259 -
Gratz! Hope you, your child and his mum are well. What a gift.
Quote:Oh I despise the mobs respawning after defeat. I sold people suffering through starting areas in other games on CoH NOT having such a emmersion breaking feature. I said "Yah it sucks that these (incert random mobname here) respawn so fast. Up the ziggarat of doom here. Harder to get up this thing then face the Bat Demon at the top (game not mentioned to avoid the discipline bat). Now in my fav game City of heroes there are ambushes which sometimes spawn too close for comfort/belivability but they do try to get them appearing out of line of sight, unless theyre a type that can clearly port and even then.... but I tell yah. A regular CoH mob you defeat stays dead till you step away and return."Myself, I hate it when things spawn on top of me. I'm twitchy enough when they stay down when I kill them.
Now not true. And I'm a liar if they try the game. ;p Thanks a lot!
They have oodles and ooldes of the mission specific mobs in the areas to begin with (thankfully low agro ranges but even so...) with more then half the folks comming out of galaxy both red and blue side doing the sewer trial.... Who deemed following EVERY OTHER MMO with nigh insta respawning mobs for these would be wise? Who!?! I just wanna smack them. With a nerfbat or those hilarously big boxing gloves but... I still want to hit them. ;p
Please don't do it again in future content devs. I leave games because of insta respawn mobs.... for good.
Is that wrong? I dont think so.
Sorry. -
Quote:Agreed.Which will mean everyone will end up having to min/max their builds, which is counter to what the devs have tried to get us to us in the past.
Also wil lforce some folks to just go join the group leauges anyway if you cant downgrade to an EB. You tell me the defender who isn't rad/kin/dark coupled with anything that isn't sonic blast that giggles at AV's let alone EB's if they havent got the controls to pema mez said AV while painfully slowly whittlin it down to defeated status. You can't perma mez till mercifully dead anything that that has the triangle, and that even if you pick the right epic to stck with whatver you may or may not have for mezes from prim/sec powersets.
Honestly Floating man, my friend... I think some of these other folks think these kind of things should be made nail-biting challenging for melee and perfect powerset combos as a default.
Please NO Dev's.
Always remember you have left some Primary/Secondary combos even when combined with some epic sets as horribly under par no matter how they are slotted/enhnaced/enhance bonused-fied. Such solo missions must be doable by something that takes 5-10 min to slowley whittle away an EB's health bar let alone tackle an AV solo. -
Quote:This comment is Golden. Thank you for making my day... and I'm between work shifts. I will go back with a stupid grin on my face.Even for a learning process, you should (at least) start in the right general ballpark. Next time there's a big meeting, ask the person who proposed this idea to explain why they thought it would be a good idea. I'm having trouble coming up with even a strained justification.
One of my local restaurants has a daily special that provides variety, but somehow they have still never attempted Turd Sandwich Thursday.
thank you. -
Quote:That would only work if they had the Holy shotgun reskinned to look properly like a shotgun... "Hereafter all forms of powers with the name SHOTGUN in them shall render for this account as a true shotgun, like the ones in that obscure villian mission and your one in a billion chance to get an acomodating bank arms deal drop."$5 for consumables? And in such small numbers? Is this a joke or are y'all really banking on folks with severe completion impulses?
I would pay 800 points let alone 400 for the shere amount of time that I waste on suitable toons hunting often vainly for that vanity item. I have to do it via bank missions cause I don't recal the obcure villian mission that simply rewards it. ;p
As for the pack... What the heck?!?
What it should have been is memorised recipes for the following.
Shotgun (that looks-like-a SHOTGUN) extra harm to undead... sure. Just make sure it looks like a shotgun. ;p
Undead Slaying Axe (I know I know... taken as a vet reward... er token now. But they could make this one a small short cone to match closer to sands of spaz and have it properly do "high" damage with a bleed.)
Rune of... whatever that rune blasty temp thing was that we get from croatoa missions. ;p
Chainsaw blade. That one they'd have to actualy make a skin for or just reskin the tech blade a tidge.
That I'd pay for. For sure, it could also unlock the Undead axe and the Chainblade as usuable skins for suitable weaponsets.
But then that's just what I would do...
Anyway, I can't knock these guys much... It's still a damn good product. I just returned from a hiatus and break at another game. Despite pretty graphics, the gameplay fun factor nearly being there but overpowered by the fustration factor... Just they... I mean they can't seem to hold a bloody candle to this one.
So Hi all!
Off I go to try out beam weaps and time manip and I hear a whole new tutorial... -
What if ... thought just came to me.... What if the Dark control set is going to feature "dark" versions ofour fav Illusion powers and some new darkity dark stuff?
I love going after the monsters! If I'm anywhere near Da even I cant resist peeking into the fog for Addy...
Hoping for the coats and backpacks to bloody well work together withought me needing to make my SoA banes then make costume with bolero or trench, then respec to crab and pray the darn thing doesn't default back to the stadard one. For a time I was running arround on a male crab with a neat 'albeit short' leather jacket with a gold backpack... Till I recently tried to use the costume editor for new shoulders and discovered I couldnt withought loosing that.
