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  1. Hmm I like the idea of four legged models in game could be the sign of future powersets? now the rig is there perhaps we might see Animal Mastermind or (please, please, please) Shapeshifting!?

    But I agree its over priced for a vanity pet however I do see the above as positive which is good
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    I actually expect that most of the upcoming powersets will require purchase in the store, and I'm fine with that if that means we get new powersets a lot more often than we do now. If they offer 4 new powersets a year at $5-10 each, HELL YEAH I'm buying them. It beats the pants off the 2 (free) powersets every 18-24 months we're averaging now.
    I agree with this - I expect some new powersets to be purchasable I also echo the sentiment if it means MORE powersets, more regularly I will DEFINITELY put my hand in my pocket to pay for them!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
    Gravity control IS worth taking. For controllers.
    I agree my level 50 Gravity Controller absolutely rocks and many a villain in PvP has had their opinion changed from the asphalt with me leering over them
  4. I have been playing COH since its beta, I am in the UK but obviously in the early days there were no Euro servers so I went straight to the US. I have not transferred to Euro previously as I have made many good friends Stateside and do not want lose game time with them.

    However now post-server merge I have discovered some old UK friends are playing on the EU estate. Which leads me to my questions;

    If I transfer one of my US characters to an EU server do I lose all my vet rewards? or do I have to start from scratch again? The account has not changed after all. Also any extras (eg. booster packs) I have bought, do they transfer with me? Or do I have to purchase them anew?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ketch View Post
    Sorry chum, it's Arctic. A common spelling error though.
    I know, you misunderstood me the correct spelling is indeed ARCTIC with a C but in the costume creator under wolf face the dropdown clearly states ARTIC without the C. Thats what I clumsily tried to point out - it must have slipped through QA
  6. Love the pack although I have very little need for a lot of the animal themed parts, the Beast run is worth it on its own hehe.

    However I did notice a spelling mistake - the 'Arctic Wolf' head is spelt ARTIC Wolf surprised that one slipped through QA
  7. Dr_Graviton

    Trial Account?

    Originally Posted by Eisenjager View Post
    Went to log in and got the message that I was on a Trial account did I want to upgrade?

    ??? This account is has been a full account for over 57 months. Wouldn't let me get on my character. Anyway said No and backed out of the menus and relogged and seems fine now.

    Just wondering if anyone else had this happen.

    Played fine earlier this evening logged out to eat my evening meal and came back later to play again and suddenly I am allegedly on a Trial account!?!?

    News to me my account is over 60 months old and I have just renewed for 3 months, getting this exact same issue!
  8. I recently upgraded my entire system to a nice modern spec. So needless to say a new hard drive etc means all my local arcs are wiped. I only have the published arcs on the server.

    My question is some of my arcs contain custom mobs - I want to save a local copy of those mobs so I can tweak them accordingly and possibly include them in new custom groups. The problem is they only exist on the server now how do I retrieve them from there back to my hard drive? as under my creations they no longer exist although I can still combat them in the actual published arcs.

    Do I have to unpublish and republish or is there another way of doing this?

    Thanks in advance.
  9. I19 is currently in Closed Beta testing on the Test server.

    Got my invite last night, so you will only be able to access it if you have been asked to take part.
  10. Just wanted to share this with the rest of you role players. I just finished reading a novel called Game Night by Jonny Nexus.

    Details can be found here http://jonnynexus.com/gamenight/

    If you like me used to (or still do) play pen and paper role playing games this book is hilarious, I heartily recommend it.

    The name Jonny Nexus should need little introduction to fans of RPG-related humour. His website, Critical Miss, the Magazine for Dysfunctional Roleplayers ( http://www.criticalmiss.com/ ) is well known, and well regarded.

    Synopsis: The gods don't play dice with the universe... unless it's game night.

    A twelve-thousand-year quest is about to be completed, prophecies will be fulfilled, ancient riddles answered, legendary evils bested, and the nature of the universe revealed. All that's needed is a band of mighty heroes to do the completing.

    Unfortunately for the locals, some of the gods have taken a personal interest in the chronicle of these heroes' adventures. Now they are each guiding one of the characters towards the conclusion of their epic journey. That is, when they're not squabbling, backstabbing each other, blowing things up by accident, refusing to play by the rules, and turning the AllFather's creation into a mess of petty arguments, fantasy cliché, gratuitous combat and unnecessary dice rolls.
  11. Did any of you guys see the latest vid Q&A from DCUO looks like they are getting secret Identities, that could be very interesting!
  12. Thanks for the advice I had a feeling it was the optimisation issue for an old game

    I am generally pretty house proud and clean the PC regularly of dust. Will pay special attention around the CPU. But I might play around with some fan settings and see if that produces any tangible benefit. Will keep you posted!

    Thanks again.
    • Both CPU's average at 38-45 degrees each with core #1 fractionally lower.
    • Hard drive is a little lower at 35-37 degrees.
    • GPU runs on average at 45-50 degrees.

