Discussion: 51 Month and 54 Month Veteran Rewards




They're perfect.

They make me go "Hey! Glad I stopped paying for this game! Not missing anything on vet rewards!"




Jane Little Inv/Axe Lvl 50
Jane White Dark/Regen Lvl 50
Jane Dark BoardSword/Inv Lvl 50
Dig For Fire Fire/Axe Lvl 50
Jane Gravel Fire Melee/Stone Lvl 50



Nice announcement.

3 other Villains helms to complete the collection in icon. as for the question of the recycling of prievious Vet powers vs adding new and or the natural being uber with two ranged attacks, Um No.

Being able to select Axe over Sands was always an animation issue both are great powers.

Staff is for Natural Tech and Science to get bonus

Wand is for Magic and Mutant to get bonus

Natural doesn't get to double dip any more than any other AT set who could chose both for ranged, but only one of the items would get the bonus damage for matching your AT.

The Vet powers aren't temporary they do have a slightly longer recharge then I would like but they are friggin awesome.

And finally Bonus taken away I don't get. I had the wolf helm, now I get the other three, in a little while so how am I losing my bonus for preordering? I just picked up the other three helms I didn't have, not lose the one I did have.

Good stuff Dev's.

How about for the 57 month Vet badge (weapon rack)vet power we see Iron Sword or Holy Shotgun.


60 month Vet badge (the Traveler) travel power Raptor pack or Zero G pack

just thoughts is all

Valor of the Vets

by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG




3 vet attacks at lvl 1.


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Should fix the pics for the Blackwand though, since the model has changed since then.

Pre-order helms as rewards? LiquidX will be pissed

Frankly I'm surprised they didn't stop the rewards at 48 months. Anything else is just icing IMHO.



I like the pre-order helms coming available, only 3 months to go for that one.

As for the recycled powers, chosing one you didn't before...not impressed. Not one of my characters wishes he/she had both from one vet reward. Whether thematics or usefulness, I don't see needing both. I'd rather they use other temps, like the pistol, slugger bat, bean bag gun, shocker gloves, etc. I'm not gonna spew DOOM or anything, as I don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Anything is better than nothing. But, if I had a choice...just sayin'



Nice announcement.

3 other Villains helms to complete the collection in icon. as for the question of the recycling of prievious Vet powers vs adding new and or the natural being uber with two ranged attacks, Um No.

Being able to select Axe over Sands was always an animation issue both are great powers.

Staff is for Natural Tech and Science to get bonus

Wand is for Magic and Mutant to get bonus

Natural doesn't get to double dip any more than any other AT set who could chose both for ranged, but only one of the items would get the bonus damage for matching your AT.

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Actually if memory is working right:

Science/Tech/Natural =Nemesis Staff buff

Mutant/Magic/Natural =Black Wand Buff

So yes Natural can "Double dip"

Edit: here's the text from the Vet Reward Page for the 33 month badge that offers Nem/Blackwand choice:

"The Nemesis staff is a steam-powered staff that shoots bolts of energy that deal damage, and knocks back foes. Characters of Science, Technology, or Natural, origin get a bonus to their damage when using this power. Damage: Moderate. Recharge: Long.

The Blackwand is a black metal wand that feels cold in the hand, and glows with dark arcane energies. It decreases the chance enemies will hit you when they are affected by it’s magics. When used by those of Magic, Natural, or Mutant origin, it increases the potency of its attacks. Damage: Moderate. Recharge: Long."



At last I can dual wield Nemesis Staffs!



So, we can finally have the VEAT helmets on our actual VEATs regardless of "Costume Slot?" ...Good idea and nice timing, but then again that should have been the case on all VEATs regardless of Veteran time clocked in. Those limited options prior to this were Unsexy, very Unsexy indeed and someone needs to tell Jay that. However now It's not going to mean so much when every AT can use them too.

Oddly enough... not all that excited about the 54 month reward since all my Characters only have room in their attack chains for 2 of the Vet powers as it is. 3 would just be overkill.



At last I can dual wield Nemesis Staffs!

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Dont think so: here is the description from the vet reward page

"For the 54 month veteran reward, players receive the Allegiant badge and will be able to choose an additional power from either the 12 month reward (Sands of Mu and Ghostslaying Axe) or the 33 month reward (Nemesis Staff and Blackwand) that hasn’t already been chosen."

