28 -
guys Im afraid.... who are all these people!
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That's what I was wondering. I saw this get 20 pages. I'm a Triumphiant, I don't know how to read more than 2 pages!
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Defeating the Vindicators and Freedom Phalanx is so much cooler than Hamidon. That, and some awesome screenies make people want to weigh in on how cool this is. Oh yeah, and all your regular dev digesters will join in anything when a Dev posts. -
Very awesome!
Anyway, it's much cooler than beating a Jell-O mold!
Good job guys, you made all us n00b-rushers proud! -
When asking a "why can't" question, I would first ask a "why would heroes and villains..." question. Why would heroes and villains form a permanent coalition?
I love the way they stand on the corners of buildings in Nerva so I can watch them plummet to their deaths after I gut them with Assassin's Claw.
Still angry! San Jose is not close to Tampa.
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Do you know the way to San Jose? -
Every time I see that I think: What is this? EQ with negative probability matricies!
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Or WoW with asymptotic craning legumbules. -
I just wish we could get a word from the Devs as to when the Skeleton Customization will be available. We know they wanted to include it at launch, but lately we've been hearing MOD12 of Fission 4, or MOD 1 of Fission5!
My concept requires an asymmetrical limb restructuring with an elongated reticulum. It's immersion-breaking to leap into combat and only swing one Kartolance while standing on "feet".
So c'mon Devs, when are we getting SC?? -
Whoa, boy! Don't give up on PoR just yet. Miner's might look attractive now, but wait a few level and the HV costs will normalize more in tolerance with KYN. Once you see how well PoR meshes with the Gloom, Parity, Datchet, and Radiowave sets, you won't be so quick to metamorphose.
OK, I just gotta spill the beans, it all starts when [ Edited by ModeratorQ ]
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Pwnt! -
I was wondering how long it would take for a RTFGB post to show up
But c'mon that's what the Story Servers are for: Candelos, Wompfurth, Masidosian, Carnyte, Gurdnik are all simultaneously driving the plot forward for the other 14 servers! The Reprecussion Engine from fission 2 works over time to update the relation parameters between the various factols and their respective broodkin. All of this generates thousands of updates per kilorotation, and makes it difficult to keep up if your not subscribed to the daily plot notes. I know if I joined now, I wouldn't be able to wade through the first volume of the GB. As it is, I'm not even sure about the genesis of the Cracker Virus or why King Muon is the Leftenvore of Hyrellia, and Carnyte is my home server!
But as for pulling out the Dentrids, it makes perfect sense if you read Week 23's Plot Notes (page 123)
Lady Mancusa, at the behest of her people, abandon the Frozen Chrysalis in hopes that the Heliarchs of the Trudint Faction would follow her example. For now, the Dentrids maintain an uneasy truce with the Heliarchian overlords, but sages warn that the smallest spark can ignite all of Gurthwyte!
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And then week 13 has the info on the Heliarchs and the Overlord Wars. -
Yeah, well to bring it full circle, the Nubians are the only way a level 12 Spotter fights Frozen Chrysalis when he's slotted for Transience.
The Mancusan Dentrid seems like a bit of poetic justice for such a min-maxed character since the shiv-tox is typed (Boronian) and causes the Nubians to lose their antipodes and go crazy. It's messy, and I would have given anything to be on that mission with a Obfuscate Heendrider! -
What's a Nubian?
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Spotter pet added as an expanision in Q2. -
Woah! ... I mean, I haven't seen a Kartomancy user below clearence level 45HH!? ESPECIALLY as a 3rd Ordinal...sheesh.
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Third Fission removed the CL requirement. The third ordinal isn't too hard to get if your Guild has ownership of the Mentate Plastibule. But I don't expect to see 4th before 60.
And that scaling rate is crazy! I tought my 3.2 was high, but 3.4 is off the chains, man!
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And I have the divorce to prove it! (j/k) It didn't hurt that I was mugged in an alleyway by rugby hooligans in nun habits, and laid up for a month (Okay, well THAT hurt). I had some extra free time.
