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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    This is how Vet Rewards should work....

    You get a choice between Sands of Mu or the Ax as normal, but then you get to choose from Nem staff, the wand OR which everpower you didn't pick the first time. That would mean at 54 months, you'd get to choose from two NEW powers or the remaining two you didn't pick before. What ever power you passed up should always be available the next time you unlock a vet power, but there should ALWAYS be two more new ones.

    Did I explain that as horribly as I think?

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    Whta I've suggested in the past is that the devs make a "veteran melee power pool" and a "veteran ranged power pool" and add powers to each as necessary. Make the veteran rewards grant one choice from the appropriate pool. So if they decide to add some new snazzy veteran attack, newer players will still have a shot at them before they grow old and die. The advantage older players will have is that they will have more *selections* but not necessarily a better set of selections which means there is less of a problem adding overly interesting veteran attacks.

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    And Arcanaville grand slams another... Folks, it doesnt get any better than this!
  2. The 5 month is a nice choice but i dont think you guyus should have recycled the 54 month. There are a myriad of temp powers we could ahve chosen from to be permanant, try one of those.... especially defensive powers. Offense is nice but we got two picks of those to begin with. Let us have a defensive pick instead. Cryonite armor, Wedding band (although toned down some) would make excellent defensive choices here.
  3. Very well written, i applaud your work!
  4. I can sympathize, i played it for about 2 months after it came out and finally said....why???

    And WoW is just a no no... been there done that, no thank you. And you came back for a good time tho with the 2nd rikti invasion looming in the distance....
  5. Welcome back indeed!!!!

    DDO finally bore you??? (I went there for a bit)
  6. its far from unplayable and all the testing in the world wont get all the bugs.

    IIIIIIII'm thinking your a glass half empty kinda guy
  7. [ QUOTE ]

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    Easy there guy, you got lots of time.
  8. This is great work guys, i wished i could have taken part in the invasion but sadly i wasnt in the beta version, i was just post issue 1.

    This is all awesome, with a side of awesome and an awesome drink of awesome.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    You could switch that Common IO: Heal from Health and either put in one of the Numina Heals or the Miracle Heals. It'll net you either extra Regen or extra Recovery from the set bonus.

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    This is true, and its another nice increase to regeneration too.
  10. Uranium_Man

    Moon Hazard Zone

    I still love nad fully endorse the idea of a moon zone.
    Its chaulked full of awesome!
  11. What if this could only be done on the test server or a dedicated Player Mission server. Players could then test it and the most popular could be looked at by you guys.
  12. Uranium_Man

    Moon Hazard Zone

    The Caretaker could be another name, perhaps the monster maintains the flow of the lava.

    The Caretakers badge.
  13. Uranium_Man

    Moon Hazard Zone

    [ QUOTE ]
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    Did you write anything out yet?

    How about a lava badge?

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    Rough draft.

    Volcanic Activity

    While scientists have long theorized that the moon had no volcanic activity, they have been proven wrong. Mount Spice has been erupting nonstop since the discovery of the Mare Vaporum. A steady river of Lava has been continuously flowing from a cave near the top of Mount Spice down its side, into a lake of lava in Valeron Valley. Volcanologist brought to the moon to study this phenomena tell us that Mount Spice seems to have been erupting continuously for thousands of years, they are unable to tell us how this is possible, or why the lake in Valeron Valley never rises.

    The river and lake of lava raises the temperature around the mountains and surrounding area to tropical temperatures. Moon Igneous will sometimes be found on their banks basking in the heat. The jungle is dense on both sides of the lava despite the intense heat. Several types of plants appear to have adapted to the heat and gathers and stores energy from the lava. The lava flows down the side of Mount Spice over a lava-fall into the lake in a cascade of light and brilliance. A must see for any hero in the area. The light show at dawn and dusk is breathtaking to behold and is a spectacular display of light and fire.

