my stay is longer than even I foresee or hope. I've done fan badge designs that fast for a little while too, it's common.

    Originally Posted by Moiread View Post
    I hate you so very very much, Cel, for reminding me of the horror that Children's Week is going to be. >_<
    Oh come now! How on Earth did I do that? I'm busy planning a flight to Blizzcon '10, not reminding you of silly achievements.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    *struts into thread*

    Welcome home, Cel!! We've missed ya on Guardian.
    I'm certain the entire server feels significantly less awesome without me.

    Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
    You're one tough cookie! It is good to have you around again. Even though at the very core, this is just entertainment, it is also much more to me. As you have said before, it is because of the developers that care very much about their craft as well as the community that is so much fun to be around that make it a little more than just entertainment.

    Love that song you mentioned in your post. Cheers, and see you around the City.
    Thank you, I am certain many in Guardian already know experiences I've gone through before all this that I'm like a bad rash; I keep coming back. Born in a family of fighters, we just don't ever go down.

    As for the song, I know the artist personally, and you can only imagine how magical it all felt to see the vastness of Shadow Shard once you flew over that one large wall in Firebase Zulu.

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Welcome back, Cel. You need an avatar!
    I think I can whip up something in 5 minutes if I try.
  13. Thank you for all the kind words, it really is good to be back.

    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    Sounds like you had a serious grinding of levels in real life, but good to see you back in the game.
    Lord you have no idea, even now it feels like I'm up a creek without a paddle, a cook without a flame, in The Hollows without a travel power.
  14. I have played this game since it started, almost immediately I fell in love with the creation of your character, deeper still when I got into Galaxy City. My first (and only) choice I start my characters. Sadly, over a year ago, my time with the city I enjoyed flying in was to dwindle. Eventually, I had to close my laptop and the account completely. No time to come in to the forums and give a proper farewell to the already amazing development team who, in my eyes, are comparable in quality to their game and their respective universes as Nintendo and Blizzard, but to the fans and community that made just even a mere day sitting in Portal Corps a good day. Reality took major events and a course of change in my life, filtering out what I thought were good people and deal in experiences I cared not do deal with. I lost friends and love, I buried family and gained pets, lost a home and found shelter. Given the time I was given in real life, I took these moments to relish in the moments that felt epic to me, moments that reminded me that City of Heroes "is/was my game." Now, I would like to take a moment and share the moments that, even as I type this, brings a smile to my face only my god daughter has been able to do in years.

    - My first log into Paragon City
    I first tried out the game's creation on my brother's account, when the name was nothing but new to me at the time. I created a character, Katana/Reflexes Scrapper name Fei Lin. I remember her in the entire buckled outfit, pinkish-purple and dark red/black hair. The moment I logged in, I saw a city abuzz with heroes of all levels, sizes and styles. Some using AoE storms for confetti as a victor won a Rock, Paper, Scissors match. The game was bustling. I remember still a large hero landing behind me to challenge me to a game of Heads-or-Tails, for money. I won. He then shouted, "Hark! I hear distress of... Distressing distressness! Away!" and suddenly leaped away into the distance. From that moment on, I thought to myself "This is my game."

    - My own account and the duo of brotherly thugs
    Now I have gotten my own account, and my brother and I made a pair of sharply dressed "Family"-esque looking Assault Rifle/Traps Blasters, the smallest Huge models you can make. Our names, Thug One and Thug Two. Alternated black and white colors on our suites to our ties. Super Jumping everywhere we went, terrorizing Independence Port the way we saw fit. I even remember the time a family of players designed as a deck of cards unofficially "adopted" us into their Supergroup during an Atlas Park "Adopt-a-kick" program. I still have the SG photo on my USB drive.

    - Issue 2: Troll Tunnel All-Nighters
    The time my brother quit playing was a time the community shined for me. Games were fun cause my brother and I both played them, from Marble Madness to Pokemon, Trogg to Joe & Mac, Counter-Strike to City of Heroes. We played them all together. When he quit to pursue personal vendettas, I was loosing interest in CoH, and gaming all together. I gave CoH one chance with Issue 2, the Hollows are to me like it is to everyone else; Hell! Though it had moments it shined in it's first introduction to the game. A team of players and I decided to take out Atta in the final mission, with him being conveniently in the last room we look in. Our run, clearing out massive amounts of Trolls last 6 1/2 hours. I remember at our 5 hour mark we decided to take a break and one was to scout ahead. He was defeated around a corner we couldn't see, his claim to why he died; "I tripped and fell on a sky bullet." Nearing our end of the adventure, he fell a couple more times, our Tanker proclaimed he was astounded by the tenacity he used to tank the cave floors for the good of the rest of the team. We all had our laughs, and gave me hope this community was not like ones you find in Everquest or the like.

    - The day I entered Shadow Shard
    Even now, after all the new zones and enemies, Shadow Shard remains my most favorite zone with my most favorite enemies. I remember the very moment I zoned in, and like a moment of serendipity, my CD skips 4 tracks to play a song, Soulsight by SGX, in timing so perfect I couldn't explain. The expansiveness of the zones, the colors and the enemies, the Task Forces still remain my most favorite of all. The Arch-Villains and the lore behind what Shadow Shard is gives it so many questions and mysteries begging to be asked and explored, answered and discovered. The moment I flew high enough over the Firebase's walls the game hit me like no other game has before. It took my breath away, it made me think "This is definitely my game."

