175 -
Hi all
How do I redo the DA content arcs after I have done them the first time? Does it have to be through Orobouros?
ta, Screwloose.
"I am not young enough to know everything." -
I would be surprised if you have any problems with that build.
Personally I used Hasten for a long time, but eventually got rid of it. It will help you cycle your AEs quicker, although if you are using them 3 times in a fight you are probably fighting stuff tougher than you need to for most efficient farmage.
Also I would look for IO Knock back protection rather than Acrobatics, especially if you are concerned about End cost. You can work it into something in the mid 20s and save yourself a lot of pain in fights from there on rather than waiting til level 49 to be able to keep your feet. I only have one KB Res IO in my current build and it is sufficient for 90% of situations.
Regards, Screwloose
I am not young enough to know everything. -
Hi all
Well I think this is the beginning of the end for my return to CoH thread.
In the couple of weeks break since my last post I have been at home spending a lot of time in CoH and made some solid progress on several characters.
Multiple BAFs, a couple of Lambdas, lots of Keyes, several TPNs and two UGTs have gotten my two main characters well into the Incarnate progression and started a couple of other characters on unlocking their post Alpha slots.. My Spines Dark Scrapper is at T4 for Alpha and Interface and T3 for Judgement and my Crab Spider is at T3 for Alpha, Interface and Judgement and only needs another WST later in the week to go to T4 Alpha.
Continued Market involvement has also gotten them both to a second Purple set slotted and some other interesting Enh. I can probably tune up their builds a little more, but I am getting more than acceptable performance out of them.
All my characters recently cancelled their apartment leases in Ouroboros and moved to the sunny resort of Cimerora. Sun, Sand, Mediterranean cuisine and if you stay for 21 days a 3% Resistance to all Damage day job perk.
I have been trying to make a decision for my first Lore Pets. I want them to be not a complete concept clash for the characters, but not be the worst performing. From what I read the added DPS of the Damage pets seems more highly prized than the buffing of the support pets. What have people used and liked?
Hope everyone got a break over the holiday season, had a good time and is looking forward to a bright and healthy 2012.
Regards, Screwloose
I am not young enough to know everything. -
Hi All
I had Friday off work so it was a big week of CoH for me.
Got into the swing on the WST. I took 5 of my blueside characters through it over my long weekend and might have a couple of SG mates who havent gotten to it yet so might be up again tonight. I enjoyed the Manticore TF a lot, which was lucky. The first two defeat alls mean non-50s feel like they got a fair bit of Exp and then you can shorten the later missions if you are feeling the need.
3 new Purple drops this week. I must have had over a dozen since I got back and this week I got my first Hecatomb. I also grabbed an Armageddon off the Auction House for a mind blowing 544 Million Inf! Given that my main character only had about 50 Mil when I rejoined and he currently has over 1.2 Billion I still am still finding the change of perspective on Inf a bit jarring occasionally.
I have been turning up the difficulty when teaming with my SG mates then turning it back when I am soloing, some of you may already know where this story is going. On Saturday I went into a Mission Architect mission and looked at the first couple of spawns and thought Wow they look tough, but lets give it a go. After sweating blood tears and tons of Insp I and popping Soul Transfer, but taking out several spawns I was standing behind a fence looking at the next spawn and I looked at my Mission Settings. Yep +1/x7. So I am not quite up to x8 solo yet, but I am getting closer.
I am going away to visit my folks for a few days over the weekend so if I dont post again everyone have a good holiday and stay safe.
Regards, Screwloose
Blessed Is The Season Which Engages The Whole World In A Conspiracy Of Love. -
Thanks Arcana.
As always interesting and insightful. Another mixed Enh is a choice worth considering.
I took Degenerative more of less on a whim as it suited the character background and I was hoping it did something. I am not overly concerned about it not being the best, but your confirmation that it is doing something is welcome. I am not likely to make much more progress on the Interface slot for a while and I dont think I have invested too much to start on a different line yet.
One of the things I like about the Incarnate system is That I can have different things to use in my slot and change them when I feel like it. Tier 2 doesnt seem hard to reach for the slots I have looked at so if I want to grab something different without feeling like I have gone too far backwards on progress to the higher Tier in my favoured line.
Regards, Screwloose
Blessed Is The Season Which Engages The Whole World In A Conspiracy Of Love. -
Title: Three Brothers
Arc ID: 532506
Creators Global Name: @screwloose
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis A simple kidnapping gets more complicated the further you follow it.
