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  1. I would like to see bars, bar stools, pool tables, pinball games, and pretty much all the stuff you find in Pocket D.
  2. I would like to suggest two things.

    1. Don't show friends list.
    2. Please, can we have this information also available as a web service so Super Groups with web sites can consume this information and use them on their own web site. I would like to create web pages for our members that just feeds off this information to keep the pages up to date.

  3. [ QUOTE ]
    This earthquake just rounded off my exposure to natural disasters. All I need now is a volcanic eruption to complete the set.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Don't forget tsunami.

    * If someone else said this, sorry I did not read every post.
  4. One tactic we had to separate one AV from the rest was to first try to pull one and pull that one all the way to boat for two reasons. One, if you died you were right back in the battle in a matter of seconds. Two, we were hoping for some Longbow help. (They did help one time and the ship guns fired on Mako, but the guns lost interest or ran out of bullets. :P) Anyway, if we had more then one AV we would have some brave soul strip the other unwanted AVs and pull them all the way back to their starting points and sacrifice themselves and take a hospital ride back the boat.

    We were successful with this tactic for 3 out of the 4 AVs but did not have the right team make up to on GW. She was a total pain in the ever loving [censored]. I would have to agree with some that dropping the level of the AVs down just one level might help a lot. It is almost ridiculous to say that this TFs level range is 45-50. IMHO there is no way a team of anything less then lvl 50 heroes or 4 50s with 4 sidekicks can complete this task force.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    You are correct. The trial itself was (and will be) all PvE. But there was PvP in the Cathedral of Pain process: it is the next step in the cycle (raiding) where the PvP came into play. That isn't part of the trial run itself, but there is a connection. If you walked away from the trial with an Item of Power it meant that you should probably expect to be raided by another supergroup.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Can you run the trial and not accept the Item of Power if it is awarded? My SG is really not interested in the whole PVP aspect of the game but we would be interested in the TF. If we have to accept Item of Power we would just like to set it up where would be raiders could just come in and take it without resistance in return for not destroying our equipment in the base.
  6. Can you do this with demo playback and have them all doing the cancan in one big show girl row?
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]


    Bugs with unearned badge placeholders
    Many meters move so slowly that you can't tell if you've made any progress on a badge. Can we get multi-line meters for large achievements? (eg, Healing, any Epic badges, anything over 500 kills.)

    [/ QUOTE ]Probably not. The bar has 100 ticks on it, so moving it 1 tick is 1% of progress

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This has probably been asked before, but could we get some kind of numeric indication letting us know where we are compared to where we need to be. Maybe this could be in some kind right click info thing much like most of the other parts of the game.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    My SO wants to get in the game but her computer isn't good enough...yet.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My wife and I picked up a new computer for our anniversary so we could play together. I got the new one and she got the old one while the only difference is .1 Ghz on the processor she teases me relentlessly about it. I argued that as a software engineer I need that extra .1 Ghz for work.
  9. My wife and I play, and our SG had 4 other couples that play too. We are down to 3 now. We have a few other members that their other halfs play too, but may not be in our SG. So there are a lot I would say.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Actually how about this for a compromise... Add a timed delay that will allow you to reset the mission. Such as only 1 attempt to finish the mission per day. Then you still have plenty of opportunity to beat the AV to get the badge and it's pointless to use it for power level.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is better, but I still don’t like the idea of any and all AV’s being timed. Here is another suggestion for all timed missions, AV or not. How about starting the count down when you enter the mission, instead of when you receive the mission. This would give plenty of time for those to form teams, or wait for friends or super group members to log on. It will also gives those that did not read the mission thoroughly (* raises hand “guilty” *) the ability to go ahead and log of for the day.

    Befor I logged off I would make sure to get 3 missions queued up so I could just start in on them the next timed I played. I went to get my second mission took it with out reading, *bam* timed mission. Well okay I can do this. It is in another zone, I might as well pick up the third mission on my way. Not learning from my first mistake, I did not read the info on the third mission and *bam* another timed mission. Augh two timed missions lol! I actually was able to complete both, and I now no longer queue missions at the end of the session.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    There are a bunch of fallacies with the pro-exploiters' logic here:

    [/ QUOTE ]

    First and foremost you assumed that I am a pro-exploiter. I have to admit I did take part of this exploit once, but I only did it once and felt like it was wrong so I quit the team, and have never did it again. I am not a pro-exploiter and have turned down attempts since this first act of indiscretion. Besides I did not ever say that this issue should not be taken care of. In fact I suggested that another way to fix this exploit can be found.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Logical Fallacy #1: "AV missions shouldn't be timed."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How is my statement about “AV’s should not be in a timed mission” logically false, when I am referring to all AV missions not just the one that is currently in discussion, but all the ones that were previously timed. There is nothing false with this statement. I don’t want to feel rushed when I go up against one. I like to come up with a plan of attack and follow it. I try to find out info on the AV and build a team from a strategy.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Logical Fallacy #2: "Now people won't have a chance to get the Portal Jockey badge."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I never said that someone would never get the chance to get the portal Jockey badge. So this fallacy is not even prudent in your rebuttal to my previous post. Though it does make it a little more of a nuisance to get it. I totally agree with you that if someone is recycling the mission they are not interested in getting badges.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Logical Fallacy #3: "Powerlevelers who herd can just use other missions."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How can this be false? Albeit you don’t hear of other missions being exploited in this way, but what is stopping them from doing so? Absolutely nothing. Other mission can be herded. Are they? I have no idea. So I cant say they are, but no one can say they are not. All I know is that if they are this should be stopped too.

