17 -
Be aware that NPC powers can have different affects compared to PC powers. Freeze Ray by an NPC for example is a sleep, whereas an Ice blaster's freeze ray is a hold.
Anyway, yeah, the animation is the same as Blaster/*/Energy secondary /Total Focus, only TF has the typical energy covered fist glowies. -
I would rather ice storm be replaced with a real ae, or blizzard. Both suck compared to anything that isn't a rain.
:P -
Viva la resistance!
Point was that relying on a fear/minor dot is nothing compared to a simple two DD effect similar to FA, flamethrower, fireball/breath etc.
And if you can find me a post of mine asking for an ice/energy build or slot recommendation for myself i'll give ya a cookie -
ice storm is unaffected by BU/Aim and damage inspirations, and there are usually more important things to slot over a 10 second duration minor-cold dot, with hasten up you could have used two superior damage frost breaths in the duration it'd take storm to kill
There are very common, rather large sized groups of swarms and monkeys in crey's folley, they are hard to miss.
On that note, if you define being able to do that as AoE ice can one shot a pack of those and move on to the next all the same. Fbreath is a short recycle. -
stealth & cloak don't stack.
One last question, humor me if you will.
How come your perceptions are always right on everything, and everyone elses' is wrong? And i'd like you to submit a demo of you getting BFR interrupted =) -
Again you avoid the topic of PVP between an ice vs elec... Why? You only continue to drag out the intricacies of a spell and not talk about its implications on PVP which is how this argument originally started. Your hiding behind other concepts and issues which could be dragged on forever, and ofcourse you are aware of this
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Are you going to comment on why i've never been "stunned" or unable to act when fighting electric powered mobs? Crey Voltaic tanks, clockworks, freakshow juicers among them. I've never stopped moving while running and getting hit by electric blasts from NPCs, i've never had a power stop firing when hit by them either, or anything else. This IS relevant to your own ice vs elec pvp fight, because i've yet to see any type of stun as you seem to imply occuring with electric powerset. Are you going to ignore everyone else's post saying the same thing?
That's all i have for you now, the rest is seriously not worth the effort, its clear nothing will budge you from whatever stance you're in (since you waffle around those as well).
If you respond with another circuitous arguement that ignores what i've just posted, you've proven beyond a doubt every one of my suspicions.
But i'll answer this in parting:
2. Yes, the BFR is easily interrupable... Have you ever fired a status effect on a monster that fired a status effect on you at the same time. You hear the effect occur, but you never were under any condition of the effect
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Actually, i've been in a sleep from a Crey Protector's freeze cannon at the same time as i had it ice cubed. (Yes its a boss, but i had applied freeze ray before hand) -
Power boost is also listed as +special, not + to specific effects. If you really had an energy secondary character you would be able to see that.
1. The Hold effect of BFR is instant, the dmg is not. Understand this difference, and stop making cheap references and examples which have NOTHING to do with the usefulness of that spell in PVP purposes, which was an original argument of ours and RSRobinson
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Cheap references? You mean proving its uninterruptible doesn't mean anything to your "all attacks are interruptible" stance? You've got to be one of the most easily pigheaded people i've run across. Also, in the heat of a fight and on fleeing mobs, the hold does not land until the damage is applied, but you know, that's to hard to prove obviously.
2. Your STILL in an animated pose, even IF the effect lands. While the point is to place the hold, the animation is long and I hope I do not have to explain to you the meaning of this
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Wait wait, first you chat on about how the 3.7 second anim makes it easily interruptible, now you change why its bad to be the duration of the animation with it having nothing to do with interruption? Pick a stance already!
My Ice/energy is 36. I have 4 char's post 31. I have access to 2 other accounts with lots of other post 30 chars. Simply questioning my understanding of the game, because you can't retort directly to ANY of the original subjects we were discussing is YOUR deficiency, not mine.
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Oh yeah, claiming things on a message board is most definately a claim to your e-manhood. I could claim anything i want here about my characters and you would be none the wiser too.
Your obviously angry because you can't continue to argue any of the original subjects we were discussing. I will stop entertaining you because you continue to steer your arguments elsewhere in the lack of any real refute to the orignial argument about Elec blasters being able to prevent you from casting.
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Clockworks have never kept me from acting except when they land tesla cage. And according to you they follow the same rules as PC... so... oh, their powers are also named the same as PC elec blasts.. lightning bolt, charged bolt, tesla cage...
I've also responded to your posts about interruptions, so making your own grandiose claims about me steering in a different direction hold as much water as a seive considering you talked about it yourself.
I have more, and have acces to even more end game characters than you will most likely realize in the next year. Do not ascertain to that with which you have no idea of.....
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"My e-manhood is bigger than your e-manhood!"
PLEASE.... Can ANYONE please tell me WHY, most of my enemies DO NOT ATTACK me back?
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Probably because they took their shot and are waiting on recycles. You may be surprised just how slow some of them recycle. -
These npc's do follow the same rules, what you see on your client and the speed at which their moving and what you saw them do are 2 different issues.