    It is very difficult to tell which fan is making the loudest noise - when I have taken the side off it is definitely not the side panel fan. So am sure it is one of the internal fans - if I had to name one I would say the CPU fan.
  13. Okay so here is a doozy that I need guidance on so any help will be gratefully received.

    I recently installed Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit on my PC and I am really happy with it however since I have changed the OS (from XP 32 bit) when I play CoH my fans are really noisy.

    I do not have this problem with any other games and can run the likes of LOTRO, Disciples 3 and Left 4 Dead 2 with maxed out graphic settings and it runs smoothly and quietly. I ONLY get this issue with CoH I do run it in Ultra mode but it is not maxed. I have tried reducing the settings to the lowest and it still is very noisy.

    The spec of my machine is Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit, DX11, Intel Core Duo CPU @3.00Ghz (2 CPUs), 4GB RAM, 400 GB Hard Drive, Nvidia GTS 250 1 GB RAM, a Sharkoon box with a large side panel fan, water cooling system and a couple of internal fans. I have checked temperatures and it runs between 38-45 degrees tops.

    Any ideas?
  14. Well I have been estimated at 19 hours to download the 800+mb - currently downloading at 1kb/sec that's impressively bad. I think I'll wait till it goes live, big shame never ever had problems like this before
  15. Same problem here but your fix didn't work Texas

    I downloaded the 800mb's and got the checksum error while it was verifying.

    Now every time I run the updater it tries to download the 800mb AGAIN! It took an hour and a bit before - I am hoping there is a way of getting around this so I don't have to download the same patch over the top of itself!

    HELP please.
  16. I always wondered why they couldn't use some of the decent MA missions in the real world?

    Perhaps the dev choice ones could be used as door missions or even as you mention side missions.

    I think they are an excellent idea whenever I do a safeguard mission we really try to complete not only the main mission but the side ones as well.

    In fact a few times I have (with my group) not only cleared all the missions but also all the vandal types and all the wandering mobs as well. A great sense of achievement when you scout around a safeguard mish and it is completely empty due to your efforts!
  17. I do not want to change too much of what there is currently but I do want to add to it. Please bear in mind that this just an idea constructive criticism, suggestions and opinions are encouraged. The labels used below are merely placeholders and examples: -

    I propose introducing a Reputation system. Reputation is earned by performing assignments and missions for contacts. Each contact belongs to a GROUP each group is like a faction in other games. A player’s reputation with each GROUP is recorded against their character. The groups I propose at present are basically ‘types of industry’ they are; Academic, Government, Media, Military, Scientific and Technical. The Academic Group represents philosophical, magical and educational organizations, the Government Group represents Federal organizations and governmental departments, the Media Group represents journalistic, radio and television broadcasting organizations, the Military Group represents the Army, Air Force and Navy, the Scientific Group represents research and scientific organizations and labs and the Technical Group represents the engineering, production and construction industries.

    Reputation can at anytime be ‘cashed in’ for an in game benefit (more on this later). Each one of these GROUPS is then divided into three SUBGROUPS these are; Backing, Contacts and Resources. Backing Reputation can be used to call in assistance in the form of manpower or services, Contacts Reputation can be used to grant specialist assignments and missions with added rewards and Resources Reputation can be used to call in assistance in the form of equipment and supplies.

    Within each SUBGROUP there are 5 Tiers of benefit (each Tier maybe a temporary power, a short term buff, a temporary pet, an XP bonus, an invention or enhancement etc); the Tier 1 bonus is the easiest to earn but is also the least powerful (so to speak), whereas the Tier 5 bonus costs the most Reputation and is the most effective. So players can choose to ‘save up’ their Reputation for the highest Tier effect or they can ‘spend’ it earlier for a less powerful bonus. Once the Tier bonus has been ‘used up’ the players Reputation effectively drops to 0 within that Group. In other words they have ‘called in a favor’ and now must work hard to increase their Reputation once again to get more ‘favors’.

    A couple of examples of the Tiers are listed below, the first one is for the Government Group, the second for the Media and the third for Scientific: -

    1) Local Sheriff - Common MUTANT Vendor
    2) Police Informer - Mob Confuse
    3) District Attorney - Uncommon MUTANT Vendor
    4) Government Database - Team Attack Buff
    5) Federal Agent - Rare MUTANT Vendor

    1) Rank 1 Mission Contact - +25% XP Bonus
    2) Rank 2 Mission Contact - +25% Influence Bonus
    3) Rank 3 Mission Contact - +50% XP Bonus
    4) Rank 4 Mission Contact - +50% Influence Bonus
    5) Rank 5 Mission Contact - +100% XP Bonus

    1) Mutated DNA - Restore 100% HP
    2) Radioactive Isotope - Mob Defence Debuff
    3) Patient Zero - Pet (Uncontrolled)
    4) Emergency Response Team - Locational AOE
    5) Biological Weapon - Mob AOE

