Malta Group Villain Backgrounder
Ah, my favorite villain group.
And by "favorite" I mean "AAHH! KILL IT WITH FIRE."
But in a way that reflects well on their designers. Thanks, A_S!
I defintely read that as "Black helicopters and bakclava"...
The Malta? Never heard of them. Nope, name rings no bells. I'll have to peruse this report to figure out who these jokers are.
*Looks over at the sapper she is perma-holding with Frozan Touch*
Ok, so I say a fib . I love the Malta, they are like my all time fovourite mob. Right after the CoT
No really, I love fighting the Malta... Seriously...
*Continues Perma-holding sapper*
Edit: Read the background on Malta. I like it, a lot. The best one so far, imo. Good work on it. Like others have said, I loved the "Black helicopters and balaclavas." bit.
Very cool. Love the Malta, and these little tidbits of info make them that much scarrier.
One thing though, there's a typo in the sentence "A hero corned by a Sapper will find he or she is unable to sustain most powers, and will be easy prey for the Sappers back-up."
I don't know what it's like to be 'corned' by a sapper, and I don't want to know
Nice backstory. One question about the Titans. In light of the newer armor sets that came out with I7 for NPC's, will the Titans get a 'modernization' to their look in I8? Compared to the PPD and Crey scorpion armor, the Titan's look kind of Robby the Robot-ish.
I defintely read that as "Black helicopters and bakclava"...
[/ QUOTE ]
lol So did I.
Very cool. Love the Malta, and these little tidbits of info make them that much scarrier.
On thing though, there's a typo in the sentence "A hero corned by a Sapper will find he or she is unable to sustain most powers, and will be easy prey for the Sappers back-up."
I don't know what it's like to be 'corned' by a sapper, and I don't want to know
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Missed that typo LOL!
erm ..... ouch?
Sign It :
Awesome. I'm glad you covered Vrabel and the Titans Project in the classified document. Very nice touch for the folks who may never finish those arcs, or who did and didn't bother to read deeply into it.
I'd love to see a Knives of Artemis exposé next.
Very good backstory. I hate fighting Malta but this made me actually want to go up against them . . .almost. Good work.
I'd love to see a Knives of Artemis exposé next.
[/ QUOTE ]Seconded.
In the Arena of Logic, I fight unarmed.
Typo? 6th paragraph reads:
"A hero corned by a Sapper will find he or she is unable to sustain most powers, and will be easy prey for the Sappers back-up."
Is this supposed to be "cornered"?
v. tr.
1. To cause to form hard particles; granulate.
1. To season and preserve with granulated salt.
2. To preserve (beef, for example) in brine.
3. To feed (animals) with corn or grain.
doesn't seem right to me.
In a word of super-powered chaos
[/ QUOTE ]
Should that be "In a world of super-powered chaos "?
What, no screenshot contest for the Malta? Boo-hiss! Trying to come up with some good combat shots of them was starting to get fun.
Typo? 6th paragraph reads:
"A hero corned by a Sapper will find he or she is unable to sustain most powers, and will be easy prey for the Sappers back-up."
Is this supposed to be "cornered"?
v. tr.
1. To cause to form hard particles; granulate.
1. To season and preserve with granulated salt.
2. To preserve (beef, for example) in brine.
3. To feed (animals) with corn or grain.
doesn't seem right to me.
[/ QUOTE ]
I understand your confusion, but beleive me, this not a typo.
Story Arcs I created:
Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!
Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!
Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!
Typo? 6th paragraph reads:...
[/ QUOTE ]
Kinda beat ya to the punch there Gavelor. Read my previous post.
It was like that movie where everyone wants to be Mr. Black , and no one backs down cause they dont know who to be afraid of.
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Nice. Reservoir Dogs for the win.
I've gotta wonder, is the mention of "the bogus NSAs Suppressed Transmissions Office" a reference to Ken Hite's "Suppressed Transmission" column in Pyramid? He certainly covers conspiracy theories in his column, but they usually tend more toward high weirdness than the simple Cold-War-gone-awry that Malta seems to be. Which makes me wonder if there isn't something even deeper going on...
While an expose on the Knives would be interesting, as of now, there really isn't much to this group. There are only three types of enemies (one of each rank), and they all have the same powers (with higher ranked ones having additional powers).
If more types of Knives are added to the game, as well as an Elite Boss or AV, plus some arcs that give a backstory, then that'd be different...
Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls
Grr. Yes, yes, stupid typos. They'll be fixed soon.
(And you can always PM me with them in the future, ya know, as opposed to making it a matter of public record)
But that's ok. Thickens my skin.
What, no screenshot contest for the Malta? Boo-hiss! Trying to come up with some good combat shots of them was starting to get fun.
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Nope, we can't do 'em everytime. Otherwise you guys will find them more mundane, this keeps you guessing a little.
Also, did you *really* want me to tell you to go fight Malta?
Arctic Sun
(And you can always PM me with them in the future, ya know, as opposed to making it a matter of public record)
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But this way is more fun.
I have to admit... I first read that as:
Secrets within secrets. Black helicopters and baklavas.
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o.o I immediatly wondered what was sinister about deserts... and I don't seem to be the only one....
I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe
While an expose on the Knives would be interesting, as of now, there really isn't much to this group. There are only three types of enemies (one of each rank), and they all have the same powers (with higher ranked ones having additional powers).
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By powers, you mean caltrops right? Lots and lots of caltrops. The defining feature of these fems are their tendancy to stack a bazillion caltrop patches on you. If they have any other power, I can't see it throught the haze of red 2's or 3's that fill up the screen
Secrets within secrets. Black helicopters and balaclavas. Shadowy agencies with limitless slush funds, and black-hearted agents with licenses to kill. Hushed conversations on internet chat-rooms that mysteriously vanish. Men in black with blank identities, and deadly women with a dozen passports. A high-tech paramilitary force divided into clandestine cells and dispersed around the globe this is the Malta Group.