Most expensive orange IOs?

Adeon Hawkwood



So I'm building my new crab spider tank and it doesn't look to be cheap, so I'm needing some cash. And it looks to be cheaper over all to convert merits into recepies to sell. So any ideas which recepies are the most expensive in general so I know to buy and sell them and which ones it might be better buying with hero/merits.




The three most expensive recipes I can think of are:

Luck of the Gambler: Def/+ Global Recharge (varying levels - 50 gives a bit more defence, lower levels are good for levlling builds )
Kinetic Combat: D/E/R, level 35
Miracle: +Recovery unique, level 20

If you're looking to raise money, buy these with Hero merits and sell them for over 100 million each.

These cost either 240 merits or 2 Alignmnet Merits (= 100 merits + 40 million), so it would probably be worth converting normal merits to alignment ones to buy these.



Is cutting your profits by 40 mil worth saving 40 Merits?

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



I think so. 100 merits buys you 2 hero merits, not 1.

240 merits = 1 recipe = 100 million


200 merits = 4 hero merits = 2 recipes - 40 million (conversion) = 160 million

You save 40 merits and make 60 million more.



Another option is running alot of incarnate trials and save all your astral merits. You can buy any of those pricey orange Io's for 32 astral merits at the astral vendor in ouro.



An alternative strategy that worked for me was to do the One Alignment Merit for 5 random level 46-50 Rare Recipes.

Partly it worked for me because I had 5 level 50 characters that were all earning Alignment Merits in rotation so I was getting quite a few and most of the characters needed some Set upgrading so I could keep the Recipes I wanted and sell the rest.

It can be a bit of a lottery. Some times I have gotten a bunch of stuff that was going to sell for 4 to 7 Mil, but usually I get a couple that will sell for 15 to 20 Mil and I get a fair few of the Numina +Regen/+Recovery and the LoTG Defense/+Recharge.

Overall the difference between 1 Enh that will sell at 100 Mil and 10 Recipes that sell between 4 Mil and 50 Mil doesn’t seem much in Inf. It does take more work and more Auction House slots to sell the larger volume of Enh, but it has also been giving me credit towards Enh crafting and selling badges which I don’t mind.

If you want more guaranteed returns then the single recipe option might suit you more, but if you have multiple characters to Set up and don’t mind some randomness in your progress I think the Random option gives a solid Inf result.

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Originally Posted by Dr Harmony View Post
I think so. 100 merits buys you 2 hero merits, not 1.

240 merits = 1 recipe = 100 million


200 merits = 4 hero merits = 2 recipes - 40 million (conversion) = 160 million

You save 40 merits and make 60 million more.
Technically they should be:
200 merits = 4 hero merits = 2 recipes - 80 million (conversion) = 120 million

I agree with the general sentiment though. The difference in market value between 50 Reward Merits and 1 Alignment merit has dropped since the introduction of alignment merits but it's still worth the 20 million to convert them.



The Signature Story Arc #1 can be easily ran once a week (and twice the first week) for an A merit in about 10 minutes.

If you have multiple characters with 'confirmed' hero/villain status, you can easily run it twice and pick up 2 A merits each to buy a rare recipe immediately to e-mail over to a character you are slotting.

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Originally Posted by Dr Harmony View Post
The three most expensive recipes I can think of are:

Luck of the Gambler: Def/+ Global Recharge (varying levels - 50 gives a bit more defence, lower levels are good for levlling builds )
Kinetic Combat: D/E/R, level 35
Miracle: +Recovery unique, level 20

If you're looking to raise money, buy these with Hero merits and sell them for over 100 million each.

These cost either 240 merits or 2 Alignmnet Merits (= 100 merits + 40 million), so it would probably be worth converting normal merits to alignment ones to buy these.
Luck of the Gambler: Def/Global Recharge only costs 200 merits.