    So now that everyone know that I am not a pro-exploiter let me try again. Do not put any AV’s in timed mission, even the ones that are already in timed missions. Any outdoor instance mission is going to subject to possible, not definite but possible, herding. Lets find some other way to close all the possible herding exploit loopholes. I suggested that maybe giving mobs some kind of resistance to herding by only allowing them to chase a target a fixed radius from there spawn point. Once they are outside of the radius they loose interest in their target and return to their spawn point. Is this the best solution? Probably not, but is putting the missions on a timer the best solution, probably not also.
  12. Okay, this was probably said, I don’t want to read through 26 pages of post to find out.

    AV's should not be on a timed mission. Plain and simple. Especial on that is needed for a badge. You just asking for a high failure rate.

    I am sorry that people are exploiting it, but there has to be a better fix. Any outdoor instance is going to be subject to possible herding. Find some other way reduce this exploit. Make the mobs more resistant to herding by making them stay within a fixed radius of where they spawned. A radius larger then a 6 slotted snipe attack.
  13. Digitizer

    Spectral Terror

    ST is awesome for respec mission. I drop one or two of those things on the core and it never gets touched. On the lvl 44 respec, the Rikti would tport right to the core and just stand there, or run off. Yes, it might have been a pain to chase some of them down but I have not failed a respec mission when I have had one sitting on the core.
  14. I like the idea of the lctrl key to do this, I think I will go ahead and bind these right now. Can I ask that these trays have the ability to be separated from each other? My screen is already filled with so many windows. It might also be cool to allow the trays to be displayed vertical on the left or right side. Another idea might be that some of these windows be pop out windows. Just have some kind of tab along the edge that when you role the mouse over it, it pops up so you can use it. If someone else said anything else about this I am sorry I just don’t want to read all 18 pages of post right now.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Have created a tab on my chat windows, created a channel, and can get tot he member listing. I have folks I have invited on there but it says you can invite SUpergroup members but Supergroup is not availabe, it is greyed out.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Are you a member of a super group?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    yes except I just read that alliance stuff is not available so perhaps that is why that option is greyed out?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No, if it is grayed out and you are on a super group, from the way the PDF reads, it sounds like a bug. Either that or members of the SG need to be on, but I don’t think this should be the case. Unfortunately, I am at work on lunch break and unable to test this out.

    Or what WingedKagouti said.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    It's an Add On to standard chat.

    As for the / command to send to different channels, its /send <name of channel>, <msg> if you read the PDF it solves 90% of whatever questions you have.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And uh, where is that PDF?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Go back just one page and there are two links, to it otherwise here it is again: Global Chat PDF.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    another fine example of throwing things out of test onto live without actually usuing data from test servers.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    When I went to the test server to try it out, I went to all the zones and found no one willing to test it out with me. You are assuming that they had a lot of data to work with. Also this is, as the name implies and others have stated a “BETA”. You do not have to get involved if you cant handle the fact that there are going to be bugs that need to be worked out. One thing I don’t understand is why they did not put 2 or more test severs up in order for us to test that functionality out. Unless, I missed a day that they were doing that, in which case ignore my last comment.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Have created a tab on my chat windows, created a channel, and can get tot he member listing. I have folks I have invited on there but it says you can invite SUpergroup members but Supergroup is not availabe, it is greyed out.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Are you a member of a super group?
  19. Kudos States and thanks for listening.
  20. Digitizer

    "I got a rock"

    Wouldn’t be funny if they tied the rock into a future event, that if someone still had there rock they could one shot a monster with it because they were somehow susceptible to such a rock. “Sticks and stones can break his bones, but no other power could hurt him.” Well at least not as bad.
  21. Digitizer

    Badge Progress

    [ QUOTE ]
    If there is no one found it yet. I know I got a TON of treats last night, and I didn't get anything..nor a badge for killing the Streng (the little Fir bolgs)

    Hoping there are still badges for those...WANT MORE!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well it does take a TON x TON of Rikti Monkeys for that badge, so who knows. (What do you day devs could you drop us a hint?)
  22. Digitizer

    Badge Progress

    Does anyone know if there might be a badge they are not telling us about? Like a badge for getting so many treats. I could see them doing this, rewarding those that trick or treat so much that they get 1000 treats or so.