No Kronos?
Wait, only 1 screenshot out of 10 Giant Monsters? There's going to be a disproportionate number of screenshots of the more frequent spawning monsters such as Lusca.
I've got pictures of all the monsters. It was like Pokemon for me in the game, gotta catch em all!!
No Kronos?
[/ QUOTE ]
No Crystal Titan?
No Kronos?
[/ QUOTE ]
No Crystal Titan?
[/ QUOTE ]
Neither one of those are Zone monsters and he said only zone monsters.
No Kronos?
[/ QUOTE ]
No Crystal Titan?
[/ QUOTE ]
Word up... I got a great shot of that summbitch doing his 2 mile wide foot stomp!
Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

Wait... You're telling me there is a Ballista Giant Monster?!?!?!
Can you do this with demo playback and have them all doing the cancan in one big show girl row?
Wait... You're telling me there is a Ballista Giant Monster?!?!?!
[/ QUOTE ]
Curious as well...
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.

Submissions can be made by emailing your screenshots (details below) from FRIDAY JULY 21st until 12:00 AM (CST) FRIDAY JULY 28th.
[/ QUOTE ]
You're kidding, right?
I've been playing the game for over two years, and I still haven't even SEEN half of the ones on that list. And that's including time spent JUST LOOKING FOR THEM.
Kraken, Jurassik, Babbage (boomtown version)
I've only seen Eochai, Jack-in-Irons, and Adamastor ONCE.
And we're supposed to get good screenshots in ONE WEEK?
Please tell me you're going to have them up the spawn frequency on those by a factor of 10. Please.
CuppaJo: **waves wand - you are mesmerized by the shiney bouncing Positron**
HypnotizerZero, Psyche-Delia, Twilight Samurai, Burning Rubber, Ignitrode & more...on Virtue.
AMD x2 4600+/7950GTKO/2Gb PC6400/Win2kPro
Can you do this with demo playback and have them all doing the cancan in one big show girl row?
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmmm... I'll have to makesome improvements then.
Submissions can be made by emailing your screenshots (details below) from FRIDAY JULY 21st until 12:00 AM (CST) FRIDAY JULY 28th.
[/ QUOTE ]
You're kidding, right?
I've been playing the game for over two years, and I still haven't even SEEN half of the ones on that list. And that's including time spent JUST LOOKING FOR THEM.
Kraken, Jurassik, Babbage (boomtown version)
I've only seen Eochai, Jack-in-Irons, and Adamastor ONCE.
And we're supposed to get good screenshots in ONE WEEK?
Please tell me you're going to have them up the spawn frequency on those by a factor of 10. Please.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm pretty sure there are several people with some screens of those GMs they took awhile back. I know I've got some.
No Arachnos Flier?
The Dark Blade
"I've felt your mouse on me before, you perv...." - Troy Hickman
Paragon Wiki
No Pumpkin Kings?? Well, there goes 60 entries from the collection.
wait wait wait....when did St. gots a GM?
Wait... You're telling me there is a Ballista Giant Monster?!?!?!
[/ QUOTE ]
Curious as well...
[/ QUOTE ]
Curious x6.
Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata
There's an event with a Ballista in St. Martiel. He's still an elite boss, with a set level...but it's an event.
Also, Eochai is the pumpkin king.
Unfortunately, all the pictures of giant monsters I have include players
My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout
AHA! That explains it.....I was runngin around in St.Matrial, and I see this Elite Boss jsut standing around, with a few longbow around him. I had never seen one outside a mission before, and figured he was part of an ambush. My team killed him without much thought. No Badge or anything though.
I know its not what you asked for.
But it looks cool anyway.
Hmmm... I'll have to makesome improvements then.
[/ QUOTE ]
Whoa, who's the huge guy in the dress?
Submissions can be made by emailing your screenshots (details below) from FRIDAY JULY 21st until 12:00 AM (CST) FRIDAY JULY 28th.
[/ QUOTE ]
You're kidding, right?
I've been playing the game for over two years, and I still haven't even SEEN half of the ones on that list. And that's including time spent JUST LOOKING FOR THEM.
Kraken, Jurassik, Babbage (boomtown version)
I've only seen Eochai, Jack-in-Irons, and Adamastor ONCE.
And we're supposed to get good screenshots in ONE WEEK?
Please tell me you're going to have them up the spawn frequency on those by a factor of 10. Please.
[/ QUOTE ]
It is possible, not easy but possible. I've managed to have pictures and encounters with all 10 on various alts and I'm not even close to hardcore as some other players. I play alot but not everyday over one year and half subscription.