Speaking of which... can we have some more shoulders that go far enough round the back that they look like they can "connect" to the packs and therefore support the mass/wieght?
Just asking... -
Quote:I think most of us are fine with that, as long as none of them are terrible at damage. The ones that have heals, debuffs or lovely buffs of some sort more then make up for lack of over the top damage. I must say on my Crab spider for example, I like the Toxi T from the Arachnos Pets... I find the fortunata is a tad slow to act though. Might just be perception. Probably try the Toxi T plus Bane t3 before deciding which to T4.Hey all,
Glad to see you’re enjoying the new Lore pets! Black Scorpion and myself made an explicit effort to get the various Lore Pet sets fairly close to each other in terms of DPS – there shouldn’t be any one set that’s bounds better than the others. Along with ensuring that the new Lore pets were all competitive with the old sets and with each other, we also determined that the IDF pets were doing significantly less DPS than intended, and the damage and recharge of their powers were adjusted accordingly in i20.5. It’s great to hear that many of you are taking Arachnos, Phantoms, Spectres, and others for concept - that’s what we set out to enable!
Until next time,
-Arbiter Hawk
I kept the Seers on my Magic Origin DP/Dark cor that did the Preatorian content though... I can always immagine some emo story about them being a ghostly wife and sister... in law? that come to help when he's in dire need.
Storms on the Dark/elec defender and The Phantoms naturaly fit on the Ill/storm Controller with perfect results.
Dev's... You guys/gals did splendily here.
Note: I don't know what to give my magic origin SS/Invuln brute though.... (shrug) -
Quote:I agree!Too bad. Your personal preferences don't change the simple fact that there are dozens of Sci-Fi shows that are actually far more deserving of consideration and belong on that list more than Lost. Hell I'd say that at least half the shows on that list need to be replaced. The posters criteria are blatantly biased and offers no explanation as to how the list was compiled other than his own personal opinion.
In no particular order off the top of my head
Star Trek (all)
Battlestar Galactica (all)
Stargate (all)
Babylon 5
Doctor Who
Time Tunnel
Red Dwarf
Blake 7
Space 1999
Quantum Leap
The Invaders
My Favorite Martian
Dark Angel
Space - Above and Beyond
V (all)
Lost in Space
Alien Nation
Earth 2
Max Headroom
Ghost in the Shell
Mork and Mindy
Outlaw Star
Planet of the Apes
Logan's Run
Earth Final Conflict
Aeon Flux
War of the Worlds
The Jetsons
Flash Gordon (all)
Buck Rogers
Fireball XL5
Gundam (all)
Power Rangers (all Eng and Japanese)
Ark II
Dirty Pair
Mutant X
Salvage 1
Space Precinct
Time Trax
6 Million Dollar Man
Bionic Woman
Earth: Final Conflict
Fantastic Journey
Moonbase 3
Cowboy Bebop
The list goes on and on.
But I would add http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N8CD7gN2MA&NR=1 if you have macross and other Anime in there, you might as well have their grandaddy. Astroboy too but that was never my thing...
This Starblazers though... The Americanised version of Space Battle Cruiser/ship Yamato was (along with syndicated Outer limits, Twilight Zone, Star Trek Original series and the original Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica and the odd olde timey sci-fi movie) pretty much
all the half decent quality Sci-Fi a kid from the 70's got in North America. Certainly it was the ONLY one with an overall planned out story arc.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Na0-n...eature=related Cleaned up version in original Japanese with computer animation.
Yes, This beats even the vaunted and much loved Bab 5 to the "Breaking the episodid mold" table. Unlike modern mysterious story arcs... This one kept it nice and simple.Save the planet. I'm sure it was the early 70's as I was a wee kid. I am now 41. I love Doctor Who mybrit pals. But he was very episodic back then. Kinda still is... Last two doc's are a little more sensitive to the story arc thing and though Baker and Pertwee are my fav Doctors I do like the new guys.
Cheers all!
Wow I just recalled they did a modern movie for it. Sheets and giggles, I must find a english subtitle version of this. lol
Better clips... withought the strangely familiar pop song... ;p http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fQoh...eature=related -
That and the badges and plaques you need in there eh for history badges and the like. I guess it will all need to be moved. Unless they leave the tutorial as open somehow. Perhaps a instance of Galaxy in ruins you revisit in yer 20's and try to repair or somesuch?.... If not then probably just get's erased as a beacon option.
Don't forget the "Leg" slider as well as the overall body slider.
Ive got a Crab spider on virtue... Got me atention.
