
  • Posts

  • Joined

  1. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Hark! A voice from the past, come to taunt and entice us with tales of thought and deed most honourable!

    Nice to 'see' you on the boards again, Gilgamesh!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah... he keeps sneaking in and surprising us... makes me wonder if he's lurking a lot more than we think...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You have no idea. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
  2. Hey there boys & girls! Just dropped by to say howdy. Yep, still around, still with NCsoft. As some of you may know, I'm working on Tabula Rasa. Who wouldn't jump at the chance to work with Lord British? Anyway, I miss all of you (well, okay, most of you). Oh, hell, some of you...

    Hey, things change in this business. Projects come up and interesting opportunities present themselves. But despite all the shifting and shuffling, know that CoH/CoV is in good hands and will remain that way. So no fear.

    Keep having fun.

  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Tisirin is a blast to talk with and even checks up on you if you're lurking in a corner

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Tell me about it. The man is a slave driver.
  4. Thanks to all who could make it to Cyberjocks and to those who were there in spirit. It was great to meet so many of the folks that enjoyed my time with CoH. Too bad Jackson Turner couldn't be there. Still missing, I guess. Let's do this again soon!

    Oh, and anti-cat... we all missed you


  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Gilgamesh went on to another game

    Sometime I wonder if he still reads these forums, stalking us like we stalked him.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  6. Gilgamesh_NA


    [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I know where you live, bub.
  7. Gilgamesh_NA


    :::Change of Command:::

    Give him a BIG WELCOME! Please take it easy on him...for the first couple of weeks anyway.

    And remember, I'll be dropping in from time to time to see that y'all are minding your manners.

    Arctic_Sun... good luck! You are in for an adventure!

  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Well, I haven't worked on my site for quite some time (due to various things I won't get into), but I didn't want this to go by without saying anything. Farewell, Gilgamesh!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I am most humbled. Thank you friend. I hope I can repeat some of the old CoH magic wherever I go. You guys made me set the bar high and I'll spend the rest of my writing career trying to better it and then some.

    I guess I better finish my novel while the memory of Gilgamesh is still hot. LOL


  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Since you are leaving, I was wondering, in all your time writing for CoH, what article of yours are you most proud of?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm proud of them all--they all have to some degree an idea or phrase or insight that truly shines. But I think the one I'm most proud of was probably overlooked by many as it really didn't contribute anything to the actual game. For me it placed Paragon City in a perspective that even I had not seen prior to writing it. It was the first article that I had written that managed to create a real time and place.

    The article in question? Rudolp Augustus Seifert and the Memory of Heroes

    I would guess that no one else shares this fondness--but I'm damn proud of it.

  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Good luck! Here's to you! Have a loverly Oktoberfest!


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Das ist wundervoll. Danke!
  11. First of all, I'm overwhelmed by your response. "You guys really like me!" Thank you! Your comments mean a lot to this ol' hack.

    Secondly, I'm still writing but no longer for CoH. In fact, I'll be writiing for a wide spectrum of upcoming MMOs within the NCsoft family. However, there is one project that I'm really excited about but I can't say anything regarding it just yet. In time though...

    You guys are wonderful.

    Be well. Merry Meet & Merry Part!

  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Gil, we'll miss you sir.

    Any chance you can tell us where to find you?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As soon as I'm able, I'll invite all of you over to my new digs. It's gonna be a very cool place.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Cryptic's newly announced MMO City of Pedestrians where you too can live the live of an average Paragon City citizen trapped in the middle of an epic battle between good and evil!


    [/ QUOTE ]

    How the hell did you find that out?!?

    OMG, we have a mole in the department!
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Gil, we'll miss you sir.

    Any chance you can tell us where to find you?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As soon as I'm able, I'll invite all of you over to my new digs. It's gonna be a very cool place.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Goodbye Gilgamesh.
    I always appreciated your ability to speak to the community.
    But you never talked to me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Now I have

    Thank you for your kind comment.

    I wish you well. Keep fighting the good fight!

  15. [ QUOTE ]
    You know, good bye threads are against forum rules....

    Good luck and be well!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, but just look at my sig...
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    ...But will GilgaJean still be hanging around the bus stations?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You bet--and full time now!
  17. My fellow Heroes, I am here to bid you all a fond farewell.

    The time has come to lay down my worn and battered keyboard and bring my own special brand of madness to other projects and challenges. I do this with very mixed emotions. I have faithfully served the heroes of this great city and this great game for nearly two years (where did the time go?) and in that time it has been both a privilege and an honor being the content editor for City of Heroes.

