My relatives having a " COH intervention " for me




My relatives and friends believe I am in a self-destructive spiral from playing City of Heroes too much and they have decided to stage an intervention just for me.

My question to you all is should I even go to this? They tell me I have an online gaming disorder. I am the only one in my family who plays a massive online game.

I think they are all wierd, they think I am wierd. I'm tired of people telling me what to do with my life. What should I do about COH?



What else would you do with your time other than play CoH? Other useless distractions? I mean... if the game isn't causing poor grades in school / poor performance at work, its not like you could be doing anything better with your time.



Tell them to stay out of such trivial matters. Gaming is not an addiction. You're an adult making your own decisions and they should respect that.



I'm tired of people telling me what to do with my life. What should I do about COH?

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Heh. You decide what's best for you, not other random people on the internet.



I'd rather trust my friends/family for personal advice vs total strangers on the Internet.

Of course by that logic you shoul distrust what I just wrote and trust me. But then.....



Just how often do you play? Your sig lists two 50th level heroes, so you must play a lot to get that (more if you have alts as well).

Whether you have a "disorder" I can't speak for, and if the only reason that your relatives are concerned is because you play an online game, then maybe you should educate them on said game.

Now, if they've noticed any changes in your behavior, serious changes, and they're attributing it to your game playing, then maybe you should hear them out.

You could just not play CoH for a while. If you find that you really can't do that...

... well, maybe they have a point.

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All of my interventions were a surprise. Did they tell you about it?



I kinda maybe have that problem as well...I have plenty enough free time, but my parents seem to think that playing games during it is less useful than say, wandering around the house.



I kinda maybe have that problem as well...I have plenty enough free time, but my parents seem to think that playing games during it is less useful than say, wandering around the house.

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Yeah I dont get it, some people think that playing games is bad or something. There is a whoe generation of people who believe that gaming is bad.

Remember that people thought watching TV was bad. Now look at it, everyone watches TV.

It could be worse, I could be outside stealing things and getting into drugs.



All of my interventions were a surprise. Did they tell you about it?

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That says something...



I'm tired of people telling me what to do with my life.

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i'm guessing your under 18? if so, it's not excatally your life just yet untill you turn 18, you're the legal responsibility of your parents/guardians, so it's their life to do with as they please untill your old enough



I have a "spicy" past



I get crap for playing as much as I do from my wife. Then she turns on reality T.V. and I realize she doesn't have a leg to stand on.



All of my interventions were a surprise. Did they tell you about it?

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That says something...

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you beat me to it. I was going to point that out.

Weird timing, I just started a post on the same subject matter. I fear an intervention coming. Its not really bad. Im doing fine at work and I keep myself healthy enough I suppose, but I just enjoy playing the game.

It's not a hobby, its a way of life!



I really think that your age, the number of hours you play versus your (school / work / activities otherwise) are factors here. Obviously we can't tell you OR them what to do.

I'm more of the opinion that yes, games are much better than being out stealing cars or doing drugs. A lot of people - mostly internet-ignorant ones - believe that what we do here on forums and in general on the net is not "socialization" yet it is. Very much so.

Do you get much sleep? Will you call in sick to work if you just really want to play? Have you ditched school to play? THOSE are things that would worry anyone and give credence to their worries.

The last thing we need at CoH is for some idiot doctor or lawyer to determine "Gaming IS an addiction!! loooooook! It makes people BAAAAAD!" with all the accompanying fever. Yes it dies down after a while but... There WAS that guy who died playing that other game. Nonstop for what, 3 days? Stupid idiot. Freakin' sleep.

Just be careful if you're under 18, as someone said, and if you ARE under 18 yup you're going to have to do it. If not, examine the facts yourself. DO you over play the game? DO you have trouble doing other things in favor of it? *shrug* that's all I can add....

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Well, in any case it would probably be good to give at least some lip service to thier concerns. How much do you play a week? More than 20 hours? That MAY be excessive. Is it keeping you from going to work, or school? Addiction is real. Online gaming addiction is real, but it can also be a very valid social environment. Do you have friends in game that you enjoy chatting with? Are you active in your SuperGroups? One thing they may not understand is that virtual communities are not that unusual a thing and that it is not an inherently anti-social activity (though it can be.) If you can get them to understand what you find gratifying about playing then maybe they won't be so distressed.

If you defy them and are hostile, it will just reinforce their concerns.



