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  1. I hate that this is hurting people on so many REAL levels, and I know it is cause it's hurting me just this badly and my friends to a point very close to this. Personally, though, I think NCSoft should be FORCED to see the real pain and suffering this is causing. Even if it's just in the head, or some supposedly "whiny geeks", or whatever people want to view this as, it's real and we're still all real people. I can understand that maybe they don't wanna waste money on this project or something else was bothering them, but maybe if they saw that's happening to the people they might show some compassion and work something out with us or at least talk to us. I don't care what the official announcement said...the only thing worse than knowing my first MMO, my first home away from home, a place that let me escape my problems, get out of the house (so to speak), and make and spend time with some of my first real friends is going away forever is not being addressed as an adult and being told to my face, why.
  2. tidalwave008

    Triumph Zombies

    Hi everyone. I've got this new character that needs the pumpkin helmet and i've been trying to get a team together for it in game and it hasn't been going well, so I thought I'd try here.

    Here's the deal. I'm looking for some players to help me start up and fight in as many Zombie Apocalypse's it takes to get the badge/costume piece. The extra hard part is this needs to be done on the Villain side.

    First we'll need to complete the Virgil Tarikoss Strike Force to trigger the attack, and then move to the zone to battle them, at which point, the more the better.

    I'm looking to do this ASAP as we get the interest, I already have about 3 or 4 people interested, counting myself so I just need some more people willing to help out.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PracticallyGod View Post
    I've gotten two of them. Thanks devs!
    And that's one of the problems, no way to make sure it's only one per person so the rewards are fair and equal across the board.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DojhromTRW View Post
    These should be put in the store ... 2 or 3 bucks a code, this way we can cherry pick what we want and buy it.

    An option is add them to the costume drop table but make them ultra rare and non trade-able.

    Another option is have the codes go into random civilian chat .. "Did you hear about the PPD supply surplus? A few boxes of unfinished PPD armor have been auctioned off. The box had the listing ID - - - - - - - - - - -. Perhaps you could get one.

    A final option is use those nice in game billboards.

    Rewards those who pay and play not the ones with the fastest twitter fingers...
    I'd also like to see these codes as a vet reward, high or otherwise, I mean you did it with the sprints and the pre-order helmet, seems close to that. It would also, idealy, take some people out of the running (the vets who would then earn them) giving others more chances at codes and not making long time loyal loving players not get disheartened and agrivated having to jump through hoops like animals...just an idea.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
    If any winners of the Coralax code are interested in a trade, I have a spare Ghoul code (given away at the San Diego Comic-Con 2010) I'd be more than happy to swap for one. Shoot me a PM if you happen to be interested.
    um....the coralax codes have to be used right away don't they? I don't think you can snag one and put them on hold.
  6. With all due respect, I don't know why you guys are doing it this way again. There was alot of hate with it, lots of upset players, and it seemed like most people didn't have fun with it. I guess I don't see the point here. Aren't contests supposed to be fun? Cause these aren't. I'm glad some people have them, and I do wish I had a chance with it, but I see all these upset people who just want a contest with a fair chance that they can enjoy either way. Good luck with it, I guess...
  7. Here's a question. I've added my code and everything....so....where are my enhancements? how do I get them?
  8. has anyone heard from any new info or are we gonna get a dev response? This isn't ok. I can't log in like he rest of you, first it's all grey servers, then it won't connect to the login server at all and this, from the looks of it, has been going on for way too long and I paid for a whole year, why hasn't there been a rushed fix patch? My friend in Canada can log in, but not me, is this just a states thing?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheDevian View Post
    so much for 1 an hour huh? not even been 5 and they are all gone =(
    it was stated to be 2 an hour <_<
  10. I think the vast majority of them were the same, giving plenty of time for copy + paste
  11. This isn't really about the contest, it's about exposure. They want people to see them get so much activity on Facebook and Twitter to raise more interest in the game before GR comes out.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Hellcat View Post
    Bah they should just push out 9 and 10 then say "due to the high demand and requests, we've decided to release the Mutant Pack early! Thank you City of Heroes users for your support!" and put it up on the store.
    agreed, if only for the first part, just get it over with, heh
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tarkenchi View Post
    #8 was posted and used within 5 seconds.

    This is frustrating. D:
    that's really all this is
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Heh. I'll be honest, I'm randomly refreshing. (I sound like a strange soda commercial or something there.) I'm at work, and checking in on them when it's slow. The list was more a general observation.

    My only gripe when it comes to the packs - or much else - is that we still can't gift them, just apply to our own accounts. If they followed Chaos's idea above and I got one, I'd end up giving it to a friend of mine who's a bit busy with a one-year(and change)-old, but would still love it.

    I agree here, I have two or three friends I'd love to buy this for, but I'd have to have access to their account and that's an awkward situation at best, let alone making it a surprise all but impossible.
  15. wow, I'm sorry, I just have to say, you're character looks awesome.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post

    bless you, you're a very nice person.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    Huh. And here I am, on Windows XP, with a constantly refreshing (every 10 seconds, through a Firefox addon) Twitter page, Facebook page, and forum page... and my Master Account page in a second Firefox window, to the side, set to refresh every 45 seconds to keep the login fresh. All I have to do is click once and enter the code and hit enter.

    I haven't won one yet, but you're talking like only Win7 folks can do multiple windows.

    I can button mash 20 keys at random in about a second and a half at most.

    which addon is that, sounds like I need it, heh
  18. wish they were using a picture updating thing so once it's claimed we know it's too late, rather than giving everyones hopes up for a minute or so
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Hellcat View Post
    If the want is there that badly, why not just put the mutant pack on the store and continue to do the contest for those that want to try for it for free? Yes, I know it's to get it early. Two an hour is a long time to wait for a chance. I could be playing CoH.

    /signed, still get to have the contest and those of us who aren't this special interest group get an actual shot at it too.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PYRECAT View Post
    Now I'm getting twitter over capacity error. Fantastic!
    I've been randomly getting a "page not found" error from facebook too, twice so far.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Right. Because you've missed them, obviously someone's cheating. Sorry, but no, that's how it has worked with every single giveaway. People *can* and *do* read and type that fast. Some people (see transcription, secretarial, data entry) even do so for a living. No need for special h4x s0ftw4r3z or whatever.
    it's not a matter of if it's possible, you don't personally know the winners, I hope they aren't cheating but it's just as possible as doing it fairly. And I'm not the only one who's missed them nor the only one who's said here that there could be cheating, so thanks me making it sound like it's only me.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Nope. People can legitimately see and type that fast. No software needed.
    with all due respect, even if there are people who can, that's no proof that's how the codes are going so far.