Time Travel




Lets see:

Super Speeder at 85 MPH: check
Kinetics Defender using Speed Boost on SS char: Check
lvl 50 Elec Blaster with Aim/Buildup/Zapp standing on top of an electric tower in KR: Check

Now if we installed an Oscillation Overthruster just maybe he could not only travel in time, but open up a dimensial portal to the Rikti Homeworld. Through the 8th dimension of course.
You know this just might work.



Okay, I've been reading this thread and enjoying the possibilites way to much. I even have a suggestion now.

Time Travel Power

Yes, it would be neat to have an infinite amount of choices to use it to go in the past and do stuff, but thats just not plausible. One way you could make it plausible is to have people who've aquired this power, to have their locations and stats (like when you logout) saved say every minute or 5 minutes, if you or your party were to die, or wanted to gurrantee victory, you use the power and go back to that location. Of course, you are already there. Well, the old you would now be a NPC that would act exactly like you. For instance, he would target and attack the same way. Imagine a group of fire blasters, 8 of them, time traveling in the way i described, and then have 16 fire blasters cast fireball all at once..... BIG BADDA BOOM! Then, when you have reached the time limit (the amount of time you were in the future) you merge back into each other. You'd probably have to half the exp, since there were two of you or something. But this would be a great way to eliminate your debt if you died... it never happened.

As for the other suggestions, it would be easy to make a new zone that you could portal into, have some mission, meet some contacts, fight minion, lts, bosses, AVs that are only in that zone, then when you are all done, have a portal open up that will take you back, when you want.

I have a lot of other ideas, but just wanted to see what you thought about my original Time Travel Power thought.



In addition to all the other great possibilities mentioned (Rikti invasion, Faultline, etc.), I'd like to see a mission in which the villain/artifact/clue/objective has been sent back to the time of the Outbreak. That way, in the course of completing the mission, the hero could beat on some Contaminated and get the Isolator badge (which would be a nice treat for all those older badge-hunting characters who lie awake at night fretting over the empty spot in their collections ... not that it bothers me at all ...).

Major James Ashe



If you've read this month's new Discover Magazine, there is an article about time/dimensional travel. Apparantly four nuclear-bomb powered x-ray lasers could theoretially be used to tear a whole in spacetime if they are aimed correctly and all activated at the same time aiming at the exact same spot, preferably at exact 90degree angles to maximize impact..

I think we should be able to find 4 level 50 energy or rad blasters to practice this..



If you've read this month's new Discover Magazine, there is an article about time/dimensional travel. Apparantly four nuclear-bomb powered x-ray lasers could theoretially be used to tear a whole in spacetime if they are aimed correctly and all activated at the same time aiming at the exact same spot, preferably at exact 90degree angles to maximize impact..

I think we should be able to find 4 level 50 energy or rad blasters to practice this..

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I can't see how mere x-ray lasers could do that. At Fermilab we collided matter and anti-matter together at .9999999999999999999999999999999 times the speed of light, and we didn't tear apart the fabric of the universe successfully.

There seems to be a way to actually do this, but you need a cylinder of neutronium of near-infinite height rotating at a sizable fraction of the speed of light. I believe Tipler came up with this in the 70s.


This is a good short article.

Mr. Lithuania

Jessica to Nathan in bed: "I'm not really bad, Isaac just drew me that way."



If you've read this month's new Discover Magazine, there is an article about time/dimensional travel. Apparantly four nuclear-bomb powered x-ray lasers could theoretially be used to tear a whole in spacetime if they are aimed correctly and all activated at the same time aiming at the exact same spot, preferably at exact 90degree angles to maximize impact..

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Honestly, that sounds like a joke. It's as if they just slammed as many scientific terms together to try an confuse people. "Errr... X-Rays... Nuclear radiation... explosions...."



If you've read this month's new Discover Magazine, there is an article about time/dimensional travel. Apparantly four nuclear-bomb powered x-ray lasers could theoretially be used to tear a whole in spacetime if they are aimed correctly and all activated at the same time aiming at the exact same spot, preferably at exact 90degree angles to maximize impact..

