What is this power? Can I get it?




I've seen it done by Ruin Mages and Gravlords (Troll Bosses)

It's a move where they jump in the air, you have a fly by sound, and then they doulbe axe handle you as they land with a spectacular "BOOM" sound. I was wondering if this is a power anywhere in any set, and if so, what is it? It seems very super strength-ish, and I wanted it for my SS character, fits his image with a Haymaker, Air Superiority, and this move...




I've seen a friend use that anuimation for an attack, unfortunately I believe it was for the Electricity secondary power Thunder Strike.

I don't think any Super Strength power uses this animation, although I could be wrong my SS Tanker is only 20 and hasn't got a lot of SS attacks yet.

regards, Screwloose.
"I am not young enough to know everything."

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Maybe Total Focus (9th power from energy melee)?



Were there any effects like fire, electricity, etc. associated with it? How fast was the animation?



Isn't that Seismic Smash from Stone Melee?



isn't that the same move that the blade scrappers make, but with out the blades? the area affect one?



That may be the Haymaker attack from Super Strength.



Isn't that Seismic Smash from Stone Melee?

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Someone give this man a cookie. I do believe the power in question is Seismic Smash. It is also used in the Electric Manip line , the power Thunder Strike as noted above. Another cookie for Screwloose.



TAnker/earth melee/Seismic Smash



I think Total Focus, Seismic Smash, and Thunder Strike are all the same animation with different effects.



TAnker/earth melee/Seismic Smash

[/ QUOTE ]
Um, I think you meant Tremor, Mr. Dev.



Yeah I think thats tremor, the lvl 35 attack. Seismic Smash is 38. Seismic smash is supposed to do a lot more dmg and has a dissorient, and tremor is moderate dmg and knockback. Other than that, if you read the descriptions of the 2 powers, Tremor is like fault except it does dmg and it's a double axe handle attack, where fault is a foot stomp with no dmg. The seismic smash description says it smashes foes with extreme dmg and if they aren't defeated they are knocked out or immobilized. I don't think I have ever seen this attack performed by either hero or mob.



seismic smash has hold, in terms of what it looks like, you get those stone fists on your hand just like the first power, then you take both of them and smash the ground. there is a shockwave bubble that comes out... not nearly as cool looking as tremor. but it sure does a lot of damage if you slot it.



similar animation to Total Focus from the Energy Manipulation tree for blasters. I love TF. extreme dmg and heavy disorient.



TAnker/earth melee/Seismic Smash

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Um, I think you meant Tremor, Mr. Dev.

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No, he meant Seismic Smash. Tremor is a PBAoE and it does a small earthquake around the user.



If there are any Earth Tanks here. is Seismic Smash worth it?



TAnker/earth melee/Seismic Smash

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Um, I think you meant Tremor, Mr. Dev.

[/ QUOTE ]
No, he meant Seismic Smash. Tremor is a PBAoE and it does a small earthquake around the user.

[/ QUOTE ]
No, he meant TREMOR. Read what the original poster asked.

Seismic Smash is a fast, powerful attack that has no "jumping in the air" animation and no "bombs away" sound effect..

As a level 42 Stone Tanker, I know what the powers do. Geko made a boo-boo.



Be aware that NPC powers can have different affects compared to PC powers. Freeze Ray by an NPC for example is a sleep, whereas an Ice blaster's freeze ray is a hold.

Anyway, yeah, the animation is the same as Blaster/*/Energy secondary /Total Focus, only TF has the typical energy covered fist glowies.



seismic smash is very worth it.

only level 39, so the power only has 4 slots, but it does more damage the heavy mallet fully 6 slotted with damage so's. (seismic smash has 4 damage so's just to be extra clear).

the hold on it can also affect bosses on the first hit (unlike controller holds which have to stack). granted the hold is not a 100% effect, but i would say maybe 50% and it's very useful on those paragon protects.........



Two Words. Worth it.



Seizmic Smash does sort of a 2 handed overhead swing of the fists , smashing down on 1 single target and knocking the dogsnot outta it. Slotted with 5 dmg (I always put 1 accuracy in my attacks), it does 250-300 damage depending on the mob. (Actually more on things that are really weak against smashing- Advanced Rikti drones for example- 500+ on those). That is against even to +2 minions.

Tremor makes the sound effect you are referring to (the Dive Bomb sound), and the animation is basically a crouching-then-jumping-then-landing, with a shockwave going out and knocking down (or back, if they are blue con) anything in the aoe. 5 slotted with damage, this does about 100ish damage to everything in the aoe (sometimes more, sometimes less - you get the idea).

These 2 powers in the Earth tanker set are available at 35 (tremor - the aoe) and 38 (Seizmic, the single target) and I would Highly suggest taking them and 6 slotting both if you are a stone tank. Right now, I only have these 2 attacks and Brawl/Stone fist (neither of these is slotted past the 1 freebie.)
Hope that helps-

Cancer, 41 stone/stone tanker- Pinnacle



Be aware that SS takes a tremenjous amount of endurance. I have it slotted with a EndRed SO but even with Stamina its still costly.



TAnker/earth melee/Seismic Smash

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Um, I think you meant Tremor, Mr. Dev.

[/ QUOTE ]

isn't that what avalanche shamans and one of the cot mages does?
No, he meant Seismic Smash. Tremor is a PBAoE and it does a small earthquake around the user.

[/ QUOTE ]
No, he meant TREMOR. Read what the original poster asked.

Seismic Smash is a fast, powerful attack that has no "jumping in the air" animation and no "bombs away" sound effect..

As a level 42 Stone Tanker, I know what the powers do. Geko made a boo-boo.

[/ QUOTE ]



I agree, it is definately tremor



I agree, it is definately tremor

[/ QUOTE ]

Just out of curiosity, why dig up a post that's been dead for 6 months just to post that you agree on it?

And yes, I realize the irony of bumping this long dead thread.

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