Top 10 Sci Fi Shows
Why is Lost included in Sci-Fi all the time (it's not just this list). It's generally a straight forward action-drama with the occasional bit of mysticism. There's almost no science fiction in it at all.
Because it's not a cop, lawyer, doctor, spy, mystery hour drama series so that only leaves scifi.
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Tempus unum hominem manet
No Stargate SG-1
No The Pretender
No Blake's 7
No thanks!

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat
Ya, the lists has some issues but hard to argue with Doctor Afro at the #1 spot.
No Sliders
No Outer Limits
No Lost in Space
No Buck Rodgers
Even Heroes deserves to be up there before Lost.
Sham list
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Ya, the lists has some issues but hard to argue with Doctor Afro at the #1 spot.
Lost, meh. And Stargate SG-1 absolutely deserves to be on that list.
But in general I feel about this list the same way I do about all such lists... they are based on nothing more than opinions and therefore not really worth caring about. I can make a top ten list, too. I'm sure as many folks would agree and disagree with my list as do with this article.
"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick
Just another trendy, short memory list. Some of the stuff on there really doesn't merit the attention.
As others have said TNG probably deserved a slot. Babylon 5 broke some serious ground for it's introduction of a massive story arc as the basic premise.
While I love Firefly as much as the next Browncoat, I really don't think it merits top ten status. By any objective measure it really did fail. Make up whatever excuse for it you like (and many are valid), it still flopped. It even got a second shot in a movie, which also flopped.
Including The Prisoner was probably not really valid as it is about as cult status as it gets. I liked it, but honestly, it really is too obscure.
I do agree strongly with some of the choices. Quantum Leap was a brilliant show, and X Files deserves a spot for longevity and impact.
Not a fan of Battlestar Galactica, and I would question it's inclusion. We'll have to see if it survives the test of time. I've never bothered with Lost, so I won't even comment on that.
I do agree, however, with Dr. Who and Star Trek for the top slots. Those are pretty unquestionably the highest impact Science Fiction shows of all time.
Too many alts to list.
I agree with the replies about LOST and The Prisoner. Then again, I've never seen LOST (and probably never will).
Heck, after knocking those off the list I can't think of any other shows to add, which means this would be a 'top eight' list which means that yes, these things are just a matter of opinion and silly.
Lost deserves it's place (and should be higher). And yes it is sci fi.......time travel??? Hello. Firefly also deserves a higher rank.
@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
So, nothing animated on that list? No room for Aeon Flux, Cowboy Bebop, Futurama, or Ghost in the Shell?
No particular order
Doctor who
Star Gate (all series)
Star Trek (all series)
Babylon 5
Ghost in the Shell
Gundam Wing 0
That's my list ^.^
Firefly while decent is not that good...
X-Files is meh to me >.>
The Prisoner... really?
Lost is not sci-fi
Twilight Zone/Outer Limits are not a "series" imo and they were more fantasy than fiction.
Battle Star Galactica is boooooorrrrrrriiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnggggg
Quantum Leap is an ok show. I like what little i've seen of it, but not top 10 when you include animated stuff
If we were going to take and break up the Series that take place in the same universe the entire list would be SG, ST, and Dr Who.
Also before QL, X-Files, or Firefly ever made it to my list I'd put Lexx and Noein and Elfen Lied and Gantz and a number of others that are just way better...
And if The Prisoner and Lost are "science fiction" then so is Death Note and as such the still don't get a place on the list
Ignoring the list itself and whether people believe it should be on this list at all, I'm utterly baffled how Lost is being denied as Science Fiction status from various people (not to mention those who haven't actually seen it O.o )
Seriously. Baffled.
I've already forgotten about most of you

I disagree with the people saying Lost doesn't deserve to be on the list. Clearly they didn't pay enough attention to the show in it's later seasons to make an accurate judgement. Yes, towards the beginning seasons it was more of a drama... but as they established character stories and gained more grounds on the over-lying plot... it absolutely can be qualified as Scifi. Time Travel, floating black clouds of destruction, ghosts, etc.