A few suggestions, take a few Matrix Points from TRN and add them to your FER, I know a lot of people think FER isn't good for the time it takes to improve it, but it's worth it in the long run when you're facing those damn Riddioans in the 77TQ+ game.
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Read my previous post about the Protu Insps.
And hey, if you're on the Candeolos server you need to show me your Quivering Kartolance, I only have the water/ice versons.
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Done. I earned a Heliotrack Pass last night in the Grouseman arc. So I'll switch servers tomorrow (and I'll show you where I farm the Protu's). And if you're interested, I think members of the same sub-messen can combine Kartolances even if they are opposing diamörs. The resonance alone would be enough to take down the Spore Hound in DD if you're willing to camp him for a couple hours. -
Uh just one lil itsy bitsy question.... Wth are you all talking about? My head hurts so bad im biting my own hand! I need that hand to type!!!!
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This should clear things up. -
Okay, I've rematrixed my build for the Mancusan nerf, and I guess I want to know what you guys think:
1st Ordinal Matrix:Tachyon
2nd Ordinal Matrix:Nature (Ray)
3rd Ordinal Matrix (Epic):Kartomancy
KYN: |||||||||||
FER: |||||
TRN: ||||||||||||||||
Actual Matrices:
<ul type="square">[*]Tachyon Stare[*]Tachyon Parry[*]Nugol Radiccion[*]Paraflyne Skin[/list]Zoman Matrices
<ul type="square">[*]Summon Andelynnian Mimpo[*]Drawn Supposition[*]Mantid Brevetation[/list]Hereditary Matrices (Epic)
<ul type="square">[*]Kartometric Imposition[*]Quivering Kartolance (fire)[/list]
Scaling Rate:3.4 (I know!!!)
I still have one rematrixing left after the Raid last Thursday of Torbid the Hunjil's Dentrid Caves, so If I gimped myself too badly, I can always try it again. -
I think you meant spanners. Ice is a tertiary set for tankers, and only if they cross over from the PvP servers. Unless you're using tank-hack mod off of Ninezener's World? If so, I wouldn't brag. It could get you banned.
Why don't I ever get Protrusion inspirations?
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You don't want them. They have a very short duration and have a tendancy to cause you to misfire painfully.
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I use them all the time (and I have a secret source I'm not sharing :P) and I never misfire. You just have to wait until your mana bar is in the pink and then they work fine. If you hold out to purple, you get double duration and +8.6% to your Fer. attribute (MkH Planner v2.7) -
Protrusion Inspirations are double-rare drops. Although if you see Meik Interra (just beyond the Saffron Curtain in the Verdanx Sector) she will give you a temporary Mantle of Succor and send you on a short instanced mission inside Kyoo's (?) Soul.
The Mantle gives you a huge buff versus the Soul Mites, and they drop Protu Insps like crazy. Of course, you'll use half of them before you get to Kyoo's own Chrysalis. But if you're smart (and bring a good Runner, or in a pinch a Blambost will do), you should end up with 3 or 4 in your inventory.
I'm glad to hear that the bug will be fixed. I saw a team of Blombosts exploiting the hell out of it in Ghandu. -
I've yet to see a fire, but my understanding is that you need a temp power to put the flames out.
I think it would be cool to put a +dam vs. Fire on certain powers, so heroes can use their super powers to extinguish flames as well. Several powers in the Storm set and Ice set come to mind. And Fire controllers? Hellooo!
Not everyone would have their own tools to put out a fire, but then again, not all powersets affect all villain types equally either. -
Replying to Beerjitsu, 'cause I know him
and he won't take too much offense.
What are you on?!?!
I found the Top Cow stories to be Hamidon to Blue King's Hellions. Just no comparison. Stories are not games, and shouldn't be beholden to each and every conceit of those games. A nod to game quirks here and there is sufficient.
The art is superior, the dialogue is terrific, and even though the main characters are under duress, we get glimpses of their true personas by how they act under that stress.
I don't care to refute every point made by the DOOM-sayers, but this is a *superior* product. Better production, better art, better writing, better BETTER.