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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I just rolled a Dark/Poison MM

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmmm, now how did you manage that?

    Try as I might, it won't let me select two secondaries and skip right over the primary. I'd be a Force Field/Sonic Resonance Controller!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You'd be a portable perma-MoG generator. T'would be a great addtion to a team.

  2. [ QUOTE ]
    If you put Defense Buff Enhancements into those slots, your Henchmen will have better Defense.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is not accurate. Adding a defense buff will increase the defense of, for example, protector bot shields, but not the henchman's inherent defense. If the henchman doesn't have a defense power, it won't accept defense buff enh.

  3. I think I like this new one even better.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Are you really saying that had you known that you would have gained access to a SnowBeast Gladiator, you would have spent 3 hours to get Toy Collector???

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That is exactly the case for me. If I'd known there was a gladiator attached, I'd have put in the extra time. Didn't want to put in all the extra time just for the TC badge itself.

    Is it the end of the world? Hardly. Still, I wish I'd have the info to make the choice at the time.

  5. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    *waves to Positron*

    Will Snowbeast also be fixed?

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    Yes. This is given to players who got the Toy Collector badge in December.

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    What, there was a gladiator associated with Toy Collector? If I'd known that, I'd have put in the extra time to get it. Boo!

  6. Checksum

    Your Opinion

    [ QUOTE ]
    Tell them it is your entertainment. Compare the fact that going to a movie with a date ($20-$40, depending on concession stand usage) for 3 hours is roughly the same amount you pay for 20+ hours of entertainment a month.

    And if that doesn't work, put them on /ignore.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    God I wish that worked in real life!

  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Want to find out more about Wyvern, the dark force of justice both founded and funded by Manticore? Check out our latest enemy group update here!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nobody tell Statesman about this web page or Manticore will be in deep doo doo...
  8. How are people slotting Trip Mines post-I6? I jsut picked it up and was thinking of going 3xDamage, 2xAccuracy, 1xRecharge

    I run at max difficulty so I'm usually fighting +2 and +3. The second Acc enhancement would help me where it might not be necessary for some.

  9. Love can also cause villainy. Would those stories be valid as well, or do you want us to stick to the Hero side?

  10. [ QUOTE ]
    ah trust me, you most likely wont need stamina anyway, most of the time your MM will have a full bar of endurance.

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    Depends on your secondary and pool powers. If you're running FF and some toggles like Leadership, you could have end issues.

    I'm about even on end with my Robotics + Traps + Assault + Tactics.

  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Hi, this has been discontinued for the time being. We'll let you know if/when we plan to put it back on the web site. In the meantime, if you'd like to contribute something, you might consider submitting some fan fiction or fan art. Go here for details.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just curious, but is a technical difficulty with website renovations or a philosophical issue?

    (yes, those are your options - technical or philosophical)

  12. With scheduled raiding, is there anything to stop a player from blocking out the raid window by scheduling an attack from another character of his own, thus preventing other SGs from attacking during the raid window?

    Also, thanks for the FAQ. I didn't know anything at all about bases until this. Nice work!

  13. When you say T-sue, do you mean tee-sue? That just sounds wrong to me. Pretend someone named Sue walked in the door and you were saying It's Sue, but just drop the "I" from It's.

    If you want to get technical, start with a un unvoiced alveolar plosive "t", which releases to the unvoiced alveolar fricative "s", which then changes tp the high back voiced "u".

    Damn, now you made be go whip out my linguistics degree.

  14. I think players will realize soon enough that it's not a bug. Word will spread, and most of it will probably be contained to in-game channels and players filling i nthe uninformed.

    By the way, how are AoEs going to work with confuse? Will each character in the radius get a random roll to see if they get damaged? Will it work the same way for buffs and debuffs?

  15. [ QUOTE ]
    You say he was acting OOCly. He says he was roleplaying. Until we can read his mind, I am willing to give him benefit of the doubt.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, at one point he asked if I had any other characters on the server. Make of that what you will.

    Also, I'm sorry you've never experienced any cool RP moments.

    As for the comment about IC/OOC flags, I've been other places that had IC and OOC channels for communication, so you could always tell if someone was speaking ICly or OOCly. I don't know if that's really necessary here. Maybe stick it in your description that you're always IC, I dunno. I really don't think this is that big an issue. I'm surprised so many people are responding.
  16. Hmm, I seemed to have caused confusion. (confusion? on a message board?!?)

    Let me put it this way. The guy wasn't roleplaying. It was clear. He was acting OOC. He was just hitting on me. And he stopped. No big deal. Watter off a duck's back.

    But doesn't it bother anyone else that he would rationalize it as roleplaying?

    I've done and seen enough roleplaying to know what it is and to recognize good roleplayers. But others might not know, and I wouldn't want people to get the general concensus that OOCly hitting on people should be equated to roleplaying. RP is much cooler than that.

  17. Actually, he did stop. It wasn't a big deal to me, personally. The thing that got me was that he considered it roleplaying. I wasn't offended sexually. I was offended as a roleplayer. To do something that lame and call it roleplaying, you know? There are so many great things you can do in character. Anyway, thanks for the responses!

  18. I recently created a female character, and had teamed up with a guy, whereupon he kept calling me darlin, cutie, sweetie, etc. I told him to knock it off, and he said he was only roleplaying.

    Do others actually think that this constitutes roleplaying?

    Personally, I think it's a load of crap. Roleplaying is not an excuse to be a jerk.
