124 -
Quote:That coding is the only coding I see left, which to me, doesnt appear to be a lot of work comparitively. Now granted, i did suggest earlier that it depends on the direction they wanted to go. If the plan on tackling the pools was to support them all under a general 'power pool' umbrella, then it MAY not make sense to add one @ a time. Tho I dont think that the system needs to group them together, rather just share the same coding. That way you wont have to rewrite it later when you add more. Seems the better choice, if in fact its an option. Add as you go.Animations and FX are only one piece of the puzzle, there's also all the coding that has to go on to add support for the pools (and adding a hack to only support one pool then rewriting it will only slow everything down, and double the stabilization period). If they'd decided to also add the Flight pool, we may not have had Issue 16 for another 2 months... and then we'd have all the people complaining about how it's unfair that ONE pool power gets to be customized (when it already had some options already!) while none of the others do.
But I DEFINITELY AGREE that there would be TONS of whiners abt Flight getting some love, but not the others. that may be the REAL reason we havent seen it yet. -
Quote:I suppose the issue Im having is the INSISTENCE that Im refering to multi pools. Its as if youre disregarding what i said altogether. Sure, working on ALL the pools will certainly take time, especially if they dont actually have alternate animations or colors (and colors is mad work). BUT since Im ONLY refering to flight, which HAS the animations done (and NO colors) - IF they go that angle (and release only FLIGHT poses for now) - I dont think it will be as much work as you suggest. (Which is a redundant statement considering.)But there IS remaining work in updating the editor to display pools you've picked. There IS remaining work to provide scripts for the other power pools. There IS work left to do to get the poses to display correctly in the editor.
Its as if you are just 'defending' the devs with guesses/assumptions for something that isnt an attack in the first place.
Now regardless of how easy/difficult it'd be to add the FLIGHT poses ONLY, would they - I guess not, but all Im saying is that it seems silly not too IF infact its easy(ier). -
Socorro, thnx for your input.
Are you suggesting that because the powers arent locked to you (ie you can respec out) that it may prove to be a problem? Thats an interesting angle. Im not sure how that would affect things. I would think that rather than have to tackle ALL the powers someone could get (which WOULD be 5x the work - and would have to be done eventually I suppose), why not just write in FLIGHT?
Quote:Thats a horredously bad example. Most of what he's referring to is getting to where we are now. Most of that is already done. In the FX case, there is no work left for flight poses ALSO already done.Honestly though, I'd like you to look at this and tell me again how you think it would be pretty easy. -
Quote:At this point, it just sounds like your guessing.Because you choose power pools at 6+, not character creation.
Quote:Castle has the power numbers stored in an excel spreadsheet. Castle does NOT program. Excel is not used for programming, just as a dumb database, which is then converted into the ACTUAL data (not code!) files with the power numbers. So again, no, excel does not enter the equation.
Quote:Never assume that something should be easy in software development if you haven't seen the project's code base, it's just a bad idea.
Anyway, I guess these are questions only Back Alley Brawler, or maybe Castle, can answer for us. i thank you for your time tho. -
I guess Im not following the difference between the regular powersets and pool sets (not APP/PPP). Why would they involve that much more work? And even if there IS alot of work CUSTOMIZING said power pools, why would adding the code to the customization screen be any different?
You want to over emphasize the difference between powers and weapons. Ok fine. But lets consider that the AT sets code should work similarly:
-If character has ice armor, add ice armor dropdowns.
-If character has flight, add flight dropdowns.
The only real difference with pools should be that theyre 'unlocked' later, but that really shouldnt be that big of an issue as you suggest.
(And also, if I recall correctly, there have been excel programming references made by the devs before. :P ) -
Quote:I think you misunderstand.Nope, it's not
Weapons were ALREADY costume items. There's a reason the Standard Code Rant exists
Flight poses were also ALREADY done. They're in game now. And auto switching into one is nuthing a macro couldnt do. Tho the programming Im refering to is a FLIGHT POOL drop down @ the tailor. Wouldnt it be easy enuff - think unlocking capes/back detail - for the drop down in the customization screen to trigger once someone has opened that pool? (Then just throw in the pre-existing flight poses there for now). Sure we're talking weapons vs powers, but it shouldnt be that different. Seems like basic EXCEL code. :P -
I guess it would depend on how hard it would be to program, OR, the angle they were going with. It just seems like it would be easy enuff to open up a FLIGHT category (in the Power Customization screen), when someone has opened that pool - similar to how WEAPON opens up for an AT that accepts weapons customization.