    To the best of my abilities, I have endeavored to add a bit of character and history to an already fascinating universe. True, I have stumbled from time to time (Sister Psyche article, anyone? Or how about that Ernie Lardner Arena travesty?) as not a few of you have been quick to point out! But for the most part, I think I accomplished my goal of bringing you a few of the untold (or unexplored) stories of Paragon City. From the dark mystery of the Malleus Mundi to the architect who shaped Paragon City, to poor Azuria’s woes to the recent Sunburst-Siren’s Call investigation… they’ve all been journeys of exploration, history and character that I hope brought some illumination to the game world around you. Not to mention giving ace reporter Jackson Turner something to do besides covering the annual Paragon City Flower Show.

    Ah, poor Jackson, I hardly knew ye… I hope you are well, wherever the hell you are….

    And (shameless plug) the articles are all in here folks: Archive. Yep, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

    It’s been a tremendous labor of love. Mostly though, it’s been about you—the hero, the gamer. Without your continued support and love for City of Heroes, this would all be a moot point. Never have I forgotten that without you, City of Heroes would be no more that an ambitious screen saver.

    I thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to write for you, to serve as a jumping-off point for discussion, for allowing me to participate in your debates (having spawned a few of them myself), and for tolerating my seemingly strange writing choices. I can honestly say that the City of Heroes community, in my experience, is by far the most knowledgeable, discerning and mature (stop that snickering!) I have ever encountered. Likewise, the CoH Online Community Relations team that I have been a member of since January 2004 deserves a major ovation. They are simply the hardest working group (in the hardest working department) in the industry. Period. From coordinating (and creating) special events to throwing exciting contests, to clear and concise web and board communications, and much, much more, NCsoft’s Community Relations Department is second to none. They are also some of the funniest, most intelligent and dedicated people I have ever worked with. And strange as it may seem, they rarely get the recognition they deserve. So give them a big hand. It has been my great honor to be part of this extraordinary family. And you, the community, are fortunate indeed to have them!

    Time to wrap this up…

    Thank you for loving this game as much as I do. Thank you for your insightful comments and ideas. Thank you for your good-natured ribbing (and even for the not so good-natured). Thank you for bringing City of Heroes to life. I truly feel sorry for those who have missed out on the adventure that is City of Heroes, and who have missed out on the sheer joy of your heroic comradeship. To steal from Mr. Shakespeare:

    “From this day to the ending of the world,
    But we in it shall be remembered-
    We few, we happy few, we band of heroes;
    For them to-day that shed their blood with me
    Shall be my brother and sister; be they ne'er so vile,
    This day shall gentle their condition;
    And gamers around the world now-a-bed
    Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,
    And hold their honor cheap whiles any speaks
    That fought with us in Paragon City.”

    I have had an immense amount of fun and have received a great education in the process—one that I will draw from regularly in my new position. I can only hope that the communities I encounter in the future will be half as passionate and supporting as you have been. While you will no longer see me around as a “Red Name” you can be sure that I will continue to play City of Heroes (how can I not?). To use a Lincoln phrase, there will always remain “the mystic chords of memory” stretching between us. I shall never forget this community.

    And please, when my successor is officially announced, extend him all the warmth and support that I’ve been blessed with. I think you’ll find that I have left the CoH content editor’s position in very good hands.

    You are indeed Heroes.

    I salute you all.

    Take care and farewell!

  18. I knew this would happen one day. He kept telling me that the readers wanted more in-depth reporting. So he started to take risks. He wanted to do more hard-hitting stuff.

    Now this... poor guy. I hope he turns up some day. I'm going to miss him.

  19. Well, you know that short, concise writing is

    Gotta run.

  20. Hopkins. He's new...

    Glad to see that Jackson still has it! Or not. Loved or hated, the guy keeps on typing.

    Hi everyone!

  21. I hear voices in my head when I squeeze my eyes real tight. I write what those voices tell me on parchment with a raven quill using specially prepared ink from Tasmania. Then I let the parchment bathe in moonlight for two days, after which I transcribe the words to my computer. The result is pure creativity.

    When the above process fails me, I inflict head wounds upon myself... this never fails.

  22. Hey old news is better than no news...
  23. I'm really enjoying the interplay of ideas here. Makes me wish I could write whole books about certain things...secret things...forbidden things. LOL

    The one thing that the "Beyond Contact" concept allows me to do is impart, as much as I am allowed or able, aspects of the CoH world that remains hidden or under-explored. Let's hope the series has a good long run of interesting stories (I'll do my best). As always, thanks for reading.

  24. Fixed---just for you and my *peace* of mind.

    Okay, fixed again. Grrr!

    Why is it that emails and message board posts are so conducive to errors. Perhaps just typing too fast and not taking the time to read the stuff over?

    Really makes me grit my teeth.

  25. Yeah, I personally think this week's PT was the best ever. I've done James Ellroy one better and deconstructed the written language to its true essence. Pulitzer, here I am...

    -Gil, The Zen Master of Prose