Discussion: 51 Month and 54 Month Veteran Rewards




I paid $20 for a preorder code off evilbay back in Feb 2006. My first Stalker and WS have always sported the Wolf Spider helm (now with fun lights!) on one of their costumes.

I am however, not bothered at all by Vets getting the helmets too. It's about time this particular reward was applied to one of the veteran badges, really.

Not too impressed by the 54 month reward, but since I won't get it for...hmm...3 years, I don't feel like complaining.

All I still want is a lifetime membership option, or the ability to buy time (and thus vet rewards) in advance. If I could preorder game time the Devs would instantly make about 27 months worth of cash from me.

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I think we've reached the point where new rewards should stop being added. At this stage, it's unlikely that the game will even be around for long enough that a player joining now could earn the 54 month reward.

Instead, how about introducing the 57 month reward as "every three months from now on, you'll earn a costume token and vet respec"?



Hmm... Ghost Axe+Nemmy Staff+Blackwand.... Time to make a Thug/TA MM and call him.. REDRAW Man

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat




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can someone explain to me...I cant have the Sands Of Mu AND the Blackwand at any given time?

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Yes, you can. And apparently at 54 months you can have Sands, Wand and Staff. Or Sands, Wand and Axe.

If you're natural origin, you get bonus damage with both Staff and Wand. Good to be a natural at 54 months. Sucks for everyone else.

I add a half-hearted meh to these rewards.

Be well, people of CoH.



As someone with one of the villain pre-order helmets... I'm glad to get the rest

Both rewards look good to me.

Kudos Devs.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



can someone explain to me...I cant have the Sands Of Mu AND the Blackwand at any given time?

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It's not about Sands and Blackwand - it's about Blackwand and Nemesis Staff or Sands and Undead Axe.

My conclusion is that the vet reward resources are limited. 45 was essentially nothing at all, zero hours of dev time spent, so that 48 could be something brand new - a combat pet.

51 has been requested since vet rewards began and it synergizes with VEATS. The devs get a "pass" on that one, I think, despite the fact that it really doesn't require much in the way of new development. Badges already unlock costume bits. This is just a badge that unlocks multiple costume bits.

54 is "new" on the back end instead of the front end. It implements a new choosing mechanism instead of any actual new vet reward. There may be benefits to other parts of the game from this, but as far as a player receiving the reward, it looks like another case of spend the minimal amount of effort possible.

I've already speculated elsewhere that this suggests that 57-months will be another zero-effort respec-only badge, with those resources devoted to making 60-months into something new. I hope that's not the case, but that's how it looks from where I'm standing.



I have to wait another 2 years to get those helmets?




So after the ridiculous amount of time put into this game to get these rewards, I get a VEAT hemlet and access to powers that I already had access to? I take Sands of MU and Nemesis staff because I DON"T WANT the black wand or ghost Ax. Would it of hurt to give us two new attacks.....really? This is a whole new level of recycling. There is already SO much recycled in this game, used over and over and over....it's a big reason why it is feeling old and and outdated to me. This is just more of the laziness that wears away at the games integredy. If the Devs don't want to actually put forth the ffort and time into vet rewards, we shouldn't even have them. Two GIGANTIC thumbs down.

Also, if they were going to recycle existing stuff once again, simple choice between boxing or kick would have been better than this. The version that brawl uses that doesnt cause redraw.



So after the ridiculous amount of time put into this game to get these rewards, I get a VEAT hemlet and access to powers that I already had access to? I take Sands of MU and Nemesis staff because I DON"T WANT the black wand or ghost Ax. Would it of hurt to give us two new attacks.....really? This is a whole new level of recycling. There is already SO much recycled in this game, used over and over and over....it's a big reason why it is feeling old and and outdated to me. This is just more of the laziness that wears away at the games integredy. If the Devs don't want to actually put forth the ffort and time into vet rewards, we shouldn't even have them. Two GIGANTIC thumbs down.

Also, if they were going to recycle existing stuff once again, simple choice between boxing or kick would have been better than this. The version that brawl uses that doesnt cause redraw.