Number of EB/AVS None.
Story Type Drama and face punching
Mission Count: 3.
Estimated Time to Play: 45 minutes. Not sure really you might have to tell me.
Note this is my first attempt. Looking for any feedback. -
Thanks Black Assassin
Mostly for neatness and because I have 6 slots in the power. Looking at it again I see that the last Set bonus is Toxic Resist, so I can see why people might not bother with the 6th especially if it is going to cost them another 200 to 300 Mil.
I guess I could drop any of the double Enh Armageddon IOs for a standard IO or a Proc from another set, maybe the Eradication Chance for Energy Damage.
If I slotted it in Quills then I could look at the Slow enhancing Sets, but I have had Recharge Debuff Procs in powers before and found them unsatisfying because I couldnt tell when the effect proced and in any case I am already generating a fairly solid Recharge Debuff.
Anyone got suggestions for the 6th slot instead of one of the Armageddon set.
Regards, Screwloose
I am not young enough to know everything. -
Thanks Gatecrasher
I was playing with some friends last night and one asked me if I had changed the graphics for my Toxic effects. Since I much prefer punching face to working on costumes I rarely change anything about my characters graphics so we were both a bit at a loss until I recalled my new Proc.
I am getting a sort of torso centred sickly yellow emanation from some critters, would that be the Degenerative Proc?
Thanks Vauluur
Still stuck at three recipes so I have a while before I will be slotting it. I could bite the bullet and splash out some real Inf on the last three, but I dislike paying more than the last five sales, got to try to keep some downward pressure on the prices. On the other hand I might break this weekend and just jump.
I had a bit of a go in the Mission Architect. Seems like a solid system. Not too hard to put something together and enough to do some reasonable story telling. Looking for something to play is another question. I was thinking of making some mindless face punching arcs, but compared to some of what I wandered into I am Shakespeare.
Ticket rewards seem pretty reasonable too. Grabbed a couple of random recipe rewards that I should be able to craft up and sell for 15 or so Mil profit.
Regards, Screwloose
I am not young enough to know everything. -
The ED Threshold is based on the total value of Enhancement not related to the type of Enhancements.
The ED Threshold is a little less than 3 SOs worth of Enhancement. So about 99% for Accuracy and Damage and 60% for Defense and Resistance.
It doesnt matter if the Enhancement Value is from Slotting DOs, SOs, HOs or IOs or any combination thereof. If the amount of Enhancement you are getting from slotted Enhancement is equal to 3 SOs worth of Enhancement then ED is starting to bite you.
Regards, Screwloose
I am not young enough to know everything. -
Hi all
Had a pretty productive week in Paragon.
Joined a couple more Global channels for Justice and once I remembered to put them into the tabs I had open I saw a lot more chat. Got me into another incarnate trial which seemed a lot easier than the last one and got me a bunch of good stuff. Also got me into a Numina TF while it was the WST so I got a Notice of the Well and moved Screwloose up to a Tier 3 Alpha enh.
After my second iTrial and another run of the SSA I had enough iThread resources to put together my Interface slot and went for the Degenerative (-Max HP) proc. I havent noticed it much, is there a graphic I should be looking for or does it only fire in Incarnate content? Everything I have found says that the Interface Procs work in most attacks, anyone have anything more informative than in most?
Spent a bunch of the Reward Merits I had accumulated on a couple of recipes that looked like they were going to be hard to get through the Auction House. The recent sales were only in the 20 mil range but there were a lot more Buyers than Sellers so it seemed easier to use my Reward Merits.
I have been logging a lot of characters off in Ouroboros for the extra recipe day job bonus. Anyone got any preferences about what Day Job bonuses they think are worth going after?
Not picked up any more of my purple pbae set from the auction house, might have to up my bids. Is it worth slotting it in one of my PBAE toggles, I was thinking Death Shroud, or should I put it in Spine Burst and try to remember to use Spine Burst more rigorously?
Regards, Screwloose
I am not young enough to know everything. -
Quote:It was pretty close we had Marauder down to less than 5% when we ran out of time.Lambda failures are pretty strange now. They were much more common than BAF failures when they first came out, but most league leaders know what to do now. When did you fail? Later on I would guess since you got a good bit of iXP and an uncommon. Fighting Marauder? Anyway, glad to see you got onto a trial. Congrats on the purple too. I've been having problems finding people willing to part with those
I certainly contributed to my part of the Fail because I had two Acids that I didnt know I had. Once someone said to look in your temporary powers and use it to close the doors I did, but we had too many doors open too long and had tons of adds.
