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  1. I figure since I'm waiting on a review, I'd give this a little Bump from Page 6...
  2. What's the difference between a false 5star and a false 1star? Either way it's a mirepresentation of what's in the arc... I'd rather have someone play my arc, and give me 2 stars because they didn't like it than someone on my friend's list giving me 5 stars cause I asked them to, but the arc really blows...
  3. Meh... I'm probably going to do up a Soldier/Traps (Devices? God I never remember names lol) thing and do up a Nick Fury(tm)-esque secret government agent dude.

    Maybe do Robots too.... cause they are by FAR my favorite Main Set.
  4. Wait... there's a market for Good Names? WTF? wow... No wonder the freakin Auction House Market is so Overpriced.....
  5. Oh thank goodness 5 stars is your normal... I'm really nervous about people liking my work and wanting me to do the other 2 parts.
  6. Haha, yep, I'm from CT... Torrington to be exact... Saddly I've never heard that be used to describe a CT resident... I've always used Connecticut Yankee.... (I'm not originally from CT, I lived in NY till I was 16, so I'm not all CTized lol)
  7. Quick note.... I noticed you didn't get a reference to something... You were wondering how this "Dell-Fie" in your last review knew things.... I have a feeling that the author was referencing the Greek Oracle "Oracle at Delphi" If I'm right... that means the contact had the ability to see the future...
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'll throw my arc in here... Sounds like fun

    Name: Of Dice and Dens
    Alignment: Heroic (Neutral to, if you like)
    Number: 151634
    Creator's Global: @dionon
    Genre: Story Driven, Semi-Serious, Satire
    Difficulty: 3/5 maybe 4
    Oddities: 2 Elite Bosses, 1 Timed Mission
    Description: When the roleplayers of Paragon City go missing, and iconic creatures of roleplaying appear all over Paragon, is magic trying to take back the world, or is there a new super villain waiting in the wings?
    A tounge in cheek story arc spanning 5 chapters. Part 1 of a trilogy making a super arc that spans a whopping 15 chapters.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    15 chapters?! Wow, that is epic.

    ...and you are a fellow Nutmegger!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Don't quite know the term (sorries) but I love a good yarn, and having the ability to do so in an online game for others to enjoy was a dream come true for me... I just wish we could buy more slots... there are so many stories that I want to tell, but I can't because of the limit.

    Oh well...
  9. Thank you for not quitting this great idea.
  10. I'll throw my arc in here... Sounds like fun

    Name: Of Dice and Dens
    Alignment: Heroic (Neutral to, if you like)
    Number: 151634
    Creator's Global: @dionon
    Genre: Story Driven, Semi-Serious, Satire
    Difficulty: 3/5 maybe 4
    Oddities: 2 Elite Bosses, 1 Timed Mission
    Description: When the roleplayers of Paragon City go missing, and iconic creatures of roleplaying appear all over Paragon, is magic trying to take back the world, or is there a new super villain waiting in the wings?
    A tounge in cheek story arc spanning 5 chapters. Part 1 of a trilogy making a super arc that spans a whopping 15 chapters.
  11. Ok, I stopped reading when Stomphoof decided he was going to stop...

    My request Stomp... Please don't. I watched your video, and I really would love to see my arc up in someone's video, and personally, while I have 1 Find quest, I don't use annoying maps, I don't have any defeat all missions. The most annoying part of my arc is a 30 minute timed mission... which isn't that hard because it has 3 rescues and a boss...

    So please Stomp, if you review any others, please review mine, I'd be honored, even if you give it a bad review... It still got noticed, and through you, I might get more viewers who saw something they might like in it.

    So yeah, don't give up, your idea is too unique to just disperse after 1 attempt and some anger over a little distraction, and a hard to find glowie... I did see it on the screen, just to give Mandu his due, but just because I saw it while YOU played, doesn't mean I would see it if say...I played through...

    So yeah... Stick in there, and don't give up. Your opinion is your own, and you are going to offend at least someone with it. I know that for a fact
  12. Thank you in advance

    Name: Of Dice and Dens
    Alignment: Heroic (Neutral to, if you like)
    Number: 151634
    Creator's Global: @dionon
    Genre: Story Driven, Semi-Serious, Satire
    Difficulty: 3/5 maybe 4
    Oddities: 2 Elite Bosses, 1 Timed Mission
    Description: When the roleplayers of Paragon City go missing, and iconic creatures of roleplaying appear all over Paragon, is magic trying to take back the world, or is there a new super villain waiting in the wings?
    A tounge in cheek story arc spanning 5 chapters. Part 1 of a trilogy making a super arc that spans a whopping 15 chapters.
  13. Dionon

    Add On Question

    Oh... Thank you for that, I'll search out this "Herostats" immediately.
  14. Dionon

    Add On Question

    Honestly, for my main.... A Buff Timer. I was in an AE Mission, and I was getting pretty peeved that whenever I looked at the party's buffs (which I did every 3-5 minutes or so) my bubbles were gone...