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i miss the day when we didnt have vet rewards that way people like this couldnt complain about something given extra



Ok as the game sees it ALL Veteran Powers are TEMPORARY Powers. Don't believe it? Do a flashback mission or Taskforce with NO Temp Powers. You will not have access to any of them! They are NOT listed with your Temporary Powers like the Ouroboros Portal is they are list under INHERENT yet the Portal is still useable and your INHERENT aren't?

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They are considered Temp powers because that's how they were introduced into the game, with timers or number of uses before they expire and disappear. Vet "temp powers" are those temp powers with the timer removed. They are still concidered "temp" but with no expiration.

Also the Vet pet Still does not buff the TEAM as it says it does right in the Vet rewards section of this website.

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From Castle found here :

They were originally designed to give a single target buff, but could not get that to work properly. We then modified them to give group buffs. During testing, Dark Watcher wrote some code that fixed the initial problem, so we decided to switch them back to single target buffs. Unfortunately, there was a mis-communication at this point, and the text did not get updated in all points correctly.

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Now please get over the whole "they are broken! My team isn't buffed" rant and enjoy the self buff.



All I still want is a lifetime membership option

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What do you think a fair price would be? Equivalent to 2 years paid time? 3 years? 4? What if, due to the economy or price of oil, or alien invasion (for real), CoX was shut down 2 months after you paid it? Also, that would be great for them for the front end, but leave the coffers rather dry in the back end. So you'd likely see one or two issues with a lot of content and then some very empty issues after that...

or the ability to buy time (and thus vet rewards) in advance. If I could preorder game time the Devs would instantly make about 27 months worth of cash from me.

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I'm not a big fan of this ideaology. Vet rewards are supposed to be for "played time" not Payed time. Would I be upset if they changed it? Not really. I do yearly prepays so that just means I'd get them sooner too. The only problem is they'd have to have 12+ months vet rewards ahead of the current time in game. They sometimes struggle to get out a decent reward, if any. I'd hate to see what they'd be if they had to rush getting 12 months worth out at one time.



Hearing others say it, I tend to agree: The origin bonus for the powers is problematic. The two times that the powers are presented, you always had a choice for the power that provided a bonus. If you chose the two that matched your origin, you will now be presented with a choice of two powers that don't match your origin (unless you're Natural).

That's just not well thought out.

Here is a list of other 'temp' powers that could be offered.

Here's my top five picks for perma-temp Veteran Rewards:

  1. Clockwork Connection -- Summons 1-3 clockwork gears once every 30 minutes. This would go well thematically with the clockwork non-combat and buff pet Veteran Rewards.
  2. Revolver
  3. EMP Glove
  4. Debt Protection (you think by this time vets would like the idea of leveling more quickly)
  5. Med Kit (very long recharge)
  6. Market Transporter

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RE: Prepaid Vet Rewards: No way. It's ludicrous. I'm only a 6 month vet myself, yet the concept of prepaid "rewards" simply stinks. That mindset reeks of laziness and shows a lack of passion for the game.

RE: Vet Rewards: It appears to me that very little thought was put into some of these rewards. Kilts? A pet that isn't interactive, but a lag-beast? And now those who have played the game faithfully for more than 4 years (kudos to u guys) get a re-cycle? Come on NCSoft, put your backs into it and get those creative juices flowing.

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Yeah these rewards are pretty lame. The helmets are fine, whatever -- I'm not huge into the costumes, but I can understand why some people would like them.

But the "new" powers are just useless except for at very low levels. After level 20 or so, I don't have room to conveniently put another power in my power tray, so it's going to go unused. In fact, the Ghost Slaying Axe already goes unused, as does Sands of Mu in another character.

I just had to put my two cents in. It's made especially lame by the ultra-cool powers they gave out for previous Vet rewards. I just hoped they'd give us something unique and equivalent to Assemble the Team or the buffer fairies.