Only way to know for sure is to send a toon to TEST and then see if u you can get double nemesis staff or not, but I'm guessing you can't.



At last I can dual wield Nemesis Staffs!

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Dont think so: here is the description from the vet reward page

"For the 54 month veteran reward, players receive the Allegiant badge and will be able to choose an additional power from either the 12 month reward (Sands of Mu and Ghostslaying Axe) or the 33 month reward (Nemesis Staff and Blackwand) that hasn’t already been chosen."

Only way to know for sure is to send a toon to TEST and then see if u you can get double nemesis staff or not, but I'm guessing you can't.

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Bravo, you have crushed my Dreams expertly, sir.



Well this is a nice plus for all those that didn't pre-order either CoH or CoV however I will now think twice about any pre-ordering incentives given in the future. I mean what is the point of ordering early just to have your bonus taken away at a future date?

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Three things:

1. It wasn't taken away from you or me. I, at under four years, STILL get two (Widow halm and ... what's the other, crab, for male characters) at level 1.

2. Prestige Sprints.

3. We were told when the COV helmets were announced as pre-order bonuses *flat out* that they'd very likely be offering all four at some point in the future. The only question in the last two and ha half, nearly 3 years has been "When are they going to do it?"


Oh I wouldn't get to cozy with those nice Vet powers either as it seems they are Temporary Powers anyway. I imagine they will go sometime in the future as most TEMPS do.

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Yeah, my Nem staff/blackwand and Sands/Axe have gone away so fast... no really, they have... any day now, I'm sure... sometime...

Or, y'know, you could READ the reward, "Choose an additional power from the 12 or 24 month," which THEMSELVES mention "A PERMANENT VERSION of" these powers.

I will say I'm rather "eh" about that one, though. That does seem like they were sitting around saying "Um... ok, what can we give them now?" Other temps would've been nice.



Re: the helms alleged "exclusivity". When they were introduced they *told* us they'd eventually be available through some other means. Liquid's been here long enough...he should remember that.

That said, I'm a bit disappointed that they're at 51 months, rather than in with the preorder sprints where they should be, in my opinion. Dunno what I would have put at 51 in their place though....

I also would have preferred one of the many other unique looking temps in game over another one of the 12 or 33 monthers.....maybe something from Croatoa (not the boring looking ones, like the sword or the bow), or a toned down Wedding Ring....Quantuum Array Rifle, anyone?

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Great, now I can get the other helmets (2) for a pre-order status of CoV.

As I only had 2 accounts at the time of CoV pre-order, and very limited store selection.

But, I also don't use the pre-order CoH sprint animations as I was not involved in the pre-order for that era.

As to the "extra" attacks...are they going to be the same limitation of origin? Nemesis staff works better for non-magical, while , quite frankly, the "Undead Slaying Axe" is currently only useful against fully Undead. And, last I saw, Ghost Widow is not considered "undead".

But this does follow the pattern, of "useful", "wow", and "what the hell were you thinking".

I am more intersted in the badges now that I was before, as for me, the powers are....bleh.

Sometimes, I impress my boss. Sometimes, I impress myself. The rest of the time, I scare people. I can live with that.



Good Rewards.

Useful and or fun, yet not something so new that one chews an arm off knowing that it would be years before they could have em.

thumbs up.



Re: the helms alleged "exclusivity". When they were introduced they *told* us they'd eventually be available through some other means. Liquid's been here long enough...he should remember that.

That said, I'm a bit disappointed that they're at 51 months, rather than in with the preorder sprints where they should be, in my opinion. Dunno what I would have put at 51 in their place though....

I also would have preferred one of the many other unique looking temps in game over another one of the 12 or 33 monthers.....maybe something from Croatoa (not the boring looking ones, like the sword or the bow), or a toned down Wedding Ring....Quantuum Array Rifle, anyone?

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Oh I remember the warnings about the helms too. To me its no biggie that they are part of a Vet badge.

I do agree though that having them as part of the Vet badge that gives the sprints wouldn't be a bad thing.

As to Vet Rewards to offer, perhaps a version of the Rocket Pack that one gets from winning the atlas mayhem with unlimited fuel but LONG recharge time?