Quote:Hes gonna need 2 A-Merits for a particular "one" rescipe of that set. The one that buffs 3 aspects. The rest cost 1. One or two are availble via bronze rolls. Roll in the range that has number "35" in it. One post on the boards long ago claimed it's the smallest pool to try to get lucky from for it. I have no reason to distrust that having succeeded often getting them. Don't get too excited about re-selling them after... they only fetch 20 mil- ish. The knockdown procs are a cheap way to complete 4 till you can afford the 2 A-Merit or 80-120 mil influence on the market tripplestat buff ones. Probably end/rec/dam I wager. Don't quote me... but it's a tripple.If you don't have Going Rogue, but have merits, exchange 50 merits + 20 inf for 1 A-merit. Exchange 1 A-merits for a Kin Combat recipe.
You can do this over 4 days, and you have your set.
Cheers! And good luck. I have 4 sets meself so far on my brute... and a full mocking beratement set and some other lethal/smashy boost and accidently some other damage types. It is so much easier to boost my possitional def toons though I tell yah... So much easier. Grumble... -
Not alone. Wasn't making a new one tonight but one tends to notice when 3-4 slots suddenly read as "Unavaible". ;p
Quote:Illusion was listed. We just cant see it. The Dev's used the some crazy font called Supperior Invisibility Ink. ;pI honestly can't believe this isn't a joke thread... even after reading it. Is there a punchline I should know about?
EDIT: Wait... it says "None" So it's just a confuse. -
I am just very sad there is still no illusion for doms...
....Wait... Broadsword for brutes? -
Quote:Intrepid Informer's up with details on PP:
WHAT THE FLOCK! ? ;p By Nul the Gull's BEAK! They better mean...
Illusion -
This is fantastic stuff. Please tell me the Dev's want to pay yah to use it. If not I might cry a little inside. It's all positively splendid. I especialy like Recluse's theme and Galaxy's last stand.
Bravo! -
I remeber back in the day when you could shoot and act through PFF with reduced accuracy or a personal to hit debuff. Then realising I guess that one could counter that with the pool power tactics let alone slotting they went and shut that ability off... Honestly it is a piety they didnt just leave that as is and supress the % of defence while shooting/acting but they didn't have the tech then.
They have it now.
Repulsion field needs to pulse faster or wider. How many times do I need to bleed over half my character's hp while the quequed up melee attack of my foe registers on my character while he's animated as being knocked ALREADY on his ****?
Repulsion bomb. target foe as opposed to the old target ally. Well done realising it's a defender PRIMARY at last. Bravo!However... really.... a Mag 2 stun NEEDS to be anything less then a 100% chance of it (in any powerset) .... Really?! (facepalm)
Every player used power in this game that is only magnitude 2 anything needs to be 100%. Personal opinion... naturaly.
Force field's various knocksand repels should have damage resist debuffs and or defence debuff and thematicly MORE STUNNING. Especialy if you insist on keeping random percentages vs the more reliable 100% but low mag. If theyre percentages the magnitude must be higher. Very Small debuffs and stuns for Force bolt as it's spammable. Moderate for the longer recharge and or endurance heavy toggles. Some powers that do knockup/down vs knockback (you can slot for that iffin yah want it) as too many damn things late game just giggle at you attemps to use knockback. I can use all the knocback my FF/Dark (including torrent) all at once on a Giant Monster and not buge it and inch... but a guy with super strength set and one knockout blow can make that Crystal Titian fly up and see stars?! Unfair!
Peace Bringers need their two mez types to match. Especialy as theyre defences are not defences but rather resitance. My Crab spider doesn't mind not being able to Mez a boss but he has True mez protection and laughbly high defences that make foes MISS! As for the PB an option to create a moments respite that doesn't involve transforming into a oversized lobster with half an attack chain (that's generous.. I mean 1/3 of an attack chain) would be nice.
Just a few rants and soapbox standing... nevermind. -
Ditto. This forum stuff and I'm less woried about spam that can be set on ignore in the game too, then new players not being able to freely ask for helpin' channels folks are used to bothering to look at.
Parry is pretty important. I know it's not a lot of damage but it's a metric tone of melee defence. It's also stackable with itself.
Good luck. Have fun... there is body mastery at 41 for your endurance woes and a tailor made endo reducing/damage resist increasing alpha incarnate ability at 50. -
Theyre both good, so take the one that you like/fits theme best.
If you weren't thinking or caring for any theme and only worried about dps/fast/performance you'd already be judging them with FIRE!
(shakes fist and uses amusing booming voice while saying "Fire")
I will simply salute you for bothering to make a defender bubbler. I will worry for your sanity in this damage centered game that your theme?... requires you to not use Sonic blast. (if that had existed at launch when I made my FF/Dark and I'd known how much defenders got hosed in the late game damage wise you can bet that the blast set would have been sonic... had no clue in 2004 though. They didn't give us numbers back then.)
Anyway... I salute you. Good luck. Don't go mental. I hear Repulsion bomb is way better now.... There's a plus anyway. -
If theres a two handed swinging axe that doesnt look too overblown, or if it is yet it's done nicely... I will remake my Tinman salute toon... Emperor Nick.