Discussion: 51 Month and 54 Month Veteran Rewards




Id like to finally be able to get the Power Slide !!!!

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IIRC, that's from the collector's edition, and if so, won't happen.

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It's included in the Prestige Sprints Vet Reward, I like it for characters that I don't want to see a "running" animation on, if you're zoomed in close it also smooths out the Camera a bit as well.

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No, it's not. Slide is not in the Veteran Reward program at all, certainly not with the other Prestige Sprints.

You can only have Slide from the City of Heroes Collectors Edition. Originally $80, now at Big Lots for $10.

Comparison of CoH/V Editions and what you get.

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The CoH Collector's Edition was $50 when it came out.

But yeah, saw a few at Big Lots a couple weeks back. Definitely a good deal for $10 since it comes with a free month.



not bad really, one of my biggest worries is that they are going to stick an amazing reward up in the insanely high badges like these, and its going to be really unfair to anyone who is just buying the game now(i'll get it, of course :P ) so this is actually fair, though at 54 i am going to have one butt kicking level 1 attack chain.



not bad really, one of my biggest worries is that they are going to stick an amazing reward up in the insanely high badges like these, and its going to be really unfair to anyone who is just buying the game now(i'll get it, of course :P ) so this is actually fair, though at 54 i am going to have one butt kicking level 1 attack chain.

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and thats why they are recycling powers instead of making something super awesome that could potentially upset game balance. Fairness.



Nice announcement.

3 other Villains helms to complete the collection in icon. as for the question of the recycling of prievious Vet powers vs adding new and or the natural being uber with two ranged attacks, Um No.

Being able to select Axe over Sands was always an animation issue both are great powers.

Staff is for Natural Tech and Science to get bonus

Wand is for Magic and Mutant to get bonus

Natural doesn't get to double dip any more than any other AT set who could chose both for ranged, but only one of the items would get the bonus damage for matching your AT.

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Actually if memory is working right:

Science/Tech/Natural =Nemesis Staff buff

Mutant/Magic/Natural =Black Wand Buff

So yes Natural can "Double dip"

Edit: here's the text from the Vet Reward Page for the 33 month badge that offers Nem/Blackwand choice:

"The Nemesis staff is a steam-powered staff that shoots bolts of energy that deal damage, and knocks back foes. Characters of Science, Technology, or Natural, origin get a bonus to their damage when using this power. Damage: Moderate. Recharge: Long.

The Blackwand is a black metal wand that feels cold in the hand, and glows with dark arcane energies. It decreases the chance enemies will hit you when they are affected by itÂ’s magics. When used by those of Magic, Natural, or Mutant origin, it increases the potency of its attacks. Damage: Moderate. Recharge: Long."

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Wow thats interesting , however the Vet announcement page is actually wrong and wasn't fixed. screenshot as of today of the ingame text.

33 month Vet Reward

It would have been cool if you could, as I have too many Natural Style Heroes. sorry guys thems the facts.


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Ah but grasshopper, you forget one crucial thing: this wouldn't be the first time a in-game description of a power or a badge or a recipie has been erroneous.

To me it makes sense that Natural is the neutral origin and thus if it augments the nem staff then it should also augment the blackwand as well.

And given that VEATS are natural origin whether the player likes that origin or not.....Veats can now gain 2 useful vet powers that will both be augmented

Peacebringers can also double dip and have both but Warshades can only boost the Nem Staff due to their Science origin.



The people who have been arguing forever that you should only get the pre-order stuff if you pre-ordered's heads just exploded. I don't like to throw around words like "elitist", because I believe that it's used WAY too much, but this argument is bordering on it. Yay for helmets!

On the other hand, I would have liked to see something a bit more original than "Hey! Here's one of the powers you didn't pick!" Not that I'm not thrilled to get another power at level 1, cause we all know how helpful that's gonna be starting out, but recycling should be reserved for your trash, not your vet rewards.

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Elitist? No. You get told you are getting an exclusive item, then they start giving it to others later on, that's a rather bad thing. If you get told you'll get a trophy for winning a race, win the race, get the trophey, then see everyone else get at trophy just like your trophey a few days later, it's going to be a let down.

It's hard to get upset by this one, though. I mean, it's over fifty months! Heck, for the next year and a few months, the only people getting the reward will be folks who were here but just didn't pre-order.

Plus, honestly, the VEAT outfits work far better than those helmets. Though they can be handy for giving you a little bit of the VEAT uniform even when you aren't wearing the uniform.

The natural-origin problem on the 54 month powers does worry me, though. Naturals are going to have to be given a not-buffed version if they pick the other ranged power, IMHO. Otherwise, vets are going to be picking Natural origin far more than the others.



not bad really, one of my biggest worries is that they are going to stick an amazing reward up in the insanely high badges like these, and its going to be really unfair to anyone who is just buying the game now(i'll get it, of course :P ) so this is actually fair, though at 54 i am going to have one butt kicking level 1 attack chain.

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and thats why they are recycling powers instead of making something super awesome that could potentially upset game balance. Fairness.

