My relatives having a " COH intervention " for me




If you do go, take some inspirations.
I hear these interventions are led by controllers.



so girlfriend told me that the other night in my sleep i was muttering about power pools and which one to pick...

i also woke up one night yelling that we (i assume my company) shouldnt use some verison of word because it sucks....

You have to learn to draw a line in your gaming. Sometimes it is good to do other things, let the sunlight hit your skin and so on.

In the end do whatever you want..heck here i am checking forums for the game i play while i drink my coffee at work. Though i know when to draw the line, close out my hobby/entertainment, and get to work.

You should let them know that you consider gaming your hobby...if you were a ham radio guru they would probably be saying the same thing..except about being on the radio. Also it is good to point out that gaming is a precursor to some kind of career in computers..which is a very nice field (especially MIS *innocent whistle*)

It is good to establish a schedule..or compromise (this is how my relationship works) that says you will get certain amount of time, but other times spend it with your family or sig other. Put out an effort to set the game aside. Games are fun and a wonderful out for stress on day to day life...but eventually you must face day to day life...and all in all games are just a time sink that have no corporreal value.

oh and commenting on a previous posters post...yeah Girls before games. you can always go back to your game, but some TLC goes much much furthur (an dis harder to get back if you shut it out).



I'd just like to suggest to the OP that this sort of joke is, at best, in poor taste. It's like spreading virus rumors to hypochondriacs. People who play MMORPGs are often concerned about this issue, and crying wolf about it just isn't kosher.



Compare the hours they spend watching TV to what your doing. At least what your doing requires a bit of thinking.



Just the fact that you came to this forum for advice is probably a bad sign. It's like going down to the local bar, and asking your drinking buddies if you should listen to your family about your drinking problem.



I blame all those crazy kids that kill themselves because of EQ... a lot parents worry about their child gaming too much (due to media) so......... I know this is an irony... but go with your parent's advice (the irony of listening to a total stranger hehe... but it is still go advice) they are your family...

no matter what happen... no matter what the outcome is.. they are still your family and will be there for you (at least I hope) people on the net.. will come and go.. some stay around and some gone in a blink of an eye... but seriously.. your family and friends will always be by your side.. listen to them.. and show them it is not an addiction.. just a hobby.



If you are a minor, or are accepting a living from the family, you will find you have little choice.

If not, then you can refuse to participate.

It's that simple.

If you are pathological, you will self destruct. If you are not, you won't.

It's that simple.

My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.




If it hadn't been for my wife insisting on the testing shortly after we got together, I very well might not have been here now.

I went the non-surgical route, for now, and have a CPAP machine. Basically, it's a mask that I wear over my nose when I sleep, which slightly raises the air pressure in my airways, holding them open during the night. Yeah, I look a little goofy wearing it, but I sleep well, the irregular heartbeats have stopped, my blood pressure has come down, my energy has gone way up, and lots of other good stuff. Again, I say, if you snore loudly, wake often, are constantly tired during the day, or choke in your sleep, go check it out. Then you can say that City of Heroes saved your life.

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I'm very glad you did listen to your wife!!
My mom has one of those machines and won't use it, or was in a test where she should have, and doesn't. She has apnea but refused to put the thing on, because it's uncomfortable and distracting.... *sigh*. It's not as bad with her, she doesn't snore all the time - especially when she's asleep in front of the tv...

Anyway - we're all so fragile. Getting away from the keyboard and mouse every once in a while is a great idea. I think I wouldn't play nearly as much if I had a job that required more on-computer time. I enjoy typing and writing, coloring on the comp and playing this game so much, if I had to be doing some of that full time, I'd shy away from it.

Of all my friends I am probably (no, check that - in fact) the most reclusive and hidey-hole of us. I *will* go out and do things with my buds, but frankly I've been like this all my life. I'd rather deal with folks online - at my own pace, and with the ability to just shut it off when I feel like it. But to be able to reply after considering and researching is also a huge benefit.

What a world....

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



It's like spreading virus rumors to hypochondriacs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Heh. I gotta try that one.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I'd rather trust my friends/family for personal advice vs total strangers on the Internet.

Of course by that logic you shoul distrust what I just wrote and trust me. But then.....

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ROFL... I just imagined about a few dozen people's heads exploding at their monitor trying to figure that one out Kinda like the riddle in Labyrinth where one guy always told the truth and the other always lied :P



My relatives and friends believe I am in a self-destructive spiral from playing City of Heroes too much and they have decided to stage an intervention just for me.

My question to you all is should I even go to this? They tell me I have an online gaming disorder. I am the only one in my family who plays a massive online game.

I think they are all wierd, they think I am wierd. I'm tired of people telling me what to do with my life. What should I do about COH?

[/ QUOTE ]

Here's the thing. CoH is a game. It is designed for you to have fun playing it. If it is an important part of your life, that's fine. If it is ruining other important aspects of your life that's not so good. You are the only one capable of judging where CoH falls there. If, for example, you could hold down a job before, but can't now because you are playing CoH too much then you are probably playing it too often. If you are losing all your real life friends because you never speak to them because you play CoH too much, and you do want real life friends, then that is a problem. If, on the other hand, you are simply spending less time watchign TV, or reading books, or playing other computer games, or seeing friends a little less (but still maintaining regular contact with them, then that's probably fine. Do what you enjoy, but don't become obsessed with somethign to the point whre it is ruining your life. Remember that the game company could go bankrupt any day and the servers would shut down, so if you are counting on having a character for years and years that's probably a mistake. If you enjoy putting thought and effort into the game though, that's fine.

Make sure you are very clear on where you stand in relation to the game in your own mind, and if you feel changes need to be made, then you should prepare to make them.

Then let everyone who was planning on having the intervention know how you feel, and why, and what you do or don't plan to change. Remind them of the things they enjoy and that what you enjoy isn't intrinsically any worse then what they enjoy (some people like tanning themselves on the beach, is getting skin cancer twenty years from now by utterly wasting time now worth it when you could be doing something that keeps your mental acuity and improves hand-eye coordination while providing at least as much fun?).

I think a lot of people just don't understand the draw of video games. Therefore they think it's a waste of time. That's their problem, not yours. On the other hand, some peopel really do get way too involved in video games to the extent the games start to ruin the rest of their lives. This issue isn't 100% one way or the other, but, after thinking about it yourself, you really are the ONLY person able to decide where video games fall.

Ellen, 50 MA/Inv Scr
February Night, 14 Ice/Ice Blstr
SilverSwordmaid, 29 Kat/Rgn Scr
Vicious Killer, 33 Emp/Enrgy Def
Electromagness, 40 Rad/Rad Def
Sense of Humor, 50 Fire/En Tank
Kickfest, 50 MA/SR Scr
Glorious Ending, 29 EM/DA Bru



Can we all stop feeding the attention wh0re now? This entire thread is nothing but one long troll for attention.



Cryptic and NCsoft want to have a healthy gaming community. If you feel that you might be addicted to internet gaming please seek the counsel of a professional.

Psychological Symptoms:

Having a sense of well-being or euphoria while at the computer
Inability to stop the activity
Craving more and more time at the computer
Neglect of family and friends
Feeling empty, depressed, irritable when not at the computer
Lying to employers and family about activities
Problems with school or job

Physical Symptoms:

Carpal tunnel syndrome
Dry eyes
Migraine headaches
Back aches
Eating irregularities, such as skipping meals
Failure to attend to personal hygiene
Sleep disturbances, change in sleep pattern