Arena badge info...
Also, could any of the badgers who know the Arena draw up a guide for how to obtain the various "weight" badges, etc.? Because I've looked at the list and descriptions, and feel pretty clueless as to what's expected of me.
My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.
Issue 15 badges. Lists them and also provides info as to what they are for and what they provide.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
Issue 15 badges. Lists them and also provides info as to what they are for and what they provide.
[/ QUOTE ]
Heh, no accolade power, yay...
Thanks for the info!

Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.
Seems like it's going to be pretty hard to get the accolade. Most of the badges should be pretty easy to get but the Tournament and Arena Survivalist badges will be difficult since you need so many to get them. Its almost like forming a TF group to get them.
tried doing an unrated pentad hero vs villain match, no badge- is it bugged?
Mission Architect arc: The Hive Connection, Arc ID: 96660
Triumph: (@UltraBatz)
UltraBatz, lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper (1355 badges)
UberBatz, lvl 50 Peacebringer (769 badges)
SG: The Steel Paladins, Fusion Force
I figured some of you still might need some help. I figured this out earlier. Some of this info is copy pasta from paragon wiki.
Arena Victor Badge - Win any match in the Arena
Arena Duelist Badge - Win a Duel match in the Arena
Tournament Victor Badge - Win a Swiss Draw match in the Arena
Arena Survivalist Badge - Win a Battle Royale match in the Arena
Pentad Victor Badge - Win a Pentad or Septad match in the Arena
[/ QUOTE ]
Start any of these arena matches and win. I made them rated AND selected a level range.
Strawweight to Super Heavyweight Champion Win a rated blah blah blah match
[/ QUOTE ]
Super heavyweight is 47-50, so if you do a rated match with that level restriction setting, you get that badge.
If you choose the Strawweight level range and you get the Strawweight Champion badge.
Now for the secret to winning and not sitting in the arena fOREVERRRRRRRRRRRR
Let the person who is suppose to win get at least one kill, or more kills then anyone else and then have players drop out of the match. The person with the most kills wins immediately. You can get the badge in less then 20 seconds after the match starts.
With a friend and a 2nd account of your own, you can do a Rated Duel and Battle Royal.
I figured this out and then did some testing with NOIS a bit (KOIS, the OP). I didn't finish, but I'm off to level up and work on my alt addiction.
edit: Crap! I didn't know I was on this forum account! I thought I was on @MoldyLunchboxx
edit2: Of course, I'm sure there might be easier ways to get this. You might just have to figure it out on your own like I did. I've also talked to a few people who have been on since release and they received the majority of the badges just from logging on. They obviously received them from doing these arena matches in the past.
Trying to find the most visible place to post this:
The Swiss Draw events appear to be massively bugged regarding who is picked to move on to the next rounds. We tried it several times tonight with different victory conditions (individual lives, total kills, timed) and the ratings were not being determined in any logical manner.
For example, one tournament had the player rankings after two rounds from 1st to 8th (listing number of kills) as 3-0-0-1-7-7-6-3. This means that the people who got 6-7 kills in their first round are in the bottom four seedings and didn't move on, while people who had zero kills got to continue.
Another tournament that just finished had a final ranking as follows:
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
SE Points KOs
2.0 10
1.5 2
1.0 1
1.0 5
0.5 2
0.5 4
0.5 0
0.0 0
</pre><hr />
The 2nd place winner after 3 rounds had fewer KOs than two other players, but somehow their SE Points were higher. Exactly how are the SE points (Single Elimination?) determined? That's what seems to be the bigger problem with this since that's what the system sorts by to get the seedings for advancement.
Blondeshell (1381 badges) - My other badge hunters
VidiotMaps Master Cartographer
MArc #87989 - Enter, The Conglomerate
Invention Salvage Distribution Charts
I think these tournament badges - the swiss draw and pentad badges are gonna quite difficult to figure out how to get. Especially since it kinda sounds like the methods for determining who the "winner" is get kinda confusing.
Ironically these are being farmed now by PvErs.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
Ironically these are being farmed now by PvErs.
[/ QUOTE ]
You expected less?
Give it a week and we'll let you have the dead arenas again. Or battle us. Who knows badge collectors and pvpers might try to understand each other a bit.
Also it appears there is some problems with the badges rewarding. We will find out what's wrong with them so you can have functional rewards.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
My main just needs the Battle Royal, Swiss Round and Pentad badges...
I felt quite silly last night...I was getting all of the duels/weight class badges with my main and was waiting the whole 5 mins for each weight class round. Only at the end/last weight class did I realize, "gee, I only need to kill/defeat the other person once and that person can quit and it would make this go a lot faster." Oh well
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
Ironically these are being farmed now by PvErs.
[/ QUOTE ]
You expected less?
Give it a week and we'll let you have the dead arenas again. Or battle us. Who knows badge collectors and pvpers might try to understand each other a bit.
Also it appears there is some problems with the badges rewarding. We will find out what's wrong with them so you can have functional rewards.
[/ QUOTE ]
Considering 73.14159265% of badges are still only obtainable by farming, I'm not suprised at all. I just find it ironic. Of course we (dUmb) will "farm" these by actually fighting in the arena and maybe letting someone win if they just can't get the badge rather than deliberately taking turns, but to each his own.
As for my own badging, my "badge toon" (so called because I finally gave up on a katna/regen being anything else) is back to 600 badges after running the Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahn TF last night, not a neurotic badger like some but something to do while bored. Other characters I may get accolade/unlocks but otherwise couldn't care.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
tried doing an unrated pentad hero vs villain match, no badge- is it bugged?
[/ QUOTE ]
Me and some friends tried doing the hero septad and were not awarded the badge. (we had a kheld friend that wanted the badge).
We tried various settings but nothing seemed to work. I sent in a bug report.
The hero vs hero pentad worked fine for us though.
| Home Server: Virtue |