    My main is a 37 Force Field/Energy Blast defender... (yes... I know... OMG I don't have a 50... let's just say that I never had the amount of time I do now, and I haven't been able to level before) and I really hate it when my party is left defenseless because my buffs have run out, and I didn't notice because we're in the heat of combat, and I need more screenspace than the 70 buffs that my party has on them will allow.
  15. Dionon

    Add On Question

    *sigh* That "other" game, has been around just as long as CoX, and has nearly 10 times the player base... BUT I am seriously not here to compare games... Trust me, CoX is my first MMO, and is still... BY FAR my favorite, and I've played SO many ranging from MXO to Anarchy Online to SWG to many many free ones, and I always come back here.

    Now, that being said, I'm saying that us "classy" folk could use small add-ons now and then. Stuff like Buff timers, and Heal warnings would be useful, and probably wouldn't be too invasive.

    Don't get me wrong, CoX has done a wonderful job of having a quality, beautiful, almost flawless HuD, but it could do with some tweaking here and there...
  16. Dionon

    Add On Question

    Man.... that's kinda silly... CoX should encourage Third Party Add-Ons like Blizzard does for their games... Get some standard policy and such as to what can and can't be changed, etc...

    Ah well.. I'll take a look at what's what, and see what I can figure out
  17. Thank you in advance... I just had to go back and edit several things after having a horrid group run... The group was phenomenal... we really rocked the house.... It was the arc.... I'd screwed up so baddly I could hardly stand it.... So, now everything should be fixed, and everything should be right.

    Again, thanx in advance, and I hope you enjoy it very much, enough to play the sequel when it comes out later this week/month..
  18. Dionon

    Add On Question

    Are there any NCSoft approved Add Ons for City of Heroes?
  19. Name: Of Dice and Dens
    Alignment: Heroic (Neutral to, if you like)
    Number: 151634
    Creator's Global: @dionon
    Genre: Story Driven, Semi-Serious, Satire
    Difficulty: 3/5 maybe 4
    Oddities: 2 Elite Bosses, 1 Timed Mission
    Description: When the roleplayers of Paragon City go missing, and iconic creatures of roleplaying appear all over Paragon, is magic trying to take back the world, or is there a new super villain waiting in the wings?
    A tounge in cheek story arc spanning 5 chapters. Part 1 of a trilogy making a super arc that spans a whopping 15 chapters.
  20. Arc offered to which character?: Any
    Arc Name: Of Dice and Dens
    Arc ID: 151634
    Faction: Custom Group
    Creator Global/Forum Name: Dionon
    Level Range: All
    Soloable?: Far as I know. Be careful at the entrance of the third mission though...
    Length: Very Long
    Difficulty Level: I'd say out of 10... 7
    Synopsis: When the roleplayers of Paragon City go missing, and creatures of iconic lore come to life, is this a magical invasion, or another villain attempting his hand at World domination?
    This has a touch of tounge in cheek (more in the descriptions of the creatures, and the theme of the arc as a whole), but the remainder is just good comic book storytelling. Part 1 of a Trilogy when I get finished (my PC kinda sux when the MA comes up...)
    Estimated Time to Play: Never really timed it, but I'd say between 1-2 hours grand total... If it's more, let me know.
  21. the command "thread" does not exist. Please type help for a list of easy commands...


    I'm sorry... we have no commands for you... Have a nice day

    Just for lulz!
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Wait wait wait, we actually had an animal in the game? I demand chicken enemy NPCs!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Here Here!

  23. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    It's not very heroic to spawn a bunch of minions to die for you.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Real-life soldiers do it all the time.

    Nick Fury did it in the comics...with the Howling Commandoes first then with SHIELD.

    While I agree that porting MMs to blueside would pretty much kill what's left of redside I also feel that the basic premise is sound. However the set would have to be changed IMHO. The 'Squad Leader' should play a more active role and be more of the guy in front rather than the MM who sends the minions out to fight FOR him.

    One way to do this might be to switch the Primaries and Secondaries around. The Squad Leader would have the Summoning Powers and support as his Secondary and then have his/her own Powers as their Primary. More like a Controller or a Dom who CAN summon pets but they don't HAVE to.

    Just my 2 Inf

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I like this idea alot... really alot... It really works as something kool, and in a way, still unique from, but enough like the Mastermind where I'd personally be happy.