[/ QUOTE ]no, its because that super awesome thing would be so laughably far out of any new players hands that it would be more demoralizing than motivating. If you have something that super awesome, keep it out of the vet rewards and give it to everyone.



For the power slide and cape of the 4 winds just go to big lots. I just picked up the collectors dvd today and got those two items plus a Statesman heroclix plus 1 month time for $10.

Well worth it.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Elitist? No. You get told you are getting an exclusive item, then they start giving it to others later on, that's a rather bad thing. If you get told you'll get a trophy for winning a race, win the race, get the trophey, then see everyone else get at trophy just like your trophey a few days later, it's going to be a let down.

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*bzzt,* sorry, play again.

The ONLY thing we've been told would never be given away free is anything that comes as a paid-extra or paid-for item. You did not pay extra for the preorder items, and, in fact, we were told to expect them to give away the helms "at some later date."

It's more along the lines of "You win this, you get to see the new shiny movie a few days before the official release in theaters" or (more fittingly) you pre-order, you get a three day head start. Complaining that others get the preorder items is, IMHO, like complaining that they let everyone else in the game that you got to play early.


The only thing really "exclusive" about the helms was who had what helm. The Widow helm was exclusive to EBGames - you couldn't get it from Best Buy. The nice thing about the vet reward is that you'll be able to get *all the other ones* too now instead of having to pick and choose.



I'm a vet with a few months missing - took two 3-month breaks - and I got the pre-order helm. The 51 month doesn't bother me in the least. In fact, I'm happy to get it, primarily because of the way they've dressed them up. I never, ever used my red wolf helmet because it looked silly and wasn't colorable. I pulled it out recently for grins and discovered that the upgrades they'd done had filtered to the pre-order helmets.

The red wolf helm has these funky glowy lights on the side now and the color is just nicer than it was. Toss in the "new" (meaning new since the helm first appeared but I don't really know when it was added because I never noticed it) paneled pattern and you've got a hero uniform that works with the spider helm.

More helms means more costume opportunities. Sounds like a win to me, especially if all of the spider helms are gussied up with special effects.

54-month, not so impressive though I won't turn down another perm power. Gimme the Rune of Warding - Now THAT would be a vet power!




For me, the 51 month is interesting (around Holloween of '10 for that), but the 54 month seems better (Jan. of '11 for that) IMO. Most likely any new characters will roll w/Sands and both wands, reguardless of Origin.

Thank you for the time...

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I agree... I'm kind of disappointed to see the old powers recycled for a new reward, and think it would be better to see a new choice. That said, I'll take a power and be glad for it. Something is better than nothing.

How about for the 57 month Vet badge (weapon rack)vet power we see Iron Sword or Holy Shotgun.

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The complete list of temp powers is enormous and could be used to make up several vet rewards, not just one if the devs want to go that route (perhaps themed lists). Everything from Electromagnetic Grenades, Holy Shotgun, Hyperstealth.... there are dozens from mission lists and out of the Safeguard/Mayhem Weapons Deals.

PS: I bought the COV preorder and I'm happy to see the helmets come out as a reward.... for everyone.

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How about instead of the old vet powers, how about instead you give us options for the IO temp power attacks, pistol, bat, or hammer?! That would rock my world since I really like all three of those. Helmets are pretty meh since I never use the one I have. And recycling paper is good recycling rewards is boring...



And now, my feedback...


We have the code in place to chose among a set of powers, but you won't do that for the costume bits?

I suggested long ago a plan that had near universal player approval (just try and do that!) wherein you can choose which of the Vet Reward costume pieces to unlock for your character each time you had a costume reward. This way, if you're here only a year and want to make a boxer, then you chose the boxer reward at three months instead of wings. None of this waiting three years or more for the costume piece you want. Long time vets get more costumes, so, they have their prestigious honor while newer players don't have to wait five years for a particular costume piece.

Sigh. At this point, I'm starting to feel guilty about trotting out a Vet Reward that a newb can't have for 5 years.

And it would be nice that when we get to a 'temporary' power reward, we can chose from a list of about a dozen each time so that at 54 months we'd have the three out of twelve temp powers that we've chosen.

I'm grateful for the gift, but I always like it better when grandma gave me a gift certificate then when she bought me socks.

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Hopefully, the helmets will be male and female.

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No.. Only the Widow helm is available for females.

Also, I'm a little disappointed the vet rewards are starting to be recycled. I'm surprised they didn't let you choose one of 2 other temp powers given out - like the holy shotgun or the bow & arrow from Croatoa...

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Actually, my female corrupter can use the Red wolf spider helmet. It's my understanding that, do to the lack of female helmets, they made all the male helmets available to females.

With that being said, two questions:

1. Will both Wolf spider helmets be open with the VR. There is a red one and black, and since they can't be colored it'd be great to have both of those options.

2. Could one of them be moved to the 45 month VR, honestly...there's nothing special there. Why is it randomly empty?

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Personally, I see all Vet Rewards as small bonuses for having played this long. Therefore, I look forward to some, and not so much to others. I have no complaints about them, the Devs never needed to give them to me, and they don't effect any of my characters so much that if they were suddenly gone I'd be lost.