Understood. But why would ALL of Pool Power customization have to be done just to release the parts that are already done (flight poses)? You could always just add other poses (see my examples above) when the next wave of customization is done.
I dunno if this has been brought up anywhere, but why werent the fly poses part of i16? I understand that the OTHER travel powers may not have options yet, but these poses are done. Should have been simple enuff, no?
Also, i think this is a great opportunity for the devs to add some of the other types of flight (like those included in that OTHER superhero game), such as ice slide, fire, the Magneto style hover, or Sue Storms bubble/platform. Flight can = lots of fun customizations. Not so much the other travel powers...at least i dont think.
Can u guys come up with some other options? -
Sure, but where do we stop?:
'Killer Cop' can offend someone that had a loved one killed by the police. What abt 'Dr Malpractice'? Want something more political, how abt 'Dangerous Democrat'? We can really go on forever.
Anything can offend anyone that choses to be offended. -
Funny how theres a thread celebrating this feature right next to one criticizing it. :P
Am I the only one that plays the up, down, left, right arrow keys?
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Yes. -
People who want to team cos it's fun will still team.
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But is it fun because there's 8 people on your team or because there's huge 8-man spawns? Hmmm... -
Sure. I agree, but certainly not all will. Its basically giving players more options on how to customize their experience playing, at the possible expense of not being able to find a team. Depends on what is more important to you.
I like this feature, but I agree w/the OP - it does work against teaming. The function he was refering to that was removed was the 'x man team = x spawn map'. That was the only way to get it w/out teaming (or padding). It can be said that it actually encouraged teaming. A 7 man team looked for an 8th perhaps just for the increased diff/xp/inf/prestige. And now they dont have to bother looking if they just increase it w/this new feature.
Its not doom, but the OP is not wrong. -
My problem with his dissertation is that he refers to Twixt's behavior in the third person, as if Twixt were a separate entity. It was his behavior and his choice of actions which caused his unpopularity in the community as a whole.
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The best part is if u read his posts, or even his chat logs, u can see how he goes from his LOLpvp persona to 'the professor'. Its pretty schizophrenic and creepy. -
Nah. More likely one of his students.
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I dunno bud.
If it looks like Gelfling, and smells like Gelfling, it MUST be Gelfling! -
So lemme see if I got this right...
Is there a Hami raid this week? I thought it was next week.
Power Customization (or at least, control over the hue of our Powers) coming in Issue 16, oft requested by players since the game's release.
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but they are still putting it in.
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Well, thats more of a suggestion/idea - which I have no doubt they listen to. We're talkin subjective feedback as in cosmetic/content complaints. -
EDIT: I'm not trying to be a fanboi here. It *IS* upsetting that years of negative feedback on things like the Posi TF and the Shadow Shard TFs have resulted in no changes at all. I am disappointed in the current state of the Hero TF and hope they make some key improvements. I'm not trying to say that the devs are infallible. I'm just saying that your extreme position of "the devs never listen and don't give a rip what we think" is absurd.
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This. Yes, the dev listen, but to what degree? And is it enuff? It seems like they were surprised by the reaction to the TF/SFs. Sure, theyll make some minor changes, but itll prolly be all text, dialogue and such, but not much more. Theyll say they dont have the resources to make big changes cuz theyre working on future content. And thats understood, but should there be exceptions? If a TF is unpopular @ release, and they dont usually go back and fix content, should they leave it as is, possibly firever? Or should they hold on the future projects and get what they just released right?
Id be happy if they dedicated an issue to just revamps. Revamp the TFs, dead zones, etc....even costume pieces. -
Since when did Badge Collectors care about ratings? Show me a post in the past 5 years where a badger complained about ratings when it comes to earning a badge
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When did badges really affect ratings? But yeah, I'd care. *raises hand* -
...likewize most zones will never change after launch because after its done people forget the code details and what its hooked to this makes a job much harder to go back to later.
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Ok so lets take zones. Say they create a new zone. Most feedback in beta is negative, and not very constructive ("this zone sux"). At this point they are on a tight sched for release, and have most resources allocated to future content, so they cant make a change, so it is released as is. Sure enuff, the community doesnt like it and it ends up a ghost town (like boomtown or DA). So, we end up with another dud zone, possibly permanently.
This could work with TF/SFs as well.
Perhaps if the sunjective feedback would have been taken a lil more to heart, there would have been a sense of urgency to make the necessary changes.