Noticed a few things..
See why I said that it shouldn't be released today?
Welcome to Issue 2 - Redux.
See why I said that it shouldn't be released today?
Welcome to Issue 2 - Redux.
[/ QUOTE ]
If only somebody... ANYBODY... had bothered to use Test Server to report these bugs before they went live. So sad...
See why I said that it shouldn't be released today?
Welcome to Issue 2 - Redux.
[/ QUOTE ]
If only somebody... ANYBODY... had bothered to use Test Server to report these bugs before they went live. So sad...
[/ QUOTE ]
And the worst part is....
See why I said that it shouldn't be released today?
Welcome to Issue 2 - Redux.
[/ QUOTE ]
If only somebody... ANYBODY... had bothered to use Test Server to report these bugs before they went live. So sad...
[/ QUOTE ]
And the worst part is....
[/ QUOTE ]
Holy crap. And I wonder how many more issues are going to pop up.[edit: take my post with a grain of salt, I had thought that was a link in reference to todays prop. So my apologies.]
things slip thru the cracks...
we should just bug it if we find anything wrong...
like my phantasms cant one shot bosses... i need to bug this... j/k
things slip thru the cracks...
we should just bug it if we find anything wrong...
like my phantasms cant one shot bosses... i need to bug this... j/k
[/ QUOTE ]
Considering many of these things that "slipped through the cracks" were /bug'ged weeks ago on the Training Room........
things slip thru the cracks...
we should just bug it if we find anything wrong...
like my phantasms cant one shot bosses... i need to bug this... j/k
[/ QUOTE ]
This isn't slipping through the cracks. this is walking through the front door with a neon sign!
Oh dear lord! How can we live with such a thing!?
Stop doom saying, the Issue hasn't been on live for even 2 hours.
Oh dear lord! How can we live with such a thing!?
Stop doom saying, the Issue hasn't been on live for even 2 hours.
[/ QUOTE ]
Which is what percentage of the time it's been on the Test server without being fixed?
Since 11/19ish?
Ugh, someone else can do that math.
I've already forgotten about most of you

Oh dear lord! How can we live with such a thing!?
Stop doom saying, the Issue hasn't been on live for even 2 hours.
[/ QUOTE ]
Agreed. I make it a habit to stay away from the game until at least a couple of days after an issue goes live. Gives the devs time to fix last minute bugs and unexpected developments. Lets me avoid all the angry "I hate these changes!!!" rants too.
Check out my "Rule Britannia" series if you feel like something different. The arcs are #19599, #20575, #23977, #134775, #134923 and #144543. The series is complete, but spinoffs are in the works.
How long do known issues that were bugged weeks ago on test need to be live before they get fixed? We know they're bugged. The devs know they're bugged. I'm not a programmer, but honestly, how difficult is it to change the spelling or the text in a power description?
Oh dear lord! How can we live with such a thing!?
Stop doom saying, the Issue hasn't been on live for even 2 hours.
[/ QUOTE ]
Agreed. I make it a habit to stay away from the game until at least a couple of days after an issue goes live. Gives the devs time to fix last minute bugs and unexpected developments. Lets me avoid all the angry "I hate these changes!!!" rants too.
[/ QUOTE ]
But these aren't "last minute bugs and unexpected developments". For the past three weeks, players who have been using the test server have been saying that things are so badly broken, if it goes live, a lot of them may quit. NONE of that was addressed, none of that was checked, none of that was given so much as the courtesy of an answer.
I am shocked, absolutely flaberghasted that a team that used to do such a great job in communication has done this.
My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout
I am shocked, absolutely flaberghasted that a team that used to do such a great job in communication has done this.
[/ QUOTE ]
While I think Don may be being a tad melodramatic here, I agree it would have been nice to have the dev team come on after the holidays and say soemthing on the order of "We've been reading and have noted your concerns, but we think things are working as intended. We're going to make the Issue active and see how it shakes out, but will be watching closely." As it is, it seems people feel like their concerns are being ignored. I don't think that's the case, personally, but it isn't hard to see where that perception could arise.
[url=""]The Wanderers[/url] of Virtue
We farm fun!
It's not just that we've been making comments about the changes, we've been asking for updates. "What's going on with this" "Are you seeing what we're seeing"
When I checked the boards this morning, I knew what college team Statesman had been cheering for. I didn't know the status of the changes that will probably make this game completely unfun for me.
My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout
I agree with that. After a well-deserved vacation, it would have been nice to have gotten a status update saying the community's concerns and comments had been heard, but that they intended to proceed as is or with X changes. It's a matter of communication and perception. The perception by many will be that "I said this sucks and they don't care". A simple communication of what was happening might have averted some of the fallout that is to come.