I doubt that anyone would ever just be giving away a purple, but this was a RL mate who had no real chance of ever using the recipe and he wasnt confident about selling it on the auction house. I gave him market rates which more that tripled his Inf worth across his entire account and gives him a good base to start messing with IOs.
Interestingly he said that it was a drop he got before he left the game last and that the asking price seemed to have gone up about 10 fold in the time he was away. So lucky he held onto it
Regards, Screwloose
I am not young enough to know everything. -
Hi all
Bit of a slow week. Got enough shards on my Tank to get his first Alpha slot enh, went for Resistance although it seems a little overkill for most situations.
Hit up the Flashback over the weekend doing some Hero-side Badge missions for my Crab Spider and some Croatoa story content. Not sure I am going to go back to Croatoa, salvage drops were nice, but the critters there are pretty darn annoying.
Cant say I havent done any iTrials now. Got into a Lambda trial which seemed pretty chaotic and we ended up failing. Chat afterwards seemed to suggest this is rare and no one was talking up doing it again. Got my Scrapper about 45% of the exp for the slot, a few threads, a couple of Astral Merits and an uncommon salvage piece so wasnt bad for a fail I guess. Another run like that I should be well set to pick a Proc slot enh.
I got a third piece of the purple pbae set off a SG mate for market rates and have started putting in some bids for the remaining bits. Have to leave the bids in a while see if I get any bites.
Weekly Strike Targets are working up my agenda of things to do as I get some characters near to their first Tier 3 Alpha enh.
Regards, Screwloose
I am not young enough to know everything. -
Quote:I dont disagree. For a lot of players the flexibility provided by the complexity of IO system is a big plus.See to me that's the big advantage. A lot of equipment based systems have, basically, one "ideal" build for each spec. Our IO system gives a lot more flexibility to emphasize different things depending on your preferences.
But for some players it can be a downside as well.
Some players struggle to see where they are supposed to be going and how they are supposed to get there.
For players who have to be within 0.001% of peak performance it can provide too many options.
For players who want to be self sufficient the large range of drops can make it seem difficult to collect all the parts of a Set.
Overall I am still impressed with the way that the design of CoH/V game functions cater to such a wide range of play styles and player viewpoints, but in doing so they also provide some potholes for players to navigate and they create an environment where players can be confronted by other players with significant and disturbingly different visions of the nature of their shared activity.
Regards, Screwloose
I am not young enough to know everything. -
Mostly I think that the whole IO thing is a big positive to the game.
The only pea under the mattress it adds for me, and I know that I am in a minority for this, is the additional baroque filigree it adds to the unending arguments about what the BEST build for a character is.
In extending the upside development for top level characters I think it works. The fact that it encourages even the most antisocial player in swapping and trading recipes and salvage to efficiently make their desired items it is good. In making more choices available in how you build your character and what they can do it is pretty successful.
It does have some downsides in that it is more complicated than more traditional Equipment based systems that I have seen. Providing more choice for players means furious debate between players about what you MUST have. The system can seem random and unfriendly to those who are unwilling to throw themselves on the wine dark sea of the Auction House.
The impact on difficulty seems to me to be a non issue. I have been surprised at the degree to which even a small team can turn up the difficulty both in +level and xplayers and in some ways it seems to undermine what I would think of as best practise play, but as long as people are having fun and not forcing me to play in a way that isnt fun then the game would seem to be doing a good job of keeping everyone happy.
Regards, Screwloose
I am not young enough to know everything. -
Vanguard Merits -> Grai Matter -> Shards worth remembering. The only lurg I have used a little so far was to use Astral Merits to buy Shards. On reflection it probably isnt the most efficient way of generating Shards or the best use of Astral Merits, but it has the advantage that you can spend an Astral Merit on one character to get a Shard on a different character.
My main handicap in getting into trials, and all larger raid-ish content, is time zone. I am in the GMT+10 Australia time zone so population can be a bit sparse except on weekends.
Also I was holding back a little til I got some idea what the Incarnate grind was going to be like. Whether I really had to do the Trials to get anywhere or if I could make reasonable progress without the Raids. My feeling so far is that I am happy with my rate of progress.