I haven't watched the original Prisoner or the new BSG (never really understood the hype behind this show)... so those are in question in my mind.. and SG1 definitely needs a spot in there somewhere. Other than that personal preference... the list seems fine to me.
Babylon 5 really should have been on there. It had a huge impact in how shows could be done. Before it aside from soap opera's there wasn't many if any shows that did an overall story arc and kept internal consistency. After it we had lots of shows doing overall season and show story arcs. Including Lost and Heroes. For that alone it should be included on such a list. Add in that the show itself was quite good and not including it makes no sense.
But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius
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Ignoring the list itself and whether people believe it should be on this list at all, I'm utterly baffled how Lost is being denied as Science Fiction status from various people
Anyone tuning in to the three seasons would have had no trouble classifying it as "sci-fi", but the woo-woo element was present from the beginning. After the fans grew impatient to get answers and the writers went on strike, the show tilted toward the pseudo-mystic since it's the easier route to tie up loose ends. ("A wizard and/or smoke monster did it!")
I'm shocked that everyone's top ten lists are different from everyone else's. Shocked I say!
I disagree with the people saying Lost doesn't deserve to be on the list.
In no particular order off the top of my head
Star Trek (all)
Battlestar Galactica (all)
Stargate (all)
Babylon 5
Doctor Who
Time Tunnel
Red Dwarf
Blake 7
Space 1999
Quantum Leap
The Invaders
My Favorite Martian
Dark Angel
Space - Above and Beyond
V (all)
Lost in Space
Alien Nation
Earth 2
Max Headroom
Ghost in the Shell
Mork and Mindy
Outlaw Star
Planet of the Apes
Logan's Run
Earth Final Conflict
Aeon Flux
War of the Worlds
The Jetsons
Flash Gordon (all)
Buck Rogers
Fireball XL5
Gundam (all)
Power Rangers (all Eng and Japanese)
Ark II
Dirty Pair
Mutant X
Salvage 1
Space Precinct
Time Trax
6 Million Dollar Man
Bionic Woman
Earth: Final Conflict
Fantastic Journey
Moonbase 3
Cowboy Bebop
The list goes on and on.
On the subject of Lost not being Sci-Fi...
The term sci-fi is pretty much the same to movies as the term RPG is to games. If you take RPG at it's face terminology every game ever is a ROLE PLAYING game. What we mean is more akin to an epic adventure quest/story game where the player improves their avatars via equipment, exp, and reach various goals with a setting that is expansive even if the story itself is linear.
Sci-Fi similarly taken at face value applies to just about every thing there is especially because we are learning more and we are now more capable of saying that could scientifically consider that plausible or that has some sort of basis in science... Like LotR. We classify that as fantasy even though one could make the argument that because there is a theory that argues that there is an inner world and there were "hobbit"-esque humans that it is Sci-fi.
So we cannot take the term as face value and I'd have to argue that sci-fi means a show more or less about the future, alternate dimensions, space, or aliens.
Now Lost I have no watched but from what I understand (possible spoiler) according to the final episode or whatever the island is Limbo and all the people on the island are on the verge of death. The time travel is not time travel but rather showing the characters what was and what may have been. All the other "sci-fi"-ish elements are explained in other similar ways either as metaphor or some such religious mumbo-jumbo so as far as I can tell from what I know it is not sci-fi AND even if it was I'd view it as very bad sci-fi.
Too bad. Your personal preferences don't change the simple fact that there are dozens of Sci-Fi shows that are actually far more deserving of consideration and belong on that list more than Lost.
Granted... most of the shows you listed are good, some even great. But that's how good Lost was. I highly recommend you watch the show before you spew forth more opinions about it.
Also, thank you for this. You made me laugh pretty damn hard.
The original Mobile Suit Gundam series deserves a spot due to creating the whole "Real Robot" genre and being as popular in its country of origin as Doctor Who and Star Trek are in their respective countries.
Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!
of all time.....according to Newsarama....
I dunno about the order of some of the Lost being in the top 5 and X-Files being pegged at number 7????
You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully
Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave
We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker