30 -
I read this thread thoroughly on Friday and tried to digest all of the good stuff here. I wanted to give some responses to your points & questions. I know Posi and I are constantly thinking of ways that we can improve bases; our eyes are glued to the Base feedback on these forums!
Obviously because the cost of bases is not 'minimal'
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Bingo! That was the point of my presentation; that the cost exceeds perceived value. The current ability to customize a social space for ones Super Group isnt thought to be high enough to justify the Prestige amounts.
Ya know what another thing I just thought of would help too?
PVE base raids that you could bring non-SG members on.
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Heck, Id just like the PvE base raid part first!
And they're hidden away, effectively in their own dimension. Other people can see my costume and go 'wow' simply by my flying past. To see my base, they have to be in a coalition with me, or on my team while we go there (and for that to happen, we need to have a reason for them to go, other than me saying 'come check out the base'). They can't simply happen across it and go 'wow!'
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Interesting point! Some people can see your base, but its so much easier for people to see your costume.
Few people care about the aesthetics of bases. It's just not obviously an expression of one's self, especially if it's been designed by 20+ people, or by someone else. That's the crucial difference between costumes and bases.
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If no one cares about the aesthetics of bases, it all comes down to function ... and there's not a whole lot of function in there.
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But costumes dont provide ANY gameplay function and people care a WHOLE lot about them? My point: bases cost too much for what players think they deliver. What they currently deliver is the ability to create a social space for Super Groups thats potentially customizable to the groups theme/background/etc.
Cryptic has failed to deliver an advertised feature of CoV in a working format a full callendar year after the game went live. Had the Cathedral of Pain and Base Raids showed up in anything vaguely resembling a timely manner, there would probably be a much higher level of interest in Bases, despite the flaws in the system that many posters have listed here. For whatever reason, whether it be lack of staff resources, focus shifting to other priorities or indeed other projects at Cryptic, this is a pretty big failure on Cryptic's part.
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You are absolutely right. We are working as hard as we can, but that doesnt excuse it.
The reoccurring theme in this thread isn't you folks at Cryptic perpetrated some horrible sin, but that in making a post-mortem of the Bases feature implementation you seem to emphasize it's lack of popularity is more due to the fickleness of players, than the bugginess or kludgeyness of the product. There's several prominent functional design flaws and bugs with Bases that have yet to be fixed, in addition to some conceptual flaws. To the company's credit, you have begun to address them, but the finish line is not just around the corner.
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We(Cryptic) assumed a certain value to bases which clearly doesnt match up with players perceptions. We assumed that customizability, some gameplay features, layout control, etc. would be considered worth X, but players think its X-Y. That means WE were wrong. No fickleness involved, just something we didnt identify well.
But it shows human behavior (and this was the point of my talk): people LOVE individuality. Theyre willing to express it. But they wont consider (in game) it worth a lot of time/effort to create a space thats customized for group identity. Clearly, people dont mind group identity (hence, super group costumes) and they love their own personal costume creation.
A point well made. Jack's comparison of bases to costumes is wildly off because I control my costume. I help pay for my base, yet none of it is my creation.
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Yet a Super Group costume isnt your creation, either. And yet people wear them. The counterpoint is, of course, that a Super Group costume is in addition to ones normal costume, not instead of. Theres no such personal property in the base. We thought (on paper) that the personal items would do the trick, but it isnt really the same thing, is it?
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I don't know if its been mentioned, i'm a CoH soloist, it would cost me $50 to have a base since i would have to buy a game that i don't want (CoV). at least i believe that to be the case -
Capes & Swords are not diametricly opposed, be a hero where ever you go.
Thank you for your contribution hear and helping us to have this wonderful playground. -
so the changes to unstoppable in issue 3 were because of pvp?
pvp is the new thing to blame, since pvp is being tested now every change is because of pvp.
ss and sj get a 50% accuracy debuff, just like flight has had. hell flight still isnt up to par with its speed and end cost.
moment of glory and elude get timer increased, just like unstoppable. seems consistant to me
people are always gonna find a reason to gripe i guess, wether it is warranted or not
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the difference between Fly, SS, and SJ is that people took Fly knowing that this was the case. People took SS, and SJ, knowing this was not the case. If they had all been the same all along people might have made other choices. Thus people screaming for a respec. -
I asked Cuppa to sticky this, we'll see what happens.
Name: Trong (aka Trong Trongersoll)
Powers: INV/Mace (Mutant)
Trong was born about 450 years ago in the mountains of North Umbria. His true origins are unknown. His parents found him in a basket on thier doorstep. Pinned to his blanket was a piece of paper with one word on it. The local priest said the paper said "Trongersoll". His adoptive parents took that to be his name. As he grew up, the kids took to calling him Trong, less of a mouthful than Trongersoll.
In his later years, Trong took to traveling. One day a coach with guards happened by. They stopped and asked the condition of the roads ahead. Trong told them the roads were good for Her Majesty maintained her highways well. A Lady stuck her head out the window and asked him his name. He said Trong, and then realizing that he was addressing the Queen, Elizabeth herself, corrected himself saying Trongersoll. Trong was too informal a name for the Queen. "Well Trong Trongersoll" said the Queen, "We thank ye for the compliment on Our roads. Here is a gold coin for your time." Well Trong wasn't about to correct the Queen so he decided that if she wanted him to be Trong Trongersoll, that is who he'd be.
Trong got two things that day, he vowed he'd keep both forever. One was his name, the other was a Gold Coin. At a Faire a cutpurse relieved him of his coin, but no one could steal his name.
With time Trong found himself to be long lived and became accomplished with both Quarterstaff and Mace. When he heard of the problems in Paragon City in the New World he journeyed there to assist the forces of good.
In a less martial form, Trong can be met at Renaissance Faires all over the East Coast. -
You people are funny, Cryptic is in San Jose, S.F is maybe 20 miles away at most? and the yare going to take a detour to every other part of the country to get there???
I have no interest in PvP i guess Issue 4 is a wash... I thought City of Villians was for PvP.
i think this is the fairest solution. i tempted to push the slider up a notch on my Tank but i'm afraid that if too many people of a specific AT do that it will be a "nerf Me!" becon. On one hand the game has to be challenging, for the skilled but siple enough for the challenged. I think this change is a step in the right direction.
As for why we put Bosses in missions at all in other words, why isnt everything solo-able the answer is simple. We want gameplay that encourages the best part of the game: teaming up. Soloing is fine, but a MMP really shines when you meet other people and play alongside them.
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well that stinks. if it had said that on the box, i would never have bought this game. I really dislike social engineers, people who think that just because they like something everyone should or will if exposed to it. Why can't people accept that we just are not all wired the same and we will never all like the same thing. Fortunately, my Tank is still pretty capable solo'ing. slow with the end. problems, but still playable. I guess they'll need a bigger bat next time. -
i would call the lack of a respec critical to those who have char.s that they can't play safely for a week until the respec comes along.
Except for the fact that Statesman has said that ALL ATs should be able to solo, that's almost a good point.
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That's actually only part of what I've said. Solo players should always have something to do...I've never said that everything is solo-able (some missions are, others aren't), or that every Archetype can solo as effectively as another.
If a player sees a boss of his level, he should probably get help...
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forced grouping.... nice. :P
Actually, to be fair, there should be missions that can only be solo'd. Why discriminate only against solo'rs? -
A lot of complainers are those that powerleveled and therby never learned anything about the game besides how to cheat.
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prove it. -
As for the Invulnerability feedback - all of it was read and considered. That isn't to say that we might not tweak these things further - but by and large, we are happy with the changes.
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*runs screaming into the night!!!* NO!!! Don't "help" us anymore!!! We can't take Inv. getting nerfed anymore than it has been! -
hmmm... if we had Santa Hats, my Gnome could go back to being a gnome instead of impersonating a dwarf.
I wanna know who's doin' da translation ta english.
i think that the reason those areas are hero free is that the groups there are too big to solo and there are areas with equal experience that are easier to navigate. I love looking around Boomtown. Faultline is too annoying to travel around unless your too high a level to be there.
3. Tankers have top priority post Update 3 to get their increased mob control abilities.
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HEY!!! I mostly solo Demit! mob control is never a problem for me, but damage... How about more Damage! like it says in the User manual! or make it scale so solo Tankers do more damage than teamed tankers, after all there is a lot more room to fight when you solo. I've never seen an Army Tank that didn't have a big gun(damage do'r) mounted on it. I've never seen a Mace that didn't really hurt the receiver! Let my tank be the Killing machine it was designed to be one on one!
thank you, i feel much better now... :P -
i heard the 3rd issue is going to go live bypassing the training room so it will be the same surprise for everryone.
Just to give you a stat side...
The success rate on the respec is a tad over 75%.
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Yeah but how many of them were solo? -
um ADHD? The thing is there will always be new stuff coming. As a Tanker i want to do more damage... its coming but not quickly. What happens when they've added so much content, that you need a new harddrive? or the servers can't keep up? I love that they are constantly adding new stuff at a rate that i get to enjoy it. Of course, i don't have a L50, just a L27 and 7 others all under L15 but higher than L7. i don't care if i ever get to L50, i'm enjoying the journey. -
Compare the hours they spend watching TV to what your doing. At least what your doing requires a bit of thinking.
isn't that the same move that the blade scrappers make, but with out the blades? the area affect one?