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What is so hard to understand about an NPC right in front of you teleporting to the room next to you? That isn't in LoS. And it sure isn't client/server syncing. Thats on the other side of a wall and PCs cannot do that, yet NPCs clearly can. There are a plethora of threads asking why Tsoo sorcerors can teleport to places not in their LoS.
Bitter freeze ray is a 4 second 'animated' move.. give or take a few decimals.... this would be easily interrupted in any PVP. Perhaps you have not been in optimal situations for an interrupt... mine gets interrupted
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This lends true doubt as to if you even know what you're talking about. I'm quite sure any of the other ice blasters here can verify that they've never had their BFR not go off once they've initiated it. I've been knocked down in animation, put to sleep, disoriented and held and it has never failed to go off as long as it was initiated before the stat effect. It'll also do its normal hit or miss reaction which isn't modified by my own status. I'm sure you'll fire back with the "Oh thats not optimal situations for interruptions.." but what more proof do you want?
If you feel this is in doubt, use it on non-aggressives until it "Misses" and note when the miss pops up compared to when the damage/hold pops up when it hits, and also as to if the NPC responds before it gets hit. Its quite simple to see when the hit/miss is calculated on that specific power, which holds true for any other power that is done at the moment of activation.
If i were to stealth near a vampyr adjutant and start BFR, if i miss the miss pops up during the very start of the animation and the adjutant will turn to me and start his routine while i'm still in the animation. If i hit the NPC will not react until the power hits him (at which point he'll be frozen anyway) and i'll be out of the animation.
Do you even have a blaster past 15? 10? It really seems like you don't. -
A. you have NO idea what these rules are
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Go get teleport and try to teleport around a corner. Now do you understand why tsoo (Sky raider porters, rikti headman) don't have the same rules?
Yes, shots curve and go through walls. That doesn't matter. What matters is if they were in range and in position to be hit at the start of the animation. Sniper shots play by different rules, they are interruptible as i mentioned and if the target is in an out of sight location.. your shot won't go through the wall unless they walk behind it after the blast has left your hands.
I've never had my 3.7 second bitter freeze ray interrupted. -
How can you conclude attack animations are not interruptable and then admit to others that are?
Obviously your chances of interrupting 1-2 second attacks are small, but they do happen. Its only more obvious on longer attacks : Combustion, Teleport, Embalmed etc etc...
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Not all powers are interruptible
Corpse explosions (Embalmed.) are one of the very few that are. Check other powers' enhancer allowances; any that let you slot an interrupt reducer *are* interruptible, the rest are checked at the start of the animation and will hit or miss regardless of if the animation goes off. (Knockdowns, holds, sleeps, disorients on whoever is doing it)
Teleport is in your head, tsoo have a habit of teleporting from one spot they are in to the same very spot they currently occupy. They also don't follow LoS rules and frequently teleport even if they've been turned into an ice cube, just because they were cubed after they started their animation. -
RSRobinson, an Ice vs Elec match would be dependant on who gets the first shot off... Ice's ONLY option for succuess would be a freeze ray. If Ice attempts to blindly nuke an elec blaster, as the elec nukes back, he would interrupt and stun the ice blaster on the first shot meaning his demise (assuming battles would be based off a few spells concerning dmg output in pvp). Furthermore, Ball lightning has a range of 80, which is the max of any ice nuke accept the respective sniper attack, but ball lightning is a dot and its stun is the duration of its dmg or the Dot... meaning the elec blaster has that option from that range
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1: Ice animations have a whopping 1 second animation time
2: Ice doesn't have a snipe
3: You can't even interrupt them. You may claim elec has a stun all you wish, but if you initiate an attack that is not interruptable (I.E. any attack essentially, bar ones like snipe) they will finish it while they're "Held" or "stunned"
Now, i'm sure someone will fire back with a "But you aren't elec!"
No, i'm not. But i'm familiar with how holds don't interrupt any attacks except ones that are.. well, interruptable - corpse explosions and sky raider engineers while setting up their bubble bot. I can freeze a crey elite LT while in their attack animation and guess what.. they still fire before going into the "hands in the air, block o ice" pose.
Knock someone down while in their animation, and you still get hit by it. Freeze a crey eliminator during their full auto animation and you still get hit by it
The only exception to this is when you hit them and defeat them while their animation is going, then it will "miss" or "Hit you but do no damage"
Its just perception that you think its stopping uninterruptible powers. -
Those powers are not used in that context and are thus
irrelevent. If you are having to shoot off a hold, you are
fighting mobs that are not the best you could be fighting
exp-wise. Even after picking up all the powers I suggest, any of
the sets is going to have a number of picks and enhancement slots
left to get the utility stuff and customize it for their needs. I
only addressed the stuff you want and need for quick leveling.
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Play or watch an iceblaster and you'll find its a bit different, freeze can mean the difference between HP downtime or hospital trips and save you worry over disorients. Think the main issue was that you applied a leveling "assumption" on ice blasters without having any real experience with 'em.. and ignored two of the primary powers in the set. -
I have Fly 3 slotted with fly speed SOs and I can keep up with a friend who has superspeed.
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Fly has an immensely lower cap than superspeed does, i can't imagine this ever happening. I'm an SSer and there is no way fly can keep up in raw speed regardless how many enhancers you have.