    Gigantic Monster

    A Gigantic Igneous that spawns in the lake of lava. (someone give me help with the name here) that does fire damage, and is undefeatable while actually still in the lake of lava, as the lava from the lake heals it.

    Lava Badge – Located at the base of the falls.

    Volcanologist Badge – located in the cave where the lava starts to flow out of Mount Spice.

    Gigantic Igneous Badge – (someone give me help with the name here) Granted after you defeat the monster 10 times.

    Fire Proof Accolade – 10% fire resistance. Requires Lava Badge, Volcanologist Badge, and the Gigantic Igneous Badge.

    [/ QUOTE ] name, name... thinking, thinking.....

    What about Valeron ... perhaps its his/her valley?

    Badge name could be Valeron's Bane or something
  14. i use toon, nothing wrong with it at all, after all, all my 'toons' are personal to me.

    He's got to be in here somewhere....

    *Screams like a little girl as the post comes after him.....*
  16. Uranium_Man

    Moon Hazard Zone

    Its an awesome idea.... i love it!

    Maybe add in some shivians too while you are at it.
  17. Woot!

    Any comment as to if the damage debuff will be on test soon and if it is going to be 10%??
  18. I have to say i too find this a bit distrubing that its only 10% but hen again, anything at this poitn is good, i mean its 10% to everything but id like to see that upped to 20% or at least give us the ability to enhance our 10% higher.
  19. Will thre be further story's involving alternate dimensions where it is a similar area like the Shadow Shard?

    What will become fo the Ritki in the future?
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Hey, with that pay scale, where can I signup? They already have awsome health benefits. Have a splinter? We'll amputate and here's a robotic arm.

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    Oh, this so brings me back to PNP Cyberpunk and people going off the deep end screaming 'FLESHIESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!'

    Oh wonderful cyberpsychosis.....
  21. Statesmen wrote:
    [ QUOTE ]
    Just got out of a meeting with Geko...

    I completely concur that the Wet Ice Def buff is so slender that it's pointless to slot Def Enhancements...but people already have done so.

    Here's what we'll do: Wet Ice will no longer accept Def Enhancements. We'll increase the base def somewhat. Def Enhancements that are currently slotted will continue to have an effect, but players won't be able to slot new Def Enhancements into it.

    We're also adding resistance to Toxic in Permafrost to bring it into line with Invulnerability's Resist Elements.

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    Thats a good start. Any word about adding the resist all except psi part i posted about??

    Oh and kuddos on the chilling embrace damage debuff, that was good of yall to nothice the feed back and ideas being put out there.
  22. Thanks Jack for replying to the many, many people who have asked for a response.

    Now, to the meat.

    Hpnestly, y so low on the defense???? This isnt a good thing for the worst tank in the game... If its to be the defense king, give it thunder not a kitten's meow... .5% def in Wet ice?????
    I still boggle at that statement. Give them Invulnerablilities Def at least and some passive res in permafrost vs. all... maybe 10-15%... not a lot but certainly decent enough to take some of those AV shots. Heck make all the armors 15% def and 5% resist vs. their apropriate damage and we will call it a day.

    ALso, on Hibernate, any word on how that is being handled because it is a source of complaint.

    Thank You for your time.
  23. Come on, Give the ice tankers some feedback here. They have been more than patient with you guys for longer than most people should have.
  24. Invulnerability bone to pick with yall:

    The elemental resists on unyielding and the passives... is that serious or is there a glitch in the coding???

    My lvl 38 inv/em tank barely survived an encounter against even lvl minion freaks (3) with a champion and a boss. two fo teh minions had energy (stunners). and the boss was hitting me for way too much damage( linked to unyielding and my build).

    edited Oh and i only survived because i picked up Air Superiority for my tank and kept the boss on his back every chance i got.

    Also y nerf Ice tanks at all... they need love, not a stern beating???? How abput adding some +hp similar to Dull pain in all the armors and make the ice tanks HP kings???