Perhaps toggle versions of the temp power once receives from Talos/Brick/FF/PI Mayhem/Safeguards?



51 Month: meh, I never really used my one preorder helm that much, the lack of options included with them was a big letdown. I'm glad that all those who wished for them will finally eventually be able to access them though.

54 month: Wow, that's really cool, and a great way to fix all those who were wishing for a way to respec out of one of the previous choices. On the other hand, I do hope that a few more PermaTemp powers get added to the roster of Vet Rewards. Personally, I'd really like to get the Iron Blade from Croatoa as a permanent power someday.




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Disappointed, more like - but not ungrateful. Not sure I'd say lame.
Definitely not surprised however.



the 54 reward is kinda weak. Granted its better than the 45 month reward, but still. Why not pick from one of the other many temp powers available. Heck, id love a beefed up throwing knife. Or a pistol.

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Have to agree 54 Months of being a loyal customer... meh here ya go pick from these again... We dont want to make anything else available... Like a shot gun or Crotoa Sword...



Ok as the game sees it ALL Veteran Powers are TEMPORARY Powers. Don't believe it? Do a flashback mission or Taskforce with NO Temp Powers. You will not have access to any of them! They are NOT listed with your Temporary Powers like the Ouroboros Portal is they are list under INHERENT yet the Portal is still useable and your INHERENT aren't?

Also the Vet pet Still does not buff the TEAM as it says it does right in the Vet rewards section of this website.

Try out these AE arcs: 58376, 121698 & 143827

Badges? Did someone say badges? Sign me up!



I'm really only disappointed in there not being any costume tokens or vetspecs with either.

I preordered CoV long ago. While I could jump on a bandwagon and cry foul about my precious helm being a vet reward now, I should also cry foul that the VEATs have access to them (okay, only two of the Arachnos helms). Then again, it doesn't really bother me since I didn't want the helm advertised for Gamestop (the Widow helm), which is where I preordered.

I think for the 60 month vet reward, the devs should roll out a new Epic Archetype, one that can be used for either side. Cuz, really... any one could PL to 50 to unlock the EATs.



Nice announcement.

3 other Villains helms to complete the collection in icon. as for the question of the recycling of prievious Vet powers vs adding new and or the natural being uber with two ranged attacks, Um No.

Being able to select Axe over Sands was always an animation issue both are great powers.

Staff is for Natural Tech and Science to get bonus

Wand is for Magic and Mutant to get bonus

Natural doesn't get to double dip any more than any other AT set who could chose both for ranged, but only one of the items would get the bonus damage for matching your AT.

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Actually if memory is working right:

Science/Tech/Natural =Nemesis Staff buff

Mutant/Magic/Natural =Black Wand Buff

So yes Natural can "Double dip"

Edit: here's the text from the Vet Reward Page for the 33 month badge that offers Nem/Blackwand choice:

"The Nemesis staff is a steam-powered staff that shoots bolts of energy that deal damage, and knocks back foes. Characters of Science, Technology, or Natural, origin get a bonus to their damage when using this power. Damage: Moderate. Recharge: Long.

The Blackwand is a black metal wand that feels cold in the hand, and glows with dark arcane energies. It decreases the chance enemies will hit you when they are affected by it’s magics. When used by those of Magic, Natural, or Mutant origin, it increases the potency of its attacks. Damage: Moderate. Recharge: Long."

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Wow thats interesting , however the Vet announcement page is actually wrong and wasn't fixed. screenshot as of today of the ingame text.

33 month Vet Reward

It would have been cool if you could, as I have too many Natural Style Heroes. sorry guys thems the facts.


by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



Ok as the game sees it ALL Veteran Powers are TEMPORARY Powers.

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Doesn't matter, they aren't going anywhere. They don't have a timer, number of uses, or duration. You keep them forever.

Quote from the site.
Now they can become permanent parts of player characters, like the Ghost Slaying Axe and the Sands of Mu from the 12 month reward.

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54 months is kinda "meh".

I assume the 51 month ones are the actual pre-order, non-colorable ones?



How about a 54 month Teleport to power instead of a rehash of the priors?

Now that would be a useful power, time it out like the team tp vet power.

That would be a great reward!!