Discussion: 51 Month and 54 Month Veteran Rewards




Didn't take long for people to start complaining, lol!

I think they're brilliant. And unlike what some other people said, no this wouldn't keep me from pre-ordering other expansions if you all ever did that again!

I'm sure at some point you're going to offer the VIP/Destined One badge and Prestige Power Slide power as a vet reward (which I think would be spiffy, even though I already have those!), and then the same old gang of complainers is going to, well... complain!

Some people aren't happy unless they got something to complain about, I guess!



Well, I think the Developers are doing a great job!

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I too welcome our new helmet-wearing, two-temp-power wielding overlords.

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The CoV pre-order got me the Wolfspider helm (the normal Arachnos soldier one, forget which one it is called exactly). I've used it on my MM on one of her costumes which was an "Arachnos Agent" type of getup. Now in about six months I'll be able to do the same kinda thing with my Mind Control Dominator, with the appropriate helm. Sweet!



The pictures on the 54 month page of the Blackwand look wrong. They look like the pictures from when the power first came out and it resembled the temp power for killing Ghosts in Croatoa. The Blackwand in-game now is a black trident-looking staff with purple/black swirling.

And in a few months I can have BOTH the Nemesis staff AND the Blackwand on the same character? WOW.

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Yes... you too will have THREE attack powers that MISS more than HALF the time and for which you don't have room on your power tray for anyway!!

You can start celebrating now.

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I would hope that anyone that has subscribed for long enough to get the 54 month veteran reward will have learned by then what the accuracy of the veteran powers are, and how the new tray system works.

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Yay for getting the rest of the preorder helms!

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Uh. . . you mean I'm only supposed to have access to one?

I remember back when I first applied the code that I only had access to one helmet, but some time later all of them unlocked for me. I currently have one character with a Wolf Spider helmet and one that had the Blood Widow helmet for a while.

Guess I tripped over a lucky bug.

The Players' Guide to the Cities



Hopefully, the helmets will be male and female.

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No.. Only the Widow helm is available for females.

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Sorry if this has already been addressed, but I've put the red Mu helmet on female characters before. Looks snazzy, if severe.



I would just like to add that I don't think people should discourage other people from complaining. It's not like this is a Girl Scout bake sale where we're throwing our money at a good cause even if the cookies suck.

We pay monthly fees to have the developers toil away and give us new material to play with. If we're not happy with it, what should stop us from complaining? The developers' hurt feelings? They must know they put little to no thought in the 54-month badge -- their feelings can't be THAT hurt. They're grown-ups.

If you go to a restaurant and get a crappy meal, you don't have to send it back to the kitchen--but you can write a bad review on the comment form.



Never thought I'd say a bad thing about this game, but the 54 month reward is nine shades of a cop out.

You want a real veteran reward?
Unlock the Epics on both red and blue side, AND enable the use of any archetype on either side -or- the abilities to let a hero go bad and a villain to be reformed.

Call it a pipe dream, but that's my opinion. *crosses his arms*



May I suggest *AGAIN* the CoV DVD cape in there somewhere since it no longer seems available?



I'm sure at some point you're going to offer the VIP/Destined One badge and Prestige Power Slide power as a vet reward (which I think would be spiffy, even though I already have those!), and then the same old gang of complainers is going to, well... complain!

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I wouldn't get my hopes up for the stuff people paid EXTRA for. The preorder stuff is one thing, since people didn't pay any extra for there preorder (unless some store riped them off...) but for THAT stuff you had to pay extra, and thus, i could SEE a vaild outcry over that. SO i'd say, no to the Coh/Cov dvd perks, and no wedding pack.

As for the rewards themselves... eh, they do nothing for me. Not saying i'm not greatful. And who know, maybe i'll make someone in the future to can or will use the helms... maybe maybe not. And the extra power will be nice for a few levels, but i always end up not using my vet attacks once i have plenty from my primary or secondary.

So either way, it's hardly anything for me to get excited over... not that i'm complaining... cause i'm not really.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



57 month reward will be choice between all the origin powers! WooHoo!

Seriously, with SOOO many possiblities already in game, why in the world would they do this? Did they seriously not realize that the general player population would be disappointed/disgusted with such a blatant recycling of content? Little things like this show laziness and disregard for the overall quality of the game. There are probably 50-60 options already existing in game that they could have used, from Boxing to Longsword to a Market TP. Re using the existing vet powers is extremely lame.

For thiose that wanna say quit complaining it is free stuff, I say....

1. It isn't free. $15 a month for 54 months is $810. I think we can expect better.

2. If they aren't going to put the effort in, they should have never made Vet rewards in the first place.

3. If I put a pink bow on some dog poo and leave it on your door step, don't complain....it was free and I didn't have to give you anything.