If I feel like making quick cash off of alignment merits, I just do the 1 merit for 5 35-39 recipes. I often get very nice stuff in there and it's usually more bang for my buck than spending twice as many merits on an LOTG or something... I just do those when I need one at level 25 for a build.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Technically they should be:
200 merits = 4 hero merits = 2 recipes - 80 million (conversion) = 120 million

I agree with the general sentiment though. The difference in market value between 50 Reward Merits and 1 Alignment merit has dropped since the introduction of alignment merits but it's still worth the 20 million to convert them.
I already doubled that figure to get my 40 million, Aedon.

From ParagonWiki (comfirming my own suspicions):

Purchase at a rate of 50 Reward Merits and 20 million Inf for each Alignment Merit (once per day)



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
Luck of the Gambler: Def/Global Recharge only costs 200 merits.
So does the Kinetic Combat triple. My mistake.



Right, but you need to double it again (so quadruple, total) because you're making 4 merits, not 2.

Personally, for making money, I've found LotG's unexceptional. I prefer to get two 1-merit recipes instead, like the Kinetic Combat dam/end or dam/rech, or a level 21 performance shifter proc. The best value overall seems to be random rolls, though. Occasionally you get five duds, but usually there's at least one good thing and sometimes several.



Yeah, Aedon was right. 2 Merits per recipe, times two again for two recipes, that does equal 4 times the conversion cost, or 80 million.

Random rolls can be good, I had some good ones recently. I guess with them the question is how pissed off you'll be if they don't turn out well. If you're already rich, it doesn't matter too much - if you need the influence now to get some stuff, the safe bet is maybe better.



Originally Posted by Dr Harmony View Post
Random rolls can be good, I had some good ones recently. I guess with them the question is how pissed off you'll be if they don't turn out well. If you're already rich, it doesn't matter too much - if you need the influence now to get some stuff, the safe bet is maybe better.
Yes, this is true. When you're actively trying to finish a build, it's annoying to roll and a bunch of worthless stuff, so I sometimes go for the guaranteed but lesser return. Currently I'm in save-up-until-I-start-a-new-project mode, so I have no immediate pressing need for inf and don't mind the highs and lows.



Also, is it worth looking at getting lower level procs cheaper, or are the level 50 ones better?



With procs and uniques it's generally better to get them as low level as possible.

The two exceptions I can think of are Luck of the Gambler +Def/+Global recharge and the Steadfast +Res/+Def, which both combine a level-independent global effect with a normal level-dependent enhancement value that goes up with level. For this reason, a tricked out level 50 (the big spenders) will often want the highest level of the enhancement to squeeze out a few more points from it.

For actual damage or status procs, lower is almost always better, just because lower level characters can slot them.



Originally Posted by Trilby View Post
Also, is it worth looking at getting lower level procs cheaper, or are the level 50 ones better?
The level of a proc has nothing to do with how it functions, the only thing it controls is when you can slot it and how far it exemps. Because of that the lowest level procs tend to be more in demand.

On the A Merit buy/sell you may want to consider the Kin Combat Dam/End (or Dam/Rech), they only cost 1 merit and I recall seeing at least one of them selling in the 70+ million range.

Heck, if you've regular merits to burn there's good money to be made in buying the Kinetic Combat Acc/Dam... it's uncommon so it's only 50 merits from the vendor and tends to sell upwards of 40+ million.

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Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
The level of a proc has nothing to do with how it functions, the only thing it controls is when you can slot it and how far it exemps.
No, not even that. Procs will exemplar all the way down, as long as you have access to the power. If you put a level 50 Performance Shifter: Chance for +End in Stamina, you'll always benefit from it. If you put it in Quick Recovery on your Willpower Scrapper, you'll lose it at level 14. If you put it in Physical Perfection, you'll lose it at 35.

Set bonuses will not exemplar down.

Luck of the Gambler: Global Recharge is a set bonus. Steadfast Protection: +3% defense is a set bonus. Blessing of the Zephyr: Knock-back Resistance is a set bonus. Any bonus that doesn't require the power to be active is a set bonus.