If you calculate the steepness of any Game Grind as (Effort + Difficulty of Access) / (Fun + Progress) then I get a good deal of Fun out of just plain playing my characters so my Progress doesnt need to be enormous to make the Grind steepness fairly acceptable. Given that I am also making Progress relating to Alignment Merits, Salvage and Recipes in the same activity that lubricates the Grind a little as well. If the only way I could get Progress was to do activities that were very Difficult to Access then that would make the Grind pretty steep for me, but given that I can get Progress just doing Tips and Content that I would be doing anyway the Difficulty of Access is Zero.
One thing that I was surprised at was that the Even Level qualification for critters to drop Shards is based on your combat level. So when I am playing with my SG mates lower level characters I still get Shard drops.
I am generally not a great fan of large raid style content so I am looking forward to the new Dark Astoria content. I can see my SG mates getting their teeth into that pretty strongly. Having support for different styles of play (Solo, Teams, Raids) is IMHO important to a game and I think it is something that CoH/V does a pretty good job of.
All my active characters are on Justice and I am in the Australia and Justice Badges channels where I see the calls go out fairly often, especially on the weekends. If I had no viable alternatives for Incarnate progress then I would feel a bit ticked off. I dislike feeling forced to do something even if it is something that gets me desired progress. I would still like to see the Incarnate Trials, but if it doesnt happen for a few more weeks I wont be worried.
The Transfer option is an interesting idea. I dont think it would help me a lot because of the Time Zone issue, but it might be an option over the Xmas-NYear break when I will be off work for a couple of weeks and be at home for most of it.
Regards, Screwloose
I am not young enough to know everything. -
An alternative strategy that worked for me was to do the One Alignment Merit for 5 random level 46-50 Rare Recipes.
Partly it worked for me because I had 5 level 50 characters that were all earning Alignment Merits in rotation so I was getting quite a few and most of the characters needed some Set upgrading so I could keep the Recipes I wanted and sell the rest.
It can be a bit of a lottery. Some times I have gotten a bunch of stuff that was going to sell for 4 to 7 Mil, but usually I get a couple that will sell for 15 to 20 Mil and I get a fair few of the Numina +Regen/+Recovery and the LoTG Defense/+Recharge.
Overall the difference between 1 Enh that will sell at 100 Mil and 10 Recipes that sell between 4 Mil and 50 Mil doesnt seem much in Inf. It does take more work and more Auction House slots to sell the larger volume of Enh, but it has also been giving me credit towards Enh crafting and selling badges which I dont mind.
If you want more guaranteed returns then the single recipe option might suit you more, but if you have multiple characters to Set up and dont mind some randomness in your progress I think the Random option gives a solid Inf result.
Regards, Screwloose
I am not young enough to know everything. -
Thanks, Claws, Uber.
I have been doing most of my Alpha crafting from Shards as I havent managed to get myself on any Incarnate trials yet.
Overall I have been pretty happy with my progress with the Alpha slots. All the characters I have played are making progress without really trying anything much different to what they would be doing anyway. For my Incarnate unlocked characters I tend to play at +0/x3 so I am KOing a lot of even level or better critters and the Shard drop rate seems fairly decent.
So far my three most played characters have gotten together the 12 Shards required for the Tier 1 Alpha enh. End reduction for my Scrapper, Recharge reduction for my Crab Spider and Damage for my Mastermind. And after my big weekend on Flashbacks for Screwloose he had enough Shards to go to the Tier 2 Alpha Enh, I saved some Shards by making the Grai Matter with Vanguard Merits.
I did get a go at the WST last night, Admiral Sutter. It was a pretty good TF, but with only 5 of us we couldnt finish off the last Double AV fight. I rekon I can get some of my SG mates to have a go at the 2nd Respec for the WST this week and that should get me a Notice of the Well. Then Ill just wait for the Shards to build up and bingo Tier 3.
Regards, Screwloose
I am not young enough to know everything. -
Hi all
Bit of an interesting week. Got another two purple recipe drops (Hold and Confuse), got to get my stuff together and actually try to slot one of these things in a character now.
I did the hero and villain SSA part 3. Some pretty nice story writing and well coordinated between the two sides of the story.
Got another character through the Incarnate unlock, only two more to go I think.
Got a random tell from someone I didnt know to do a MortiCal when I was on my Mastermind. Not a bad set of missions, although I need to do it slower to pick up all of what was going on. Got myself a Notice of the Well. What do people do with these? Also I think I have enough Shards to make my initial Alpha Slot Enh, but nothing is immediately obvious for a Mastermind, any thoughts?