3. If I put a pink bow on some dog poo and leave it on your door step, don't complain....it was free and I didn't have to give you anything.

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The image... my god... the image that provokes. LMFAO



I'm neither disappointed nor disgusted.

At this point the vet rewards shouldn't be uber powers or anything, just nice little additions. Both the 51 and 54 month rewards qualify, in my view, although the pre-order helmets should have been offered much earlier.



...however I will now think twice about any pre-ordering incentives given in the future. I mean what is the point of ordering early just to have your bonus taken away at a future date?

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How was your bonus taken away?

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<Devil's Advocate>

One could argue that the bonus is the fact that the items are limited. It's kind of like if you get a baseball autographed by Derek Jeter, it might be worth a lot. But if they build a machine that can exactly duplicate Derek Jeter's signature on a ball and started dumping them on the market, your baseball would suddenly become worthless. The value of what you own lies in its rarity, and it would suddenly plummet, effectively taking it away from you. There are real-world non-hypothetical examples of this in other places as well.

</Devil's Advocate>

However, an alternative viewpoint, one I subscribe to, is that the bonus wasn't necessarily CoV pre-orders having the helmets, it's was in CoV pre-orders having the helmets for over two and a half years when no one else could get them.

Plus, as has been pointed out, unlike the CoV pre-order, I can finally get a helmet that I'd actually want to use. I have the CoV pre-order, and that eraser head helmet is butt-ugly. I want the Wolf Spider helmet, and I'm thrilled that some of my characters can now use it.

So put me squarely in the column of people saying, "Finally!" I'm surprised they didn't do this a lot earlier.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Nifty.. Nem Staff and Blackwand. Will be neat on my Natural characters, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to put my two cents in with the rest of em. Why the repeat? There are many many cool temp powers out there that they could offer instead.



...however I will now think twice about any pre-ordering incentives given in the future. I mean what is the point of ordering early just to have your bonus taken away at a future date?

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How was your bonus taken away?

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<Devil's Advocate>

One could argue that the bonus is the fact that the items are limited. It's kind of like if you get a baseball autographed by Derek Jeter, it might be worth a lot. But if they build a machine that can exactly duplicate Derek Jeter's signature on a ball and started dumping them on the market, your baseball would suddenly become worthless. The value of what you own lies in its rarity, and it would suddenly plummet, effectively taking it away from you. There are real-world non-hypothetical examples of this in other places as well.

</Devil's Advocate>

However, an alternative viewpoint, one I subscribe to, is that the bonus wasn't necessarily CoV pre-orders having the helmets, it's was in CoV pre-orders having the helmets for over two and a half years when no one else could get them.

Plus, as has been pointed out, unlike the CoV pre-order, I can finally get a helmet that I'd actually want to use. I have the CoV pre-order, and that eraser head helmet is butt-ugly. I want the Wolf Spider helmet, and I'm thrilled that some of my characters can now use it.

So put me squarely in the column of people saying, "Finally!" I'm surprised they didn't do this a lot earlier.

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Seems like the only person on the forums who can actually use analogies correctly.



57 month reward will be choice between all the origin powers! WooHoo!

Seriously, with SOOO many possiblities already in game, why in the world would they do this? Did they seriously not realize that the general player population would be disappointed/disgusted with such a blatant recycling of content? Little things like this show laziness and disregard for the overall quality of the game. There are probably 50-60 options already existing in game that they could have used, from Boxing to Longsword to a Market TP. Re using the existing vet powers is extremely lame.

For thiose that wanna say quit complaining it is free stuff, I say....

1. It isn't free. $15 a month for 54 months is $810. I think we can expect better.

2. If they aren't going to put the effort in, they should have never made Vet rewards in the first place.

3. If I put a pink bow on some dog poo and leave it on your door step, don't complain....it was free and I didn't have to give you anything.

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Very Well Stated. And for those who are satisfied with the Level 51-54 Rewards then SHUT UP already. You have what makes you happy. The rest of us feel Insulted.



Didn't take long for people to start complaining, lol!

I think they're brilliant. And unlike what some other people said, no this wouldn't keep me from pre-ordering other expansions if you all ever did that again!

I'm sure at some point you're going to offer the VIP/Destined One badge and Prestige Power Slide power as a vet reward (which I think would be spiffy, even though I already have those!), and then the same old gang of complainers is going to, well... complain!

Some people aren't happy unless they got something to complain about, I guess!

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And some people aren't happy unless they are complaining about peple who think this is a raw deal.

Brown Nosing Much?



Yes... you too will have THREE attack powers that MISS more than HALF the time and for which you don't have room on your power tray for anyway!!

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They hit 75% of the time against even con minions, just like everything else.
The should benefit from the new lowbie accuracy bonus, same as everything else.
My high level characters have enough accuracy bonuses from sets that I don't miss much even with the vet reward powers.
You can have lots of power trays now, all around the edges of the screen. I have one tray just for travel powers, and another just for temp powers.