Originally Posted by Dr Harmony View Post
The two exceptions I can think of are Luck of the Gambler +Def/+Global recharge and the Steadfast +Res/+Def, which both combine a level-independent global effect with a normal level-dependent enhancement value that goes up with level. For this reason, a tricked out level 50 (the big spenders) will often want the highest level of the enhancement to squeeze out a few more points from it.
It's a toss up. In a lot of cases the resistance/defense gain from slotting a level 50 version of the IO is pretty minimal, especially if the power is already close to the ED cap for it anyway. The Luck of the Gambler IO has a difference of 3.9% enhancement between level 25 and level 50 while the Steadfast protection has a slightly larger 8.6% difference.



Originally Posted by Dr Harmony View Post
With procs and uniques it's generally better to get them as low level as possible.

The two exceptions I can think of are Luck of the Gambler +Def/+Global recharge and the Steadfast +Res/+Def, which both combine a level-independent global effect with a normal level-dependent enhancement value that goes up with level. For this reason, a tricked out level 50 (the big spenders) will often want the highest level of the enhancement to squeeze out a few more points from it.

I would say that on high end builds, it's still best to buy LOTG recharge speed at level 25. The recharge value when exemping down is far more valuable than what turns out to be a negligible defense difference on softcapped builds. My builds that use the level 25 versions have about a 1% difference in overall defense than if I'd used level 50's.



Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
The Signature Story Arc #1 can be easily ran once a week (and twice the first week) for an A merit in about 10 minutes.

If you have multiple characters with 'confirmed' hero/villain status, you can easily run it twice and pick up 2 A merits each to buy a rare recipe immediately to e-mail over to a character you are slotting.
For that matter, the first week (first time you run them) you can run SSA2 and SSA3 for two more merits -- four total in maybe an hour or so of work. SSA2 is pretty easy; SSA3 is a little harder with that final fight, but can still be done quickly.

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I'm not sure SSA 2 or 3 are very quick or even soloable for some characters, but if you have one who can either stand up to EBs well or else kill them before running out of inspirations (ie, Blasters) they're pretty good.

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

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If you use your insp tray most characters who aren't terribly gimped can solo these arcs, obviously some do it faster than others. My best time on SSA 1 is just under 7 minutes (like 6:59 or so) and all my characters tend to run under 12, I've gotten SSA 2 in just under 12 with a long of just under 20 and SSA 3 I haven't run as much but I've done it in around 15 on average and 25 would be the max. Adding it all up you're in the 30-60 minute range for the majority of characters to run all three arcs.

For my weekly A Merit obviously I run SSA 1, it's the fastest and easiest. I just wish there was some way I could tell if I'd run that arc on a particular character this week. Oh, as has been mentioned you MUST have run tips to CONFIRM your alignment before you can get the A Merit reward from the SSA. The easiest way to check is to see if you have your Hero or Villain power.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
If you use your insp tray most characters who aren't terribly gimped can solo these arcs, obviously some do it faster than others. My best time on SSA 1 is just under 7 minutes (like 6:59 or so) and all my characters tend to run under 12, I've gotten SSA 2 in just under 12 with a long of just under 20 and SSA 3 I haven't run as much but I've done it in around 15 on average and 25 would be the max. Adding it all up you're in the 30-60 minute range for the majority of characters to run all three arcs.
I was thinking mainly certain Doms, Controllers, and Defenders when I mentioned having difficulty soloing them (especially #3). Blasters can just chug a few insps and smack an EB down before running out of pills but some of the lower damage squishies may not be able to. Granted, soloing on something like an Empathy/Archery Defender isn't ever going to be easy but hey, Cupids need A-merits too! But certainly any character with a decent damage output can pick up some free A-merits fairly easily (though they may need to stop and buy specific inspiration loadouts at times) from the first two SSAs... it's #3 that I suspect might be hard for lower damage types. I know my Crab had a bit of trouble due to low ST damage and no pets yet, though in the end she made it simply because she's rather tough to kill. I'm not 100% sure non-debuffing Defenders or Corruptors or lower damage Controllers would be able to get through it before running out of inspirations though, assuming they were only level 30-something and not 50s. Pretty much any 50 that isn't pure team build should be able to do it simply because of their extra slots and larger inspiration tray (and especially if IOed out), but for a non-IOed or frankenslotted low 30s character I could see SSA #3 being a royal pain.

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

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The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636