[url=""]The Wanderers[/url] of Virtue
We farm fun!
Oh dear lord! How can we live with such a thing!?
Stop doom saying, the Issue hasn't been on live for even 2 hours.
[/ QUOTE ]
Agreed. I make it a habit to stay away from the game until at least a couple of days after an issue goes live. Gives the devs time to fix last minute bugs and unexpected developments. Lets me avoid all the angry "I hate these changes!!!" rants too.
[/ QUOTE ]
But these aren't "last minute bugs and unexpected developments". For the past three weeks, players who have been using the test server have been saying that things are so badly broken, if it goes live, a lot of them may quit. NONE of that was addressed, none of that was checked, none of that was given so much as the courtesy of an answer.
I am shocked, absolutely flaberghasted that a team that used to do such a great job in communication has done this.
[/ QUOTE ]
Alrighty then! Let me rephrase my earlier post. I don't play until after the dust settles. Be it unexpected bugs, preexisting bugs, whatever. No plan survives contact with the enemy, and no patch/update survives contact with a live server. Things will change....especially when the inmates are rattling their cages. That always gets the devs attention.
As for lack of communication from the devs? How dare they?!! How dare they enjoy the holidays with their families after all these months of constant work? Seriously. Lighten up a little. Nobodys perfect. Not me, not you and not them. They've been guilty of poor miscommunication in the past, but they've always apologized for it and made things right. Its also doubtful that things weren't "checked" as you put it. These poor guys are always working behind the scenes. If they don't take the time to respond to complaints, then they're probably too busy trying to work out the kinks. Cut them some slack and give them time to fix the problems.....or don't. Quit angrily and go play WoW or something. Its your choice.
Check out my "Rule Britannia" series if you feel like something different. The arcs are #19599, #20575, #23977, #134775, #134923 and #144543. The series is complete, but spinoffs are in the works.
As for lack of communication from the devs? How dare they?!! How dare they enjoy the holidays with their families after all these months of constant work? Seriously. Lighten up a little. Nobodys perfect.
[/ QUOTE ]
Jesus tap-dancing christ almighty in a chariot driven sidecar, no one who expects to be taken seriously is saying anything of the sort. Fine, they went on vacation, good, I'm glad they got a break, now, they get back, and ther'es a bunch of data from the test server 'cuz we've been playing the game during this time, and instead of looking at the data (Ok, I don't know, maybe they did and just weren't swayed by it) Instead of addressing the known issue that were posted right before they went on vacation (12/23, in the test are forum, known issues, right there) they just kick it out the door without a word, warts and all.
When I checked the boards this morning, I knew what college team Statesman had been cheering for. I didn't know the status of the changes that will probably make this game completely unfun for me.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wait a sec... I thought it was Issue 2 that was completely unfun for you and that you were going to quit. Now it's Issue 3? If Vegas is setting up odds, I'll take them on that you'll still be here for Issue 4, and still complaining.
I don't mind them taking a vacation. I mind them taking a vacation and then coming right back and taking this action.
Look, if before they'd left, Statesman had said "Well, what's on the testserver is pretty much what we're going to go with unless we find any show-stoppers", I won't say I'd have been happy, but I would have understood where they stand.
If they'd spent today and tomorrow checking comments, seeing if the logs on the test server matched up, and Thursday said "We've read what you've said, our data doesn't back it up so we'll go with it" and it went live Thursday, I'd have been disappointed but at least they would have listened.
But instead, until very recently, the only red comment on it going live was CuppaJo saying that the free respec and global chat weren't ready in the version that went live.
My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout
Yes, there are some bugs - that's inevitable. Typos, etc. A team gathers these from the forums, puts them in the database, and then we have at them.
But sometimes a bug isn't serious enough to hold up a release - that's when we decide to go live with something. We know that there might be some niggling details to address over the next few weeks.
As for the Invulnerability, Kheldian, Burn, etc. feedback - all of it was read and considered. We were pleased with the data we received and thought that the changes met our goals. That isn't to say that we might not tweak these things further - but by and large, we are happy with the changes.
You may be happy. Many of your players are not.
My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout
As for the Invulnerability feedback - all of it was read and considered. That isn't to say that we might not tweak these things further - but by and large, we are happy with the changes.
[/ QUOTE ]
*runs screaming into the night!!!* NO!!! Don't "help" us anymore!!! We can't take Inv. getting nerfed anymore than it has been!
Temp Invul. - Still says it cannot be used with Unyeling Stance.
Tough Hide- Still listed as P2055....