    What do you think?
  18. Hehe burnt out on CO already ... me too!
  19. I was milling over some ideas that could be introduced into a possible CoX sequel and I wanted to let the world know about them, looking for suggestions and constructive criticisms. The headings below are used for convenience, 'labels' to hang mechanics off of:-

    Groups are classifications of different 'industries' that contacts belong too;

    Academic - Philosophical and educational organisations
    Government - Federal organisations and government departments
    Media - Journalistic and broadcasting organisations
    Military - Army, Air Force and Navy
    Scientific - Research and scientific organisations
    Technical - Engineering and construction industries

    Each GROUP is subdivided into three SUBGROUPS listed below;

    Backing - Can be used to call in assistance in the form of manpower or services.
    Contacts - Can be used to grant assignments and missions with added rewards (increased XP etc.)
    Resources - Can be used to call in assistance in the form of equipment and supplies.

    Reputation in the game is not traditional it involves the characters influence with various types of organisation. Reputation is earnt by performing assignments and missions for organisations and individuals associated with their appropriate GROUP. SUBGROUP Reputation is earnt separately within the GROUP e.g. Government > Backing is earnt separately from Government > Resources.

    The amount of REPUTATION points is a tally and depending upon the amount earnt unlocks bonuses and temporary powers based upon its current total. These are graded from TIER 1 (the weakest) through to TIER 5 (the strongest). Some are one shot temporary powers others are new contacts or other fixed bonuses.

    For example the TIER 1 Academic > Backing effect unlocks an Occult Shop that would sell Magic related salvage, recipes and enhancements. Where as a TIER 5 Military > Resources effect unlocks a one shot temporary power called Air Strike (a locational AOE with very high damage). The first example would be a permanent unlock for that character but the Air Strike could be used just once. It is a big expenditure of hardware and resources for the organisation involved after all however it does not stop the character from unlocking it again at a later time with sufficient REPUTATION (by continuing to do assignments for the military). In the latter case their Military > Resources REPUTATION would drop as they have 'called in a favour' so to speak and need to work hard to get that 'favour' again.

    This is a rough overview of the system but I have worked out the finer details if you have any questions or suggestions or opinions I would love to hear them.
  20. I was milling over some ideas that could be introduced into a possible CoX sequel and I wanted to let the world know about them, looking for suggestions and constructive criticisms. The headings below are used for convenience, 'labels' to hang mechanics off of:-

    Groups are classifications of different 'industries' that contacts belong too;

    Academic - Philosophical and educational organisations
    Government - Federal organisations and government departments
    Media - Journalistic and broadcasting organisations
    Military - Army, Air Force and Navy
    Scientific - Research and scientific organisations
    Technical - Engineering and construction industries

    Each GROUP is subdivided into three SUBGROUPS listed below;

    Backing - Can be used to call in assistance in the form of manpower or services.
    Contacts - Can be used to grant assignments and missions with added rewards (increased XP etc.)
    Resources - Can be used to call in assistance in the form of equipment and supplies.

    Reputation in the game is not traditional it involves the characters influence with various types of organisation. Reputation is earnt by performing assignments and missions for organisations and individuals associated with their appropriate GROUP. SUBGROUP Reputation is earnt separately within the GROUP e.g. Government > Backing is earnt separately from Government > Resources.

    The amount of REPUTATION points is a tally and depending upon the amount earnt unlocks bonuses and temporary powers based upon its current total. These are graded from TIER 1 (the weakest) through to TIER 5 (the strongest). Some are one shot temporary powers others are new contacts or other fixed bonuses.

    For example the TIER 1 Academic > Backing effect unlocks an Occult Shop that would sell Magic related salvage, recipes and enhancements. Where as a TIER 5 Military > Resources effect unlocks a one shot temporary power called Air Strike (a locational AOE with very high damage). The first example would be a permanent unlock for that character but the Air Strike could be used just once. It is a big expenditure of hardware and resources for the organisation involved after all however it does not stop the character from unlocking it again at a later time with sufficient REPUTATION (by continuing to do assignments for the military). In the latter case their Military > Resources REPUTATION would drop as they have 'called in a favour' so to speak and need to work hard to get that 'favour' again.

    This is a rough overview of the system but I have worked out the finer details if you have any questions or suggestions or opinions I would love to hear them.
  21. Players like me are double whammied - I live in the UK but play on the US servers. So I don't qualify for EU competitions (not being on the EU servers) or the American competitions (because of International Law). Such is the price we pay for playing CoH from the beta days before EU servers even existed

    On a brighter note good luck to all and I hope the winning entries are genuinely good arcs/groups - make a pleasant change from the farming trash that predominates!
  22. This is so /signed.

    I have a new shield scrapper and I wanted the Talsorian shield unlockable for him - only to discover I have to grind him all the way to 35 before I can even start to get merits to pay for it.

    Sheesh ... I am not interested in bonus powers, extra salvage spaces etc etc it's just a cosmetic change. Account wide please!!!!