I did a bunch of Flashback stuff with Screwloose over the weekend. It was interesting because I was one Alignment mission short of him getting back to Hero so I got to do a bunch of the low level Villain content and then some of the newer low level Hero content. Probably could have spent my time more constructively, but was interesting to see the low level content I hadnt done before with that character and I did get some shard drops, bunches of reward merits, a bunch of medium value salvage and one 50 Mil recipe drop.
Regards, Screwloose
I am not young enough to know everything. -
Hi all
Bit of a short week as I took a couple of days off work and went to visit my mum for her birthday so was AFK for 4 days.
Since last post got a few more of my characters thru the Incarnate intro. Highlight was a 6 man team led by our resident high difficulty SG member. So we had 2 Tankers, 3 Blasters and a Scrapper set to +3/x8, which was fine until we got to the end of the Rikti War Zone mission and ran into 2 level 53 AVs. Was a heck of a fight and we had a few have to drag themselves off the carpet, but in the end we were victorious.
Got enough Shards together to put the End reduction Alpha on my Spines Dark and it made an immediate difference. I am working him back over to the Blue Side and keeping my ears open for Trial runs. Also decided to try the Recharge Alpha on my Crab Spider to see how often I could get the Pets and AEs going off. First result was that it was a lot easier to run my End bar down, so I am guessing my output is up, just have to relearn what a reasonable amount of button mashing is.
Was happy to learn that I can get Shard drops when playing at lower levels with my SG mates, makes teaming with them more profitable.
Used my AFK time to replenish my supplies of rare salvage. Had a lot of characters put multiple bids in at 920K for each of the high level rare salvages and bought a lot. Only item that didnt dip to that level over the weekend seems to have been Platinum which I got hardly any of.
Also sold a bunch of stuff at good prices. Have to have a bit of a clean up and take down and repost some stuff I made poor decisions when setting the price for.
Regards, Screwloose
I am not young enough to know everything. -
Quote:You can have multiple Alpha Enh crafted, but you can only be using one at a time. I think the cooldown on changing them is 5 minutes,so i can do nerve for the damage, even though my finished IO build is pretty capped on damage for my attacks? then switch to recharge maybe (spiritual)?
You could take the Damage Enhancing one first, but if you are at the ED cap then you will need a better than starting one to get any noticeable benefit as ED will eat most of the extra bonus, like slotting a 4th SO.
I plan to go for the End Reduction one first as most of my powers arent at the ED cap for End Reduction and some of the better End Reduction Alphas give a bonus to resistance which I can also use.
Paragonwiki has a good page of info on Alpha slot abilities. http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Alpha_Slot_Abilities
Regards, Screwloose
I am not young enough to know everything. -
From my brief look at it the Alpha Slot is basically a 7th Enh slot that applies to all your powers.
So for your first Alpha Enh pick the one that gives you a bonus that most of your powers arent at the ED limit for.
You might want to work towards a higher Rank Alpha slot in something that you are ED capped in, like Damage, because some of the bonus on the higher Rank Alpha Enh is applied outside the ED limit.
Regards, Screwloose
I am not young enough to know everything. -
Quote:You dont have to wait til level 50. Almost all of my new Inf has been gained from the combination of the IO system and the Auction House. And you can do that at any level.You returned to the game with 75 million influence and now have over 2 billion?!?
So I'm guessing the routine is not to worry too much about IO sets until you are 50, which presumably allows you to start bringing in real influence?
I had a good start the first session I was back and got a Respec Recipe drop, the only one I have seen so far, which sold in less than 10 minutes for 100 Mil. At the time my oldest character had about 50 Mil on him so I immediately thought I was super rich (% .
Over the last 4 weeks I have been checking the price for recipes that I got as drops and crafting them if the Enh sells for more than 5 Mil. I have sold a lot of 15 to 40 Mil Enh and several 100+ Mil Enh and one 350 Mil Purple recipe.
I have also been pursuing Alignment Merits by doing the SSA and rolling over the Alignment/Morality Missions and cashing them in for 5 Rare level 50 recipes. When I got a recipe I wanted for one of my level 50 characters I kept it. Ones I didnt want I crafted for sale. A couple of weeks of this has gotten my level 50s reasonably well Set-ified and now most of that is going for sale.
Looking back over the characters I was playing after the IO system came in it looks like I started crafting and slotting standard IO Enh after level 22, probably the ones I was getting as drops, and looking at Set IOs after level 32.