Welcome to COH Anonymous




Hi, Im siberian_cherry, and I have an internet gaming problem.

the longest I have ever played in one sitting was 14 hours, and that was my second night with the game. The first night before my first day off with the game, so I took total advantage. Now I rarely play for more than 3-5 hours at a time, but because of my work schedule, I never see anyone now. Ah well. One social circle or another. It ebbs and weaves.

3 days? someone died from playing a video game? really? How could I have missed this?



My name is Lethe, and I'm an Alt-aholic.

I am *so* guilty of playing way more than I think i should, but then I also just joined a gym, and am trying to get back into my regular tabletop rpg group. (with.... superheroes.) I still write my web pages, and I'm going to be participating in National Novel Writing Month. I think that's a pretty good schedule of events.

And I can visit Legoland too, because I've got a year pass.

..... So..... what's the problem again? OOOoh yeah that when I wake up in the middle of the night complaining that the interface doesn't work or the power buttons aren't going off it's because I AM SLEEP PLAYING THE GAME... With my HANDS in the AIR and my eyes WIDE OPEN....


Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Yeah it was some guy in an internet cafe in the Orient. I can't remember precisely what city or if he was playing EQ. I think it was, is that a sony game? Sony was taking a hit for it socially. The guy was on for 36 or more hours STRAIGHT and then pretty much up and died because he hadn't gotten up and moved, eaten, or rested.

It *can* be a serious problem. But... really. Some common sense goes a LONG way.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



thats just crazy.

I mean, 36 hours? that really doesnt seem like a long time to me. ( that a bad sign?) During my 14 hour stint I actually made three runs to the gas station on the corner. Had to keep eating. The guy died...I have to commend him.

THAT is a hardcore gamer.

that also happens to be stupid, but it is still hardcore.



My relatives and friends believe I am in a self-destructive spiral from playing City of Heroes too much and they have decided to stage an intervention just for me.

My question to you all is should I even go to this? They tell me I have an online gaming disorder. I am the only one in my family who plays a massive online game.

I think they are all wierd, they think I am wierd. I'm tired of people telling me what to do with my life. What should I do about COH?

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Well, first off, you should explain to them that they're not very good at doing interventions. The point of an intervention is to -intervene-. IE: You don't INVITE someone to an intervention, you TAKE them to it.

As for whether you should go, Well, contrary to what the people here who don't know anything about your personal situation may say, They -are- your family, and they likely want what's best for you. However there -are- biases against videogames out there in society, and sometimes you have to deal with it.

The things you need to consider on this: Are you getting by okay at work or school? Are you still able to socialize and communicate in a real world setting? Are you -happy-? If the answer to any of these things is "no", then maybe you should hear them out, and see what comes of it.

And to you guys that are so quick to say "ignore 'em", I understand your feelings, but you really should hold your tongue when you don't know anything about the person's full situation. Just because YOU don't have a problem gaming doesn't mean nobody does. There are people out there who damage their lives getting addicted to games like this. Don't forget the lady who let her baby starve to death because she was caught up in EQ.

Games are wonderful, but in that wonder lies an addictive escape, and it's easy to become overwhelmed by it, particularly if your life isn't all that great to begin with.

The secret to a solid lifestyle is moderation and self-control, which comes more easily to some people then others.

Jason Heavensrun
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the longest I have ever played in one sitting was 14 hours,

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please. with the proper 'stimulants', i've pulled 48hour sessions (my record was 70 hours in DAoC, but it seemed easier to get in a grp that would stay large that long). however with summer gone and everyone back in school, the gaming marathons kinda get put on hold for a regularly scheduled life. though every couple of months i'll try to pull a 24hour on a weekend if possible, just to stay in peak condition

3 days? someone died from playing a video game? really? How could I have missed this?

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he had other issues going on. it's impossible to die from staying awake playing a videogame for 3 days (believe me, i know ). heck, you'd have to wear all black in a blazing hot desert sun just to stand a chance of dehydrating in 3 days lol.

and it was a korean kid in a net-cafe. he was playing Diablo 2 (of all the PoS games to be found dead at ).



all these stories of deaths and MMOs crawling out of the woodwork. Im not sure if I should take these things as urban legend meant to scare me, or reality.

Although, I do get a little sense of "hmm..what I'm doing kills people...that kinda says something about me" feeling in the air. Is that wrong? Another warning sign?



I've never played for more than 8 hours straight. Ever.

Dawnslayer on Virtue.