    After then I stayed true to just enjoying the game, getting what I can of the shiny badges, even designed some of my own (some sold to NCSoft, but didn't see many (unless altered) used in either games I played). I enjoyed every Issue with excitement for the next, happy to see other enjoy certain aspects I myself did not find use for. Seeing the previews and new enemies added, playing Villains for the first time. Beta testing and helping with many many of the Issue I played through. I kept my account active for what I could afford, it was a game that got me away from diving too far into my pocketbook for new games all the time. The developers here were not like others I have seen, they involve themselves into the community, and the community in this game has never been like any other MMOs I have played, it was always and forever be refreshing. Suddenly, real life struck me, and hard it did strike. To put it in a giant nutshell to avoid all negative and off-topic discussion, I was fooled out of my life. Fiance and best friend took my house and car, a tornado took a life of a dear friend and cancer took my dog all in the same month to start. I had no choice but to immediately close my account, no good byes to the game or it's wonderful community that shaped it. Real life called for me, and it was screaming.

    Last night changed something for me.

    I never bothered to check on the game except the website every month and thought to myself how awesome it was. The game was great, the people were amazing, the developers were skilled, it was just a flat out fun experience all the way around. She knew of this and wanted to preserve what I played, what characters I made, what badges I earned. She commissioned a 12" model figure to be made of my main Villain and Hero fighting one another, as well made a memory mural which I received last night of many of my characters in interactive 3D program. To top it all off she revealed to me that my account did cease, she however kept the information from my old computer and changed the billing to her in order to do all of the things she did. To top it off, she bought her own to play against and with me from all the way in France.

    So, for almost two years of scarcity, I have returned to be a hero once more. If only for a little while.

    Here I am, back to the stomping ground of the second MMO that I felt a great immersion from. Too long has it been to go an enjoy the subtle playstyle of the game, longer still have I had a decent discussion with the community that was involved with the game as deep as the developers themselves. It was a shame I had to take my leave so suddenly from a game that kept my interest and imagination as nuts as I kept my parents in my childhood. Never have I been as grateful to experience such fun and experiences in a game, let alone and MMO, than this one.

    Thank you, Paragon Studios (formerly Cryptic members) for an astounding game that is like no other. Thank you, the community that made the unique game even more chaotic and enjoyable as such.

    You all rock the scissors, never forget that.

    I am excited to experience Going Rogue and the new powersets. Hopefully there is many Task Forces to come along with it.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Have escortees have a large +Perception aura around them that affects them and possibly (probably?) enemies as well. (This is my secondary preferred option, particularly if the aura affects enemies. Reason being hostages aren't exactly known to be stealthy, so they can easily give away your position.)

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Rather than this, give escortees a large -stealth aura power. You can have stealth auras on, but they're debuffed into non-functionality simply by being in proximity to the hostage - and therefore they'll be able to see and follow you.

    The only problem with either solution is that such auras will affect you even before you save the hostage, which might make fighting the boss and guards problematic. This should only be a really big issue for stalkers, and there's ways to deal with enemies that can see through your stealth anyway.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, with some nice coding, like when save and ally (breaking out villians in Mayhem Missions, rescuing kidnapped heroes, etc.), they can immediately hit on a togglable +Perception aura when they are finally "saved" from the initial mob that held them captive.

    Just a thought.
  16. Awesome backgrounder, Arctic. THe "Godfather" font on the header was a nice touch. =P
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I had 2 PM's in my box, back to back. The first was "Stalkers are useless in PvP" and the next was "Stalkers are overpowered in PvP". The grass is always greener they say...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Stalkers in pvp are one-trick ponies. If that one trick works they overwhelm. If not they are toast. I honestly don't think you devs can fix this without re-inventing stalkers entirely. C'est la vie.

    - Kris

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Stalkers pretty much act like most fantasy MMO Rogues, one trick ponies. If they get the hit, their opponent is pretty much splatter on their weapons, they miss, then they're screwed beyond all at that point. Read many other MMOs that contain Rogues, they tend to have the same "Overpowered/Underpowered" argument cause the luck with them depends on playstyle and opponent.

    I've played Rogues, and I've played Stalkers, and experiencing both I know how to play them (granted I may not enjoy it as much as other ATs), and the players of them just gotta get into the groove that they have tremendous burst DMG on the get-go and levels off.
  18. Cel_Shaded


    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    (c) Spawn groups on the shared maps aren't generated at the optimal size &amp; levels for the team size &amp; desired difficulty.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Spawns generate in the world are based upon the size and amount of players in the area at the time. You should have seen the spawns which could take place in Perez Park when it was an active zone, seeing 2 or 3 bosses during the peak playing hours with a ton of leuitenants and minions in the minority was common place. As for being optimised, the players were able to pick and choose who they could have a fight with. A mission tells you what to fight so infact the missions are less optimal compared to street sweeping.