Only the Giant Monster can be in the photo no player characters. Photos that contain player characters will not be considered. Background imagery is fine, but it cannot take the focus off the Giant Monster. Only one picture can be submitted per person, please.
[/ QUOTE ]
No people in the picture? Guess this one's out too.
o.o;; err....
* Your submission MUST include:
- Your real name
- Age
- Address
- PlayNC Master Account name
- Game account name
- Character & server name (for all characters in the shot)
[/ QUOTE ]
sooo.... that charecter/sever bit there should be only used to list the Giant Monsters true controller?
<.< >.>
I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe
Hmmm... I'll have to makesome improvements then.
[/ QUOTE ]
Whoa, who's the huge guy in the dress?
[/ QUOTE ]
Isn't that Lanaruu (sp?) the Mad from the FBZ Faathim TF?
Hmmm... I'll have to makesome improvements then.
[/ QUOTE ]
Whoa, who's the huge guy in the dress?
[/ QUOTE ]
Isn't that Lanaruu (sp?) the Mad from the FBZ Faathim TF?
[/ QUOTE ]
Nope. Ruladak (the mad) is in the lineup. The gigantic dude next to Hamidon is Rularru.
Giant Monsters: we all love to hate them. Well, maybe not Sally!
Sometimes these Giant Monsters they find us without warning. But finding them isnt always easy; the task can be difficult for even the greatest of hunters. Do you ever catch a glimpse of one? Well, if you do, we want to see some proof!
We need screenshots of the following Giant Monsters:
City of Heroes:
Kraken (Perez Park)
Babbage (Boomtown)
Adamastor (Dark Astoria)
Jurassik (Crey's Folley)
Eochai (Croatoa)
Jack-in-Irons (Croatoa)
Sally (Croatoa)
Paladin (Kings Row)
Ghost Ship (Talos Island and Independence Port)
Lusca (Independence Port)
City of Villains:
Deathsurge (Cap au Diable)
Ghost of Scrapyard (Sharkhead Isle)
Caleb (Nerva Archipelago)
Ballista (St. Martial)
The Nitty Gritty
Notice that the zone location of each Giant Monster is mentioned in parenthesis. Only the zone mobs count for this project and screenshots of any other version will not be accepted. For example: the Task Force Babbage is a mission mob, not a zone mob. The only Babbage that counts is the one that spawns in Boomtown.
Ballista and Ghost Ships are not technically Giant Monsters but hey they are special, and they are on this list!
Only the Giant Monster can be in the photo no player characters. Photos that contain player characters will not be considered. Background imagery is fine, but it cannot take the focus off the Giant Monster. Only one picture can be submitted per person, please.
The style of the image is up to you. The Giant Monster can be in action, orperhaps you took a secret snapshot without ever causing a stir. The more interesting it is, the better! It does have to be a clear, easily recognizable image that can be used for easy identification purposes.
DO take a crisp, clean, high-res image.
DO NOT photoshop the picture (minor cropping is ok).
DO NOT include the UI.
DO NOT manipulate the picture.
Submissions can be made by emailing your screenshots (details below) from FRIDAY JULY 21st until 12:00 AM (CST) FRIDAY JULY 28th.
How to Submit:
*You may only enter 1 screenshot. If we see multiple entries from you, all entries will be disqualified.
* You may not manipulate or edit the screenshot in any way (although basic cropping certainly allowed and encouraged).
*You may not manipulate or edit the shot in any way (although basic cropping is certainly allowed and encouraged for dramatic effect).
*Screenshots MUST be JPG format, at LEAST 640 x 480 pixels (72 dpi) and MAXIMUM 1024 x 768. Converting sizes (eg from 1600x1200 to 800x600) is fine.
*We reserve the right to re-crop or otherwise modify any pictures.
* EMAIL submissions to: cohsubmissions@plaync.com
* Your submission MUST include:
- Your real name
- Age
- Address
- PlayNC Master Account name
- Game account name
- Character & server name
* Finalists will be selected with an eye towards clear identification and mob placement.
* If you arent selected, its likely that its because the number of submissions is so high. Please remember that some mobs may have more screenshot submissions than others.
* One winner will be selected for each Giant Monster. Winning screenshots will be used in an upcoming online feature.
* Winners will be identified on the page with first name, last initial, and city, and State (or country if from outside the US).
* Screenshots that are too dark, too small, or otherwise unclear will be disqualified.
*****NOTE: If it is a good shot, but simply too dark, we *will* adjust the horizontal and the vertical (and the gamma, the brightness, the contrast, etc.) on our end.
For full submission guidelines & legal notice, please click here.
If you have problems taking screenshots, check out the Knowledge Base article here.