I'm not sure how to react to that. The fact that's that far down the road and the length of time I have already been with the game and my patience is wearing down; I am really looking forward to obtaining my anime sleek armor but I still have to wait for another year. Still, it's that far down the road, and with Champions Online coming around the corner in 2009, I might start consider looking elsewhere. I'm just a costume fanatic and the lack of new costume pieces (aside from the roman armor, that I did not want and the VEAT costumes that only a villian can sport. Which all I wanted from that set was only the BOOTS.) has definitely influenced me to join up with them if only for just the costumes alone.

Evil prevails when good men fail to act.



The 5 month is a nice choice but i dont think you guyus should have recycled the 54 month. There are a myriad of temp powers we could ahve chosen from to be permanant, try one of those.... especially defensive powers. Offense is nice but we got two picks of those to begin with. Let us have a defensive pick instead. Cryonite armor, Wedding band (although toned down some) would make excellent defensive choices here.



Hopefully, the helmets will be male and female.

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No.. Only the Widow helm is available for females.

Also, I'm a little disappointed the vet rewards are starting to be recycled. I'm surprised they didn't let you choose one of 2 other temp powers given out - like the holy shotgun or the bow & arrow from Croatoa...

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I am truely disgusted to learn that the 51 and 54 month Vet Rewards are simply a rehash of what i already have. Are the Devs so totally out of ideas that we have to have rewards that are 2 years old??



(QR) lol, the 51 one feels like a nothing more than a rehash, but what worries more is the fact it feels like I'm trying to catch up, but I'll always stay 200 yards behind so to speak (because I am 18 months behind of the latest vet reward), lol.

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What I want is an auto level up to 22 and unlimited free tailor tokens. And a free 3 month WOW trial.

Oh, wait.



Agreed, the 54 month was a bit of a disappointment. IMO, the 12 and 33 month vet rewards had the effect of watering down the diversity of players in the game. A majority of the players in the game were walking around sporting the Nemesis Staff or Ghost Slaying Axe. It is even more distracting on teams when half of the team are all carrying Blackwands.

How about creating some customizable weapons/attack animations that can be used for your chosen 12 month and 33 month vet rewards upon reaching level 54? It would make a great way of differentiating a 1 to 3 year veteran from a 5 year veteran and get rid of some of the homogeneity caused by the vet reward attacks.

"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

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Id like to finally be able to get the Power Slide !!!!

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IIRC, that's from the collector's edition, and if so, won't happen.

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So... it being from the Collector's Edition makes it off-limits? Then how come the Arachnos Helms can be retread and the Attacks can be re-treads?

What a Let Down.

I actually looked forward to having something different after playing for 51-54 months.

I would have loved to see choices of the following even if they did minimal damage but just for Costume Completeness.

!) Iron Blade
2) Bow and Arrow
3) Crey Cryo Pistol
4) Bean Bag Gun
5) EMP Glove

Even being re-treads at least they would be something that would add to your character's concept.

I would have been over joyed to recieve the following options.

1) Base NPC Butler
2) Base NPC Scientist
3) Base NPC Wizard
4) Base NPC Cleric
5) Base NPC Men in Black
6) Base NPC Ghost



The pictures on the 54 month page of the Blackwand look wrong. They look like the pictures from when the power first came out and it resembled the temp power for killing Ghosts in Croatoa. The Blackwand in-game now is a black trident-looking staff with purple/black swirling.

And in a few months I can have BOTH the Nemesis staff AND the Blackwand on the same character? WOW.

Ideally, the tank will die precisely as everyone else starts fighting, allowing aggro to be spread evenly among the blaster. -seebs, "How to Suck at CoH/CoV" Guide



The pictures on the 54 month page of the Blackwand look wrong. They look like the pictures from when the power first came out and it resembled the temp power for killing Ghosts in Croatoa. The Blackwand in-game now is a black trident-looking staff with purple/black swirling.

And in a few months I can have BOTH the Nemesis staff AND the Blackwand on the same character? WOW.

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Yes... you too will have THREE attack powers that MISS more than HALF the time and for which you don't have room on your power tray for anyway!!

You can start celebrating now.