Twitter: @ZFLikesNachos Save City of Heroes (Titan Network) [Successful "The Really Hard Way" runs: 4] [Click ^]
tried doing an unrated pentad hero vs villain match, no badge- is it bugged?
[/ QUOTE ]
Me and some friends tried doing the hero septad and were not awarded the badge. (we had a kheld friend that wanted the badge).
We tried various settings but nothing seemed to work. I sent in a bug report.
The hero vs hero pentad worked fine for us though.
[/ QUOTE ]
Do you remember the settings you used for the pentad match?
Mission Architect arc: The Hive Connection, Arc ID: 96660
Triumph: (@UltraBatz)
UltraBatz, lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper (1355 badges)
UberBatz, lvl 50 Peacebringer (769 badges)
SG: The Steel Paladins, Fusion Force
tried doing an unrated pentad hero vs villain match, no badge- is it bugged?
[/ QUOTE ]
Me and some friends tried doing the hero septad and were not awarded the badge. (we had a kheld friend that wanted the badge).
We tried various settings but nothing seemed to work. I sent in a bug report.
The hero vs hero pentad worked fine for us though.
[/ QUOTE ]
Has anyone tried villain vs villain pentad?
SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)

Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!
anyone else having problems not advancing even though you win the first rounds of a swiss tourney?
tried doing an unrated pentad hero vs villain match, no badge- is it bugged?
[/ QUOTE ]
Me and some friends tried doing the hero septad and were not awarded the badge. (we had a kheld friend that wanted the badge).
We tried various settings but nothing seemed to work. I sent in a bug report.
The hero vs hero pentad worked fine for us though.
[/ QUOTE ]
Do you remember the settings you used for the pentad match?
[/ QUOTE ]
We did unrated and number of kills (2 kills).
We tried the same settings for the septad but it didn't work.
| Home Server: Virtue |

Twitter: @ZFLikesNachos Save City of Heroes (Titan Network) [Successful "The Really Hard Way" runs: 4] [Click ^]
tried doing an unrated pentad hero vs villain match, no badge- is it bugged?
[/ QUOTE ]
Me and some friends tried doing the hero septad and were not awarded the badge. (we had a kheld friend that wanted the badge).
We tried various settings but nothing seemed to work. I sent in a bug report.
The hero vs hero pentad worked fine for us though.
[/ QUOTE ]
Saw the same problem with the hero septad. Tried a number of settings with no luck. For the Hero Pentad we did the same 2 kills unrated since we had confirmation it worked.
Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here
Here is what I did and it worked.
1. Hero vs Hero Pentad
2. Rated
3. 30 minute timer
4. Super Heavyweight
After we won the match, we received the badge.
Now here is what didn't work, we could not get the badge on our villains by using the same settings on a Hero vs Villain Pentad, or a Villain vs Villain Pentad.
Our heroes were able to get the badge, our Villains could not, no matter how we tried it. I'm leaning towards the Villain badge is bugged when it comes to the Pentad match.
Swiss match worked fine for both hero and villains.
[B]Leading Badge Holder in the City of Community[/B]
Owner & Operator of...
[URL=""][/URL] & [URL=""][/URL]
[URL=""][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkorange]Challenge My Brute[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/URL]
so has anyone gotten the accolade yet? and if so what does it do if anything?
so has anyone gotten the accolade yet? and if so what does it do if anything?
[/ QUOTE ]
(Goes nowhere, does nothing.)
Got it last night after an arena pow-wow on Freedom. The arena badges are frightfully farmable; hardest one to do is Swiss Draw, but you can speed it along to where it's barely an issue so long as you have the requisite eight players. Pentad's ridiculously simple (but as Beef points out, bugged for villains).

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
Beef_Cake mentioned:
Here is what I did and it worked.
1. Hero vs Hero Pentad
2. Rated
3. 30 minute timer
4. Super Heavyweight
After we won the match, we received the badge.
[/ QUOTE ]
As Draggynn said setting Pentad matches as "rated" does not seem to be required for them to award the badge. Since that kind of thing matters to some people that's worth pointing out. I've yet to need any of these arena matches be set to "rated" in order for the badges to drop.
Wen_Ho mentioned:
anyone else having problems not advancing even though you win the first rounds of a swiss tourney?
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes we were having trouble with Swiss matches until we figured it out.
Apparently if you actually try to "play" a match for real (as in if you actually fight each other as you are technically supposed to) then the game seems to randomly decide which player will advance in the Swiss regardless of the outcome of the fight.
But if you decide amongst the 8 players who will be the designated "winner" and make sure the other 7 players just quit their matches without combat then you can reliably get the "winner" to win and get the badge.
We sent bug reports in on this assuming anyone would ever want to play these kinds of matches "for real" sometime.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
Thanks Lothic. We were able to reliably get the badge when following that plan.
Also, since I was confuse on this point others might be too, you do not need 2 full teams of 5 for the pentad. You can do it with two people who are the same AT (so it puts you on different teams. If there's a way to control who gets put on what team, I didn't see it). As long as there is at least one person on each team you can start the match. Probably common knowledge but it took me a while to realize that. Cuz keen observation is not my super power.
People have been reporting (even in this thread) about having trouble with getting full Septads to work. If Septads don't work at all then that would potentially screw over the epic ATs from being able to get this badge.
But if your workaround of having just two people of the same AT face off works would this mean that if you tried only having say two Warshades match up would that work for them?
Might be worth an experiment.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
I heard that the Arena badges were finally included with I15. I've seen the list, but what does the accolade do?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.