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Honestly, that sounds like a joke. It's as if they just slammed as many scientific terms together to try an confuse people. "Errr... X-Rays... Nuclear radiation... explosions...."

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Well, actually, the only way you *could* make an x-ray laser right now is with a nuclear explosion behind some single crystals of a metal. You can't diffract x-rays at large angles very easily. This is one of the reasons that the Chandra X-ray telescope is so long. You have to focus the x-rays using angles in the 10-20 degree range or less.

Generally, I consider Discover the National Enquirer of science magazines. There's some facts in there, but the rampant speculation by folks on the edge of their fields can be somewhat disconcerting.

Mr. Lithuania

Jessica to Nathan in bed: "I'm not really bad, Isaac just drew me that way."



Obviously, the only proper and practical means of travel through time involves a sled-like conveyor backed by a large spinning copper dish, with brass rails and a comfortable seat or saddle, and controlled by the simple yet precise manipulation of a lever topped by a globe of purest crystal...

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



With little antique dials that are controlled by Valves and leavers..


Just dont let the 5th column discover this..



States has already mentioned quite some time ago. With the introduction of the Portal Corps ... um ... er ... portal he said that in the future it will be possible to visit the city zones in different time periods - the two he mentioned were the 1930s and an alternative future. So I am pretty sure it is on the cards but don't hold your breath it will be some time!



Time is relative. My uncle is a relative. Therefore, time is my uncle.



This question is more for the Devs, though is anyone can point out a link for me that would be cool too.

I remember a few months back Statesman had mentioned that not only will we be able to travel to other dimesions and eventually space, but also travel through time. Is this still on the books or has it been put aside for other ideas?

Will Portal Corporation eventually be able to crack the Time Barrier and send heroes into the future to stop threats to the past? (Or vice versa) Will we be able to travel through time and meet ourselves in the future or past? Or even get lost in time?

I hope the whole Time Travel aspect is still being developed and something we will eventually see in game.

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That sounds fun. Can we travel in time yet? Maybe in one of the Portal missions I haven't yet done?

Is it the easy kind of time travel, when you fight dinosaurs, and morlocks, or the hard kind, where you travel to last week and kick your own patootie?

Course with Portals to alternate universes you already have pseudo time travel: you can travel to another dimension that is currently just like this one was last month, complete with an alternate last-month-you. Then you can go there and do anything without worrying about those troublesome paradoxen.



Holy-Nercoposting, Statesman!

In the Arena of Logic, I fight unarmed.



During the PCC event, didn't Cuppajo and the crew ask a few times whether us heroes would like the chance to travel back to fight during the Rikti Invasion?

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This is the first thing that came to mind when I saw the title of the thread.

If they could recreate the sheer battlefield chaos you see in so many WWII games (The Call of Duty series comes to mind) or something even moderately in that vein, it would be fricking awesome!

Arc Salvo: Okay hold one sec guys, we can't just rush in blindly vs these Nemesis, they've got these ranged aoe's tha-
Teammate1(charging in): Shut up, Arc Salvo, you lame*$% Viewtiful Joe wannabe! What do you know?!
Teammate2(also charging): yeah, ST#& arc salvo u PWR RANGR U!
Arc Salvo: *sigh*



Well, there is that new retail box coming out next year. Maybe a time travel expansion would fit into such a box.

I've never yet taken a hit from a bad guy skidding across the floor on his keister.
~~/ /
Learn the knockback, live the knockback, love the knockback!



I find the irony of the subject of this thread and the situation of necroposting to be fairly humerous.



Holy-Ne[cr]oposting, Statesman!

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I know. It was kind of my goal.

For a lark, I checked out how far back the posts went, then I saw this one, and one thing led to an obvious other.



I find the irony of the subject of this thread and the situation of necroposting to be fairly humerous.

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As do I. How did this one dodge the old thread delte for a year and a half.