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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    then restart the patch updater.

    Running COH updater did not restart the patch. Is there a parameter or something I should be passing to force it to restart? (also did the scan, nada)

  2. [ QUOTE ]
    what! am I the only one who spends a whole day logging in and out of my toons to put them in new day jobs for badges, every 21 days.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nope, you're not the only one... heh!

    Oh, and while I sympathize with the RL trials the OP has endured, the base leadership is working as intended, advertised, and publicized... sorry, friend - there's no valid complaint here.
  3. [*]The ignore list is too short, and flagging mail as spam pushes the oldest off the list - however, I'm comfortable in believing those accounts are already deleted anyway.[*]Flagging emails as spam *does* work - when enough of you have done it before I see the mail, I see the sender as "empty". Those can simply be deleted. What I want to know is why those aren't deleted instead of changed to say "empty".[*]The reason your old characters are receiving spam after long periods of inactivity is simply this: The spammers keep lists (duh).[*]Add me to the list of those suggesting some sort of filtering, up to and including simply turning off in-game emails.
  4. Grammar correction is helpful - ignore it at your own peril.

    If you skimp on the easy details, the rest is probably worse.
  5. An alternative to the KVM is a very handy program called "Synergy" (

    If you're already locally networked, it's simple to set up and conserves a TON of desktop space.

    Multi-tasking/ Multi-boxing nirvana.
  6. I never cease to be amazed at how well some folks can use small areas... when I have trouble working with in 5x5 teleport room!

    Baisleac - I especially enjoyed the way you found new ways to use old items merely by changing their orientation. (backs of bookcases behind desks, wall cabinets to create a "dresser", etc.)
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I would like to be able to set permissions for coalition members to take items from storage.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm going to have to veto this one.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You don't have veto power here.

    Would you like to explain why you don't like this idea?

    I would think some additional level of coalition interoperability would be good - an "advanced permissions" mode that gives us the ability to make fine-tuned adjustments would not be a bad thing, in my opinion.

    The one downside is that it would further encourage players to create multiple solo bases and coalition with themselves, lessening the interaction with other players. Not the intention in an MMO environment.
  8. Teleporters are made from salvage. The rest of the items you listed are purchased off the appropriate tabs in the edit menu.

    You have to be in a room that accepts the item before the appropriate tab will appear.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    3. and my personal gripe/wish: make the furniture more scaled to actual player size. I have a char that is 7' tall and still needs a booster chair to sit at the SG meeting table!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not to mention the office chairs that are reminiscent of the furniture at a child's tea party.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    The Entrance Corridor, looking North

    Pardon me, but what exactly is that statue I see way in the back? Is it a defensive item?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's one of the crafted control aux items - there are a few very stylish items hidden among those menus, fun to waste a little salvage on just to see
  11. Very nice - and you claim it's your first attempt? Bah. I see at least two design ideas I'm planning to steal outright.

  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    For nearly $10 (including shipping) one can get a CoV or a CoH game with one month free. Is 240,000 prestige (12 slots) worth $10 to you?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Where did you see this offer? I have been looking for it but unable to find it.

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    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmm... for $10.19 you can get a BOOK about the game, but to get a new/unopened copy of the game, you've got to slap down $29.99 ($17.99 for villains only).

    I wish there was a discount option for purchase of an activation code only. Useless to buy another box.
  13. Like magic - thanks again, works like a charm!
  14. The guides are very helpful, thanks for the ideas!

    One thing - I don't know what you're doing to your posts from Mids, but they can't be imported back into Mids! It could be version differences or something, but if you're cutting off anything that appears to be unreadable, please put it back in!

    Thanks again,
  15. This is the layout - image taken when base was still a bit bare:
    Layout Overview

    Here's a tour:
    Slideshow Tour

    Nothing too fancy, just a very functional one-man base, contains:

    Oversight Center w/ Combo Unit and Inspiration Collector
    1x2 Teleport Room w/ Rikti War Zone TP
    2x2 Teleport Room w/ KR, SC, IP, and FF TP
    Medbay w/ Resurrection Rings
    Energy Terminal w/ Power Crystal
    1x4 Control Room w/ Magic Axis and Bookshelf
    2x2 Workshop w/ 2 Salvage Racks, Mystic Crucible

    Nothing fancy by way of decorations, but I add a bit here and there as I see the need.

    Thanks for looking!
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Use a few desks (like the guy mentioned in the thread you started asking the same question) as mentioned in the stacking guide in my signature. Good luck.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, but there aren't any stone/arcane desks, so anything you can put under them ends up looking like... well, a desk holding up a stone staircase.

    I second the suggestion for taller stair pieces.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    This is funny read all of it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You lied to me.
  18. OneKnight

    XP and I5

    [ QUOTE ]
    Well, what about this then: you get a daily debt forgiveness for everyday that you actually logged in.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You have a system like that right now: You get a bit of debt forgiveness (repayment) everytime you make an arrest. From the looks of those begging for even this minimal penalty to be removed, you'd think some people don't really want to play this game.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    So far all we have is epic ATs which im looking forward to and a new zone/villian group?
    Thats it......?
    What have the devs been doing all this time?!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ...and you know what Issue 3 will entail... how, exactly?

    Go troll elsewhere. Enjoy WoW, or whatever you're batting for.
  20. Good post, well worth repeating.

    Too many people complain about the drawbacks of Exemplar - when in fact they're simply not using it effectively.

    Also, many people don't keep training 'order' in mind when respeccing. Use the hero planner, and follow the plan as if you were leveling manually! That's a point that is so often missed - to the point of being fairly laughable at times.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    All of my interventions were a surprise. Did they tell you about it?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That says something...
  22. I guess that last paragraph was so good you had to say it twice?