Transfer Character from US to EU Server?
No, the servers have just been merged so you can play on them as normal and still keep vets and globals etc.
The server list has been merged, not the servers
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Not really; you'd only lose your stuff if you could somehow magically transfer your character from an NA to a EU account, moving characters between servers on the same account wouldn't affect your vet rewards or boosters at all.
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I have been playing COH since its beta, I am in the UK but obviously in the early days there were no Euro servers so I went straight to the US. I have not transferred to Euro previously as I have made many good friends Stateside and do not want lose game time with them.
However now post-server merge I have discovered some old UK friends are playing on the EU estate. Which leads me to my questions;
If I transfer one of my US characters to an EU server do I lose all my vet rewards? or do I have to start from scratch again? The account has not changed after all. Also any extras (eg. booster packs) I have bought, do they transfer with me? Or do I have to purchase them anew?