    However now with recent changes the much reduced risk in missions sways players totally in their favor.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Man-o-man Hydra and Perez sweeping was awesome back in the day, the Hydra spawns were HUGE! It was the reason why people went to Perez park, was cause of the Hydra gave off great XP and they came in large numbers. I occassionally street sweep myself nowadays, but it would be nice for an incentive of street sweeping, I would actually do it more if there was a higher Influence/Infamy/Prestige or Inspiration/Enhancement/Salvage drop-off rate on street mobs.
  19. Cel_Shaded


    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I couldn't have said it better myself.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Furthermore, Archon Voss has explicitly stated that Boomtown and Faultline are going to get rebuilt sometime in the near future.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You know, when I first started reading this, I thought someone was speaking about that invterview. I wasn't aware they were talking about Positron's older interview that merely hinted the reconstruction.

    As for my two cents: I am all for the redesigning of Faultline and Boomtown, its good seeing the zones getting a new face. I just started my first Controller not just a couple days ago and got to experience to new life that has been bred into Kings Row, Atlas Park and Galaxy City. Let me tell you, it was refreshing. I loughed till I about shed a tear to some of what the Skulls sayings were.

    I'm gunna miss the old Faultline, though. I remember when I had my first run into the zone with a couple teams. we fell into cracks and some of us didn't have travel powers. I remember my team mates screaming at one another to "DIG UP!"

    Good times......

    *flies to Faultline to reminisce*
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Ahhh now we finally get to what I think are your true intentions. Griefing. You appear to get no fun out of the game except when there is the potential for you to go slag someone elses work, read Base, IOP gathering effots. All is clear now.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Interaction with something other than a pre-programmed, reluctant to adapt AI system could also be considered a challenge. Pro Zack knows how much hard work it takes to farm prestige and, knowing him, I highly doubt he really cares about obliterating another base or having the same done to his. The consequence I would assume he's referring to would be the possibility of losing in PvP and, potentially, losing an IoP.

    Griefing forum trolls, sheesh.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Agreed, I don't think he was wanting to sound like he'll be greifing, nor do I think its his intention. I am all for the base raids, but the thing is our SG is still too small for it, not as in base size, but as in the sheer number who are frequently on. Now I like this limited window of opportunity to raid and get an IoP, have that experience in CoP so it all can be done more smoothly when the raids do go active. Plus I'd like to earn a badge (if possible) on the CoP before the raids go active, this way I get what I wanted most out of it and work on my base to get ready and willing for the real deal.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
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    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Hmmm... I'll have to makesome improvements then.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Whoa, who's the huge guy in the dress?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Isn't that Lanaruu (sp?) the Mad from the FBZ Faathim TF?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nope. Ruladak (the mad) is in the lineup. The gigantic dude next to Hamidon is Rularru.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ahh, kk. It's been a while since I ran that TF. Couldn't remember the names correctly.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Damn, I don't ever recall seeing Rularu ever. WHere is he located?
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Yes, I have always had a fond spot in my black little heart for Malta. To me they are by far the best villain group in the game, even moreso then Arachnos.

    Of course I also happen to love Nemesis and the Tsoo, so I guess there's no accounting for taste.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I love Rularuu myself, them and Crey's Paragon Protectors have always been fun to fight.
  23. Ahem, we can -SO- use a couple history badges on these sort of things in-game.

    **wink wink nudge nudge**
  24. [ QUOTE ]
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    You can learn more about Manticore, his mysterious absence, and his hot torrid love affair with Sister Psyche in "The Penthouse Letters of Manticore", coming this fall from Troy Hickman.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lol now that shameless plug should be enough to draw him out

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Dear Penthouse Forum,

    I'm a superheroic archer at a small midwestern college, and I never thought anything like this could happen to me..."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh, I'm still around. Have no fear about that.
    It's an ivy league college...and yes it's difficult staying one step ahead of a woman that can read your every thought.

    Did you guys miss the "suggest the plot for a City of Heroes comic issue" contest? I am hard at work on the script for Issue 16 based on an entry I selected from the many hundreds of submissions.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Sorry, even hearing news of distant Issues makes me giddy.

    Yay for planning ahead, very far ahead.

    *waits for 2043*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Comic book issue not MMO issue.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh yeah! *smacks head* Forgot Manticore writes those issues, too.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    You can learn more about Manticore, his mysterious absence, and his hot torrid love affair with Sister Psyche in "The Penthouse Letters of Manticore", coming this fall from Troy Hickman.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lol now that shameless plug should be enough to draw him out

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Dear Penthouse Forum,

    I'm a superheroic archer at a small midwestern college, and I never thought anything like this could happen to me..."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh, I'm still around. Have no fear about that.
    It's an ivy league college...and yes it's difficult staying one step ahead of a woman that can read your every thought.

    Did you guys miss the "suggest the plot for a City of Heroes comic issue" contest? I am hard at work on the script for Issue 16 based on an entry I selected from the many hundreds of submissions.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Sorry, even hearing news of distant Issues makes me giddy.

    Yay for planning ahead, very far ahead.

    *waits for 2043*