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You fail to point out that you can't slot these powers for accuracy and that Set Bonuses don't apply to them either. Whoopee that they have the base 75% chance - the fact is they are next to useless when fighting orange and purple conned foes.



You fail to point out that you can't slot these powers for accuracy and that Set Bonuses don't apply to them either.

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Set Bonuses most assuredly *do* apply to Vet Reward attacks. Try 'em and see!

EDIT: Accuracy & Recharge Set Bonuses work, that is... honestly not sure about Damage, but it's not the damage that's lacking on Vet attacks anyway. Powers like Aim and Build Up also boost Vet attack accuracy and Hasten lowers their recharge. And of course, yellow inspirations and any Defense Debuffs will help with their accuracy also. In short, there's lots of things that can help with Vet attack accuracy, so complaining too much about their 75% base is a little silly.

EDIT2: Also, as stated in the post you replied to, the lowbie accuracy bonus ("beginner's luck") definitely applies to Vet attacks as well, and it's those levels where you arguably gain the most from having the extra attacks anyway.



54 months is kinda "meh".

I assume the 51 month ones are the actual pre-order, non-colorable ones?

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Lets hope you can change the colors... since they did go through and make the widows helmet so you can change the color..

if only we could do that with the winged sandals and laurels..

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After the half effort new Energy Transfer animation now for a vet reward you give us.....stuff that's already in the game. This might seem pissy but are you guys even trying anymore? I mean the pics on the announcement are even the same as when you first gave this vet reward.



Is anyone actually really close to getting the 54 Month Vet Reward Yet?

The top of the thread says: "Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement".

Considering the thing about Natural Origin Characters getting a bit more damage with The Blackwand & Nemesis Staff, Is there time to change the 54 Month Reward - Based on player feedback in this thread??

(And no, I don't mean nerfing/"fixing" the wand or staff to not give the extra damage for Natural Origins characters - and calling it "fixing a bug"!)

Seriously Devs, could you - or rather would you consider giving players the option to choose between a couple of the other Temp Powers in the game?

The code for making them not run out of charges, and possibly nerfing their power some from the actual in-game versions - (like it was done for the 4 current Vet "temp" Powers iirc) exists right?

The Animations for... Lets say the Bow & Arrow from Croatoa, or the Holy Shotgun from Striga, etc. all exist correct?
(And if not the 2 examples I mentioned surely there are some that do.)

A decent number of people have already expressed their lack of enthusiasm for the announced 54 Month Reward.

And you can bet even more people will certainly be disappointed later on, when this isn't new news and they find out first hand - that the 54 Month Allegiant is essentially a "re-hash" of the 12 Month Loyal & 33 Month Unswerving rewards.

There are obviously a few people that are happy with this - the whole "there shouldn't be any more new Cool/Spiffy Long-term Vet Rewards" because they won't be able to get them anytime soon.
The fact that they tend to follow it up with "New players probably won't even be able to get them before the servers shutdown" is a testament to their lack of faith in the future of the "City of" Line....

Even though we're told NCNC has been beefing up staff and has plans to continue the with the game for a long time to come, and hinted at the possibility of another "City of " Title, and/or the Moon Zone, and/or a number of other things the naysayers said would never happen.

I figure it can't hurt to ask, is Allegiant already set in stone or not?
The 48 month Pets have changed some since they were announced - so I'm really hoping that a change to this Announcement is still possible.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
"The U.S. is in no more danger of coming under Sharia law than it is the rules of Fight Club." - Will McAvoy.



I'm glad the other pre-order helms are finally on the way. It's about time. Bummer for everyone who isn't an old-timer like many of us, and has to wait a couple of years, but at least it's on the way. It'd be great if at some point, all the pre-order helms were made colorable, but I'll take any costuming option I can get at this point, to help make up for the problem with VEAT costuming.

As for the additional power choice, I'm both underwhelmed by the options (because we already have the choice to pick the one that best fits our concept), and concerned about balance, as the vetreward powers can make for rather significant boosts to any attack chain... well, it's not as significant for blasters, but for everyone else, they're pretty big powers. Now my SS (with fire APP) can have 5 permanent, significant ranged attacks, plus the Rune of Warding... he may not need to close to melee anymore... I think some sort of choice for a utility power would have been better, like a choice between vet-versions of Aid Self or Hover...

Dear NCsoft, if you go through with this shutdown you've guaranteed you'll not see another dime from me on any project you put out, ever.




Alright. Happy about the other helmets. They look neat incorporating them into some 2nd costume outfits for Soldier of Arachnos builds.



And 3 vet attacks at lvl 1. How fabulous.