Discussion: 51 Month and 54 Month Veteran Rewards




Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement

The City of Heroes Veteran Reward Program continues to roll out new rewards! Every three months an account is subscribed, it earns new rewards. We’ve recently updated the Veteran Reward Web Page to include the rewards for 51 Month and 54 Month veterans.

For more information about the Veteran Reward Program, please follow the above links or visit the Veteran Reward FAQ.

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rewards look good, it will be nice to get the extra powers

Leader/Founder of Order Sixty-Six Guardian Server




3 vet attacks at lvl 1.




Hopefully, the helmets will be male and female.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Yay for getting the rest of the preorder helms!

I do have a slight concern about about the extra power though. isn't there a balance concern with Natural origin characters? As in, they will be able to have both ranged attacks, both doing bonus damage, which kind of makes them the 'uber' origin in terms of levelling new characters.

Not saying its going to cause any problems, just a thought.

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Hopefully, the helmets will be male and female.

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No.. Only the Widow helm is available for females.

Also, I'm a little disappointed the vet rewards are starting to be recycled. I'm surprised they didn't let you choose one of 2 other temp powers given out - like the holy shotgun or the bow & arrow from Croatoa...




Nice, if unsurprising.

For the next wave of Veteran Reward powers, could a choice between passive defences be an option? A choice between an always-on Lethal / Smash DR or an always on Fire / Ice / Energy DR power would be a nice option.




3 vet attacks at lvl 1.


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Indeed, many a level 1 will have a nice time getting through their growing pains.

And to the future complainers about the preorder helmets now becoming available.....so what? The Preorder versions weren't customizable and as I recall it was one preorder code per account and hence only one helmet in the first place.

I don't see any big deal at all about the preorder helms becoming available for long time players at all



*drool* I can't wait for the 54 month badge! I still got a ways to go though...at least another year I think Oh well. Having the Nem Staff AND the Blackwand?! I love it!



I was wonderin when the helmets were gonna pop. Was a long time coming, considering how soon the heroes preorder sprints popped. Very nice. Do the eyes glow yet? Or is that a level 30 aura option?

As for 3rd of the 4 powers choice, that dang nice. All my rad emission and tactics characters will be thrilled. Especially the defenders... Most 'damaging' thing they can actually do is hit with those vet temps.

Accentuating low damage values aside... hehe... Thanks Dev's.

Would it be possible to remove the origin 'specificness' of the ranged temps... Not many of my mutants actually want the Wand. Thematic stuff... looks etc. You know how it is...



*drool* I can't wait for the 54 month badge! I still got a ways to go though...at least another year I think Oh well. Having the Nem Staff AND the Blackwand?! I love it!

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Yes but dont forget your origin provides a buff for only one of the 2 items...unless your origin is Natural.....



As someone who pre-ordered COV and got the CE no less, all I can say is "excellent." I have no issues with this. Regardless of how you got the helmets (pre-order or VR), they're still a limited, prestigious item. And I certainly can think of a lot of people who didn't pre-order COV who were longtime COH players and have VEATs now, so I'm double happy for them



Well, in one respect, I'm glad to see the vet rewards continue, but at the same time, I feel a bit underwhelmed that the developers aren't getting at all imaginitive with new rewards. Recycled rewards just isn't getting me excited...Thank you, but meh...



Well this is a nice plus for all those that didn't pre-order either CoH or CoV however I will now think twice about any pre-ordering incentives given in the future. I mean what is the point of ordering early just to have your bonus taken away at a future date?
Oh I wouldn't get to cozy with those nice Vet powers either as it seems they are Temporary Powers anyway. I imagine they will go sometime in the future as most TEMPS do.

Try out these AE arcs: 58376, 121698 & 143827

Badges? Did someone say badges? Sign me up!



Well, in one respect, I'm glad to see the vet rewards continue, but at the same time, I feel a bit underwhelmed that the developers aren't getting at all imaginitive with new rewards. Recycled rewards just isn't getting me excited...Thank you, but meh...

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I wouldn't mind seeing a few new ideas as well, but eh. Vet rewards don't make or a break a character.

Perhaps a Vet Badge that also gives a perma boost to regen/recovery? Not too high of a boost of course



Well this is a nice plus for all those that didn't pre-order either CoH or CoV however I will now think twice about any pre-ordering incentives given in the future. I mean what is the point of ordering early just to have your bonus taken away at a future date?
Oh I wouldn't get to cozy with those nice Vet powers either as it seems they are Temporary Powers anyway. I imagine they will go sometime in the future as most TEMPS do.

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How was your bonus taken away?

And the vet attacks aren't temp powers. No reason to think they will go away.



Oh, and good job on getting the Vet reward announcements back on track. its good to know what we have to look forward to.

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Well this is a nice plus for all those that didn't pre-order either CoH or CoV however I will now think twice about any pre-ordering incentives given in the future. I mean what is the point of ordering early just to have your bonus taken away at a future date?
Oh I wouldn't get to cozy with those nice Vet powers either as it seems they are Temporary Powers anyway. I imagine they will go sometime in the future as most TEMPS do.

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These are perma versions of the temp powers. Only way they'd leave is if they strip the vet badges or if there is a massive malfunction.

As to being steamed at all about having the preorder helms now avail via vet rewards, that was the point I was trying to make. The game has been out for many a year now, and those that preordered still have their shiny preorder helmet. Now those helmets are becoming a long term vet reward that very few will be getting any time soon.....

So still not seeing the issue.



Sweet! Only 32 months and the pre-order helms will be mine



Yay for getting the rest of the preorder helms!

I do have a slight concern about about the extra power though. isn't there a balance concern with Natural origin characters? As in, they will be able to have both ranged attacks, both doing bonus damage, which kind of makes them the 'uber' origin in terms of levelling new characters.

Not saying its going to cause any problems, just a thought.

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Very good point.



the 54 reward is kinda weak. Granted its better than the 45 month reward, but still. Why not pick from one of the other many temp powers available. Heck, id love a beefed up throwing knife. Or a pistol.

Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.



Do want the helms. I got something like 10 months to go until I can get it though.

Out of curiosity, does natural still give a bonus to the blackwand? Cause if so, Natural origin characters are gonna have a nice boost with both temps doing full damage.

I do kinda wish they were different temps, but I think the devs are trying not to make interesting and useful rewards so far out that any new players will probably not get them before the game servers shut down forever.



Complete. Garbage.




Very nice. Good to know those helms are available via vet rewards and having two vet powers, also good.



I'm not too impressed by the extra attacks. I would much prefer more choice between the powers, not just "Oh, hey, if you want the axe instead of Sands of Mu now, you can take it. Or, hey, take a Nemesis Staff now. It'll be cool."

Still, the choice has been made. I guess it will work out somehow.

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