On that note, I'm also glad I didnt spend $200 on amazon.com on the preorder CoV, and tho I may never even use the helms, it's great to have the option. For the temp powers, oh well, another range attack for me. No complaints there either.

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Don't confuse the preorder w/ the collector's edition - they are completely different things w/ different bonuses. The colelctor's edition had the arachnos cape, the special chest emblem, the badge, and I think yet a different arachnos helm. It's only the preorder helms that being given as vet rewards...

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Oh, I've seen this. Crazy. Someone is selling the PREORDER discs for 200 and it only comes from one store too, no choice and no proof it hasn't had it's code used. It's awesome the dev's are doing this, it gives everyone a chance to get these nice things, those of us who already had one have our wish of getting the others granted, and new people, hopefully, are less likly to get scammed by people selling then stuff at insanely bloated prices. BRAVO. I only wish I was closer to the helmets than 3 years, I really wanted the Mu helmet but didn't know better.

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The CoH Collector's Edition was $50 when it came out.

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I stand corrected. For the longest time I could only find it on Amazon.com and they had it for $80.

Actually some people paid upwards of $100 for some of the sprints.

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Wha..? In the after market? In Kabul? The retailers were selling it for $10 up front for the beta code and then pay $40 for the retail box when it came out.

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The CoH Collector's Edition was $50 when it came out.

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I stand corrected. For the longest time I could only find it on Amazon.com and they had it for $80.

Actually some people paid upwards of $100 for some of the sprints.

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Wha..? In the after market? In Kabul? The retailers were selling it for $10 up front for the beta code and then pay $40 for the retail box when it came out.

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I would assume that the preorders for sprint going for $100 was before Issue 8 since you just need to play for a year to get them. Sure it cost only $10 and you got refunded for the actual game, but that was only at the start. Since it has been years since both preorders have been available, they are based on supply and demand instead of being preorders. The helmets are a cool feature limited to only a select few players and you can become one of the select few for $200. How different is the marked up price of preorders compared to when XBox 360s and Wiis first appeared and people were selling them for twice what they were worth. Fortunately, I got my Hero Gear Kit for the Power Slide instead of wasting an extra $60 for it.

Due to the ability to get Sands of Mu, Nemesis Staff, and Black Wand, future characters will be Natural Origin to get the added buff for the Staff and Wand. Just wish I could respec out of the axe for my characters that have it. Found it useful as a situational tool, but Sands of Mu is useful most of the time.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



The helmets are meh to me. I have ZERO characters who would every use them. (I know, it's not all about me, but still... Arachnos Stooge helmets as a 50+ month vet reward...? Bleh.)

Also, recycling the previous vet reward attacks? I have to agree with the others here who pointed out that there are tons, TONS of other temp powers that could have been used insted. How about a choice between the bow & arrow and the shotgun? Somehing we haven't seen before.

Sorry, devs. I love you all, but you fumbled this one.

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51's cool. I think the 54 could have been better thought out. Taking powers that you've already offered us and rehashing them to say "Here... take another candy" says while you might not have run out of ideas, you don't feel like wasting them on Vet rewards....

I agree with some of the others... perhaps a different selection of former temp powers, or maybe even a free Raptor Pack or Zero-G Harness... That'd be very useful.



Meh...Still want the Rune of Warding for a Vet power.

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Its a tad lazy I guess to not come up with anything new... but please could you at least update the screenshots for the black wand to actually show the black wand that is granted and not the old one.



So, we can finally have the VEAT helmets on our actual VEATs regardless of "Costume Slot?" ...Good idea and nice timing, but then again that should have been the case on all VEATs regardless of Veteran time clocked in. Those limited options prior to this were Unsexy, very Unsexy indeed and someone needs to tell Jay that. However now It's not going to mean so much when every AT can use them too.

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Agreed. Good idea, especially for VEATs. Personally still disappointed they took away the copy slot option.

Nem staff + blackwand sounds cool. Surely this is better than the boxing costume everyone whined about?

Also agree that yeah maybe a choice between the two Croatoa temps might be a good future one. Although at this point, the people with all awards are almost going to have too many attacks on their newly rolled toons.



Hopefully, the helmets will be male and female.

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No.. Only the Widow helm is available for females.

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That's misleading. Females can use all four helmets. Males and huge can use 3 of them - they don't get the Widow helmet but instead get the red version of the Wolf Spider helmet.

That's why "redwolfspider helmet" is listed in the article instead of "widow helmet" - as usual the Devs has written things with male characters in mind.

Of course, what with Issue 12 and the equal opportunities introduction of "Widowers", males might very well be given the Widow helms. I doubt it though.

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Has creativity been lost?
I've lookd forward to seeing the Vet Rewards and getting them myself, but the 54 month rewards are discouraging. Why on earth recycle an already given Vet Reward later on? Sure an extra power is great but having two of something is going over bored, specially when the Nem Staff and Wand are AT based.

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