You dont have to be able to use something to buy and sell it so once you can get Alignment Merits, after level 20, you can start cashing them in for Rare recipes and crafting and selling the results.
The two tips I would offer for making decent money on the Auction House is be patient and dont be greedy.
I have started stockpiling high level Rare Invention Salvage on my active characters so that I have what I need to craft any Set IO I get as a drop. When I look at the Auction House history I generally see sales at 1 to 1,5 Mil, but I put in multiple bids at 920 K and leave them for 24 hours and generally I get a bunch of them. Anytime you need something NOW you will be paying a premium, possibly a very high premium.
Sales go to the seller who is asking the lowest price. The greedier you are the longer it is going to be before you make a sale, and if others keep coming in undercutting you that long time could be infinite. For high price items if there are a more than a few of an item up for sale then I would generally set my item price at 80% of the average of the last 5 sales. If someone has the patience to bid creep then I am willing to take the lower price to get the sale.
For stuff that is not really worth much but is suffering a shortage I might throw it up for cost recovery prices and see what I get. Over the weekend there was an obvious shortage of Pneumatic Pistons at one point and the sales history was trending over 50K. I put up 3 at 1300 each, a little more than I would get as trash value at a vendor. First sale was 100K, second was 5K. It is small change, but what the heck I might as well have that 100K. And if someone had offered 2K then it was more than I would have gotten from a vendor and might have restored some sanity to the sales of that item.
I am not an expert on the Auction House, but there are some decent guides in the Player Guides section that are worth a read.
Regards, Screwloose
I am not young enough to know everything. -
Hi all
Slow week for purple drops, just one and it was the Immobilise set.
Did the Incarnate intro arc with a couple of friends for my Spines Dark Scrapper then again solo for my Bots Traps MM and Crab Spider. On my way to getting the Shards together for their first Alpha slot enh.
Have to keep my ears open for the Trials now.
It is probably small beer but I have marked all my level 50 toons down to do the SSA twice a week now, once for the Align Merit and once for the Astral Merit, and use the Astral Merit to get an extra Shard. Seems worth while to get each toon their initial Alpha enh, probably less worth while after that.
I also found that my Vigilante Controller could do the SSA on Red and Blue side for an Astral Merit on each, not sure it is equal to being able to get the Hero/Villain Merits, but something to note down.
Continuing to add IO sets to all my characters. Going to make my second build with Screwloose taking the Soul Mastery PPP which means I will need a whole new set of Enh before I can really take him out for a roll, but also means I get to keep the other build in case I feel like changing my mind.
Hope you are all having fun.
Regards, Screwloose
I am not young enough to know everything. -
I cant see anything obvious that you have missed.
When you say it is kind of squishy what kind of fights are you having difficulty surviving? What other ATs and powerset combinations are you comparing your performance to?
No matter how pimped your build there are going to be circumstances that overpower your threat mitigation.
Scrappers have their Threat Mitigation as a Secondary Powerset. The Primary way that you should be avoiding being defeated is by KOing your opponents with your Primary powerset.
From a brief look your Primary choices look okay. Although I am not great at estimating the effect of slotting IO Set you have some big names there so if you have slotted those sets I would expect reasonable performance.
If you can give us some indication of how think your fights are going poorly we might be able to give some more input.
Regards, Screwloose
I am not young enough to know everything. -
Was a slow week for Purple recipes, but I passed the 2 Billion Inf mark so time to start some serious IO Set-ifying.
When I went back and looked at all my characters Screwloose was actually my least upgraded, several of the other characters already had 3 or 4 powers well Set slotted, although generally with the easier to get Sets.
Highlight of the week was a 7 man team when a whole bunch of my friends were on all at once.
I have the SSA down pat now with a few characters. Even made myself a schedule sheet so I can write down when each character does it. Is the 7 Day cool down separate for each reward or are all rewards you have taken locked out until 7 days from the last time you did the SSA?
Screwloose is just about to get Villain status then I think I will be doing the Black Scorpion Arc to qualify for the PPP. I have to say I have found the Villain missions interestingly written and a bit disturbing. The nature of villainy seems a bit mundane. Some of the missions seem to rely on the character having been a hero previously, which works for Screwloose, but wouldnt work for some of my characters that started as Villains. Are there different Alignment missions if you are a Vigilante moving to Villain status rather than a Villain confirming Villain Status?
Got to get working on my Incarnate status as well.
Hope you are all having fun.
Regards, Screwloose
I am not young enough to know everything.